Sources on and

Christopher Fennell

Interdisciplinary studies in Anthropology and Law (also called “Legal Anthropology”) include the following general subject areas (among others): human rights; the clash of non-western and western cultural beliefs and related legal structures; legal pluralism in multicultural settings; rights of minorities and religious groups; criticisms of racial concepts; rights of indigenous peoples, including land claims and intellectual property rights in their cultural beliefs and knowledge; non-western and alternative methods of dispute or conflict resolution; and analysis of the cultural dynamics at play within western legal systems.

Set forth below is a non-exhaustive list of books, articles, and other resources that address a number of these issues. Part I lists books and articles. Part II lists journals that publish primarily on related topics. Part III lists some internet resources, including associations, online journal archives, law and anthropology resources, and legal studies information.

Please note: Sources presenting interdisciplinary studies concerning Social Norms and Law are listed in a separate bibliography. Also available online are the syllabus and a list of potential paper topics for this Anthropology and Law seminar.

I. Books and Articles

Abel, Richard L. 1974. A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in . 8(2) Law and Society Review 218-347.

Adam, Erin M. 2017. Intersectional Coalitions: The Paradoxes of Rights-based Movement Building in LGBTQ and Immigrant Communities. 51 Law & Soc’y Rev. 132-167.

Adam, Erin M., and Betsy L. Cooper. 2017. Equal Rights vs. Special Rights: Rights Discourses, Framing, and Lesbian and Gay Antidiscrimination Policy in Washington State. 42 Law & Soc. Inquiry 830-854.

Adside, Charles III. 2017. Constitutional Damage Control: Same-sex Marriage, Smith’s Hybrid Rights Doctrine, and Protecting the Preacher Man after Obergefell. 27 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Right L. J. 145-205.

Akbar, Na’im. 1984. Africentric Social Sciences for Human Liberation. 14(4) Journal of Black Studies 395-414. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 367-86.


Alvarez, Alicia, Susan Bennett, Louise Howells, and Hannah Lieberman. 2017. Teaching and Practicing Community Development Poverty Law: Lawyers and Clients as Trusted Neighborhood Problem Solvers. 23 Clinical L. Rev. 577-610.

Ammar, Jamil, and Songhua Xu. 2016. Yesterday's Ideology Meets Today's Technology: A Strategic Prevention Framework for Curbing the Use of Social Media by Radical Jihadists. 26 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 235-322.

Amsterdam, Anthony, and Jerome Bruner. 2000. Minding the Law. Cambridge: Press.

An-Na’im, Abdullahi Ahmed. 1992. Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: A Quest for Consensus. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Anleu, Sharyn L. R. 2000. Law and Social Change. London: Sage Publications.

Appiah, K. Anthony. 1994. Identity, Authenticity, Survival: Multicultural and Social Reproduction. In Multiculturalism. Amy Gutman, ed. Princeton, NJ: Press.

Appleman, Laura I. 2017. Local Democracy, Community Adjudication, and Criminal Justice. 111 Northwestern U. Law Rev. 1413-1427.

Aromand, Said Amir. 1989. Constitution-Making in Islamic Iran: The Impact of Theocracy on the Legal Order of a Nation-State. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 113-30.

Assies, Willem, Gemma van der Haar, and Andre Hoeckema, eds., 1999. The Challenge of Diversity: Indigenous Peoples and Reform of the State in Latin America. Amsterdam: Thela- Thesis.

Aubert, Vilhelm. 1969. Law as a Way of Resolving Conflicts: The Case of a Small Industrialized Society. In Nader, ed., 1969, 282-303.

Aubert, Vilhelm. 1989. Law and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Norway. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 55-80.

Auerbach, J. S. 1983. Justice without Law? New York: Oxford University Press.

Azizi, Penney P. 2017. Note. The Reproducibility of Evolving Social Science Evidence and How it Shapes Equal Protection Jurisprudence. 44 Hastings Const. L.Q. 433-453.

Banakar, Reza, and Max Travers, eds. 2002. An Introduction to Law and Social Theory. Portland: Hart Publishing.

Barkodar, Jasmine H. 2017. Note. Gay Marriage is Legalized, Now What? Discriminatory Adoption Regulations. 26 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Soc. Just. 131-154.


