The Keremeos Chronicle


GEO. KIRBY, LOCAL NOTES. has heen subjected has been a sev­ FIRST AT THE TOP. Notary Public. ere trial, the permanent result, if it Mrs. Forbes of Hedley is visiting REAL ESTATE, MINES. should prevent any recurrence of Rev. Mr. Kinney Reaches the Agent for : her sister, Mrs. D. J. Innis. Summit of Highest Moun­ London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. the old malady will make up for it Ocean Accident and Guarantee Co. E. P. Morgan, G.N.R. divisional all. His friends in the Similkameen tain in . KKRKMKOS, B. C. superintendent, came in on a special are all very much pleased to learn Rev. Geo. B. Kinney, the newly EZRA MILLS, on Monday night and went up as ofthe favorable outcome and will appointed Methodist minister for far as Hedley, returning next day. look forward to the pleasure of Keremeos, has during his summer Contractor and Builder, meeting him in a few weeks more. Lost—On the 9th inst., between holiday achieved one of the most — Hedley Gazette. KEREMEOS, B.C. Hedley and Keremeos, a suit case. remarkable feats of exploration ever Finder will be suitably rewarded on Sir Richard Cartwright, Minister attempted it* the Canadian Rockies. MISS LOWNDES, leaving same at the CHRONICLE. of Trade and Commerce and leader For several years past Mr. Kinney has devoted his summer outings to Teaeher of Pianoforte and Accompanist Office. of the Senate, is visiting his son in (certificated Royal Colic i of Music, Lon­ mountain climbing, and two years Mrs. Ed. Coulter was the lucky Vancouver, Dr. C. Cartwright, after don) open to engagement for accompan­ ago determined to attempt the iments. Terms on application. winner of one of the 109-piece din­ taking the waters of Harrison Hot hitherto unconquerable MrMttrr 'Rob­ MEDLEY. B.C. ner sets given away each month by Springs. In pre-C.P.R. days Sir son, the highest peak in Canada. the Vancouver Miffing Co., to pur­ Richard was much abused for re­ Mount Robson is situated in the J. A. BROWN, chasers of their flour. ferring to as a "sea of mountains," a phrase of main range of the Rockies, near the Notary Public. Miss Trauh of Edmonton agree­ CONVEYANCING. CUSTOMS BROK which he is reputed to be the author. Yellowhead Pass, and is about 14,- ably surprised her sister, Mrs. E.M. ERAGE. FIRE INSURANCE. British Columbians are not now in­ 000 feet in height. His first and Crooker, by coming in on Saturday OFFICE KFRKMKOt, B.C. clined to resent it as a term of dis­ second attempts, in 1907 and 1908, on a visit, accompanied by her paragement as they were then. were unsuccessful, but this time, JOHN KNUDSON, niece, little Miss Fernie. Miss They are rather pleased with it. after much danger and hardship, he Traub is a stenographer in the succeeded. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. government service of Alberta, and i Manitoba fruitmen have decided is now on her holidays. D •-• L - i u- cn THE ASCENT ACCOMPLISHED. Estimates Furnished. to turn to British Columbia to fill Workmanship Guaranteed. The first outbound freight from i their apple orders. J. McLean, ! The following despatch from Ed- Medley to be shipped by rail came ' manager ofthe Pioneer Fruit Com- | monton, dated the 8th inst., tells of Staffe Lines. doVvn on Saturdav, when a carload pany, has returned to Winnipeg ithis summer's successful expedition: I of concentrates and another of ore from Ontario, where he went to Afler -*-*-*** starving to death in FLIER STAG;;. wus sent through. A large quan-1 place orders for 15,000 barrels, but ,he attempt, braving dangers of an Leaves kereineos daily, except Sunday, tity of concentrates has accumulated did not place one. He states the expedition alone and unassisted at noon, arrives at Hedley 3 p.m. r Leaves Hedley daily, except Sundav, at the reduction works awaiting orchards are in bad shape and the save *~-* •*** inexperienced Ontario quality uncertain. The owners of woodsman, Mr. George B. Kinney, at 8 a.m., arrives at Keremeos 11 a.m. I shipment when the road is properly Only through connecting atage between orchards there think that anything a Methodic clergyman from Kere- Keremeos, Hedley A Princeton. opened for business. meo and D. Gll-LESPIK, Proprietor. is good enough for the west. So, * Victoria, B.C.,successfully Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robbins, of McLean says, Winnipeg fruitmen scaled the heights ot Mount Robson KEREMEOS-HEDLEY MAIL STAGE. the Apex mine, drove over to Kair- are going to the coast to look for in Vellowhead pass, and can lay- Leaves Keremeos daily, except Sundai al 1 p.m.; connecting wilh all slages east i lew last week, returning on Mon­ supplies, claim to the distinction of being the Hiid west, arrives in Hedley at 5 p.m. day to Keremeos. Mr. Robbins first man to ascend the highest Leaves Hedley daily, except Sunday, at Two teams of horses, seized by peak in the Rock>, mountajns. Mr. 8 a.m., arrives in Keremeos al 11 a.m. went up to the mine again on Tues­ D. J. INNIS, Proprietor. day, Mrs. Robbins remaining at customs officers under very peculiar Kinney arrjved at Edmonton last circumstances, were sold at auction evenin„. and )efl for Winnipeg, KKRliMtOS PKNTKTON MAIL STA<;R. Keremeos until to-day, when she Leaves Keremeos for Penticton on Mon­ will also return in company with her at Midway last week, bringing He left this city in June and was days, Wednesdays and Fridays, at noon. brother, Mr. Dencfa. with their harness $375. Up to CAUKhl ;,, floods of Athabasca river Leaves Penticton on Tuesdays, Thurs­ two or three months ago the teams 4 j his life. He days and Saturdays at 6 a. in., arriving in and hare|y esoape w th Wm. Mattiee is putting up about Keremeos at noon. were the property of H. B. Stanton, picked (|p .,„ 0ntario youtn at the W. E. WELBY, Proprietor. 500 cans of tomatoes daily with the lumber merchant, of Molson, Wash., j entrance t0 the Yellowhead, and to- Farmers' Exchange canner. The who used them in his business, and I gether ,hey made the asa!n, tf growers are paid one cent a pound. Keremeos Directory. who had an arrangement with the j Moun, Robson. i..,M year Mr Kin. This is higher than the usual rate customs authorities under which he ney in company with Or. Coleman Board of Trade -George Kirbv, Presi­ for canning, but is warranted by dent; R. H. Carmichael, Secretary. crossed the boundary with them of the geological survey department the fact that the output is of very Similkameen Farmers' Exchange—J. J. whenever occasion required. Stan- spent 20 days on the mountain at- Aimslrong, President; \V. M. Frith, Secy. high quality, and last year com. ton, il appears, was in financial tempting the ..scent. This year he Public School Board George Kirby, in.Muled a preference in the market. Krra Mills, R. Klmhirst, Secretary. difficulties, and was indebted to made ,ne sllrnmj, in 20 hours, spend-

