February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S979 rights of vulnerable populations, in- Portman Sasse Tillis the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- Risch Scott (FL) Toomey cluding opposing voting rights and BUCHAR), the Senator from Vermont Roberts Scott (SC) Wicker LGBTQ rights and supporting an un- Romney Shelby Young (Mr. SANDERS), the Senator from New constitutional law mandating uni- Rounds Sullivan Mexico (Mr. UDALL), and the Senator versal drug testing for food stamp ap- Rubio Thune from Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) are plicants, which the 11th Circuit slapped NAYS—43 necessarily absent. down as stripping away peoples’ pri- Baldwin Hassan Rosen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there vacy simply because they are poor. Blumenthal Heinrich Schatz any other Senators in the Chamber de- Brasher is opposed by literally hun- Booker Hirono Schumer siring to vote or change their vote? Brown Jones Shaheen The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 52, dreds of civil and human rights groups Cantwell Kaine Sinema who represent millions of Americans. Cardin King Smith nays 41, as follows: They all are afraid that with this ele- Carper Leahy Stabenow [Rollcall Vote No. 37 Ex.] Casey Manchin Tester vation, he will continue to be a Coons Markey YEAS—52 Udall rubberstamp for the President’s radical Cortez Masto Menendez Alexander Fischer Van Hollen Portman Duckworth Merkley Barrasso Gardner agenda and negatively impact 37 mil- Warner Risch Durbin Murphy Blackburn Grassley lion residents of Alabama, Florida and Whitehouse Roberts Feinstein Murray Blunt Hawley Georgia—States that have often been Wyden Romney Gillibrand Peters Boozman Hoeven Rounds on the frontlines of systemic voter dis- Harris Reed Braun Hyde-Smith Rubio Burr Inhofe enfranchisement for years. NOT VOTING—5 Sasse Capito Johnson Scott (FL) For these reasons, I will oppose the Bennet Klobuchar Warren Cassidy Kennedy Scott (SC) nomination of Andrew Brasher. We all Graham Sanders Collins Lankford Shelby must commit to considering each Cornyn Lee The nomination was confirmed. Sullivan nominee carefully and on his or her in- Cotton Loeffler The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cramer McConnell Thune dividual merit. I hope this body can re- the previous order, the motion to re- Crapo McSally Toomey Warner verse course and return to its historic consider is considered made and laid Cruz Moran roots: tackling our Nation’s most seri- Daines Murkowski Wicker upon the table, and the President will Young ous problems in a bipartisan way, dis- Enzi Paul be immediately notified of the Senate’s Ernst Perdue playing comity even when we disagree, action. and treating our unique role in approv- NAYS—41 ing lifetime judgeships with the seri- f Baldwin Harris Peters ousness of purpose required by the Con- CLOTURE MOTION Blumenthal Hassan Reed Booker Heinrich Rosen stitution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Brown Hirono Schatz to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Cantwell Jones Schumer f Cardin Kaine Senate the pending cloture motion, Shaheen Carper King Sinema EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued which the clerk will state. Casey Leahy Smith Coons Manchin The senior assistant legislative clerk Stabenow The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cortez Masto Markey read as follows: Tester Duckworth Menendez the previous order, all postcloture time Van Hollen CLOTURE MOTION Durbin Merkley has expired. Whitehouse We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Feinstein Murphy The question is, Will the Senate ad- Wyden ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Gillibrand Murray vise and consent to the Brasher nomi- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby NOT VOTING—7 nation? move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Mr. SASSE. I ask for the yeas and Bennet Sanders Warren nation of Joshua M. Kindred, of Alaska, to Graham Tillis nays. be United States District Judge for the Dis- Klobuchar Udall trict of Alaska. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this sufficient second? Mitch McConnell, Cindy Hyde-Smith, , , , vote, the yeas are 52, the nays are 41. There appears to be a sufficient sec- The motion is agreed to. ond. Mike Rounds, , , , , f The clerk will call the roll. , , The senior assistant bill clerk called , David Perdue, James E. CLOTURE MOTION the roll. Risch, , Roger F. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Wicker. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the necessarily absent: the Senator from Mr. DAINES. Madam President, I ask Senate the pending cloture motion, South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM). unanimous consent that the votes in which the clerk will state. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the this series be 10 minutes in length. The bill clerk read as follows: Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there CLOTURE MOTION the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- objection? We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- BUCHAR), the Senator from Vermont Without objection, it is so ordered. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the (Mr. SANDERS), and the Senator from By unanimous consent, the manda- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) are nec- tory quorum call has been waived. move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- essarily absent. The question is, Is it the sense of the nation of Matthew Thomas Schelp, of Mis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Senate that debate on the nomination souri, to be United States District Judge for any other Senators in the Chamber de- of Joshua M. Kindred, of Alaska, to be the Eastern District of Missouri. siring to vote? Mitch McConnell, Cindy Hyde-Smith, United States District Judge for the Thom Tillis, John Thune, Mike Crapo, The result was announced—yeas 52, District of Alaska, shall be brought to Mike Rounds, Steve Daines, Kevin nays 43, as follows: a close? Cramer, Richard Burr, John Cornyn, [Rollcall Vote No. 36 Ex.] The yeas and nays are mandatory Shelley Moore Capito, Todd Young, YEAS—52 under the rule. John Boozman, David Perdue, James E. The clerk will call the roll. Risch, Lindsey Graham, Roger F. Alexander Cramer Inhofe Wicker. Barrasso Crapo Johnson The senior assistant legislative clerk Blackburn Cruz Kennedy called the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Blunt Daines Lankford Mr. THUNE. The following Senators BLACKBURN). By unanimous consent, Boozman Enzi Lee Braun Ernst Loeffler are necessarily absent: the Senator the mandatory quorum call has been Burr Fischer McConnell from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) and waived. Capito Gardner McSally the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. The question is, Is it the sense of the Cassidy Grassley Moran TILLIS). Senate that debate on the nomination Collins Hawley Murkowski Cornyn Hoeven Paul Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the of Matthew Thomas Schelp, of Mis- Cotton Hyde-Smith Perdue Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), souri, to be United States District

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