Bell, C., and R. Paterson. 1999. Aboriginal Rights to Cultural Property in Canada. International Journal of Cultural Property 8(1): 167-211.

Bell, Diane. 1992. Considering Gender: Are Human Rights for Women, Too? An Australian Case. In An-Na’im, ed., 1992, 339-62.

Benda-Beckman, F. von. 1997. Citizens, Strangers, and Indigenous Peoples: Conceptual Politics and Legal Pluralism. 9 Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology 1-42.

Biolsi, Thomas. 2001. Deadliest Enemies: Law and the Making of Race Relations on and off Rosebud Reservation. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Black, Donald J. 1972. The Boundaries of Legal Sociology. 81 Yale Law Journal 1086-1100. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 31-46.

Blackwood, Evelyn. 2014. Language and Non-Normative Gender and Sexuality in Indonesia. In Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality, edited by Lal Zimman, Jenny L. Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, pp. 81-100. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bisharat, George E. 1989. Palestinian Lawyers and Israeli Rule: Law and Disorder in the West Bank. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Black, Donald. 1981. The Relevance of Legal Anthropology. 10 Contemporary Sociology 43-46.

Blok, Anton. 1989. The Symbolic Vocabulary of Public Executions. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 31-54.

Bohannan, Paul. 1957. Justice and Judgment Among the Tiv. London: Oxford Univ. Press.

Bohannan, Paul. 1965. The Differing Realms of Law. 67(6) pt. 2, 33- 42. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 185-94.

Bohannan, Paul. 1969. and Comparison in Legal Anthropology. In Nader, ed., 1969, 401-18.

Boissevain, Jeremy and Hanneke Grotenberg. 1989. Entrepreneurs and the Law: Self-employed Surinamese in Amsterdam. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 223-51.

Boles, Anastasia M. 2017. Seeking Inclusion from the Inside Out: Towards a Paradigm of Culturally Proficient Legal Education. 11 Charleston L. Rev. 209-269.

Born, Georgina. 1996. (Im)materiality and Sociality: The Dynamics of Intellectual Property in a Computer Software Research . 4 101-16. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 547-62.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1987. The Force of Law: Toward a Sociology of the Juridical Field.


38 Hastings Law Review 805-53. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 109-58.

Brenneis, D. 1988. Language and Disputing. 17 Annual Review of Anthropology 221-37.

Brown, Michael F. 1998. Can Culture be Copyrighted? 39 Current Anthropology 193-222. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 517-46.

Brown, Michael F. 2003. Who Owns Native Culture? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Brown, Michael F. 2005. Heritage Trouble: Recent Work on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Property. International Journal of Cultural Property 12(1): 40-61.

Bruning, S. 2006. Complex Legal Legacies: The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Scientific Study, and Kennewick Man. American Antiquity 71(3): 501-522.

Brush, S. B., and D. Stabinsky, eds. 1996. Valuing Local Knowledge: Indigenous People and Intellectual Property Rights. Covelo, CA: Island Press.

Buckingham, Alexandra. 2016. Note. Considering Cultural Communities in Contract Interpretation. 9 Drexel L. Rev. 129-160.

Bussey, Barry W. 2016. Rights Inflation: Attempts to Redefine Marriage and the Freedom of Religion. 29 Regent U. L. Rev. 197-257.

Caplan, Pat, ed. 1995. Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument. Oxford: Berg.

Carpenter, Eric R. 2017. , not Hierarchy: Rethinking the Effect of Cultural Attitudes in Acquaintance Rape Cases. 68 Hastings L. J. 225-258.

Chambers, David L. 2002. Civilizing the Natives: Customary Marriage in Post-Apartheid South Africa. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 81-98. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Chang, Adam R., and Stephanie M. Wildman. 2017. Gender In/Sight: Examining Culture and Constructions of Gender. 18 Geo. J. Gender & L. 43-79.

Chanock, Martin. 1985. Law, Custom and Social Order: The Colonial Experience in Malawi and Zambia. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Chapman, Nathan S. 2017. Adjudicating Religious Sincerity. 92 Washington Law Review 1185- 1254.

Chiba, Masaji. 1989. Three Dichotomies of Law in Pluralism, in Legal Pluralism: Toward a General Theory through Japanese , 171-180. Tokyo: Tokai University Press. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 415-24.