l usionis Office- VV. M. Frith, Sub-Col­ The Princeton Board of Trade Dick Sidley of Anarchist Mountain. -n(, „ niph, 0„ ,he mountai„ side lector. has forwarded the following reso« In order to satisfy his claim Sidley 10,000 feet above sea level. His Presbyterian Church Rev. A. H. Cam­ eron, Pastor. lution tothe Minister of Agriculture: watched his opportunity and seized provisil.ns ran OM, ,he night he

Const a! le and Deputv Game Warden Resolved, that the Princeton Hoard the teams when they were travelling c.,mped ol, the moi,nl;ti„ ;„„| |,„ M. B. Fw.ot of Trade, believing that this district north of 49. ln doing this he vio- ,wo wecks fa two mi.„ |jvcd on l . oner Or. M. I). McFwen. is well suited for the establishment J usi ices ofthe Peace -T. W. Coleman, lated the customs law by importing Kophcrs. They narrowly escaped I Richter. of an experimental farm in the dry horses paying duty, and >tiirv,„ion. A prospector rescued Postmaste-and Telephone Agent Geo. belt, respectfully requests that an cusioins officer Eddy seized the j ,,)em from lheir peri|ous situation, Kirby. expert, or inspector, be authorized Member of Parliament Martin Burrell, teams and sold them at auction. , Mr Kinney'8 arrival was the first Grand Forks, P. O. to visit this section and examine Stanton is now bringing suit against heard from him since he lefl alone Member Provincial Assembly—L. W. several farms eligible for the pur­ Sidley. and afoot. Great interest was cen­ Shalford, Pentictoe P. O. pose of an experimental station. tred in the Mount Robson climb in town Hall—J. J. Armstrong, Mgr. Kereineos Hall Geo. Loudon, Mgr, FOR SALE. view ofthe fact that in Auguat a Word received from L W. Shat­ well equipped expedition was sent Great Northern Ry Daily train, arrives The biggest snap in the Similka­ 10:30 i. ni., leaves at 2 p.m., H. A. Cook, ford, M.P.P., states that he had from Banff to thc north by the Grand Agent. got through his last operation and meen Valley Ranch containing Trunk Pacific railway. Whether or over 300 acres, almost all bottom Mails -Daily from the west via Hedley that everything looked favorable not this expedition lias been success- land, cutting at present about 100 Slage; from east i i.i 0, N. Ry., Tri-week­ ful in re aching the top af Mount for a successful outcome and perm­ tons of hay, can easily be made ly via Penticton Stage from the north. Robson has not been learned. (For Mercantile and other Business in­ anent cure. While the long diffi­ to cut 300 tons. For sale on easy stitutions see advertiements in this paper.) cult surgical treatment to which he terms hv L R.CHASE,Olalla,B.C. |l ontinued on next pan*'! LOCAL NOTES. FIRST AT THE TOP. Whan in Keremeoa Born.—At Keremeos, Sept. 12, [Continued from preceding page] atop mt the to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Cooper, Central Hotel RECEPTION AT CALGARY. a daughter. Special attention to The Calgary Herald thus announ­ Commercial Men, ces the receipt of the news in Cal­ Mrs. D. J. Innis and children re­ ,-i • Tourists and Land-seekers. gary: turned on Sunday after spending a Elation reigns in the souls of themont h with her mother, Mrs. L. A. Headquarters for all ^Tj^i/^^^aaBjajarjfcM^-^/jL Stage Routes. members of the Alpine club to-day. Clark, Green Mountain. *-" mm t$**\\w.l %.**"•• 7rT*t**§aaaai*t\^mff^amB&-^ One of the members, George B. Livery Stable The charge brought by D. Gilles­ • --IK in connection. Kinney, of Victoria, has succeeded pie against Frank Connors, of im­ "______£ 3p^ Good table. in climbing Mount Robson, the properly retaining moneys collected <-* -H highest peak la the Canadian Rock­ in connection with the livery busi­ Large, airy and comfortable rooms. ies. This is the first time its sum­ ness, was heard before Magistrate BW f^i-Hudi mit has been reached, although a Coleman on Friday and dismissed. iJfc-" Free 'bus to and from number of attempts have been made, all trains. Vernon had another fire on Sat­ and the Alpine club are naturally Office of B.C. Fruit jubilant that to one of their number urday, cause unknown, one of the Land Co. belongs the honor. The feat is large buildings in the Chinese quar­ particularly creditable to Mr. Kin­ ter being destroyed. As in the Tweddle & Elmhirst, - - Proprietors. ney, since he was unaccompanied case of the recent hotel fire, ab­ by a Swiss guide. Their assistance sence of wind saved the town. The coroner's jury in 01 nagan hotel is usual when any difficult work is *r*r*wv——ea————m—————————o———.i .1 . .————— TTPPCT'^Lr^r attempted. case have returned a verdict to the effect that they believe the fire was Mr. Kinney has been gone about of incendiary origin, and censuring three months since he began his ef­ the chief of police, night watchman, NEW GOODS fort, and some anxiety was begin­ license commission and hotel men. ning to be felt as to his safety. That the attempt was not free from While August was as usual a dry NEW STYLES danger was known, and that its month in the Similkameen, scarce­ SHAW'S success was attended with real hard­ ly a drop of rain falling at Kere­ NEW PRICES ship is evident from the telegram meos, across the mountains they announcing its accomplishment. were having the rainiest August on FOR ALL . . . This reads as follows: record. At Swanson Bay it rained BIG STORE on 21 days out of the 31, while at Edmonton, Sept. 6. Clayoquot, on Vancouver Island, it "Don McTavish, Calgary: rained for 17 days out of the 31, "Captured Robson Aug. 13. Posi­ tive evidence. Nearly starved two and on two days the record show­ SUITS weeks. GEO. B. KINNEY." ed 4.5 inches and 5.6 inches respect­ On receipt of the message a meet­ ively. This latter figure it is be­ New Standard Fashion Broadway Suits ing of the Alpine club was called at lieved is the heaviest ever recorded Mr. McTavish's office and arrange­ in British