The Keremeos Chronicle VOL. II. KEREMEOS, B. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1909. No. 26 GEO. KIRBY, LOCAL NOTES. has heen subjected has been a sev­ FIRST AT THE TOP. Notary Public. ere trial, the permanent result, if it Mrs. Forbes of Hedley is visiting REAL ESTATE, MINES. should prevent any recurrence of Rev. Mr. Kinney Reaches the Agent for : her sister, Mrs. D. J. Innis. Summit of Highest Moun­ London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. the old malady will make up for it Ocean Accident and Guarantee Co. E. P. Morgan, G.N.R. divisional all. His friends in the Similkameen tain in Canada. KKRKMKOS, B. C. superintendent, came in on a special are all very much pleased to learn Rev. Geo. B. Kinney, the newly EZRA MILLS, on Monday night and went up as ofthe favorable outcome and will appointed Methodist minister for far as Hedley, returning next day. look forward to the pleasure of Keremeos, has during his summer Contractor and Builder, meeting him in a few weeks more. Lost—On the 9th inst., between holiday achieved one of the most — Hedley Gazette. KEREMEOS, B.C. Hedley and Keremeos, a suit case. remarkable feats of exploration ever Finder will be suitably rewarded on Sir Richard Cartwright, Minister attempted it* the Canadian Rockies. MISS LOWNDES, leaving same at the CHRONICLE. of Trade and Commerce and leader For several years past Mr. Kinney has devoted his summer outings to Teaeher of Pianoforte and Accompanist Office. of the Senate, is visiting his son in (certificated Royal Colic i of Music, Lon­ mountain climbing, and two years Mrs. Ed. Coulter was the lucky Vancouver, Dr. C. Cartwright, after don) open to engagement for accompan­ ago determined to attempt the iments. Terms on application. winner of one of the 109-piece din­ taking the waters of Harrison Hot hitherto unconquerable MrMttrr 'Rob­ MEDLEY. B.C. ner sets given away each month by Springs. In pre-C.P.R. days Sir son, the highest peak in Canada. the Vancouver Miffing Co., to pur­ Richard was much abused for re­ Mount Robson is situated in the J. A. BROWN, chasers of their flour. ferring to British Columbia as a "sea of mountains," a phrase of main range of the Rockies, near the Notary Public. Miss Trauh of Edmonton agree­ CONVEYANCING. CUSTOMS BROK which he is reputed to be the author. Yellowhead Pass, and is about 14,- ably surprised her sister, Mrs. E.M. ERAGE. FIRE INSURANCE. British Columbians are not now in­ 000 feet in height. His first and Crooker, by coming in on Saturday OFFICE KFRKMKOt, B.C. clined to resent it as a term of dis­ second attempts, in 1907 and 1908, on a visit, accompanied by her paragement as they were then. were unsuccessful, but this time, JOHN KNUDSON, niece, little Miss Fernie. Miss They are rather pleased with it. after much danger and hardship, he Traub is a stenographer in the succeeded. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. government service of Alberta, and i Manitoba fruitmen have decided is now on her holidays. D •-• L - i u- cn THE ASCENT ACCOMPLISHED. Estimates Furnished. to turn to British Columbia to fill Workmanship Guaranteed. The first outbound freight from i their apple orders. J. McLean, ! The following despatch from Ed- Medley to be shipped by rail came ' manager ofthe Pioneer Fruit Com- | monton, dated the 8th inst., tells of Staffe Lines. doVvn on Saturdav, when a carload pany, has returned to Winnipeg ithis summer's successful expedition: I of concentrates and another of ore from Ontario, where he went to Afler -*-*-*** starving to death in FLIER STAG;;. wus sent through. A large quan-1 place orders for 15,000 barrels, but ,he attempt, braving dangers of an Leaves kereineos daily, except Sunday, tity of concentrates has accumulated did not place one. He states the expedition alone and unassisted at noon, arrives at Hedley 3 p.m. r Leaves Hedley daily, except Sundav, at the reduction works awaiting orchards are in bad shape and the save *~-* •*** inexperienced Ontario quality uncertain. The owners of woodsman, Mr. George B. Kinney, at 8 a.m., arrives at Keremeos 11 a.m. I shipment when the road is properly Only through connecting atage between orchards there think that anything a Methodic clergyman from Kere- Penticton Keremeos, Hedley A Princeton. opened for business. meo and D. Gll-LESPIK, Proprietor. is good enough for the west. So, * Victoria, B.C.,successfully Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Robbins, of McLean says, Winnipeg fruitmen scaled the heights ot Mount Robson KEREMEOS-HEDLEY MAIL STAGE. the Apex mine, drove over to Kair- are going to the coast to look for in Vellowhead pass, and can lay- Leaves Keremeos daily, except Sundai al 1 