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Notice of the Parish Council Meeting to Be Held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6 April 2021 via Zoom.

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To: All members of Markfield Parish Council You are summoned to attend the meeting above to deal with the business as stated of the Agenda below.

1. Chairman’s Announcements 2. To consider and approve apologies for absence. 3. Declaration of Interests; pecuniary or non-pecuniary – to receive disclosures form Members and the nature of those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda. 4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Full Parish Council held on 2 March 2021 - (to be signed by the Chairman) (attached) 5. Further to the Council meeting held on 2 March 2021, representatives of Marrons Planning to give a presentation on its proposals for a development of 90 houses off Ashby Road, Markfield (minute 11 refers) 6. Public Participation – Members of the Public can raise questions concerning items on the agenda (15 minutes)

7. County Councillor’s report. 8. Borough Councillors’ reports. 9. Police Liaison Report 10. Financial Report – To approve income and expenditure for the period 2 March to 31 March 2021 and to note its effect on the Council’s balances and reserves (Appendix 1) To Follow 11. Markfield Little Wombles – To consider the request for the provision of red refuse bags at a cost of £100 for 800 bags (Appendix 2) 12. Cemetery Matters (a) to consider the report on the work undertaken in connection with the cemetery records (Appendix 3) (b) to consider the Tree Survey Report and its recommendations with a view to implementation (Appendix 4) (c) to consider memorial applications received from Lee Cooper Funerals and W.W. Busby & Sons Limited (Appendix 5) 13. Planning Applications – To consider the following planning applications received with a view to providing a response to the Local Planning Authority (i) Single Storey Extension (side extension), 51 The Green, Markfield- 21/00293/HOU | Single storey extension side extension | 51 The Green Markfield LE67 9WD ( 14. Bagworth, Thornton and Neighbourhood Plan – To consider the draft plan with a view to making any pre-submission comments. The Plan can be viewed at 15. To consider the proposals of South Charnwood High School to provide a multi-purpose sports hall (Appendix 6) 16. Parish Council website – To approve the redesign of the Parish Council website at a cost of £275 to ensure that the website complies with the Website Accessibility Regulations 2020. 17. Clerk’s Report – To consider the report and recommendations of the Clerk in connection with purchasing of equipment, staffing and recruitment (Appendix 7) 18. Date of the next Parish Meeting – 11 May 2021

RECOMMENDED that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business as it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A (as amended by The Local Government Act (Access to Information)(Variation) Order 1992, paragraph 9 and 11.

19. Markfield Community Centre – Further to Minute 6, the Vice Chairman to advise on the outcome of her recent meeting with Borough Council.

L Davies

Lorraine Davies Clerk