Columbia. The Suit Section Is Ready ments made to tender Mr. Kinney The dredge operating on Okan­ With Stunning: Low Prices a reception in honor of his feat. agan River has got as far down as (The Mr. McTavish referred to is the bridge. A channel forty feet We are now ready to suit you with an up-to-date SUIT. one of the members of the B. C.wid e is being dredged to a depth of Why pay extra elsewhere when you can buy a' our store a Suit Fruit Land Co. of Keremeos.) four feet. The grade in the bed of of clothes that for workmanship, style and durability cannot be the river is being made so gradual excelled by any tailor. Dry, clean poplar, two years that the fall in the stream will be seasoned, $3 a cord, $4 delivered. distributed almost evenly through­ OUR PRICES RANGE FROM $16.00 TO $27.00. Keremeos Land Co. out the length of the river between Okanagan and Lower Okanagan An aviator has been engaged to Lakes. When this dredging work make three flights daily at the Pro­ F0R MEN is finished, it will be navigable for FOR LADIES SHOES vincial Fair at Victoria Sept. 20-25. gasoline launches and small steam­ SPECIAL PRICES After spending a month in Cali­ boats. This will prove of commer­ fornia in an unsuccessful search for cial advantage to For the next two weeks we will offer our stock of Shoes at Haney, the murderer of Constable and Kaleden as well as afford an special low prices. For variety, quality of stock, and low prices, Decker at Ashcroft, Sergeant Mur­ excellent route for excursion par­ no store in the vicinity can surpass us. Give us a call. ray of the provincial police has re­ties.—Penticton Press. turned home. The North Vancouver correspon­ When Fernie was burned out all dent of the Vancouver World says: TOR LADIK8 NECKTIESTOW MK W the world went to its assistance. "J. C. Woodrow, whose funeral When Coal Creek was badly scorch­ took place in Vancouver a few days NEW STYLES ed, not a soul came forward with a ago, is a man well-known to the Just received a large assortment of Neckties. We have just dollar, proving that you must stun earlier residents of this city and dis­ what you want in this line. PRICKS RIGHT. the general public with a great cal­ trict. Mr. Wo.sdrow joined the amity before they will dig up to any council of the municipality of North alarming extent.-Greenwood Ledge. Vancouver in the year 1893. In J. Laundry, a lumberjack, was 1897 he was elected reeve, which Deal at the Big Store and Save Honey robbed of $200 at Revelstoke. He position he held for two or three was on the river bank when two years. During the closing years of WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. men engaged him in conversation on his office the municipality first horse racing and getting him excit­ established its ferry service with the ed he produced his "wad" to back city of Vancouver, and at the same his opinion when one of the men time passed a loan of $12,000 for seized it, and ran off with it. The the building of the S.S. North Van­ J. R. SHAW. police were advised of the matter couver. Mayor Hay was one of and promptly arrested one of theth e pall-bearers and the district was men who had part of the money on represented at the funeral by Reeve him. McNaught and Clerk Philip. A Coming Iron Famine The ore was carefully run off from one side of the car, when the un­ C2_Ca per acre cash and The greatest danger to the fortunate man was found uncon­ world's industries at the present scious and in a badly bruised con­ 62ic. once each year day is the threatened scarcity of dition from ore falling on him. He iron, says S. Philipp, a writer in had been in this condition for prob­ for seven thereafter the September issue of the German ably an hour. review, Nord und Sud. The ex­ secures to you a BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM haustion of the world's iron ore In the police court at Toronto fields, he contends, is far nearer Magistrate Denison dismissed a in the British Columbia Southern, Columbia than is generally realized, and he charge of theft and disorderly con­ and Kootenay and Columbia and Western adds that the much talked-of failure duct brought against Henry Car­ Railway Companies' Land Grants. These Farm of the coal supply in the near future son and James Mahoney, members Lands are eminently suited for the raising of would be far less important than a of the 48th Highlanders, by a Unit­ dearth of iron. ed States resident who has a house The writer estimates the world's on Simcoe street. The men were FRUIT, GRAIN OR STOCK demand for iron during the next returning from the exhibition when they noticed a United States flag decade at 60,000,000 tons per an­ and may be purchased on these EASY TERMS num, which means from 150,000,000 flying in front of a Simcoe street residence. .They pulled it down and to 180,000,000 tons of ore. Ore from tore it to pieces. After hearing the containing less than 20 per cent, of evidence Magistrate Denison asked: pure iron is not regarded as worth "What do we want with that flag THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY snielting. It is, therefore, only the here? There are too many of them ore fields yielding more than 20 per in this country. On the part of who are looking for Settlers for this part. cent, of the metal that enter the the accused this was only an exu­ calculation. The largest of these, berant outburst of enthusiasm. The that of Kirunavara-I.uossavara, in case is dismissed." Sweden, contains, according to the Timber Lands of the highest character, latest estimates, from 600,000,000 Duncan McGregor, C P. R. situated in tbese Grants, are offered for sale to 800,000,000 tons of ore, which brakeman, was killed at Mountain in blocks of from 640 acres upwards. would cover the world's needs for Creek Monday nighl by being barely five years. thrown off a car. He fell on a pile of stones, fracturing his skull, and There are, of course, numerous died shortly after. other sources of supply, but of late Shipping facilities unsurpassed. Easy transportation it has become increasingly plain lhat the probable yield of these has been greatly overestimated. M. Sjongren, a Swedish expert, esti­ mates the world's iron ore supply itt Apply to the J. S. DENNIS, Assistant to 2nd Vice-President, 9,250,000,000 tons. To test this address as figure thoroughly vvill be the main Desk 8 Calgary, Alberta. task