The UAE Lobby: Subverting British Democracy?
The UAE Lobby: Subverting British democracy? Alex Delmar-Morgan David Miller ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AUTHORS Thanks to the Arab Organisation for Human Alex Delmar-Morgan Rights for its financial support for this report. is a freelance journalist in London and has written Thanks also to all those who have shared for a range of national titles information with us about or related to the UAE including The Guardian, lobby. We are indebted to a wide variety of people The Daily Telegraph, and who have shared stories and information with us, The Independent. He is the most of whom must remain nameless. We also former Qatar and Bahrain correspondent for thank Hilary Aked, Izzy Gill, Tom Griffin, Tom Mills. the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones. On a personal note, thanks to Narzanin Massoumi for her many contributions to this work. David Miller is a director of Public Interest Investigations, of which and CONFLICT OF INTEREST are projects. He STATEMENT is also Professor of Sociology at the University of Bath in No external person had any role in the study, England. From 2013-2016 design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of he was RCUK Global Uncertainties Leadership data, or writing of the report. For the transparency Fellow leading a project on Understanding and policy of Public Interest Investigations and a list of explaining terrorism expertise in practice. grants received see: index.php/about/funding Recent publications include: • The Quilliam Foundation: How ‘counter- PUBLIC INTEREST extremism’ works, (co-author, Public interest INVESTIGATIONS Investigations, 2018); • Islamophobia in Europe: counter-extremism Public Interest Investigations (PII) is an policies and the counterjihad movement, independent non-profit making organisation.
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