p.m.; connecting wilh all slages east i lew last week, returning on Mon­ supplies, claim to the distinction of being the Hiid west, arrives in Hedley at 5 p.m. day to Keremeos. Mr. Robbins first man to ascend the highest Leaves Hedley daily, except Sunday, at Two teams of horses, seized by peak in the Rock>, mountajns. Mr. 8 a.m., arrives in Keremeos al 11 a.m. went up to the mine again on Tues­ D. J. INNIS, Proprietor. day, Mrs. Robbins remaining at customs officers under very peculiar Kinney arrjved at Edmonton last circumstances, were sold at auction evenin„. and )efl for Winnipeg, KKRliMtOS PKNTKTON MAIL STA<;R. Keremeos until to-day, when she Leaves Keremeos for Penticton on Mon­ will also return in company with her at Midway last week, bringing He left this city in June and was days, Wednesdays and Fridays, at noon. brother, Mr. Dencfa. with their harness $375. Up to CAUKhl ;,, floods of Athabasca river Leaves Penticton on Tuesdays, Thurs­ two or three months ago the teams 4 j his life. He days and Saturdays at 6 a. in., arriving in and hare|y esoape w th Wm. Mattiee is putting up about Keremeos at noon. were the property of H. B. Stanton, picked (|p .,„ 0ntario youtn at the W. E. WELBY, Proprietor. 500 cans of tomatoes daily with the lumber merchant, of Molson, Wash., j entrance t0 the Yellowhead, and to- Farmers' Exchange canner. The who used them in his business, and I gether ,hey made the asa!n, tf growers are paid one cent a pound. Keremeos Directory. who had an arrangement with the j Moun, Robson. i..,M year Mr Kin. This is higher than the usual rate customs authorities under which he ney in company with Or. Coleman Board of Trade -George Kirbv, Presi­ for canning, but is warranted by dent; R. H. Carmichael, Secretary. crossed the boundary with them of the geological survey department the fact that the output is of very Similkameen Farmers' Exchange—J. J. whenever occasion required. Stan- spent 20 days on the mountain at- Aimslrong, President; \V. M. Frith, Secy. high quality, and last year com. ton, il appears, was in financial tempting the ..scent. This year he Public School Board George Kirby, in.Muled a preference in the market. Krra Mills, R. Klmhirst, Secretary. difficulties, and was indebted to made ,ne sllrnmj, in 20 hours, spend- l usionis Office- VV. M. Frith, Sub-Col­ The Princeton Board of Trade Dick Sidley of Anarchist Mountain. -n(, „ niph, 0„ ,he mountai„ side lector. has forwarded the following reso« In order to satisfy his claim Sidley 10,000 feet above sea level. His Presbyterian Church Rev. A. H. Cam­ eron, Pastor. lution tothe Minister of Agriculture: watched his opportunity and seized provisil.ns ran OM, ,he night he Const a! le and Deputv Game Warden Resolved, that the Princeton Hoard the teams when they were travelling c.,mped ol, the moi,nl;ti„ ;„„| |,„ M. B. Fw.ot of Trade, believing that this district north of 49. ln doing this he vio- ,wo wecks fa two mi.„ |jvcd on l . oner Or. M. I). McFwen. is well suited for the establishment J usi ices ofthe Peace -T. W. Coleman, lated the customs law by importing Kophcrs. They narrowly escaped I Richter. of an experimental farm in the dry horses paying duty, and >tiirv,„ion. A prospector rescued Postmaste-and Telephone Agent Geo. belt, respectfully requests that an cusioins officer Eddy seized the j ,,)em from lheir peri|ous situation, Kirby. expert, or inspector, be authorized Member of Parliament Martin Burrell, teams and sold them at auction. , Mr Kinney'8 arrival was the first Grand Forks, P. O. to visit this section and examine Stanton is now bringing suit against heard from him since he lefl alone Member Provincial Assembly—L. W. several farms eligible for the pur­ Sidley. and afoot. Great interest was cen­ Shalford, Pentictoe P. O. pose of an experimental station. tred in the Mount Robson climb in town Hall—J. J. Armstrong, Mgr. Kereineos Hall Geo. Loudon, Mgr, FOR SALE. view ofthe fact that in Auguat a Word received from L W. Shat­ well equipped expedition was sent Great Northern Ry Daily train, arrives The biggest snap in the Similka­ 10:30 i. ni., leaves at 2 p.m., H. A. Cook, ford, M.P.P., states that he had from Banff to thc north by the Grand Agent. got through his last operation and meen Valley Ranch containing Trunk Pacific railway. Whether or over 300 acres, almost all bottom Mails -Daily from the west via Hedley that everything looked favorable not this expedition lias been success- land, cutting at present about 100 Slage; from east i i.i 0, N. Ry., Tri-week­ ful in re aching the top af Mount for a successful outcome and perm­ tons of hay, can easily be made ly via Penticton Stage from the north.
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