of the International Geological shown on the Please send me all facts pertaining to your congress, which is to meet at Stock­ attached coupon lands in B.C. holm next year. But if Sjongren's for Maps, Ap­ figures be taken as approximately plication Forms, correct, and if it be further assumed Regulations that the vvorld's demand will remain and Literature. stationary at 60,000,000 tons of Royal Standard crude iron annually, which is hardly probable, then the result is that Flour within 60 yeats all the iron ore fields now known vvill be exhausted. We guarantee every This period may be lengthened by sack of Royal Standard a more economical use of iron, new Klour to be the purest discoveries in smelting methods, "or sweetest, most whole­ COLEMAN & CO. the discovery of fresh ore fields, but some bread flour on the it would be foolish to build too market in British Co­ much hope on these possibilities. lumbia to-day. Back Druggists and Stationers The writer foresees a very black of this guarantee stands future for the industrial world once the mill which has been iron, its mainstay, gives out. producing this flour for years, and in proof of KEREMEOS CENTRE. Buried Under Rock. the excellency of the product are the testi­ Phoenix, Sept. 13. -To fall ten monials of thousands of feet into a steel car and be buried users. Besides with under fifty tons of crushed rock lor every 49 lb. sack you For a luxurious Shave, nunc than half M hour and still get ii coupon which en­ Hair-Cut or Bath go to live is the experience of Kdward titles you to a chance to Kdvvards, who lies in the hospital | win a handsome china here to-day with good prospects of dinner set. Booster's Censorial flterlor recovery. Kdwards was loading a car of ore at No. 3, Granby crusher, and fell Manufactured hy BOX TRADE IN CIGARS A SPECIALTY. from a platform into the car. The A fine line of Cigars and Tobaccos, crushed rock continued to fall, and Vancouver Milling covered him until the mouth of the & Grain Co., Ltd. Fruit and Confectionery. chutes became choked. Foreman Ingram later discovered the con­ Vancouver, B.C. POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. dition of the car, and after making inquiries came to the conclusion J. R. SHAW, Agent. that Kdvvards was under the rock. A. J. SAUNDERS, Keremeos. opened was (>08,000 acres. On the The Keremeos Chronicle. basis of the drawing for each reser­ Publish,'.! mty 1'rul.iv .it Ih,- nlli., K.-ri-nKVi,, ll.C. vation, each person applying for J^eremeos Hardware SuhtK-ription $2.1" n year, Sl.UO tor six months. in .i.U ittt,, Coeur d'Alene lands had one chance AJvurtiuing I..,;.,! notice*. IV: per line firtt laeertion, HV per line subsequent insertion. in 35, for Spokane land one in 400, Land notice* Certificates uf improvement,etc.. $8.00 for (SO-day notice*. $5.00 for .KUlay notices. Contract and for Flathead land one in 15.\ advertising, 2.V. per inch |x-r week. Tran­ sient advertisements, such as l.os!. l-'ound. Wanted, Uncle Sam is so sternly set against etc.. not exceeding one inch. $1.00 first insertion, or Buy your Hardware three insertions Tor $2.00. Local r—rntlg notices. lotteries that he will not even allow iSc. per line first insertion, l.V. each subsequent in­ sertion. his mails to be used in their busi­ At the Hardware Store J. A. IROWN, Publisher. ness, so it would be interesting to And save Money. have it explained how this little FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1909. lottery of his own differs morally Just arrived—A fine assortment of from, say, the Louisiana lottery. Some old-timers are inclined to In each case the investor pays out speak regretfully of the effect the his good coin to get a ticket which Graniteware advent of the railroad will have on gives him one chance of getting his the business of teaming and coach­ Including all kinds of money back many times over as ing. Thc old pack-trains, they say, against a great many chances of will soon be a thing of the past, losing it altogether. In each case Preserving* Kettles the picturesque stage-coach will be far more is paid out by investors in At the lowest prices. consigned to the scrap heap, and the aggregate than they get back. there will be little further use for For the majority of winners in the the wagon roads that have been up Call and see our stock and get prices before purchasing. land drawing it is purely a money till now the main highways of gamble, for the majority never travel. It is true that some Itage XX homestead the land they win. Why coaches will be taken off their is the one game of chance righteous Turpentine and Gasoline alwayi on hand. routes and some freight wagons and the other wicked ? superseded in their present channels of traffic, but experience shows that E. M. CROOKER. the usual effect of a railroad is to As a rule easterners are more im­ increase rather than diminish the pressed with the promise of great­ volume of highway travel. It ness of the prairie provinces than brings about a general readjustment with that of Hritish Columbia. The B.C. of traffic conditions. In some cases wealth of the prairies is on the sur­ it entirely displaces certain lines of face, in sight, easily accessible. teaming work, but at the same Their measure can he taken by sim­ Livery, Feed & Sale Stables time it creates so much new busi­ ple means and with some degree of KEREMEOS and HEDLEY, B.C. ness, makes possible so much assurance. With Hritish Columbia traffic that would have been tin- the contrary is the case to a large profitable without it, that the ultim­ degree, and it is only the more dis­ Comfortable Good Rigs ate affect is nearly always an in­ cerning and foresighted of observers and who can appreciate the splendid Careful Drivers crease in the kind of transportation Commodious which it appears at first io encroach heritage of the Pacific province. Draying upon. Teaming and coaching will The Toronto Telegram thus con­ Stabling drop somewhat from their high cludes an eloquent review of the re­ for Teams of all kinds estate, it is true. They will be the sources of British Columbia: "And, branches where hitherto thev have let it be remembered that the clim­ been both main lines and branches. ate is probably the finest in the Prompt attention to all customers. Hut when things are settled to the world, lhat the scenery is magnifi­ Land-seekers and Tourists invited to give us B trial. new conditions they will be a htggtl cent, that the laws are just and well and more important industry than administered, and that all the mod­ D. J. INNIS, Proprietor. when thev were alone in the field. em conveniences of life exist there as here. There are golden oppor­ tunities in every walk of life— AT The excellent game laws of Hrit­ money, brain and brawn all find MRS. T. M. FARRELL, ish Columbia have the one weak their outlet. It has been said that Keeler's Restaurant point that they are insufficiently pub­ Dressmaking ami Bowleg*. the 20th century belongs to Canada, Yon ean gal lished and are liable to be unwit­ Sal i star lion viiiaranti-i-,1. and we believe it; but the province Meal Tickets & Bread Ticket*. tingly broken or misunderstood Wt en which will loom largest in fulfilling KKKKMKOS C'K.NTKK. by those who try to keep fully up Twenty-one Meals tot Six Hollars. Canada's destiny in the 20th cen­ to date with them. As an example, tury will be Hritish Columbia." Ili-l.-afh-l onr loavvs will Iv ol nxiilar the opening of the season for uniform welgkl * we vvill soil as followi grousei original!) fixed this year at Ono for Ion oonts. Throo for tvvvntv -tivo oonls. Oct. 15, was afterwards changed lo The lledlev Cold Mines C'o. is FOR Fourteen for ono dollar. Sept. 10 for certain districts. Con­ ihe name of the corporation that stable Be/art waa mn notified ofthe has taken over the Nickel Plate FALL PLANTING Pics, t'akos, Doughnut! or BUculU change, was unaware ol it, and mine and the attached works, and mail,- when ordered. was about to make arrests for shoot­ the people of llie lown are much IU I.MS trom tht- U-st KuropcMii aud Japan |MM ing on Sept. 10 or II when his at­ pleased a! having the town's name G. G. KEELER. HOME (MOWN trim .uui ornamental irivx tention was drawn to an item in the included in that of the company. on upland noil without irrigation in tlu- itnl> p.irl ol the Atm-ri. .in continent KEREMEOS, B. C. Chronicle mentioning the new reg­ The old names, Yale Mining Co. nut mtesied -Mill S.ui Jose K___Ui ulation, just in time to avoid an t».ir.ten. Field .tnd Flower Neodw.toiitud »t.vk and Halv Reduction Co., were of trom the Ix-sl gfOWfjn in tht- world. NOTIOE. awkward error. If even game little advertising value to the town. Win I i -in in K •**--• <>*t-s- Spr.i) I'umn*. MOTICK is hank) gtttn that ilnrty fai after wardens are not kept notified up to KtTlili/era. Hee Supplies. Cut Flowers. tlati' tlu* utu!erHi}rneu ilili-m! In applv In the Spr.iviiik' Miiteiials. etc. Nupcrititentlent nl' Provincial I'nlicc lor a transfer nt llu- luense fnr l!i,-C,-ritral Until al KnWM Centre, date, it can hardly be expected that Official statistics for the second White labor only. ll.C, Imm II. Tlllllill and Jam.-, K.-illi In II and Jamcx KlmhirNt. , hunters will at all times know all II Iwii'im quarter of I'M.) show that 1510 157-p.igt* CftUtfogTN frvv. the ins and outs of the constantly JAMKS KI.MHIRMT. dogs and 20JH3 horses were slaugh­ AUK. -*. !*»• changing regulations. tered for food in Germany under M. J. Henry TOMMY SING. government inspection. If that Green Mouse-, unl SetsJ In the recent drawing of lots for kind of butchering were customary Hottaea. Oontracte For Work. J0I0 WKSTMISM KK ROAD homesteads in Washington and in I anada, there would be a great Land scrubbed or any kind of Vancouver - - B.O. work taken by contract at reason­ Idaho there were 286,238 appli­ opening for a packing house in Ker­ Urnmh Nur»t*rie» -S. Vaiuouver. able rates. emeos. cants. The total amount of land KEREMEOS. In the Heart of the Similkameenn The Garden of British Columbia.

lHE accompanying il­ ural grade, lie close to lustration shows a sec­ the railway, and are in tion of the 8-mile conduit every way all ready for through which the water the settler, who may of the is choose a lot of any size led to the irrigated lands to suit. In all the Pro­ of the Keremeos Land vince there is not a tract Co. Every foot of these to equal the Keremeos gentlv sloping lands the lands for quality, situa­ water reaches by gravita­ tion, and every element tion. The lands are all that makes for successful clear, have a perfect nat­ development.

The properties are being offered in 1, 3, 5 and 10 acre Blocks with a well laid out townsite now doing an active business. Our terms are liberal. One-third cash. Balance in 3 payments at 7 per cent. Acreage properties are from $175 to $300 an acre. Town lots $100, $200 and $300. For full particulars apply to t Keremeo-Ti, s Land Co., Ltd. j W. KEREMEOS. B. C. ^

and threshing. The engine can 8TRAYED. Value of Irrigation pROM Summerland. ahout Mar lit. 1909. a dark * hroMn (nearly black) mare, 9 years old; white BBBBaBBBBBWJBBBBW^Bl^^^^K plow CO acres Mi. Adler, •trip on fare, one white hind foot, tail cut short. Calvary, Sept. 10 -Winter wheat . ."~7__ Reward at this office for informatii>n leading to re­ * '" r who ts at the head of a large con- covery. 25 County Court of Yale when irrigated vvill provide Southern Certificate of Improvementa. A sitting of the above Court will be B r held at the Court House, Penticton, at the . trading firm in Alabama, purchased NOTICK. hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, on Alberta's record wheat fields. This V. V. tt E.. JOHNNY BILL and KKNIV.I i Mineral Claims, situate in the Mining Division Tuesday, the 12th day of October, A.D. . the farm as a permanent invest- of Yale In'strict. Where located : -Near Susan 1909. Creek. JAS. R. BROWN, is now acknowledged by agricul-1 •PAKK NOTICE that 1. R. II. Parkinson. Free * ' _* ment. 1 Miner's Certificate No. HI92HH, intend, sixty 2H Registrar of the County Court of Yale days from date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re­ turists. Those who irrigated wheat -*• corder for Certificates of Improvements, for the purpose ot obtaining Crown Grants of the ahove land last fall provide the district Three More Claims Bonded claims. Wanted And further Lake notice that action, under section Bov* .ind KirU to •end for .1 Free Sample Copy of with this season's highest winter .17. must he commenced before the issuance of such W I Is I 1 K \ I 11 I and act an asenta in country diatricta. CUHKI commission allowed. Addresa, The : Certificate of Improvements. wheat yields, and those who