Chiu, Daina C. 1994. The Cultural Defense: Beyond Exclusion, Assimilation, and Guilty Liberalism. California Law Review 82(4): 1053-1125.

Chunn, Dorothy, and Dany Lacombe, eds. 2000. Law as a Gendering Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.

Cohan, John A. 2009. Honor Killings and the Cultural Defense. California Western International Law Journal 40(2): 177-252.

Cohen, Jane M., and Caroline Bledsoe. 2002. Immigrants, Agency, and Allegiance: Some Notes from Anthropology and from Law. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 99-127. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Cohn, Bernard. 1989. Law and the Colonial State in India. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 131-52.

Coleman, Doriane L. 1996. Individualizing Justice Through MultiCulturalism: The Liberal’s Dilemma. Columbia Law Review 96(5): 1093-1167.

Collier, George A. 1989. The Impact of the Second Republic Labor Reforms in Spain. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 201-22.

Collier, Jane F. 1973. Law and Social Change in Zincantan. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Collier, Jane F. 1975. Legal Processes. 4 Annual Review of Anthropology 121-44.

Collier, Jane F., , and Liliana Suárez-Navaz. 1995. Sanctioned Identities: Legal Constructions of Modern Parenthood. 2 Identities 1-27. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 211-38.

Columb, Sean. 2017. Disqualified Bodies: A Sociolegal Analysis of the Organ Trade in Cairo, Egypt. 51 Law & Soc’y Rev. 282-312.

Colvin, Eric. 1978. The Sociology of Secondary Rules. 28 University of Toronto Law Journal 195-214. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 195-214.

Comaroff, John L., and Simon A. Roberts. 1981. Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Commission for Intellectual Property Rights. 2002. Final Report: Commission for Intellectual Property Rights: Integrating Intellectual Property Rights and Development Policy (consulted April 2002):

Conklin, Beth A. 2002. Shamans v. Pirates in the Amazonian Treasure Chest. 104 American Anthropologist 1050-61.

Conley, John M., and William M. O’Barr. 1990. Rules Versus Relationships: The Ethnography


of Legal Discourse. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Conley, John M., and William M. O’Barr. 1993. Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the Ethnographic Study of Law. 27 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 41.

Conley, John M., and William M. O’Barr. 1998. Just Words: Law, Language, and Power. Chicago: Press.

Conley, John M., and William M. O’Barr. 2003. Back to the Trobriands: The Enduring Influence of Malinowski’s “Crime and Custom in Savage Society.” 27 Law and Social Inquiry 847-74.

Coombe, Rosemary. 1989. Toward a Theory of Practice in Critical Legal Studies. 1989 Law and Social Inquiry 69.

Coombe, Rosemary. 1998. The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties: Authorship, Appropriation, and the Law. Durham: Press.

Cooter, Robert. 1995. Law and Unified Social Theory. 22 Journal of Law and Society 50.

Cotterrell, Roger. 1983. The Sociological Concept of Law. 10 Journal of Law and Society 241- 55. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 3-18.

Cotterrell, Roger. 1995. Law’s Community: Legal Theory in Sociological Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.

Coutin, Susan Bibler. 1993. The Culture of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S. Sanctuary Movement. Boulder: Westview Press.

Coutin, Susan Bibler. 2000. Legalizing Moves: Salvadoran Immigrants’ Struggle for U.S. Residency. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Cowan, Jane K. 2001. Ambiguities of an Emancipatory Discourse: The Making of a Macedonian Minority in Greece. In Cowan et al., eds., 2001, 152-76.

Cowan, Jane K., Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, and Richard A. Wilson, eds. 2001. Culture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Culhane, Dara. 1998. The Pleasure of the Crown: Anthropology, Law and First Nations. Ontario: Talonbooks.

Dalton, J. Caleb. 2016. Constitutional Constellation at the Crossroads: The Future of Compelled Speech and the First Amendment’s “Fixed Star.” 29 Regent U. L. Rev. 285-292.

Danielsen, Dan, and Karen Engle, eds. 1995. After Identity: A Reader in Law and Culture. New York: Routledge.

Darien-Smith, Eve. 1999. Bridging Divides: The Channel Tunnel and English Legal Identity in


the New Europe. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Darien-Smith, Eve, and Peter Fitzpatrick, editors. 1999. of the Postcolonial. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michgan Press.

