'The Wheel' (That Great Mother Plane)
‘The Wheel’ (That Great Mother Plane)—The Power of The Wheel to Destroy BY THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN—PAGE 20 VOLUME 40 NUMBER 35 | JUNE 8, 2021 | U.S. $2.00 FINALCALLDIGITAL.COM | STORE.FINALCALL.COM | FINALCALL.COM THE BATTLE IN THE SKY The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Graphics: pixelsquid IS NEAR! For 90 years the Nation of Islam was mocked and ridiculed for its teaching on the Mother Plane and its aim, purpose. Now the gov’t admits these UFOs are real, vindicating what the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan have warned of and prophesied. SPECIAL COVERAGE PAGES 3, 19, 20 2 THE FINAL CALL JUNE 8, 2021 AArrestsrrests mmadeade iinn sshootinghooting ooff yyoung,oung, BBlacklack aactivistctivist iinn UUKK bbutut qquestionsuestions rremainemain by Christopher iCha and Tariqah Shakir- Muhammad LONDON—In the after- math of the shooting of ac- tivist Sasha Johnson, arrests have been made but the young, Black woman continues fight- ing for her life. Ms. Johnson, a prominent leader of Britain’s first Black-led political party, was shot in the early hours of May 23, in South London. A 27-year-old Oxford graduate, Ms. Johnson, executive leader- ship member of the Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP), com- munity activist, and mother of three, sustained a non-fatal gunshot wound to her head. She’s currently in critical care at Kings College Hospital in nearby Camberwell after having undergone an operation and is in recovery. It is too ear- ly to know whether she has suf- fered any permanent damage.
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