CURRICULUM VITAE Name : BIJU KUMAR. A. Nationality : Indian Occupation : Professor and Head, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 581, Kerala, INDIA Telefax: +91 471 2308131 Tel: +91 94472 16157; +91 8921865558 (mobile) E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] Current Positions Professor and Head, Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala Vice Chairman, Credit and Semeser System, University of Kerala Chairman, Board of Studies, Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP (CAS), Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala President, Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Alumni Association Member, Board of Studies in Zoology, FMN College, Kollam; Fisheries and Aquaculture at St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam; Marine Biology at Department of Marine Biology, Cochin University of Sciecne and Technology Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fishereries Educational Qualifications Exam Name of Year of Subject Division/Rank Passed Institution/University passing Ph.D. Dept. of Aquatic Biology & 1996 Science (Aquatic Fisheries, University of Kerala Biology & Fisheries) -- M. Phil. Dept. of Aquatic Biology & 1992 Aquatic Biology & Grade A Fisheries, University of Kerala Fisheries M Sc. Dept. of Aquatic Biology & 1990 Aquatic Biology & I Class with Fisheries, University of Kerala Fisheries(Equalized to Distinction, M. Sc. Zoology by I Rank University of Kerala) B.Sc. University College, University 1988 Zoology (Main) I Class of Kerala Botany & Chemistry (Subsidiaries) Awards and Fellowships § Kerala University Merit Scholarship, 1989-1990. § First Rank in M. Sc. Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, 1990, University of Kerala. § Awarded CSIR-UGC Lectureship, December, 1990 and Junior Research Fellowship of University Grants Commission, December, 1992.