Das Acevedo, Deepa. 2017. Sovereignty and Social Change in the Wake of India’s Recent Sodomy Cases. 40 B.C. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 1-26.

Dau-Schmidt, Kenneth G. 1997. Economics and Sociology: The Prospects for an Interdisciplinary Discourse on Law. 1997 Wisconsin Law Review 389.

David, Valeska, and Julie Fraser. 2016. A Legal Pluralist Approach to the Use of Cultural Perspectives in the Implementation and Adjudication of Human Rights Norms. 23 Buff. Human Rights L. Rev. 75-118.

Davidson, Joanna. 2002. Plural Society and Interethnic Relations in Guinea-Bissau. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 417-431. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Davis, F. James. 1978. Toward a Theory of Law in Society. 11 Sociological Focus 127-41. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 75-89.

Davis, Jenny L. 2014. “More Than Just ‘Gay Indians’“: Intersecting Articulations of Two-Spirit Gender, Sexuality, and Indigenousness. In Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality, edited by Lal Zimman, Jenny L. Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, pp. 62-80. New York: Oxford University Press.

Dembour, Marie-Bénédicte. 2001. Following the Movement of a Pendulum: Between Universalism and Relativism. In Cowan et al., eds., 2001, 56-79.

Dirks, Nicholas B. 1986. From Little King to Landlord: Property, Law, and the Gift under the Madras Permanent Settlement. 29 Comparative Studies in Society and History 307-33. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 607-34.

Dombrowski, Kirk. 2002. The Praxis of Indigenism and Alaska Native Timber Politics. 104 American Anthropologist 1062-73.

Drummond, Susan G. 1997. Incorporating the Familiar: An Investigation into Legal Sensibilities in Nunavik. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Dunn, Shannon. 2016. Gender, Violence, and Social Justice in Islam: Muslim Feminist Scholars in the Public Eye. 31 J. L. & Relig. 293-305.

Dutfield, Graham. 2006. Intellectual Property, Biological Resources, and Traditional Knowledge. In Intellectual Property and Information Wealth: Issues and Practices in the Digital Age, edited by Peter K. Yu. Portsmouth, NH: Greenwood Press.


Dwyer, Daisy H. 1979. Substance and Process: Reappraising the Premises of the Anthropology of Law. 4Dialectical Anthropology 309-20. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 53-64.

Edelman, Elijah A. 2014. Neither In Nor Out: Taking the “T” Out of the Closet. In Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality, edited by Lal Zimman, Jenny L. Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, pp. 150-169. New York: Oxford University Press.

Eisenberg, Arthur N. 2002. Accommodation and Coherence: In Search of a General Theory for Adjudicating Claims of Faith, Conscience, and Culture. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 147-164. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Eldar, Ofer. 2017. The Role of Social Enterprise and Hybrid Organizations. 2017 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 92-194.

Ellen, R. F., Peter Parkes, and Alan Bicker. 2000. Indigenous Knowledge and Its Transformations. Amsterdam: Harwood.

Engle, Karen. 1992. Female Subjects of Public International Law: Human Rights and the Exotic Other Female. 26 New England Law Review 1509.

Engle, Karen. 2002. From Skepticism to Embrace: Human Rights and the American Anthropological Association from 1947 to 1999. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 344-361. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Evan, William M. 1990. and Law: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. London: Sage Publications.

Epstein, A. L. 1973. The Reasonable Man Revisited: Some Problems in the Anthropology of Law. 7 Law and Society Review 643-66.

Epstein, A. L., ed. 1974. Contention and Dispute: Aspects of Law and Social Control in Melanesia. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Erisksen, Thomas H. 2001. Between Universalism and Relativism: A Critique of the UNESCO Concept of Culture. In Cowan et al., eds., 2001, 127-48.

Ewing, Katherine P. 2002. Legislating Religious Freedom: Muslim Challenges to the Relationship between Church and State in Germany And France. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 63-80. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Ewing, Sally. 1987. Formal Justice and the Spirit of Capitalism: Max Weber’s . 21 Law and Society Review 487-512. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 251-76.

Falk, R. 1992. Cultural Foundations for the International Protection of Human Rights. In An-


Na’im, ed., 1992, 44-64.

