PDD Cover Page i. Project name: The Chyulu Hills REDD+ Project ii. Project location (country, sub-national jurisdiction(s)): Kenya, Makueni County, Taita Taveta County and Kajiado County iii. Project Proponent (organization and contact name with email address and phone number): Project Proponent: Chyulu Hills Conservation Trust Contact Name: Jeremy Freund Email:
[email protected] Phone: (415) 637-7853 iv. Auditor (organization and contact name with email address and phone number): Organization: SCS Global Services Contact Name: Christie Pollet-Young Email:
[email protected] Phone: (510) 452.9093 v. Project start date, GHG accounting period and lifetime: Project start date: 19 September, 2013 GHG accounting period: 19 September 2013 – 19 September, 2043 Project lifetime: 19 September 2013 – 19 September, 2043 vi. Whether the document relates to a full validation or a gap validation: This PD relates to a full validation. vii. History of CCB Status, where appropriate, including issuance date(s) of earlier Validation/ Verification Statements etc.: No existing CCB history including any prior issuance or earlier validation statements. viii. The edition of the CCB Standards being used for this validation This project is being validated under the 2nd Edition of the CCB Standard. ix. A brief summary of the project’s expected climate, community and biodiversity benefits: The CHRP aims to generate benefits in the areas of climate, community and biodiversity under both the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standards. Its specific climate related goals are to prevent the emission of 37,765,494 t CO2e over the project’s 30 year crediting period by stopping deforestation, forest degradation and grassland conversion.