Environment Committee – 30 January 2008


Report by the Executive Director (Environment)

This report details proposals to introduce new kerbside recycling services following successful bids to the Scottish Government to participate in a national Food Waste trial, and also to the Council’s Investment in Improvement fund.


The Environment Committee is asked to approve:

i) The introduction of a fortnightly mixed food and garden waste collection, and the introduction of dry mixed recyclate (DMR) collection with collection of general waste on alternate weeks, to the geographic areas outlined in Section 3 during Spring 2008, and

ii) Note the securing of Council Investment in Improvement funding for the introduction of the kerbside recycling service, as per Strategic Policy and Resources Executive Sub Committee Report of 19 December 2007 (report number: 07/849) to the geographic areas detailed in Appendix 1.


1. At the Environment Committee on 7 March 2007 (Report Number: 07/187) the following recommendations were approved:

(a) The acceptance of Scottish Government funding to operate a mixed food and garden waste trial, and separate food waste trial for one year (if the Council’s bid is successful) in the geographic areas outlined in the report.

(b) The implementation of a Kerbside Recycling Service to 55,000 households, but with the collection of food waste being excluded pending the results of national food waste trials, and a subsequent bid for Strategic Waste Funding, to introduce this service.

2. The kerbside recycling service which currently operates in the Oakbank, Wellshill, Craigie, Cleeve and Cherrybank areas of Perth trial area comprises:-

(a) Alternate weekly collection of general waste (green lidded bin)

(b) Alternate weekly collection of dry mixed recyclate (DMR) – paper, cardboard, cans and plastics (blue lidded bin)


(c) Alternate weekly collection of combined food and garden waste (brown lidded bin)

3. The bid for Scottish Government mixed food and garden waste funding was based on extending this kerbside recycling service to around 8,000 households in the areas of Tulloch (Perth City), , Muirton (by Auchterarder), Aberuthven and .

4. Following a lengthy assessment process the Scottish Government has confirmed in December 2007 that funding for the operation of the mixed food and garden waste collection trials will be met from centralised Scottish Government Funds, with the trial to run between 2008 and 2009.

5. This funding includes the introduction of dry mixed recyclates (DMR) collection and collection of general waste, on alternate weeks, to these areas.

6. Unfortunately the bid for a separate food waste only collection service in another part of the Council area was not successful.

7. During this time, Waste Services continued to plan for the introduction of the Kerbside Recycling Service (excluding food waste) over roll out phases (see Appendix 1), pending an outcome to the application process for Strategic Waste Funding.


8. The area of Tulloch (Perth City), Auchterarder, Muirton (by Auchterarder), Aberuthven and Crieff is the area that will have the kerbside recycling service introduced, alongside the mixed food and garden waste. It is anticipated that the year long trial will commence in April 2008, with a rollout of new and additional bins during March.

9. The main objective is to reduce the Council’s substantial financial liability under the Landfill Allowance Scheme and escalating costs of landfill tax, as well as improving the Council’s recycling rate.

10. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the availability of waste funding from the Scottish Government in 2008, and due to the significant delays experienced in accessing Strategic Waste Funding for dry mixed recyclate collection, the Environment Service submitted a business case to the Council’s Investment in Improvement Fund, to introduce the dry mixed recyclate service (as detailed in Section 7 above) to the remainder of 55,000 households.

11. At the Executive Sub Committee of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 19 December 2007 (report number 07/849), Investment in Improvement funding of £514,000 was approved for the implementation of the kerbside recycling service to the phases listed in Appendix 1. In practice this means that phase 2 will be accelerated to start in March/April 2008 (see paragraph 8), in order to meet the timetable of the Scottish Government food waste trials. After that Phase 1 will be implemented, with the other phases subsequently introduced in sequence (see Appendix 1).

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12. The Head of Legal Services, the Head of Democratic Services and the Executive Director (Corporate Services) have been consulted in the preparation of this report.


13. The mixed food and garden waste trial to 8,000 households will be funded by the Scottish Government from centralised funds.

14. The introduction of the kerbside recycling collection services to the remainder of 55,000 households is to be funded by the Council’s Investment in Improvement Fund.


15. The Council’s Corporate Equalities Assessment Framework requires an assessment of functions, policies, procedures or strategies in relation to race, gender and disability and other relevant equality categories. This supports the Council’s legal requirement to comply with the duty to assess and consult on relevant new policies to ensure there is no adverse impact on any community group or employees.

16. The function, policy, procedure or strategy presented in this report was considered under the Corporate Equalities Assessment Framework and the determination was made that the items summarised in this report do not require further assessment as they do not have an impact on people’s wellbeing. These services are offered to all householders in the selected areas. If householders are unable for reasons of age, infirmity or medical conditions to take out their bins, they can be offered an assisted lift service.


17. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a legal requirement under the Environmental Assessment () Act 2005 that applies to all plans, programmes and strategies, including policies (PPS).

18. The PPS presented in this report was considered under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the determination was made that the items summarised in this report do not require further action as they do not qualify as a plan, programme or strategy as defined by the Act.

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19. The Council’s Corporate Plan 2006-2010 lays out five Objectives which provide clear strategic direction, inform decisions at a corporate and service level and shape resources allocation. This report impacts on the following:-

(i) A Safe, Secure and Welcoming Environment (ii) Educated, Responsible and Informed Citizens


20. This report highlights significant development in securing funds to provide extensive kerbside recycling services to householders in . This provides the Council with opportunities to divert waste from landfill, which reduces landfill tax costs and landfill allowance scheme liabilities.

21. Potentially the introduction of these schemes could increase the Council’s recycling and composting rate by an additional 6,000 tonnes, equivalent to an increased recycling and composting rate of 6%.


The following background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (and not containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to a material extent in preparing the above Report; (list papers concerned)

• Report to the Environment Committee on 7 March 2007 – Garden and Food Waste Kerb Collection, Report Number: 07/187, Article Number: 159

Contact Officer: Bruce Reekie, Ext No. 76448 e-mail [email protected] Address of Service: Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD Date of Report 24 January 2008

Bruce Reekie on 476448

P:\Committee\Environment\Reports\2008\08.01.30 - Roll Out of Next Phase(s) of the New Kerbside Collection Service.doc Appendix 1

Phase Estimated Implementation Date

1. Burghmuir, Errol and , All Craigie, Western June 2008 Edge

2. Tulloch (City of Perth), Auchterarder, Muirton and April 2008 Aberuthven, Crieff (Trial area for food/garden waste collection)

3. Remainder of Crieff beats, Perth – Crieff rural August 2008

4. , and Ruthvenfield, Auld October 2008 Bond Area, Methven, and Kingoodie, , and , Stanley and , Doubledykes, Pole Hill, Grange, Kinnoull Hill

5. Kinross area, , Road, , December Waterloo, , Abernethy, and , 2008 Part of Craigie

6. Balhousie, Muirton, Gannochy and Bridgend, Scone February 2009

7. Letham, North Muirton April 2009

8. , , Guildtown areas, Friarton, June 2009 , , and Blairgowrie rural

9. Blairgowrie Town and Rural to August 2009

10. All Areas October 2009


(1) In view of the priority to spend Scottish Government food/garden waste funding, phase 2 has been accelerated, and will commence in April 2008.

(2) All other phases will follow as per the original sequence. It is anticipated that a phase will take approximately 8 weeks to implement, with complete roll out completed over an 18 month period.