HCHS1992-2Nd Quarter

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HCHS1992-2Nd Quarter ptampsljtr£ Olaurttp ^Misfrirtcal 0Ct£t|J 1992 Newsletter Second Quarter HISTORICAL GARDNER HOUSE GENEALOGY CORNER ELIGIBLE FOR NATIONAL REGISTER LISTING Albert Oetting, 1795 Woodside Ct., Concord, California 94519, seeks information on Charles Weeks, a Revolutionary War Veteran who was bom in Upper Virginia in 1759 near the South Branch of the Potomac. Charles Weeks relo­ cated to Athens County, Ohio about 1800. Norma B. Olson, 30W 161 Foxboro, Warrenville, Illinois 60555 re­ quests information concerning Andrew (d. 1781) and Suzanna Vineyand their daughter Marga­ ret Viney who married Charles The Division of History and Culture has notified the Hampshire County Historical McDonald. Society of possible historic district qualificationfor theTowr. of Capon Bridge. The Gard­ Betty Chapman, 1914 O'Connell ner house, recently slated to be relocated for construction of a new library on its site, is Ave., St. Louis, Missouri 63114 also eligible for National Register listing and is one of the properties making Capon needs assistance in researching Bridge eligible for a historical district designation. Emanuel Godlove and his wife, A 7978 survey for the Corridor H highway project led to these findings. Louisa Swanson (b. 1821). They Presently the library board of Capon Bridge will have to go through a review process were married in 1841. Ms. on the property to qualify for federal and state matchings funds to build a new library Chapman also seeks information on the site. The Hampshire County Historical Society held a meeting on April 23 to on Louisa Swanson's parents Jo­ discuss a Capon Bridgehistoric district. If you were unable to attend this meeting, please seph Swanson (1780-1833) and address your comments to HCHS P.O. Box 549, Augusta, WV 26704. Susannah Hill Swanson (b. 1787). David Peters, 633 Presidential Way, Deleware, Ohio 43015 seeks in­ OCTAGON HOUSE SELECTED AS 1992 ORNAMENT formation on Tunis Peters who The HCHS membership has se­ married Francina Adams and lected the Octagon House (Bland settled in Hampshire County, House) circa 1890, located in Capon Virginia and became High Sher­ Springs, to be the 1992 Ornament. iff. He was a soldier in the Revolu­ The house is now owned by Jon­ tionary War and War of 1812. The athan Bellingham of Capon family migrated to Ohio in 1805. Springs. Mr. Bellingham is cur­ Richard W. Marvin, 241 Mania St., rently renovating the house. The Park Forrest, Illinois 60466 seeks color selected for this years orna­ information on the Newbanks, ment will be Matt Blue. John and Elizabeth who settled in Bids were solicited for artist of early Frederick (Hampshire) this years ornament. The HCHS County, Virginia. board members selected William Anyone who has genealogical information or can (Billy) Judy of Shanks, WV. Date of assist these researchers in any way, please avaialabilty will be published. contact them at the address given. I REMEMBER ... - PRESIDENT’S CORNER ~ As 1 remember there were two big Four months have past, activites and projects have been accomplished. gatherings in the community. One was Decoration Day (Memorial Day) As you may notice we have a new format for our newsletter. held in Romney. The children and We have found it is cost effective and a time saver. ladies often bought new clothes for theoccassions. The Ladies wore beau­ Our newsletter has several new sections: tiful hats, the band played patriotic songs and there were many speeches "I Remember", stories from residents with tales of the past, made on the court house porch. Of which may be submitted by anyone, course, there was a certain hour set a Membership Application, and other Articles. aside for decorating the graves. We arc always looking for articles to publish, please submit. It was a great day for visiting old friends and for young people to make Committees are busy working on assigned projects to make things happen. new friends. At noon we spread out Much work is going on. the food we had brought from home. AA Herbaugh Often two or three families ate to­ gether. I remember one lady trying to get everyone to eat some eel she had brought, and my uncle walking introduced and made a few remarks. COMMITTEE UPDATE around wishing he had a cup of cof­ There were speeches made by impor­ ON SLANE CEMETERY fee. 1 decided right then never to tant people and everyone sat quietly drink coffee or anything else that and listened. The Slane Cemetery Committee re­ made me crave it, if it were not avail­ Noon was a happy time especially ports a total of $172 collected toward able. for children. The ladies spread out restoration work done by Rinker & Another gathering was the "Old white damash