Bagworth & Thornton Parish Council Serving the people of Bagworth, Merry Lees and Thornton Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held at Bagworth Community Centre Monday 2nd December 2019

Present: Chair Cllr R. George, Cllr C. Allen, Cllr S. Callis, Cllr C. Dewdney, Cllr D. Hill, Cllr C. Harris, Cllr S. Malcherczyk, Cllr G. Whittingham Proper Officer: A. Murray 1 x Members of the Public

19/0226. To receive written report from Borough Councillor – Written report attached at Annex A. Cllr’s Boothby and O’Shea gave their report prior to the meeting due to other commitments. The 19 Lamp Posts at The Retreat Farm, Whittingham Lane, Thornton, which were recently subjected to a planning objection have been changed to soft yellow bulbs in an attempt to lessen the glare. The industrial waste fly-tipped on Heath Road, Bagworth has been reported to the Environment Agency for action. Cllr O’Shea is to arrange meeting between the Parish Council and the Planning Department at H&BBC.

19/0227. The parish Council meeting commenced at 8.10pm.

19/0228. To receive written report from County Councillor. Written report attached at Annex B. Cllr Bedford is to be asked to arrange for a representative of the Police and LCC Highways to attend the next Parish Council meeting scheduled for Monday 6th January 2020

19/0229. Questions from Members of the Public – A Thornton resident expressed their despair at the continued number of LGV vehicles travelling through Thornton, especially at the Bagworth Lane, Stanton Lane end of the village. The resident had been informed by the Police that it was not a police matter but LCC Highways, under the terms of an SLA, LCC pays the Constabulary an annual sum for the provision of weight restriction enforcement. Concern was again raised regarding vehicles travelling along footpaths at speed to avoid congestion.

19/0230. Proposal to move agenda Item 16 – LGV Traffic- to item 4 on the agenda due to the interest of a member of the public present. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Dewdney and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0231. LGV Traffic – Concern was expressed by all Members regarding the increase in traffic violations in both villages and the damage to properties. There seems to be some confusion at LCC regarding who is responsible for violations due to inadequate signage

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during road works. Consultation with LCC Highways and Police to be carried out to improve signage for both villages, containing height, weight and length restrictions, and correct signage during road works.

19/0232. Apologies for Absence – All present.

19/0233. To receive declarations of pecuniary interest from Members on matters pertaining to the agenda. – None received.

19/0234. Resolution to receive and approve requests for dispensation from Members on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest –None received.

19/0235. Planning Issues a. 19/01232/HOU – remodelling of existing dwelling – 301 Main Street, Thornton – No objection b. 19/01284/TPO – remove large branches from ash tree – St Peters Church, Thornton – No objection c. 19/01252/GDOT – installation of 15m monopole mast – Station Road, Bagworth – No objection d. 19/01212/OUT – Outline erection of 1 dwelling – rear of 237 Main Street, Thornton – Comment to be made supporting village concerns regarding access to the Church and request stipulation that all associated construction traffic to be kept within site be made if planning permission granted. e. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Callis, seconded by Cllr Dewdney and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0236. Resolution to approve minutes of previous meetings. Resolution to approve minutes of the Parish Council Finance Committee meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019 – having been circulated were taken as read and accepted as a true record of the meeting. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Callis and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0237. Resolution to approve minutes of previous meetings. Resolution to approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019 – having been circulated were taken as read and accepted as a true record of the meeting once following amendments were made; - para 19/0230 amend to read Cllr Hill, para 19/0238 amend to read Policy. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Callis, seconded by Cllr Malcherczyk and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0238. Balance of account and budget year to date – Report having been circulated it was proposed to accept as a true record (Annex C). Resolution to accept account passed. Proposed by Cllr Dewdney, seconded by Cllr Hill and passed by unanimous vote.

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19/0239. Resolution to approve accounts for payment – The following payments were approved for payment. Proposed by Cllr Dewdney, seconded by Cllr Malcherczyk and passed by unanimous vote.

