INTERCITY BATTLES Ne*- 'Iv« Ft***" FO* Commercial Frenzy

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INTERCITY BATTLES Ne*- 'Iv« Ft*** (Otirntlt. lVlt. by IXtruUtuI SANDLOT. Outdoor Sports T CwrlM.) MERE COIN HAS BUILT UP RICHMOND'S BOTH NEW YORK OUTFITS ASSOCIATION DESIRES TWO tOCKS By DAVIS J'* WALSH. CLAftCMU- t HlkwaNT HIS ¦*»«-' NEW YORK, Aug. If either or both of the St. Louis entries M«TJE WmoK f»/W SoT A (M- H«r»- *©»-C ¦hould head the Giants or Yankees at the end of the major league /V»«- M«*« - ** it will be a of conservative building over f»*A. ^OOfc M«u CA4X5. A pennant races, triumph INTERCITY BATTLES ne*- 'iv« ft***" FO* commercial frenzy. The St. Louis clube have cost their respective owners nothtag in P* BRYAN MORSE. <fOCCT- NtCKMf"^ the Giants and By V _ beyond a few heartaches in former years; ? > particular Richmond is keen on taking up an intercity championship baseball ,s*Y »r . Yankees are an ensemble of baseball donnas, almost prohibi¬ ¦tries between winners of the Washington ami Richmond titles. N*S"~ prima M. the want to start Wt H»VC tive in price. Through Secretary P. Edwards, Virginians NO Consider ttas present Giant rotter, negotiations for the resumption of the games which proved so popular _ beveral years ago, and succeeded, among other thinn, in uncovering tor example. Heinle Oroh la sup¬ Joe Boehling and other big league stars. Richmond has eight base¬ posed to have separated his owners Hare's First Chirp of ball leagues in. operation, is just about to start an elimination series, from a mere matter of $1*0.000; Ban¬ and wants action in getting a line on the possibilities of a resumption m\»i croft. $76,000; Meusel 160.000; Nehf Football of amateur baseball relations. and Shlonsrs, $40,000 each, and To- Coming ' V> e I1MKIH nave1 riKiu iitjiiiiaui ney, Douglas. Snyder and others Winners and will start a play-off' Campaign after August 12." writes Secretary well above $10,000 «ach. The Marine football eleven, Edward:* Perfectly Plain Why Ross Young; In right Held; George of Annapolis* today issued a "We desire to make tentative plans Kelly, first baseman; Bill Ryan, the challenge to all first class for a championship team to enter So at Earl catcher, and teams of the District for open f ln*an lnter-clty series of games. It Many Try pitcher; Smith, dates after Oct. 1. The Mo- 1*. the desire of the Amateur Base- v Frank. Frisch. in tbe Infield, alone hawk seniors, the Rex A. C. ill, Commission of Richmond to pro¬ "Channel" are developments of tbe safe and the bust- and the Knickerbockers are as far as possible with sane policy of arrangement."* It now conies oat that all the especially challenged. The in Richmond is The Marines are willing to situation swimmers who will try to swim see P. somewhat like that in this city as the Channel this month The Yankees? Kindly J. play either at home or away. baseball Is concern¬ English A without G. tMr as organized are not doing it for the exer- Morgan Company delay. Virgil Jones, ed. Washington has eight leagues Babe Ruth oeot more than $125,MO MarineCorporal Barracks, Annapolis. their and dse. A priZe of $5,000 has Just concluding scheduled been offered by the London before the prire of major league Md., is acting as manager ana Starting league series. Kveti wishes to hoar from all teams At the conclusion of the play- Sketch for the first winner to chattels got oat of focus. schedolea. offs winning teams will be nomina¬ duplicate Capt. Webb's note¬ before then Frank Baker wont un¬ ¦desiring to arrange ted for the league post-season series worthy swim between Dover der the hammer for $S0,0M, while to determine the District Baseball f was bought for $44.04* set Even more recently Whites' Witt ea- and Calais. It will be worth later. from Philadelphia at a ooet of Association champion. every penny of it. years raped the time of the conclusion ______ $10,000 .{About call the attention of at the post-season series It is likely; 6pro_i^o rHC CMiw (H50OJ*" There Is no such thing as- esti¬ Next we will of the He Boosts Rookie. the class to the 8t. Louis Browne the winner independent aoovt-ra^-pm aj-. fk> «*srs_ mating what Bchang, Hoyt. Jones, the bee* hand- championship series will be declar- Miller Huggins boosts Manly McNally and Shocker, one of right 9v NA4<TM H«y 4-AvuFOCW Scott. Bush, pre in baseball. wee a gift from the Llewellyn, the yoyng college pitcher former Red Sox cost t^e Tankees, a fine catcher, >WT- yvKDOrO irOR^A JTUlf^ In trades where Yankees: Severeid. wnt to Buffalo for seasoning. The because they figured came from the American Assoc!