Uni of Surrey Access Agreement 2016

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Uni of Surrey Access Agreement 2016 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018/19 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018/19 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018-19 1. Introduction and Context Setting ..................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3 Benchmarks............................................................................................................................. 3 Student Profile- Longer Term Trends ....................................................................................... 4 Fee Limits and Fee Income above £6,165 ............................................................................... 4 2. Access and Student Success Measures ......................................................................................... 4 Expenditure on Additional Access Measures ........................................................................... 4 Financial Support for Students ................................................................................................. 5 Approach to Widening Access Activity ..................................................................................... 6 Core Access Initiatives .......................................................................................................... 11 Access Activity for Students with Individual Circumstances ................................................... 13 New Access Initiatives ........................................................................................................... 17 Significant Partnerships with Schools .................................................................................... 19 Collaborative Measures ......................................................................................................... 21 3. Supporting Progression and Success ........................................................................................... 23 3.1 Library and Learning Support ................................................................................................ 25 Careers and Employability ..................................................................................................... 28 Students with Mental Health Problems .................................................................................. 30 4. Target and Milestones .................................................................................................................. 32 5. Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements ..................................................................................... 33 6. Equality and Diversity ................................................................................................................... 34 7. Provision of Information to Prospective Students .......................................................................... 36 8. Consulting with Students and the Student Voice ........................................................................... 36 2 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018/19 1. Introduction and Context Setting Introduction The University of Surrey is a research intensive University that has, and continues to make, a significant and increasing investment in the Widening Participation (WP) agenda. It is also a University that has one of the highest student employability records in the sector and aims to offer a high quality education and student experience to all its students. The University of Surrey is situated in one of the most expensive areas in England to work and study; as such its Access Agreement ensures that financial aspects of studying at Surrey do not deter any student that has the potential and ability to succeed at the University. The University has significant involvement in raising the aspiration and attainment of young people under-represented in higher education and, through its core WP and Outreach programme, provides a range of on and off campus interventions. Our aim is to minimise barriers and support progression and participation for those who are capable of benefitting from the experience. We aim to provide a high quality, focussed approach to WP and Outreach activity to ensure that students from any background are able to access the University and do not face any barriers to progression. The Widening Participation and Outreach Department (WP and Outreach) has overarching responsibility for delivery of the University WP and Outreach Strategy. The WP and Outreach Department is located within the Division of the Vice Provost Education and Students, who is responsible for learning and teaching, quality enhancement and the student experience. The division includes departments such as Library and Learning Support, Student Services, the Wellbeing Centre and the Employability and Careers Centre, which is complementary in enabling a joined up and holistic approach to WP that is focused on supporting students from under-represented groups with their access to, success within, and progression from the University. The University has an established Learning and Teaching Committee (ULTC) and a subcommittee committed to ensuring that improvements in WP and Outreach are delivered and constantly monitored. Benchmarks Participation of under-represented Groups 14/15 15/16 (Young Full Time 1st Degree) Surrey Location Surrey Location Score Benchmark Score Benchmark Low Participation Area(Polar 3 definition) 7.3 7.3 8 7.5 NS-SEC Classes 4, 5, 6 & 7 28.6 28.0 30.1 n/a State Schools 91.9 84.8 92.1 86.4 3 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018/19 The NS SEC 4-7 (HESA T1A) KPI has increased from 28.6% in 2014/15 to 30.1%, which is an Increase of 1.5%. As the NS-SEC Classes section has been removed from the HESA Performance Indicators for the 2015/16 data, we do not have a location benchmark. The State School entrants KPI (HESA T1a) has increased to 91.9% in 2014/15 to 92.1% in 2015/16 which remains significantly above the HESA location benchmark of 86.4% The Lower Participation Area KPI has increased by 0.7% from 2014/15 to 8 % and now exceeds the HESA location benchmark of 7.5% (POLAR3 definition). The University is considering an alternative measure to replace the NS-SEC going forward and intends to include a measure related to students from low income households or students who are first in their generation to attend University. LPN will also continue to be a key focus for our Access Initiatives. The proportion of White British students from low socio-economic status groups who enrol at the University is currently 6%, which is above the national average of 5.4%. Student Profile- Longer Term Trends Our overall student profiles over the last 4 years have shown the following trends: Our proportion of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students have increased from 37% in 2014/15 to 39% in 2016/17 Our disabled student cohorts have increased slightly from 7% in 2014/15 to 8% in 2016/17 Our student progression has increased from 83% in 2013/14 to 85% in 2016/17. Our mature student cohort had remained stable at 21% in 2014/15 and 2015/16 but has decreased to 16% in 2016/17. Although this decline is concurrent with national trends, we are currently exploring how to extend our Access support for mature learners through a variety of new initiatives, including the introduction of a Foundation Year programme for 2018/19. Fee Limits and Fee Income above £6,165 The University currently intends to charge tuition fees of £9,250 in 2018-19 for all new first year entrants. The University intends to charge the £1,850 for students on the Professional Training year in 2018- 19 and £1,385 for students undertaking a full year Erasmus exchange in 2018-19. Although the University does not run part-time undergraduate programmes, based on the £9,250 fee, we charge £1,115 per 15 credits for students repeating on a part time basis. The University will apply annual increases in the fee rates in line with inflation as set by Government each year, in order to maintain the same value in real terms. Please refer to the attached Access Agreement 2018-19 Resource Plan for further information on fees, student numbers and fee income. 2. Access and Student Success Measures Expenditure on Additional Access Measures 4 University of Surrey Access Agreement 2018/19 The University intends to spend 25% of the fee above £6,165, on Access, Progression, Success, bursaries and scholarships in 2018/19. The University is committed to extending its outreach and retention activities and intends to continue to significantly increase its expenditure on Access, Student Success and Progression. The University is expanding its expenditure on these areas from £700,000 in 2014/15 to £5.5m in 2021/22. Expenditure on Access activities will increase to £2.5m in 2021/22, to reflect the scope and in depth nature of these initiatives. The University will also develop more targeted support to WP students to improve Student Success and Progression through increasing investment to £3m in 2021/22. Financial Support for Students Surrey Bursary Scheme All new first year entrants to all full-time undergraduate programmes in 2018-19 who have a household income of £25,000 or less and who are in POLAR postcodes, quintiles 1 and 2 will receive an award to the value of £3,000. Students living in University accommodation will receive the award as a discount on the cost of accommodation in their first year of study. Students
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