Statistical Inference Bibliography 1920-Present 1. Pearson, K
StatisticalInferenceBiblio.doc © 2006, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University Last revised: July 2006 Statistical Inference Bibliography 1920-Present 1. Pearson, K. (1920) “The Fundamental Problem in Practical Statistics.” Biometrika, 13(1): 1- 16. 2. Edgeworth, F.Y. (1921) “Molecular Statistics.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 84(1): 71-89. 3. Fisher, R. A. (1922) “On the Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Statistics.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character, 222: 309-268. 4. Neyman, J. and E. S. Pearson. (1928) “On the Use and Interpretation of Certain Test Criteria for Purposes of Statistical Inference: Part I.” Biometrika, 20A(1/2): 175-240. 5. Fisher, R. A. (1933) “The Concepts of Inverse Probability and Fiducial Probability Referring to Unknown Parameters.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Containing Papers of Mathematical and Physical Character, 139(838): 343-348. 6. Fisher, R. A. (1935) “The Logic of Inductive Inference.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 98(1): 39-82. 7. Fisher, R. A. (1936) “Uncertain inference.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 71: 245-258. 8. Berkson, J. (1942) “Tests of Significance Considered as Evidence.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 37(219): 325-335. 9. Barnard, G. A. (1949) “Statistical Inference.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), 11(2): 115-149. 10. Fisher, R. (1955) “Statistical Methods and Scientific Induction.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), 17(1): 69-78.
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