* . It Is logical to assume that the was kept as up of Tankee manager believes SffSV/«JOr Ar f+C GOC*~- the cash consideration Ition at the usual rate of exr bangs; Winner the Independent aeries Llewellyn dark as Kid Norfolk's countenance. in the Kara* will challenge the winner of the will become a regular next year. Staler, greatest player league series foi* the District of today, was aecured from Michigan Columbia sandlot championship. University for the coot of a free 'Developments along this line are lunch; McManue and Gerber are Awaited with considerable inter¬ minor league purohaaee of slight GRIFFMEN END BURLESQUE amount; Kllerbe came in a trade with as several factors enter audi act, LOOKING 'EM OVER Washington, and Williams and Jaoefc- as to make it I a series unusually eon, outfielders, were Inexpensive ^tractive. - - - A. Prultt, great young * WlfH CLEVELAND By LOUIS DOUGHER minor leaguers. V SERIES col¬ -Jn the meantime. RichmonJ Is left hander, was an Inexpensive Saving a red-hot, hang up season, 1 By FRANCIS J. POWERS. legia n. ^o4, from reportfi, has staged sine* James from between Its class A teams CLEVELAND, Aug. 2..A few years Bagby, BRANCH RICKEY'S GOOD IDEA Of the entire outfit. Johnny ^Smes was a on American League lots, but hi# glory a Federal Which drew 4,000 paid admissions. Georgia, quite pitcher BRANCH RICKEY, once manager of the St. Louis Browns, and Tobin, baring been men want to this season his has been pitching ooet a round sum The Richmond has faded and principal occupation now and of the St. Louis Cardinals, was League star, good van be made MICHIGAN CITY GETS IT in So Milan thonght president manager of the rather frantic bid know Just what plans to Tris Speaker's maulers batting practice. Clyde the other as favoring a rule preventing all deals be- because to entertain an Intercity series be¬ learn by the public prints that Jack Dempsey and Bill Bren- the was a bit affected by the heat yesterday quoted day has ding that prevailed at the time, and winner* Cleveland manager tween league dubs in the same circuit once the curtain the left-hander, le tween organized baseball nan are to meet AGAIN, This time it's Michigan City that' when he sent the veteran "Sarge" out to pitfh the concluding game major He believes that the crabs have plenty Dave Danforth, and are awaiting the decision of WEgets.well, anyway, tr«.t the match. ascended on the pennant race. te have come from Ce District relative to they of the series. time to themselves from October to April, and that supposedfor a consideration well the association WET matches in M arm cotton and of strengthen ItimlMie a. proposal. They'll buy ichigan City. But Bagby took his creaking out qf Us wrapper | should be compelled to do so. He says that onc^ the rape is above W.IH. The matter will probably be taken Out there they think that Gloria Swanson is a Salvation Army slapped the Griffs in the face with a 17-to^ defeat. It was awful, they club should be compelled to go along with those It was a under way every Up at a meeting of the District no matter from what side one viewed the slaughter. slavers thought worthy at that time. Carde were assembled at a Baseball Association, which will be "iney have completed the full' and fans will recall what that The card for the* typical Bagby game, Washington The present rule is that July financial outlay similar in propor¬ held shortly. big fight night. means. A flood of hits that count for nothing, sandwiched In be¬ 31 is the final day $or all trades when this discontent tions. Flack was secured from tbs Prom Information furnished by Here it is, and all: under and call work. numbering Cube In a "hose and boss" trade In the Richmond secretary. Takola. prflims tween towering flies that outfielders camp day's or sales between clubs in the will break out into one beautiful FOUR ROUNDS.Jimmy Kel¬ Stars The Griffs for fourteen hits and more than half were which CUff Heathcote also figured. which played here In an Inter-city vs. Plate of Big League banned Bagby major circuits. boycott. Then, good-by, profes¬ Jack Smith cost less than $1,000; the Series five years ago, is leading in ly Spaghetti. Who) Wasted. Griffith asked last sea¬ FOUR ROUNDS.Jack John¬ « Clark C. sional baseball! great leee than tl.SOO; Muel¬ the Commercial League. Lucky At the the Milan atep or deals be Horneby son vs. A. Fried Chicken. Are Scrapping for atari horde 1 son that no trades ler was picked up merely as a prom¬ are Strike and Herbert Tarryton out and ticketed two runa. Bror after 1.
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