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MUSIC WEEK MARCH 31, 1984 TOP Sj 1* 4 FOOTLOOSE. Kormy MUSIC WEEK MARCH 31, 1984 New Singles on Prostel: Mercury Rio Numboc 332103 TOP sj Artist A-Side/B-Side Lobe/No 'Distributor) 1* 4 FOOTLOOSE. Kormy Loggfns Columbia/CBS 2* 2 SOMEBODY'S WATCHING ME. Rockwell Motown 1 8a llu A POPULAR HISTORY OF SIGNS HOUSEiLadde! JacWSnk Oi Swim Jungle JUNG 10 12" O"* P'F 9 ' 3 1 JUMP. Van Helen Warner Bros A.B.'S DEJA VU'Asian Moon Streetwave XKHAN 503 12" only 1AI ADEBAMBO, Jean YOU ARE IRE ONEilVraonl Hal ITO 0027 12' onlv USI 4* 5 HERE COMES THE RAIN AGAIN, Eurythmics RCA ALLEN, Uoyd I KEEP LOOKING AT YOU IKEEP PUMPINIilPumo Mnl Epic A«98;TAA233 17 lu 5 3 GIRLS JUST WANT.. | Cyndi Lauper Portrait ATMOSFEAR WHEN TONIGHT IS OVERIlba EBIe DAZZ 31 12" Pic Bag IAI ATTRITION MONKEY IN A BIN 14 liackl Union 19M-1 12" only Pic Bag IBKill 6* 6 1 WANT A NEW DRUG. Huey Lewis Chrysalis BATCHELOR. Johnny MUMBIEITONY S JOE: The Eiecie NoHhwood NW45 006 IBKill 7* 12 AGAINST ALL ODDS.... Phil Collins Atlantic BEHEMOTH DEATHWINGSIVengeance BuBet Continenlal CONT 1 Pic Bag IPI 8 8 AUTOMATIC. Pointer Sisters Planet ■BLANCMANGE D0NT IEII ME'Gel Oul 01 Thai London BLANK 7 12" 111 BONE.BROKEN Richard BONES LIVING CROClFlXiFighl IN PARTY!OWNiMcn The Goad IighUI Wnh Secrels'MambopolisO.U. Fall Oul FALL 025 Sutvivol Pic Bag SUR lliJI 12013ZJ 17 rr 9* 9 ADULT EDUCATION. Daryl Hall/John Oatos RCA BROWN, Peter IHEY ONLY COME OUT AT NIGHTlllnslI CBS A4334 Pic Bag.TAAJJA 12 Pic Bag ILI 10* 14 MISS ME BLIND, Culture Club Vlrgln/Epic CAFE SOCIETY SOMEBODY (0 lOVEIKnighl Ridci Passron PASH 22 Pic Bag;PASH 12 22 12 Pic Bag l«l CAMPBELL Barbara I'M A WOMAN.PAPA TULLO: To Yen Red Rose BR 001 12" only USI 11 7 99 LUFTBALLONS. Neria Epic CAMPBELL Bleu LETTING GO'face To Eacc Compteal CIT3 Pic Bag IAI Arista ■CARE WHATEVER POSSESSED YOOIBesrdes I 6 2 Arista KBPD 3 (Pic Disci IFI 12* 15 HOLD ME NOW, Thompson Twins CHAPMAN, Roger HOW HOW HOWiHold Ural Tide Back Polydor POSP 683ITI 13* 17 HELLO, Lionel Richie Motown CLAY. Trggi THE WINNER GETS THE HEARTIWI® Shot Zorro Morocco TMG1333 IRI m COHON, Josio JIMMY LOVES MARYANNINo Prdures 01 Dad Eleklra E9748IWI . „ ■ |, o' 14* 18 EAT IT. 'Weird Al' Yankovic Rock 'n' Roll CYMONE. Andtd SURVIVIN" IN THE BO'SiWhal Are We Dom' CBS A4328 I?' Pic Ba9;TA4328 12 Pic Dag ore extra track borvrvins T G 8 s IS 11 THRILLER. Michael Jackson Epic 1 m CZUKAY, Holger THE PHOTO SONG'Das Massen Mediom Virgin VS 671 Pic BagVS 671-12 17' Pic Bag rnc dBfcrem B side. Biomuianlen IEI ROLAND RAT 16 10 GOT A HOLD ON ME. Christine McVie Warner Bros DEJONAY, Zena I'VE GOT 10 FIND A WAY.'IOub Version) CaHbre CAB 121 Pic Bag.CABL 121 12 IAI DION THE WAY YOU 00 THE THINGS YOU DO'Hey My love Aura AUS142 Pic Bag ISP1 ifWhPriuledl 17 13 THE LANGUAGE.... Dan Fogelberg Full Moon/Epic DOLLY MIXTURES, The REMEMBER THISiL.sicnmg Plcasura'Borinda's lamenis Dead Good Dolly Platters DMS 111DSI IHcsc NEW MOON ON MONDAY. Duran Durar Capitol DONALDSON, Eric CHERRY OH BABYi'Keep On Riding Creole DYN 14IDYN 1214 12" inc extra track follow Me iai 18 16 DOWE, Brent DOWN HERE IN BABYLONiFancy Dress Ras RAS 7001 12" only USI 19* 25 RADIO GA GA. Queen Capitol ERAZERHEAD SUMMERTIME NOW/Tomghi FScknife FLS 027 Pic Bag IP) EUROPEAN TOYS KOREA/Tho Parly Backs Recording Company 12NCH 9 17' only IBKI . ..... 