Farer, Tom. 2017. Mass Migration, Cultural Conflict, and the Fear of Terrorism: Dilemmas of the Democratic West. 45 Denver J. International Law & Policy 287-301.

Feeley, Malcolm M. 1976. The Concept of Laws in Social Science: A Critique and Notes on an Expanded View. 10 Law and Society Review 497-523. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 47-74.

Felstiner, William, Abel, Richard L., and Sarat, Austin. 1980-81. The Emergence and Transformation of Disputes: Naming, Blaming, Claiming. 15(3-4) Law and Society Review 631- 54.

Fennell, Christopher C., and Lee Anne Fennell. 2003. Fear and Greed in Tax Policy: A Qualitative Research Agenda. 13 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 75-138.

Filoiali’i, La’auli A., and Lyle Knowles. 1983. The Ifoga: The Samoan Practice of Seeking Forgiveness for Criminal Behaviour. 53(4) Oceania 384-88. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 481-86.

Fischer, Michael. 1998. The Human Rights Implications of a Cultural Defense. 6 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 6: 663-692.

Fitzpatrick, Peter. 1980. Law and State in Papua New Guinea. London: Academic Press.

Fitzpatrick, Peter. 1984. Law and Societies. 22 Osgoode Hall Law Review 115-38. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 3-26.

Fitzpatrick, Peter. 1985. Is It Simple to be a Marxist in Legal Anthropology? 48 Modern Law Review472-85.

Fitzpatrick, Peter. 1993. The Impossibility of Popular Justice. In Merry & Milner, eds., 1993, 453-74.

Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn. 1998. and Universal Human Rights. AnthroNotes 20(2): 1-7,

Font-Guzman, Jacqueline N. 2017. Closing the Gap: Embedding Advance Care Planning in a Latino Community by Using a Culturally Sensitive Dispute Systems Design Approach. 13 U. St. Thomas Law J. 192-217.

Fox, Robin. 1997. Reproduction and Succession: Studies in Anthropology, Law and Society. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

Frake, Charles O. 1969. Struck by Speech: The Yakan Concept of Litigation. In Nader, ed., 1969, 147-67.


Fraser, Julie, and Henrike Prudon. 2017. Integrating Human Rights with Local Norms: Ebola, Burial Practices, and the Right to Health in West Africa. 12 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 71- 114.

French, Jan H. 2006. Buried Alive: Imagining Africa in the Brazilian Northeast. 3(3) American Ethnologist (August 2006).

French, Jan H. 2005. Personal Encounters with the Work of . 39(4) Law and Society Review 957-64 (June 2005).

French, Jan H. 2004. Mestizaje and law Making in Indigenous Identity Formation in Northeastern Brazil: ‘After the Conflict Came the History.’ 106(4) American Anthropologist 663-74 (December 2004).

French, Jan H. 2002. Dancing for Land: Law Making and Cultural Performance in Northeastern Brazil. 25(1) Political and Legal Anthropology Review 19-36 (May 2002).

French, Rebecca R. 1995. The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet. Ithaca, NY: Press.

French, Rebecca R. 1996. Of Narrative in Law and Anthropology. 30 Law and Society Review 417.

Fuller, Lon L. 1969. Human Interaction and the Law. 14 American Journal of Jurisprudence 1- 36. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 111-46.

Galligan, Denis J., editor. 1995. Socio-Legal Studies in Context: The Oxford Centre Past and Future. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Gaudio, Rudolf P. 2014. Acting Like Women, Acted Upon: Gender and Agency in Hausa Sexual Narrative. In Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality, edited by Lal Zimman, Jenny L. Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, pp. 170-194. New York: Oxford University Press.

Geertz, Clifford. 1983. Local Knowledge: Fact and Law in Comparative Perspective. In Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. New York: Basic Books.

Geismar, Haidy. 2005. Reproduction, Creativity, Restriction: Material Culture and Copyright in Vanuatu, Journal of Social 5(1): 25-51.

Gellner, David N. 2001. From Group Rights to Individual Rights and Back: Nepalese Struggles Over Culture and Equality. In Cowan et al., eds., 2001, 177-200.

Gersen, Jeannie S. 2017. The Socratic Method in the Age of Trauma. 130 Harvard Law Review 2320-2347.


Gibbs, Jack P. 1968. Definitions of Law and Empirical Questions. 2 Law and Society Review 429-46. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 167-84.