irrigat- That the B.C. Copper company Paled this ilrd day of August. A.D. 1909. Citizen Printing and E'uhliihing CAL. 2122 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. ed this year before seeding report ****** twmtwg hold of the Kamloops R. H. PARKINSON. that their wheat shows remarkably j ^'np is further shown by the fact ln: ,he de AT ONCE strong growth and germination in " ****** «> announced last A reliable local salesman wanted to rep­ two days as compared with the un- Saturday of the bonding tt over 30 P. BROMLEY, resent irrigated wheat which did not germ- -twlwm in this camp to that corpora- Canada's Oldest & Great­ inate for at least a week. The ,ion' three additional claims have quicker the germination the strong- **-*•- hcen bonded to the same con- GENERAL est Nurseries cr the plant. Estimates of yields <-*rn* ••*V- *•** Kamloops Sentinel, In KEREMEOS and adjoining country. BLACKSMITH. We have been shipping stock for Thir­ now being received show that oats These properties are the Irene, Sun- ty Yeare le Itritish Columbia .m,I as and will in many districts average at *-* Shamrock claims, adjoining our trees are grown on limestone soil thev are acknowledged by experienced fruit least 75 bushels to the acre. *• B«W___i group, near Hum- growers to be longer lived and hardier Threshing ol barley and cutting phrey's ranch. The Irene and Sun- than Coast grown stock. Horse-shoeing a Specialty A permanent sii nation to right man of spring wheat on the same day set are owned by Janus Beckwith with territory reserved. was a sight that last week greeted •*"-> the -Shamrock by Cecil Beck- Pay Weekly. Free Outfit. visitors to the 10,000 acre farm of 000 and \V. Philip, merchant of Write for partieulat -,. Morris Adler of Namaka, Bow *-*'*• city. 8TONE & WELLINGTON KEREMEOS, B.C. Fonthill Nurseries. riveIbisr (arvalleym wa. s formerlBarley ywa ownes hauled byd I The claims were loca.ed four (Licensed by IU', Government.) froSirm Leste ther separatorKay ands hato sth beee carn scrop an­d years **g-* -*-*d assessment work TORONTO .... ONT shippeped fodr thdirece past t o2 0Calgar yearsy, lasbrewerst year, done on them has resulted in a good Similkameen Land Division. returning the owner a large crop "o f ' showing being made. The ore is niSTRIt'T OF VALB. carried in a gangue of horneblend, 'PAKE NOTICK that 1. William Alesander Ham. winter wheat. 1000 acres of which * ing. miner, agenl for Kenneth Carlton Hoyd felsite and quartz, and three assays I nt!,. tt Krnrmos. H.C . intend to apply for per­ went 42 bushels to the acre. mission to purchase ill.- following descrihed lands : F. SCHNEIDER have been made of surface rock, v omm.-ncing al a post planted at the S. E. corner A part of the farm equipment these yielding $20 to the ton in all of Indian Reserve Lot No. 4, theme west along the Injian Reserve £1 chains, thence south 40 chains, MACHINERY REPAIRED. values. thence east 20 chains, thence north along the Indian 1 ot No. .1 lo point of starting, containing handle discs, seeders and wagons. ^t*Thmf( e sibondmi|asr thavo those juse t obtaininbeen signeg ind HO acres m._f or less. GENERAL BLACKSMITH. A part ol tne iarm vifuiprnm '" Kamloops by the owners and for- W. A. HAININU. while a 122 horse power steam the larger deal consummated last Agent tor Kenneth Carlton Hoyd Frith. KEREMEOS. consisttractions enginof 85 ehea doed os f horsethe breakins whichg wardeweek. d to the company's represent­ K«remeoa. B.C.. July 21. 1909. atives at (ireenwood, the terms OLALLA. ly located. The claim staked by the Englishmen is now the "After­ Olalla, Sept. 10. thought," owned solely by Jas. James Riordan came down last Riordan. Saturday bringing' some magnificent HOTEL KEREMEOS samples of copper ore from the WILL BUILD WAGON ROAD Billy Goat. Jimmy went to Hedley on Monday to see all that was to he Over Hope Mountains and OPPOSITE G. N. R. STATION. seen at the Labor Day celebration, Across the Province. and on Wednesday he went down to Chopaca to meet an expert who Hon. Thomas Taylor, minister of is to examine the Riordan Mountain public works in the provincial gov­ claims for a prospective buyer. ernment, has returned to Victoria ENTIRELY NEW AND FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. The improvement in mining mat- after a tour of the province. The ters here and the high grade ore re­ minister now has in view a scheme Headquarters in the Lower Similkameen for Com­ for a through wagon road from the cently opened up on the Hilly Goat, mercial Travelers and Mining Men. Homestake and other claims at the Pacific coast to Alberta, passing summit, have already borne good through the Hope mountains, the fruit. Two weeks ago Kd. Whea- Okanagan and the Kootenays. To don located a fine dairy ranch about do this various wagon roads now in a mile east of the townsite of Cen- existence will be coupled up so as tromino, the only possible town in to make the whole one complete upper Keremeos valley. This ranch line. When finished it will be about GEO. KIRBY, lies at the foot of Green Mountain 750 miles long. Keremeos, B.C. and is bounded on the east by Ten­ The minister, when asked what MANAGER- ass creek, on the south by Kere­ object was to be served by such an meos creek and reaches as far west undertaking, expressed the opinion as the "Russell House," where Mr. that it was a desirable thing to have Wheadon will erect a substantial a trunk road across the province to log building for the accommodation connect with Alberta. Then again HUGHES & MILBURN, of mining men, hunters, tourists, it would be thought to be a model prospectors, miners, and others, tourist route, affording those who Builders and Contractors and promises a first- class table and sought to travel that way the very good beds. The I'enticton-Niekel best opportunities of seeing the Lime, Cement, Cement Blocks and Brick for sale. Plate wagon road passes through country. the location and the Apex road In connection with the scheme Plastering Masonry Painting Paper-Hanging the old picturesque Yale-Cariboo junction is only a mile further west. Estimates groan for all uid every kind of Cement Work A good part of the land is covered road along the Fraser river ii to be and Building generally. by tender bunch grass and about repaired. This road, which before Write us for prices. Distance no object. one half is