Payee Goods/Service Gross Net VAT INCOME RECEIVED PRIOR TO MEETING Partner Construction Dunlop Site Compensation £5,500.00 £5,500.00 HMRC VAT Return £6,463.59 £6,463.59 Tenant Road, land rental £558.00 £558.00 Tenant Allotment Field, land rental £900.00 £900.00

£11,963.59 PAYMENTS MADE PRIOR TO MEETING Santander Bank Charges £15.20 £15.20 Cash purchase of trailer for handyperson £60.00 £60.00 BT Mobile Phone £9.60 £8.00 £1.60 Clerk Salary November 2019 £2,444.60 £1,849.48 Handyperson Salary November 2019 £770.00 £763.88 Josiah Hincks Professional Services - Dunlop Site £193.80 £161.50 £323.30 Shouler & Son Land Agent Fees £174.96 £145.80 £29.16 Currys Computer Maintenance £8.00 £6.67 £1.33 LCC Pension Payment £696.71 £562.26 HMRC PAYE & NI £711.96 £245.17 BT Mobile Phone £6.00 £5.00 £1.00

£5,090.83 £3,822.96 £356.39 PAYMENTS TO BE MADE AT MEETING John Smith & Son Christmas Trees £96.00 £80.00 £16.00 CSL Business Machines Photocopier Usage £123.84 £103.20 £20.64 Pickerings QEII Facilities Hire £1,239.50 £1,032.92 £206.58 Veolia Waste Disposal Thornton CC £173.15 £144.29 £28.86 H&BBC Additional Bin £44.44 £37.03 £7.41 Survey Hub Topographical Survey QEII £630.00 £525.00 £105.00 Park Hill Training Brushcutter Course Handyperson £231.00 £198.00 £33.00 Park Hill Training Pole Prunder Course Handyperson £231.00 £198.00 £33.00 TH Smith (Sharnford) Ltd Container Hire BCC £96.00 £80.00 £16.00 Brooksby Melton College Pesticides Course Handyperson £375.00 £375.00 Royal British Legion Remembrance wreaths £60.00 £60.00 Vanessa Jarvis Expenses £45.90 £45.90 £3,249.83 £2,799.34 £450.49

19/0240. To receive correspondence

Date From Subject Resolution 05/11/19 BCCT Loft Ladder Permission granted. To be fitted by qualified installed and no cutting into rafters or woodwork. Proposed by Cllr Dewdney, seconded by Cllr Malcherczyk and passed by unanimous vote. 12/11/19 H&BBC Parish & Community Initiative Fund Projects to be considered 28/11/19 Oxalis Planning Wood Farm, Noted 28/11/19 Resident Stanton Lane Development Noted

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28/11/19 RURALCC Thornton Community Survey Noted 29/11/19 BCCT Grant Request 2020 – 2021 As previously notified of reduction £9,000 less cost of container. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Whittingham, seconded by Cllr Callis and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0241. Neighbourhood Plan – It is believed that Stanton-Under-Bardon has deferred the decision on the Call for Sites until the 3rd December. Next Steering Group meeting scheduled for 5th December 2019.

19/0242. Proposal to suspend Standing Orders at 9.00pm. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Whittingham and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0243. Resolution to approve clearance of ditch on Station Road, Bagworth – Resolution passed at a cost of £2,566 + VAT to be costed from Ground Maintenance Contract. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Malcherczyk and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0244. DCF 2019 Grant – Meeting to be arranged with architect to move project forward. The condition of the Old Pit Lane that runs alongside the QEII Sports field and gives access to the car park. Bagworth New Wood and the Clay Pigeon Club is in desperate need of repair. The very large potholes are restricting access to the car park and cars are therefore parking on the grass verge and along the roadside. The compensation money from Partner Construction of £5,000 has now been received and the intention of Council was to use this money to facilitate the improvements to the QEII pavilion. The improvement of the road would have been included in the project, but the works are now urgent. Two quotes have been requested from Richard Bailey, one for just filling the potholes and another for a full resurfacing. Resolution passed in principal on receipt of quotes. Proposed by Cllr Callis, seconded by Cllr Harris and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0245. Bagworth War Memorial - A meeting was held with the Church Warden’s on 26th November to discuss the funding of the restoration to the War Memorial sited in the Holy Rood Churchyard, Bagworth. There is a small fund held by the Church Warden for works associated with the churchyard, which is prepared to contribute £2,000 towards the cost. Stipulations attached to this contribution: As many grants / funds are applied for as possible including the PCIF. LCC will provide up to 50% of the total cost to a maximum of £2,000. The War Memorials Trust has been approached. The Parish Council would lead on the PCIF application. The Parish Council contribute on a 50:50 basis. There is no definitive answer to who actually owns the memorial and it has been proposed that once the refurbishment has been completed the Parish Council take ownership and maintain as is the normal with other Parish Councils. Resolution passed to contribute £2,000 on stipulation of grants applied for and for ownership to be accepted by Parish Council on completion of works. Proposed by Cllr Malcherczyk, seconded by Cllr George and passed by unanimous vote.