Gibbs, James L., Jr. 1969. Law and Personality: Signposts for a New Direction. In Nader, ed., 1969, 176-207.

Gluckman, Max. 1955. The Judicial Process among the Barotse of Northern Rhodesia. Manchester: Univ. of Manchester Press.

Gluckman, Max. 1965. Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society. Chicago: Aldine.

Gluckman, Max. 1969. Concepts in the Comparative Study of Tribal Law. In Nader, ed., 1969, 349-73.

Gluckman, Max. 1969. Ideas and Procedures in African . London: Oxford University Press.

Gluckman, Max. 1974. African Traditional Law in Historical Perspective. London: Oxford University Press.

Goldberg, David T., Michael Musheno, and Lisa C. Bower, eds. 2001. Between Law and Culture: Relocating Legal Studies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Golding, Martin P. 2002. The Cultural Defense. Ratio Juris 15(2): 146-158.

Gomez, Martha L. 2017. The Culture of Non-profit Impact Litigation. 23 Clinical L. Rev. 635- 662.

Greaves, Tom, ed. 1994. Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook. Oklahoma City: Society for .

Greenhouse, Carol J. 1982. Looking at Culture, Looking for Rules. 17(1) Man (NS) 58-73.

Greenhouse, Carol J. 1986. Praying for Justice: Faith, Order, and Community in an American Town. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press.

Greenhouse, Carol J. 1989. Interpreting American Litigiousness. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 252-75.

Greenhouse, Carol J. 1989. Just in Time: Temporality and the Cultural Legitimation of Law. 98 Yale Law Journal 1631-51. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 319-40.

Greenhouse, Carol J., Barbara Yngvesson, & David M. Engel. 1994. Law and Community in Three American Towns. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press.

Greenhouse, Carol J. 2003. Ethnography and Democracy: Texts and Contexts in the United States in the 1990s. In Sarat & Simon, eds., 2003, 191-219.


Griffiths, Anne. 2001. Gendering Culture: Towards a Plural Perspective on Kwena Women’s Rights. In Cowan et al., eds., 2001, 102-26.

Griffiths, J. 1986. What is Legal Pluralism? 24 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 1- 55.

Gulliver, P. H. 1969. Dispute Settlement without Courts: The Ndendeuli of Southern Tanzania. In Nader, ed., 1969, 24-68.

Gulliver, P. H. 1971. Neighbours and Networks: The Idiom of in Social Action among the Ndendeuli of Tanzania. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Gulliver, P. H. 1979. Disputes and Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York: Academic Press.

Gunnier, Lani, and Gerald Torres. 2002. The Miner’s Canary: Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Hamilton, Neil, and Jeff Maleska. 2017. Helping Students Develop Affirmative Evidence of Cross-cultural Competency. 19 Scholar 187-215.

Hamnett, Ian, ed. 1977. Social Anthropology and Law. New York: Academic Press.

Handler, Richard. 2003. Cultural Property and . Journal of Social Archaeology 3(3): 353–65.

Hann, C.M. 1993. From Production to Property: Decollectivization and the Family-Land Relationship in Contemporary Hungary. 28 Man (NS) 299-320. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 401-22.

Harris, Leslie J. 2017. Obergefell’s Ambiguous Impact on Legal Parentage. 92 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 55-85.

Harris, Olivia, ed. 1996. Inside and Outside the Law: Anthropological Studies of Authority and Ambiguity. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Harrison, Lawrence E., and Samuel P. Huntington. 2000. Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress. New York: Basic Books.

Harrison, S. 1991. Ritual as Intellectual Property. Man 27(2): 225–244.

Harrison, S. 1993. The Commerce of in Melanesia. Man 28: 139–158.

Harrison, S. 2002. The Politics of Resemblance: Ethnicity, Trademarks, Headhunting. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8(2): 211–232.


Hart, K. 2005. Notes Toward an Anthropology of Money. International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Postmodern Cultural Sound, Text and Image Vol. 2,

Hastrup, Kirsten, ed. 2001. Legal Culture and Human Rights: The Challenge of Diversity. The Hague: Kluwer International.

Hayden, Robert M. 1990. Social Courts in Theory and Practice: Yugoslav Workers’ Courts in Comparative Perspective. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Hill, B. Jessie. 2016. Discrimination, Wisconsin v. Yoder, and the Freedom of Association. 60 St. Louis U. L. J. 695-710.