20 20 BACK WHERE YOU BELONG, 38 Special A&M EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB: SPIRIT Of THE BLUESifor Ever Ever ion Dkect/Phonogram PH 1 Pic Bag (Initial quantity in blue winy 29 GIRLS, DwightTwilley EMI-America EXIT STANCE ESTHETICS/Conspiracy 01 Silenco Exit Stance ES 002 Pic Bag IliRevolverl 21* EXIT VISA BREAKDOWN/fools In The Nighi Infra Red IFR102 P.c Bag IAI 22 21 GIVE IT UP. K.C. Meca/Alpha FOSTER, Jerry FOOL FOR YOU MAMA/Pul ll On Me Sirong Range RANS 72 IAI FOXTON, Bruce II MAKES ME WONOERlTrying To Forgei You llnsil Arista FOX 3 Pic Bag.BFOX 3 17" (El 23 22 RUNNER, Manfred Mann's Earth Band Arista FRENCH, Robert MY BABY/Preiendmg Lover Londisc LD 014 12" Pic Bag ILOI 24* 27 COME BACK AND STAY, Paul Young Columbia/CBS GONZALEZ JUST MY IMAGINAUON/Lei's Get It On (Lei's Make Love) PRT 7P 304; 12P 304 12" (Ai GOTHIC GIRLS GLASS BABYiBorrowed Tongues Backs Recording Company 12NCH 11 12" only IBK-II 25* 30 THEY DON'T KNOW.Tracey Ullman MCA iGRANDMASTER & MELLE MEL JESSE/llnsi) Sugarhill SH 133;SHL 133 12" Pic Bag IAI L„„Lj . , RCA GREEN, Al TIRED Of BEING ALONE/Lci's Slay Together Hi Cream HCS 107:12HCS 107 12" inc extra track How Can You Mend A Broken Mean0 f 26* 33 LOVE SOMEBODY. Rick Springfield "V IA) Big Music. The 27 28 NEW SONG, Howard Jones Elektra •HARRIER OUT ON THE STRF.ET/Nickels And DimesiShme On Black Horse HARR IT 12" only P.c Bag IP) BlownBreakdown Oul Agam Break Oul 28* 39 YOU MIGHT THINK, The Cars Elektra HELL SAVE US (FROM IHOSE WHO WOULD SAVE USliDeathsquad Deadly Weapon DWS 666 IP) Come To Ms . HENDRYX, Nona I SWEAT IGOING THROUGH THE MOTIONSI/Livmg On The Border RCA 400 Pic Bag.RCAT 400 12" IRI Crucifix . 29* 35 DONT ANSWER ME. Alan Parsons Project Arista HOORAH! BOYS HOORAH! IS THIS WHAT YOU PROMISED ME?/So Long EMI 5458;12EMI 5458 17' 1E1 Dancing Girls INSTANT AGONY NICELY DOES ITiWo Don't Need You Flicknife 028 Pic Bag IPl Deaihwmgs. 30* 34 TONIGHT. Kool & The Gang De-Lite JACKSON, Joe HAPPY ENOINGfLoisaida A&M AM 186 Pic Bag^LMX 186 12" Pic Bag (Cl DejaVu JAMES b PERCY If ONLY BEFORE/Above And Beyond Code Green CODE GREEN 1202 12" Pic Bag (SO) Desire 31 26 LET'S STAY TOGETHER. Tina Turner Capitol JOHNS, Teddy MORNINGTON CRESCENT/Bank Holiday Compact Organisation ACT 11 Pic Bag IIDSl Oon'i Tell Me Atco Down Here In Baby'on 32* 37 LEAVE IT, Yes 'KANE GANG SMALL TOWN CREEOiKANE THAN6 KitchenwareJLondon SK 11:SKX11 12" inc extra track 1,000,000 Chickens Can I Be Wrong Dweller On The Threshold Polydor IFI Eslhehcs 33 19 NOBODY TOLD ME. John Lennon KERSHAW, Nit DANCING GIRLS-'She Cnes MCA NIK 3 Pic Bag NIKT 3 17' Pic Bag Inc extra track Drum Talk ICI Faniasy Of love 34* 36 RED, RED WINE. UB40 A&M KIDD GLOVE GOOD CLEAN FUN/Streci Angel Morocco TMG 1337 IRI Feels So Good KING, Bobby LOVEQUAKElFall in Love Motown TMG 1335:TMGT 1335 12" IRI Fool For You Mama . 35* 55 AUTHORITY SONG, John Cougar Mellencamp Rlva KING, Marcel REACH FOR LOVEiKeep On Dancing Factory FAC 92T 12" only (liPiRTI Gel Cracking LEAHY. Geoff l984.Play It Again Sam K.Mosaic MOSY 001 IP) G.rl Watcher . 