19/0246. Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.

19/0247. The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held on Monday 6th January 2020 at Bagworth Community Centre at 6.00pm.

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19/0248. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 6th January 2020 at Bagworth Community Centre at 7.00pm.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………. Date ………………………………. Chair / Vice Chair

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Annex A – 02/12/2019

Written Report from Borough Councillors Cllrs Boothby & O’Shea

Dear Residents,

Planning Application adjacent to Thornton Reservoir. On November 12th, this retrospective application was determined by the Planning Committee at HBBC. Unfortunately, Ozzy was committed elsewhere, and Chris was in hospital after being diagnosed with pneumonia. This, however, did not stop us putting in written statements that were read out to Members on our behalf. Residents will remember the long fight that we both took on, working alongside local residents, to prevent a traveller site being built on this site which was known as TH010. Collectively, we were successful and following the refusal and subsequent dismissal at appeal, the site was sold on. At that time, a meeting was held at the fisheries building that involved the then Chief Exec Steve Atkinson, his no2 Bill Cullen, the then Head of Planning, Stuart Bray as libdem Leader of the Council, Chris & Ozzy as Ward Members and Parish Council Members. It was agreed at this meeting held in 2008/09 that the banks would be protected in perpetuity with a tagline of " keep it green and beautiful ". Fast forward and the site was sold, and a mansion built, largely ignored by Planning enforcement officers. This retrospective application sought to justify the placing of 19 Victorian style lamps with outward facing lighting on a movement system that switches on the lights for a considerable period of time that causes light to bounce of the water and go into the homes opposite. Our objection concentrates on the previous agreement, saved policy DM4 that sought to protect residents’ amenities in terms of light pollution and the protection of local wildlife. This was completely ignored by the LibDem Planning Members and they voted this application through even though photos were supplied but not shown. As Members, we always put residents’ interests first, but we are sorry that the ruling administration failed to adhere to previous promises.

Fly Tipping - We have been made aware of industrial size tipping on land off Heath Rd in Bagworth. This is a site not unknown to us and having talked to various officers, we are now in a position to go after the owner whether they are responsible for the tipping or not.

Christmas Message - Yes, it is that time of year again. We both would like to take this time to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and to thank you once again for your continued support.

Best wishes

Chris & Ozzy. Working for you.

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Annex B – 02/12/19

Written Report from County Councillor Cllr Bedford

As we come to the end of the year (where did it go?!) I thought I would use my December Report to update you on the key issues and campaigns that I have been working on this year.

Crown Crest HGVs: - As many of you will know the decision by Crown Crest (Poundstretcher) to apply for extended dispatch & delivery times has caused much angst amongst residents in who already suffer greatly from the effects of HGV traffic through the village. Working with the Community Groups, I would like to particularly pay credit to Sara Aspinal for her organisation and rallying of local residents to this cause, the Parish and Borough Councils we put forward a strong case at the Planning Meeting of 17th September for the application to be rejected. Residents, Councillors (from all parties), and Planning Committee members were united in their opposition to the plans and we are determined to carry on the fight when this application goes to appeal.

120 Bus: - Prior to my election to Leicestershire County Council in 2017 I was contacted by Markfield resident, Sue Lockley, with concerns about the continuation of the ‘120’ Bus service. The ‘120’ provides a lifeline to many residents of Markfield & Stanton, connecting them to and , and as such I was adamant that the service had to be retained. After much campaigning and lobbying at County Hall I was pleased to confirm that this service will be saved as a result of merging the route with the ‘155’ Breedon Service. I would like to thank Sue Lockley, Ann Cook and the residents of Markfield Court and Stanton who have provided me with much support during the past two years in enabling me to make the case for saving this service.

Warehousing in Stanton - The past six months have been a particularly busy time for issues affecting Stanton. On 12th October I joined local residents for a discussion in the village hall about the ‘scoping’ of land adjacent to the village for warehousing. Whilst this decision will sit with Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council I made it crystal clear that as the County Councillor for the area I would be opposing such applications; that would have a detrimental impact on the lives of local residents, whilst delivering little/no benefit to the community.