Hill, Mark. 2016. The Changing Landscape of Law and Religion in Europe: Secularism and Cultural Heritage. 31 J. L. & Relig. 321-335.

Hodgson, Dorothy L. 2002. Comparative Perspectives on the Indigenous Rights Movement in Africa and the Americas. 104 American Anthropologist 1037-49.

Hodgson, Dorothy L. 2002. Precarious Alliances: The Cultural Politics and Structural Predicaments of the Indigenous Rights Movement in Tanzania. 104 American Anthropologist 1086-97.

Hoebel, E. Adamson. 1954. The Law of Primitive Man: A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press.

Hoebel, E. Adamson. 1969. Keresan Pueblo Law. In Nader, ed., 1969, 92-116.

Hollowell, J. 2004. Intellectual Property Protection and the Market for Alaska Natives Arts and Crafts. In Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Obstacles and Innovative Solutions, edited by M. Riley, 55-98. Walnut Grove, CA: AltaMira.

Holston, James. 1991 The Misrule of Law: Land and Usurpation in Brazil. 33 Comparative Studies in Society and History 695-725. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 423-54.

Hunt, Alan. 1976. Law, State and Class Struggle. Marxism Today 178-87. Reprinted in Rokumoto, ed., 1994, 313-22.

Ivison, D., P. Patton, and W. Sanders. 2000. Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Janke, Terri. 1998. Our Culture, Our Future:. Report on Australian Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. Surrey Hills, New South Wales: Michael Frankel and Co.

Jereb, Alanna M. 2017. Comment. The Bathroom Right for Transgender Students and How the Entire LGBT Community can Align to Guarantee This. 7 Wake Forest J. L. & Policy 585-606.


Joffe, Lisa F. 2016. What's the Harm in Polygamy? Multicultural Toleration and Women’s Experience of Plural Marriage. 31 J. L. & Relig. 336-353.

Jones, D. Gareth, and Robyn J. Harris. 1998. Archaeological Human Remains: Scientific, Cultural, and Ethical Considerations. 39 Current Anthropology 253-64.

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Trubeck, David M., ed. 1980-81. Studying Courts in Context. 14(3-4) Law and Society Review 485-501.

Tso, T. 1989. The Process of Decision Making in Tribal Courts. 31 Arizona Law Review 225-35. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 435-48.

Tuori, Kaius. 2017. American Legal Realism and Anthropology. 42 Law & Soc. Inquiry 804- 829.

Turnbull, Colin M. 1984. The Individual, Community and Society: Rights and Responsibilities from an Anthropological Perspective. 41 Washington and Lee Law Review 77-132. Reprinted in Sack and Aleck, eds., 1992, 201-58.

Turner, Terrence. 1997. Human Rights, Human Differences: Anthropology’s Contribution to an Emancipatory Cultural Politics. 53(3) Journal of Anthropological Research 273-87.


Tyler, Tom R. 2017. From Harm Reduction to Community Engagement: Redefining the Goals of American Policing in the Twenty-first Century. 111 Northwestern U. Law Rev. 1537-1564.

UNESCO. 1970. Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, 14 November 1970, 823, U.N.T.S. 231 (1972); 10International Legal Materials 289 (1971).

UNESCO. 1999. Cultural Heritage and Partnership. Culture Section, Cultural Heritage Division.

Urtega-Crovetto, P. 1999. Territorial Rights and Indigenous Law: An Alternative Approach. In Assies et al., eds., 1999, 275-92.

Valdes, Francisco. 2017. From Law Reform to Lived Justice: Marriage Equality, Personal Praxis, and Queer Normativity in the United States. 26 Tul. J.L. & Sexuality 1-52.

Verdery, Katherine. 1998. Transnationalism, Nationalism, Citizenship, and Property: Eastern Europe Since 1989. 25 American Ethnologist 291-306. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 239-54.

Verdier, Raymond. 1969. Ontology of the Judicial Thought of the Kabrè of Northern Togo. In Nader, ed., 1969, 141-46.

Vincent, Joan. 1989. Contours of Change: Agrarian Law in Colonial Uganda, 1895-1962. In Starr & Collier, eds., 1989, 153-67.