table cloths, usually Frye Memorials to the Slane Ceme­ Soldiers Reunion" that was held at two families together and put out the tery in Slanesville, West Virginia. We Camp Walker on the first Saturday of most delicious food. Everyone "ried would like to thank the following every September. People from many to taste everything the other families individuals for their generous dona­ miles around came to that reunion. brought. tions: There were two committees: one to The drinks were water, tea and HB & Ann Harris plan the program, the other to clear sometimes lemonade. We were fortu­ the fallen branches from the road and nate to have an ice house. Folks Denny & Mary Jo Slane make room for parking buggies and would come to our home during the Michael & Elizabeth Wahl wagons and to tie horses to the trees. winter and help cut big squares of ice Slanesville Ruritan My father usually butchered his off the creek and pack in saw dust in very best Iamb and on Friday, mother our ice house. As it melted, it ran into Slanesville PTO would cook the lamb and bake pies a metal trough to keep our milk and Audrey Sine Baker and a cake. On Saturday morning, she butter cool in the cellar. That made for would prepare cole slaw and put it in lots of home made ice cream parties The committee's goal is $375 and canning jars. It kept real well. Her during the summer and usually had $203 is needed to pay for completion dressing was a little salt and vinegar, some left to keep the drinks cool at the of work. The Society invited anyone some sugar and some rich country reunion. interested to stop by and view the cream. With a spoon she would beat it One thing I distinctly remember- cemetery located behind the Slanes­ until it started to foam. She always there were never any drunk people at ville Elementery School on Rt. 29 in packed jars of new pickles. the reunion. One year it was whis­ Slanesville. Then we dressed up, got in our pered around that there was a man Please send your tax-deductible spring wagon with the frings on top way up in the woods that had a bottle contribuations to: and went the few miles to Camp and was drinking. Some may say and Treasurer HCHS Walker. A great and happy day. The know that some people had alcohol P.O. Box 549 stage was decorated with flags and there but I sure did not see it. Augusta, WV 26704 bunting and the old soldiers were Camp Walker was a pleasant place lined up sitting in the back all dressed to be. in their uniforms. It saddened me that Help preserve a piece of each year there were fewer soldiers. - Mrs. Lola Timbrook, Hampshire County History! The band played, each soldier was Augusta, WV CALANDAR OF EVENTS CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL HOLIDAY EULY 12. Sunday 11:00 a.m. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Board of Directors meeting at The Society will meet at Shiloh IUNE 1 - 5. Monday thru Friday Capon Chapel Church, Capon Church, Rt. 259, Lchew WV. to County-wide decoration of War Bridge, WV. present a complete cemetery list­ Between States veteran’s graves. ing and history to church mem­ MAY 21. Thursday 7:00 p.m. bers at their annual decoration IUNE 6. Saturday lQ;QQ_a,m, General meeting of the Society day. A covered dish lunch is Memorial services at Timber for field trip to Civil War served at noon. All interested Ridge Church & Cemetery, 5 Trenches located on US Rt. 50 at members should bring a dish & miles from Capon Bridge on the entrance to Mechanicsburg attend. Ray and Margaret Brill Christian Church Road. Gap. Mr. George Stump will be and Joanna Baker will present the 1:00 p.m. guest speaker on the history of cemetery listing and President Memorial services at the Quaker the trenches. No written history Andy Herbaugh will present the Cemetery in Parks Hollow on is recorded. The group will car history of the church. pool at Elementary School beside Dillions Run Road, 2 miles west Indian Mound Cemetery in of Capon Bridge on US Rt. 50. IULY 24, Thursday 7:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Romney to journey to the General meeting of the Society at Memorial ceremony and enact­ trenches for historical and on site Willow Chapel, Capon Springs, viewing. ment encampment at Capon WV Watch Hampshire Review's Chapel Church and cemetery 1 community update for program. 1/2 miles from Capon Bridge on FIRST WEEK OF TUNE Christian Church Road. Local The Society will observe a time AUGUST 6. Thursday 6:00 p.m. Historian, Robert Pugh will honored tradition in Hampshire Board of Directors meeting at speak on History of Church and County - Confederate Memorial Denzil's Restaurant in Augusta, his grandfathers Civil War serv­ Holiday. War Between the States WVa.
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