timbered. the advent of the C.P.R. was the E. J. HUGHES. G. MILBURN. I have before me some ore from route by which miners and others the Kingston mine that goes two or made their way to Cariboo and other three thousand dollars to the ton. parts of the interior, is famous in This ore is a very hard and fine­ history and in story. The coming grained garnetite almost exactly the of the C.P.R., rendered the road same as that of the Billy m I commercially of little use and con ______siderable sections of it have gone Homestake, on Kiorcmu mountain. B^^H s This Kingston garnetite, however, out of repair. Whatever may be ss^sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa . . thought generally of the policv in a lot tree gold quite visible I *-\^a^—^m—^—^m^—m^^^^m Alkazar Hotel to the naked eye, a feature I have restoring it there is a band of old not noticed in Riordan mountain timers in the province who will un­ Keremeos, B. C. ore. But as depth is reached on doubtedly regard it as the right Riordan Mt. this very desirable move to put in shape the route PERCY MARKS PROPRIETOR. condition may be found in evidence. which played so important a part in The garnetite is just the same, but the history at the province. the depths are different. When the On the eastern end of the road Billy Goat or the Homestake ^cl Mr. Taylor says there is a highway down to the Kingston's depth vvill practically from Creston through the this garnetite be similarly studded Hod-lea into Alberta. Where the with free gold t I wonder. road is not completed the surveys An expert is expected in this have been made and the completion KEREMEOS MEAT MARKET month to examine the Amarath of it will not require much time. claim, better known as the "Rocky On the remaining sections advan­ tage will he taken of existing roads. Ryan." This claim adjoins the Choice Fresh Meats, King Arthur, which adjoins the Victoria Times. Apex on Independence mountain. James McNulty, K. P. Mathison It is well worth noting that Spo­ Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry,etc. and Tom Roderick are the owners, kane Kair is advertised in the and have done considerable devel­ Boundary papers but Vancouver is opment work. The ore is chiefly not; also that all gatherings, con­ FREE DELIVERY white arsenical iron carrying high ventions, etc., in Spokane extend a gold values. hearty invitation to Boundary edi­ Special contract rates to camps. There was a little error in my tors and business men to attend and history re Stray Morse mountain send reports of the conventions Orders for Cured Meats, Fish and Poultry promptly last week. It was not Jimmy Rior­ "held in the common interests of and satisfactorily filled. dan who named it Stray Horse, Inland Kmpire." If Vancouver is neither was it his horse that stray­ not soon joined to the Boundary by ed. That honor belongs to two direct rail, Spokane will have this HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. Knglish prospectors and hunters, country annexed in so far as com­ and they also staked a claim on the merce is concerned—and both cit­ mountain, and adjoining the Ram's ies vvill deserve what they get too. Horn, which Riordan had previous- Grand Forks Gazette. GEO. CAWSTON. ON DIVERS SUBJECTS. They are not fit for a coyote to trav­ :_O_SO.KXKKXXKXKJ

Last February "Collier's Week­ Rev. Geo. B. Kinney, who was ly," published in Toronto, offered a appointed at the last meeting of the prize of $100 and everlasting fame Methodist conference to the charge § Campbell'sJJlothing. g for the author of the best national of Keremeos circuit, arrived here on anthem written in English to fit the Wednesday via Penticton, and will 90 We have just received over 500 fall and winter patterns ^ music known as "O, Canada," hold his first service in the church we of Campbell's Clothing in all the latest designs and colors. ^g which vvas composed by Calixa La- next Sunday evening at 7.30. At 90 The styles are the latest from Paris and New York. 9g vallee, a French Canadian, many the meeting of Conference in May 90 If you are not satisfied with the fit and the quality of 90 years ago, and who died in 1890. Mr. Kinney, who was then station­ \0 snoods and workmanship you are under no obligation to ac- 90 There were over 350 poems sent in, ed at James Bay, Victoria, asked to 90 cept them. A well pleased customer is the best advertise- \0 coming from all over the North be left for a year without a regular \0 ment we can have. In order to assure you of a perfect fit 90 American continent, several from appointment, in order to carry out we have engaged Mr. FRED WHITMAN, a tailor of many 90 this province. According to Col­ certain plans which he had in view years' experience, to submit you the samples and take your 90 lier's: "At least three admirable and which would interfere with con­ measure. What a man knows about clothing is shown by 90 poems came from British Columbia, tinuous work at one point. But in the kind he buys. There is no money in buying a cheap 90 and it looked for a time as though view ofthe shortage of supply for "hand-me-down" suit that is perhaps shelf-worn and out ot 90 the palm would go to that far dis­ the fields to be covered the Con­ _? date. We are living in an age when appearance counts a 90 tant province." ference was unwilling to grant a full 90 great deal, and if you wear a cheap suit you will be rated as 90 The judges, Dr. Pilham Edgar, year, and it was arranged that he 90 a cheap man. Wear clothing that has a mark of refinement. 90 should have leave of absence for Dr. Kdward Broome and Mr. Hec­ J^ The field is full of competitors, but CAMPHKI.I.'S Clothing ^ three months and then come to Ker­ tor Chatlesworth, were all ofToron- ^sj takes the lead and is recognised by all good tailors as the JsJ emeos. The Superintendent of Mis­ to, and the prize was awarded to %£ best in Canada. Mr. Whitman vvill be pleased to quote you ^? sions was to have acquainted the Mrs. K. P. McCulloch of Toronto, 5c prices aud show you samples. J^ with one of the judges (Dr. Edgar) people of Keremeos vvith the ar­ dissenting. rangement, but did not do so, con- A local gentleman who competed sequentlv it was expected here that I F. RICHTER & CO. | has just received back his manu­ Mr. Kinney would have arrived script from Toronto. He was han­ sooner. dicapped by the fact that he did The appointment of a man of Mr. not know the music or the words of Kinney's standing in the ministry to "O Canada,"and had to do the best the pastorate of Keremeos is a LADIES' AND MEN'S GAME LAWS. he could with the music published gratifying recognition of the grow­ U'lll Kl \S MUM :.