Volpp, Leti. 1994. (Mis)Identifying Culture: Asian Women and the Cultural Defense. 17 Harvard Women’s Law Journal 17: 57-101. von Lewinski, Silke, ed. 2004. Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property: Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore. New York: Kluwer.

Washburn, Wilcomb E. 1987. Cultural Relativism, Human Rights and the AAA. American Anthropologist 89: 939-943.

Weber, Max. 1954. Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society. Max Rheinstein, ed. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press.

Weber, Travis. 2016. Will Nonprofit Religious Organizations withstand the Sexual Revolution in the Law? 29 Regent U. L. Rev. 259-284.

Weiner, James F. 1999. Culture in a Sealed Envelope: The Concealment of Australian Aboriginal Heritage and Tradition in the Hindmarsh Island Bridge Affair. 5 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute(NS) 193-210. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 483-500.

Werbner, Richard P. 1969. Constitutional Ambiguities and the British Administration of Royal Careers among the Bemba of Zambia. In Nader, ed., 1969, 245-271.


White, James B. 1990. Justice as Translation: An Essay in Cultural and Legal Criticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Wikan, Unni. 2002. Citizenship on Trial: Nadia's Case. In Engaging Cultural Difference: The Multicultural Challenge in Liberal Democracies, edited by Richard A. Shweder, Martha Minow, and Hazel Rose Markus, pp. 128-143. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Wilson, Richard A., ed. 1997. Human Rights, Culture and Context: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Pluto Press.

Wilson, Richard A. 2000. Reconciliation and Revenge in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Rethinking Legal Pluralism and Human Rights. 41 Current Anthropology 75-98. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 375-398.

Wolfe, Christopher J. 2017. “An Artificial Being”: John Marshall and Corporate Personhood. 40 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 201-235.

Woods, Jordan B. 2017. LGBT Identity and Crime. 105 Cal. L. Rev. 667-773.

Wright, Robin M. 1988. Anthropological Presuppositions of Indigenous Advocacy. 17 Annual Review of Anthropology 365-90.

Yngvesson, Barbara. 1976. Responses to Grievance Behavior: Extended Cases in a Fishing Community. 3(2) American Ethnologist 353-73.

Yngvesson, Barbara. 1989. Inventing Law in Local Settings: Rethinking Popular Legal Culture. 98 Yale Law Journal 1689-1709. Reprinted in Mundy, ed., 2002, 187-209.

Yngvesson, Barbara. 1993. Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects: Order and Complaint in a New England Court. New York: Routledge.

Zawisza, Christina A. 2016. Teaching Cross-cultural Competence to Law Students: Understanding the “Self” as “Other.” 17 Fla. Coastal L. Rev. 185-240.

Zimman, Lal, Jenny L. Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, editors. 2014. Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press.

II. Subject Matter Journals

The journals listed below publish many articles of interest to this topic area. One should also use the available law review search engines, such as Lexis and Westlaw, to search for interdisciplinary studies published in law reviews and policy journals.

Law and Anthropology: International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, The Working Group on Legal Anthropology, University of Vienna.

Law and Social Inquiry, University of Chicago Press.


Law and Society Review, Law and Society Association.

PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Association of Political and Legal Anthropology, a division of the American Anthropological Association.

Yale Journal of Law and Humanities, Yale University.

III. Internet Resources


American Anthropological Association, Human Rights

American Anthropological Association, Issues related to Minority Groups and Race:

American Anthropological Association, Public Policy Issues:

Association for Political and Legal Anthropology:

Law and Society Association:

Cultural Survival:

Association for Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities:

Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation:

Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage:

Law and Anthropology

Center for Heritage and Society (U. Mass.):


Law and Social Inquiry Journal:

Law and Society Review:

Siberian Studies Journal, Issue on Cultural Property:

Max Plank Institute Working Papers:

International Human Rights Resources:

Law and Economics resources:

Social Science Research Network:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO):

UNESCO Convention on Intangible Heritage:

Who Owns Native Culture? (M. Brown)

General Legal Studies Resources

U.S. Supreme Court web site:

Oyez project:

U.S. Code Search:

Famous American Trials:


Proceedings of the Old Bailey, London, 1674-1834:

A Century of Lawmaking (Library of Congress, American Memory):

Yale’s Avalon Project:



State and Local Governments:

[Last updated: Jan. 13, 2018]