A511 Growth Corridor: - We are all aware of the tough financial settlement that local councils face. As such the County Council is currently working through a bid for £49m of Government and Developer funding for upgrades to the A511. The objective of the scheme being to: • Deliver increased capacity at key congested junctions; • Support public transport operations and encourage use of sustainable transportation; and • Improve safety for pedestrians through the provision of better crossing facilities at key junctions. In principle this is an excellent scheme to deliver a much-needed major infrastructure boost for local road networks; however, I do have a number of concerns. Under the current proposal we would see an end to the ‘right turn’ from Stanton Lane to the M1 junction. This would result in increased traffic along the Shaw Lane section of the A511. A stretch of road which already causes a number of noise, and air quality issues for local residents. Furthermore, ending the ‘right turn’ would add considerable time to commuters who would then have to loop around the roundabout at the ‘Charnwood Arms’ (Hungry Horse) to travel back up the A511 to access the M1.

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I have already had extensive discussions with the Parish Council and local residents about this issue and held a meeting with Officers of Leicestershire County Council on 27th November to ensure that these concerns were taken on board by the Council. The Cabinet Member for Highways, Blake Pain, is aware of my opposition to the Stanton Lane proposal and confirmed at LCC Cabinet on 22nd November that the views of myself and local residents would be taken on board prior to finalising the bid.

Bardon Hill Quarry Community Fund: - One of the most enjoyable roles that I have is chairing the Bardon Hill Quarry Community Fund. The Community Fund, financed by Aggregate Industries for the Quarry Extension, was set up to allocate grants to community groups for the betterment of the life and wellbeing of local residents. The fund has supported the residents of Shaw Lane, who have been most impacted by the quarry extension, with a contribution towards double glazing to help abate some of the noise disturbance. As your County Councillor I have fought hard to ensure that these grants are awarded to worthy causes in Markfield and Stanton under Bardon. To date these are just some of the good causes that we have helped: • Markfield Community Park: £30,000 • St Peter’s Church, Copt Oak: £2,000 • Mercenfield Primary School: £1,000 • Markfield Library: £2,934 • Stanton Primary: £2,564 The Fund is particularly focussed on projects with positive environmental impacts, so If you know any community groups that would benefit please do encourage them to apply by emailing [email protected]

Bagworth & Thornton update: - During the past week I have had numerous correspondence with the Parish Council and LCC regarding the diversions as a result of the work around Palex. I was extremely concerned about the lack of enforcement by the police authority and requested that the Director of Highways at LCC escalated to . I very much recognise the frustrations that this has caused many local residents in Bagworth and made it crystal clear to LCC that I am not impressed with the disregard for the diversion route by HGV drivers. I have had confirmation from Severn Trent Water that the business would be willing to send a representative to a public meeting with LCC, Borough and Parish Councils to discuss the Parking/Highways issues at Thornton Reservoir. Given the current General Election campaign I propose that this meeting take place early in the new year.

Final Thoughts Christmas can be a joyful time of the year. A chance to see family and friends, exchange gifts, and have some fun. But it can also be a challenging time of year. I would like to thank the many residents that give up their time to help those less fortunate or who may be struggling emotionally at this time of year.

Finally, I would like to you and your families a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Best Wishes, Peter

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Annex C – 02/12/2019

Bagworth & Thornton Parish Council Financial Report as at 30th November 2019

Current Account £90,515.17 Reserve Account £62,382.08

Neighbourhood Plan £9,500 Pavilion Reserve £16,649 Park Signs £3,000 Legal fees – Beech Avenue £4,400 S106 Maynard Walk Play Area – Maintenance £21,870 Open Spaces Management Plan £5,375 Park Lane Allotments, Bagworth £322 Total Ringfenced reserves £61,117

Estimated outstanding costings £21,000 Estimated balance at March 2020 £53,000

Bank statements for both the current and reserve accounts are attached along with a copy of the cashbook Ledger Report and the Balance Sheet, which shows payments and income in more details. Please note these do not include the payments being authorised at this meeting.

A VAT return for £6,463.59 has been received from HMRC for the period 1at April – 30th September 2019.

The outstanding payment of £5,000 has been received from Partner Construction. Partner Construction also provided an extra £500 to cover our legal fees in the matter. The total cost of legal fees paid by Council amount to £801.50.

The next Finance meeting is arranged for the 6th January 2020, which will be when the final figure at which the precept is recommended to be set, will be agreed and forwarded to full council for approval. If there are outstanding matters to be included or changed, please do not wait until the last minute before forwarding them for consideration.

Ann C. Murray Proper Officer 29th October 2019

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