Hooker on Divinization: Our Participation of Christ*
Hooker on Divinization: our participation of Christ* David Neelands Trinity College, Toronto ABSTRACT: Richard Hooker took very seriously the significance of glorification in his account of Justification and Sanctification. In this he was, like some other Reformation figures, informed by the Patristic notion of theosis or divinization. Theosis also links Hooker’s account of God’s grace with his Christology. To ignore this aspect of his account of engraced human existence is to miss his use of the logic of theosis to confirm the anti- Pelagianism of the Reformation. Glorification For Richard Hooker, glorification is intimately tied to his account of Justification and to the sanctification that inevitably accompanies it. The connection, through the faith that is required as much for glorification as for justification, is described in one of the earliest of Hooker’s compositions: because the last of the graces of God doth so follow the first, that he glorifieth none, but whom he hath justified, nor justifieth any, but whom he hath called to a true, effectual, and lively faith in Christ Jesus, therefore S. Jude exhorting us to build our selves, mentioneth here expresly only faith, as the thing wherein we must be edified; for that faith is the ground and the glorie of all the welfare of this building.1 When Hooker came to write on justification, the surprising Reformation topos for his defence for the controversial view that many of our ancestors /138/ who lived and died in papist errors where nevertheless participants in God’s salvation, he offered a scholastic overview of God’s work of grace in the redeemed, work that includes both sanctification and glorification, as well as justification: * Published in From Logos to Christos: Essays on Christology in Honour of Joanne McWilliam, ed.
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