Stochastic Processes Associated with KMS States
JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 42,368-428 (1981) Stochastic Processes Associated with KMS States DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF LARISSE KLEIN ABEL KLEIN* Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, California 92717 AND LAWRENCE J. LANDAU Mathematics Department, Bedford College, University of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS, England Communicated by the Editors Received June 26, 1979 A general mathematical framework is presented for the connection between quantum statistical mechanics and periodic stochastic processes. “Stochastically positive KMS systems,” “periodic OS-positive stochastic processes,” “periodic positive semigroup structures” are defined and shown to be equivalent. The objects of the Tomita-Takesaki theory are explicitly exhibited in terms of the associated stochastic process and the statements of the theory are proven. A (two-sided) Markov property for the stochastic process is related to a cyclicity property of the KMS state. Perturbations are constructed by the Feynman-Kac-Nelson formula. The general framework is applied to KMS states given by density matrices. INTRODUCTION Classical function space techniques (i.e., stochastic processes, “path spaces,” Lp estimates) have proved useful in constructing and studying states in quantum statistical mechanics (Hoegh-Krohn [ 131, Albeverio and Hoegh- Krohn [ 11, Ginibre [lo], Driessler, Landau, and Perez [6], Frijhlich [8,9]), as well as in quantum field theory (e.g., Erice Lectures [7], Simon [28]). The non-commutative algebra of observables for the quantum system may in certain cases be replaced by a commutative algebra (function space) by * Partially supported by the NSF under Grant MCS 78-01433. 368 0022.1236/81/090368-61$02.00/O Copyright 0 1981 by Academic Press, Inc.
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