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DDWLEM /Iz—The Saga: Creation / 2 IZ—THE SAGA: CREATION By DDWLEM [email protected] Lucille E. Mayton and D. Duayne Whitehurst Sandy and Duayne DDWLEM /Iz—The Saga: Creation / 3 Synopsis of Iz – The Saga: Creation Long before Vikings ruled the seas and Olmecs carved colossal heads, when Akrotiri thrived as an Aegean trading center and mystical powers of Stonehenge healed the sick, an advanced society on the opposite side of our galaxy was attacked by a deadly virus. The victims, inhabitants of planet Authair (pronounced ‘out there’) live on the Olympya hemisphere facing their sun, Olym, as it shines without ceasing. The planet revolves on its axis like a Ferris Wheel between two suns, the other sun, Valym, shines continuously on the Valympyon hemisphere from where the virus is secretly being created. Olympyon and Valympyon cultures, developed a sophisticated society calling themselves raptans as they evolved from reptiles. Each individual sports a family identifying tattoo that runs up the back of the head allowing the green hue of skin to set off the artfully crafted black image. The story opens as Ursula von Menglebort is waiting to hear the update of casualties a virus has inflicted on her enemies; the virus she’s developed to annihilate the Olympyon culture. For those who escape the pandemic, she’s developed genetically modified orphans and is currently running beta tests to determine if the lethal enzyme they possess produces the intended death blow. Dr. Ponce Heidon of Olympya is directing the effort to develop a vaccine against this pandemic. His researchers are harassed by protestors who believe the virus originated in his laboratories. The protests threaten the scientist’s progress and safety. As Olympyons die from the virus, news about an explosion of a Valympyon government building grabs Ponce’s attention. Chico Quwattle, a plant geneticist in Valympya, having left a job interview with Dr. Ursula von Menglebort unaware of the virologist’s depraved inventions, finds an injured cat on her way home and protects it inside her jacket. As she passes the state compound, the explosion blasts her through the air to unconsciousness. The only person seen on surveillance cameras approaching the building before the explosion is Chico. Ponce, a close friend of Chico’s deceased father, learns of her circumstance. He fears the dictator of Valympya would like nothing more than find a reason to torture and kill the daughter of his deceased nemesis. Ponce plans her escape to Olympya. Disguised as an old man and supplied with a powerful weapon Chico makes her getaway from Valympya with Sequence, the cat. During her flight through the Equapyon Mountains she destroys a spy drone, narrowly misses death in an undercurrent of rapids and almost perishes as a daredevil pilot flies her through caverns grazing mammoth crystals. Chico arrives to Ponce’s relief, but her misfortune. She learns she’d been poisoned by mud ants whose venom rotted the flesh of her right arm. During the prosthesis operation, a spy assigned to the trauma center discovers her patient, CQ Maize, is the fugitive wanted by the Valympyon government. Cimi Nuja, an Olympyon technology geek and mathematical genius, designs two weapons concealed in Chico’s prosthesis. Leaving the hospital Chico joins Ponce’s genetics team, harboring the torment of her compromised position. Sequence escapes his keeper searching for Chico and enters Dorf Tzeus, Chief of Genetics, laboratory. When Dr. Tzeus trips on Sequence who bites his calf causing him to fall pulling down shelves of vials with live cultures, a pulsating blob materializes. It develops into an unknown species displaying superior intelligence, glialpathic ability and a charming personality deserving of the name Izzy. DDWLEM /Iz—The Saga: Creation / 4 The Valympyon spy reports her findings about Chico Quwattle to General Gore Andriol, a schizophrenic who hides his alter ego, Buster, a toy rabbityle inside the sleeve of his uniform and schemes to replace his superior, Mumba Zola, as dictator of Valympya. He blackmails Chico by holding her mother, aunt, and brother hostage, threatening to kill them unless she spies for him supplying information about Ponce Heidon’s research facility. Skeptical of the new species’ intelligence, Director Heidon, asks him to derive the Schrodinger Wave Equation and shocked by his ability and witty personality falls in love with Izzy as have the other scientists who are keeping his presence a secret from the outside world. It isn’t until the protestors invade the research lab, that Izzy is discovered. During the break-in of PHI the protesters threaten the lives of Izzy’s friends. Unaware of his power, Izzy emits a sound so formidable it paralyzes everyone within hearing. When paralysis wears off the protestors flee fearing another attack from a monster created at the PHI. Ponce immediately enlists the help of Kurl Tszargon, a noted astronomer, to steal the government’s spacecraft Graviton 1, and take his researchers along with Izzy to another planet to develop the vaccine. Kurl formulates a journey to take them back in time so they’ll have five years on MBG21, Earth, to complete their research and return home having been gone only one Authairian day. As Ponce’s team load their supplies onto Graviton 1 they’re attacked again by General Gore and his troops disguised as Pink Peace Power members. Chico saves Cimi’s life using one of her prosthetic weapons and Izzy’s power saves the day, devastating the enemy and protecting his friends. Creation ends as the crew of Graviton 1, including Izzy, cheer their successful take-off unaware that soon the Valympyons will be in pursuit. Creation comprises 93,942 words that include a 6,000-word dictionary and 1500-word bibliography. We use italics to indicate a character’s thoughts so not to confuse Authairians who may communicate by glialpathing or speaking directly. This is a work of fiction. Any reference to characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. IZ—THE SAGA: CREATION by D. Duayne Whitehurst and Lucille E. Mayton, who write under the shared pseudonym DDWLEM. Copyright © 2019 by DDWLEM, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system either in existence or yet to be created without the prior written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Edited by Teresa TL Bruce Cover image of fictional characters Ursula von Menglebort and Izzy by Chalice Mitchell Cover composite by Tim Whitehurst Contact DDWLEM, LLC: Business email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Website: YouTube: ISBN 978-0-9913183-0-8 DDWLEM /Iz—The Saga: Creation / 6 Dedication To scientists around the world who produce lifesaving research while encountering obstacles created by naysayers, misinterpretation of their research, and threats to their lives. Ours is a better world because of these dedicated researchers who resist bribery, coercion, and political adversity. Acknowledgments Teresa TL Bruce, our mighty raptan. Her editorial expertise is as powerful as Izzy’s weapon. She held firm to Iz’s original content while meticulously scanning for inconsistencies and errors. Through thoughtful question after question, Teresa took us deep into character building. We are forever grateful for her patience, humor, and dedication. Patricia Charpentier, multi-award-winning author and lecturer. She rescues many writers and threw us the TL Bruce lifeline while offering advice and encouragement. Friends and family who took time from their busy lives to review earlier versions of Iz and answer a questionnaire with written comments. Those were invaluable contributions. Kudos to The Open University of the United Kingdom, which made it possible for Sandy to improve her writing skills as Duayne’s consulting work took them frequently to Denmark. Before launching into Creation, she took advantage of the Open University’s flexible schedule and distance learning by completing a free course in writing fiction. Contents Dedication ........................................................................................................................... 6 Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... 7 Contents .............................................................................................................................. 8 In Another Time and Place ............................................................................................... 11 1 Evil’s Origin................................................................................................................... 12 2 Assignment .................................................................................................................... 20 3 Interview ........................................................................................................................ 32 4 Explosion ......................................................................................................................