- ot the •K..UUC Protection in Collier's (without words) at the ing importance of the Similkameen SUITS Act. ItWH." mints it shall h,- lawful for thc time of the first notice. It is far ;is a field lor church work. Hither­ Licutcnant-iiovcruor in Con not from time to time CLEANED AND PRESSED tt> make rules and regulation... not inconsistent will, more difficult to write words to fit to the supply in this field has the provisions of thi* Aet, for |_MI|IM| --x\i the true music than to write music to lit been rather desultory. After Mr. intent and meaning thereof, and lor thc protection $1.00 .'t pMM MI tin' Province ; words. Nixon's departure about three years it is herein ordered h\ Mis Ilon.uir tlu Lieuten- Following is the poem by R. W. ago Mr. Hibbert was stationed here ant-tio.crnor. b\ .tnd with the advice of hi» Kxecu- Mending and repairing i.eatly done. ttve I'omii-il, .owl in pursuance and 1 xcrcisc ol tltc Northey of Olalla: for awhile before being appointed to powers veiled tn ||i«. Honour hy the s.tid Act, *-*- Penticton, and after him Mr. Jones Leave orders at 1 lie Big Store. folio., H, (I1.1t is to say- 0 C IMADA That the hunting, lulling or taking ot Mount.or. 0 I'.m.iJa, O vast, O I'.-u'r domain for a short time. Since Mr. lones MRS. F. J. SAUVE. Sheep in the Countien of Yale and W_*Mminster Ot MtfnM w.-alth in fount, lake .uu] plain; lett about a year ago there has been ; -hall Iv prohibited until the '1st dav of August. Wll. Ovt'r all waves tin-proud Hag ol our an.i.iit r.uc. That the disabilities as to the shooting of fanu-d and Icartsl of old, only occasional supply from outside. ol all kinds, (ni'v and Snipe, with resptvt to the rmn'lll| transplanted here, cinhlcm warn uf Mainland and the Islands adjacent thereto, shall I* ... i- an.l plriiU-ouMi.'.> untold. Mr. Kinney has spent most ol Is- t. moved from thc 1st day ot Scptcinlvr. IW. 0 v anada. 0 beauteous home! his ministerial life in the west, in to the .Nth d.n ol" February IfM, both days O land uf plenty. Ilcav n .loth bless tin store! Tinsmithing. in. h.siw. Manitoba and for the last nine 'Ti* here tlie llower of peace shall hl.Hitn eermore. llial th. Ji-sibihtus a-to lhe sh.siting of LirouM- years in British Columbia, his last of all kinds 1,000 pi I'rairi. i'hicken. with ttOpOOt O I .inada. naught ean th\ greatness hide! to Vale l>istri. t shall be removed from the 10th day Th\ heritage doth still with tilts* abide ! appointment being at Victoria, All kinds ol Sheet Metal Work in of Septcmlvr to the .-1st IHvcmhcr, Iff *% •*•'*•* -••*•*• Thy destiny, so great and grand, surt'H leads thee where he was highly esteemed for Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron, etc. inclu«i.c. on unto heights sublime ! That the dtt-ahililies M to tin- shooting v»f 1 Ver on All tkt world now looks to ther ! The> come for his aptitude and energy in church —o— th, Mainland and the Islands! homes in tin sunny northern clime. work. His field here will practi­ Is r,in.t\ed Irom the 1st day ol Septeinlvi. I***1, to O Canada; mat-nilicent ! F.AVKTNOl'l.HlNl'. A SPECIALTY. the 1Mb day ol Dcecmlvr. I^W. h.*th days inclusive. From lotcst. prairie, lake and mountain 'leaks, cally include the whole of the Plumbing. Pipe fitting and cutting. TI1.1t th-*". as lo the sale ol IKcr on tlie l.r.intl and ni.iiestic. nn_ht\ Nature spenks. Similkameen. As yet no schedule Pumps repaired. Main la ltd shall he removed from the 1st day ol O Canada, fixed as the Polar star, of servicer h;; been made out, but StptcmU 1, ftmw\ to lhe IM da. ol November, l^W. Thou hast nn to the do^'s of war: both .I.i .s IIKIUSI. t . Hut should a war be forced on thee, we can ne'er regular dates for Keremeos and A IIRVAN WILLIAMS. Now is the time to repaii Provincial Oame Warden lor^-et we are Itritons still ! lleillev vvill he fixed and announced V .oil tin Il.ii; our lathers Istre we ..ill I.u e the fol your stoves ready lot win­ with stiibls.rn Hritish will I shortly. O i .III.IJ.I, QMM "I the North ! ter. Healers of all kinds We sin_ ,.| tlu. with |iatnotic breath; relined on shortest notice. SIMILKAMEEN PQS lilts' Hell match to victory, or di.illi ' On Wednesday Constable Kwart L. O. L. No. 17 70 noticed a bush lire on Ihe Barcelo H. B. Meausette, 1 u.'-ii.u nn or before range near (lie summit, and Charlie Un' lull moon in i'.uii month The C.P.R. land office, whose [Over Keienteiis | Reid was sent np to attend lt> it. >n Keieimes Tovra H'tll advertisement of lands lor Mie in1 Visiting memberi umli.illv hnrHed. He was .ible to check it without fur­ B.C appears in another column, C. I.. Cl MMISl.s, W, M. ther assist, nice. 1). Mil 1 KIIV.K. S. has been carrying on its advertising SIMILKAMEEN campaign not only in this province ( Geo. Kraser of Chilliwack, with a butin Manitoba, Ontario and the couple of friends, stopped in Kere­ whole of the United States. From meos on Tueadajl and Wednesday SADDLERY CO. WM. DALRYMPLE. the time it started, about the first in the course of a trip through the of July, it has receiv. d and answer­ Similkameen, N'icola and other val­ ed in the neighborhoov' of 5,COO en­ leys, buying horses and spotting GENERAL BLACKSMITH. quiries relative to its holdings in land with a view to making invest- I British Columbia. The full results ments. of the campaign have not yet been The provincial forestry commis­ Your Patronage Solicited. Sat­ received, and it is expected before sion, sitting at Vernon, was asked its finality has been reached, that it by lhe municipalities of Vernon and Repairers and Makers of isfaction Guaranteed. will in all probability have received Armstrong to advise a forest reserve on Aberdeen .vatershed for the Harness, Boots and —o— in the neighborhood of 10,000 en­ benefit of the towns' water supply. Shoes, Etc. quiries and sent out probably 30,000 Mr.Fulton, speaking for the govern­ —o— Cumming's Old Stand. letters and 50,000 items of literature ment, virtually promised that the Whips, Bits, Spurs, Belts, Etc., pertaining to British Columbia. reserve would be made. kept in stock. (Korenieos Centre.)