36* 48 HEAD OVER HEELS. The Go Go's I.R.S. LESLEY, Miriam Ann LET US SHINE/Nevcr Gonna Lei You Go RCA 403 IRI Glass Baby THE KID'S AMERICAN, Matthew Wilder Private 1 LOTUS EATERS SE! ME APART-My Happy Dream Sylvan/Arista SYL 3 Pic Bag.SYL 123 12" inc extra track Sci Me Apan (Instl IFI Goddess 01 Love 37* 40 LOVE ALONE AGAIN ORiAndmoreagam Eleklra E9740 IWI Good Dean fun 38* 41 A FINE FINE DAY. Tony Carey MCA LULU THAT'S SO/lba Lifestyle LIFE 9 10 Happy Ending MAJOR ACCIDENT RESPECIABLEiMan On The Wall Flicknife FLS 026 P.c Bag (PI Heanbcai - Heanbrcak 39* 49 TO ALLTHE GIRLS..,, Iglesias/Nelson Coiumbia/CBS MANGAROO, Danny WHEN THINGS GO WRONG,'JOE GIBBS b THE PROFESSIONALS: Corner Rock Joe Gibbs JGM 8182 12" only USI HouseHow How How . AC 40* 43 ONE IN A MILLION. The Romantics Nemperor MARTIN. Juan ROMEO AND JULIET - LOVE THEME/Desired WEA YZ 4 (W) I Am What I Am . S McNEIL, Les GODDESS OF LOVEiMcNeil Diibomc Rock Soul Patrol SP 3120 12" only IJSl I KeepPumpinT looking At You (Keep A MIDNIGHT STAR FEELS SO GOOD (EDITl/Slow Jam Elektra E9775 IWI I lost My Girt S MICHIGAN b SMILEY SUGAR DADDY/What A Lile Ras RAS 7033 17" only USI I Sweal (Going Through The MINOR DETAIL TAKE IT AGAlN-20ih Century Polydor POSP 679 IFI Moiionsl H BULLETS 41-100 MONROES, The SUNDAY PEOPLEiMovc In Closer EMI 5450 IEI I Wani To Break Free . 0 MORRISON. Van DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLO.'Nonhern Muse (Solid Ground) Mercury/Phonogram MER 159 Pic Bag If) I Warned Your Love . V 1? 42* 47 HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO, Bonnie Tyler Col/CBS| II Only Belote J 52 NO MORE WORDS, Berlin Geffen* OMD LOCOMOTlONiHer Body In My Soul Virgin VS 660 Pic Bag;VS 66012 12" Pic Bag inc extra track Ihe Avenue IEI I'm A Woman . C j OSBOURNE, Johnny GET CRACKING LEORY SMART: Soul And Inspiranon Londisc LD 016 12" Pic Bag ILOl Is This Whar You Promised Me? H P 44* 56 SHOW ME, The Pretenders Sire: PAIGE, Elaine SOMETIMES ITheme from 'ChampionsTiPHILHARMONIA ORCHESfRA I'm Going To Live Island IS 174 Pic Bag IE) Islands In The Stream PARKER. Paul OESIREilHi Energy Mix! Technique TEC 101 Pic BagJECT 101 12" Pic Bag (A) II Makes Me Wonder. P 45* 50 RUNAWAY. Bon Jovi Mercury PERSONAL COLUMN STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAUHere's Looking Ai You Stiff BUY 202 Pic Bag IC! I've Goi To Find A Way PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES BLOWN OUT AGAIN iBIender Versiunl/THE FITS: Peace And Quid (Bui Never Dreamed ll Was Gonna Be Jesse 47 59 THE LONGEST TIME, Billy Joel CBS/Columbia Like This) Trapper EARFITS1 12" IP) Jimmy loves Maryann m * QUEEN I WANT TO BREAK FREEiMACHINES (OR BACK TO HUMANSI EMI QUEEN 2 Pic Bag (El Jusi My Imagmaiion 49* 71 BREAKDANCE, Irene Cara Geffen/Network RE-FLEX PRAYING TO THE BEAT/Cul ll EMI FLEX 3;12FLEX 3 12" (El Korea i 60* 54 BORDERLINE, Madonna Sire REID, Sandra MAKE ME LOVE THE RAIN;GEORGE POSSE: (Version Raml Sir George 5G 005T 12" (PI Lei Us Shine ROCKWELL (Obscene! PHONE CALLER IVOCAUKInsil Motown TMG 1336 Pic BagJMGT 1336 12" IRI lei's Here ll For The Boy ll-' 52* 57 WE'RE GOING ALL THE WAY.
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