[email protected] Lucille E. Mayton and D. Duayne Whitehurst Sandy and Duayne DDWLEM /Iz—The Saga: Creation / 3 Synopsis of Iz – The Saga: Creation Long before Vikings ruled the seas and Olmecs carved colossal heads, when Akrotiri thrived as an Aegean trading center and mystical powers of Stonehenge healed the sick, an advanced society on the opposite side of our galaxy was attacked by a deadly virus. The victims, inhabitants of planet Authair (pronounced ‘out there’) live on the Olympya hemisphere facing their sun, Olym, as it shines without ceasing. The planet revolves on its axis like a Ferris Wheel between two suns, the other sun, Valym, shines continuously on the Valympyon hemisphere from where the virus is secretly being created. Olympyon and Valympyon cultures, developed a sophisticated society calling themselves raptans as they evolved from reptiles. Each individual sports a family identifying tattoo that runs up the back of the head allowing the green hue of skin to set off the artfully crafted black image. The story opens as Ursula von Menglebort is waiting to hear the update of casualties a virus has inflicted on her enemies; the virus she’s developed to annihilate the Olympyon culture. For those who escape the pandemic, she’s developed genetically modified orphans and is currently running beta tests to determine if the lethal enzyme they possess produces the intended death blow. Dr. Ponce Heidon of Olympya is directing the effort to develop a vaccine against this pandemic. His researchers are harassed by protestors who believe the virus originated in his laboratories.