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'4 THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAK OCTOBER .29, 1912 Dingley STcpehs to tell anyone else how to vote. It Is centage of reduction below the THE LEAVES GIVE THANKS. Ing across to admire her. But as he tate Journal wholly unnecessary governor is in larger free list and to- By FRANK P. MACLESNAN. that the till shown the ON THE All the cheerful little leaves talked she knew she must tell him should do so. William Allen White is in the lower percentage of the tariff SPVR Were lying mute and slain, night in fairness to him. She won id KANSAS COMMENT attending to little matter for the collected on the total value of the OF THE MOMENT l neir tender summer faces never be guilty of dangling then her J 1. 1875. -- that Marred with age and pain. eye caught just fEnt erred July u second c!as He Is goods Imported. The figures show BY ROT K. MOULTON. Through the people at a table matter at the postofflce at Topeka, Kan., Bull Moose leaders In Kansas. the threadbare forest behind Keith, and her face werv. A hand-picke- Dingley bill, was Strode VOTING WAT FROM HOME. under the act of congress. assiduously circulating another d that under the which the windand rain. white. According 144 average per When Grandma Was a Girl. to a law passed at the last throughout state, in force months, the wept "What is it, dear?" whispered Keith. session of the legislature, any quail":-- ! ticket the came in free They had no rats and Marcel waves I because the sky was gray, and may away VOLUME XXXIV No. 259 telling the voters just how they must cent of the Imports that or wasplike figures then. Because the leaves were dead, She shook her head at him. elector vote from home should was in value 44.3 per cent of the total high rouge Be.ca"se the winter came so though her lips moved, no sound came he be necessarily detained away from hi discharge their duties at the polls. No heeled shoes or patent And fast. from them. Her eyes were stiU held home precinct. The old law provided importations, and that under the made to deceive the men. summer's sweet was sped; in way for railroad men to away Official State Paper. But it is likely that most of the voters And because I, too, was mortal-- All by Henry Morton's. He half rose vote iron Payne bill, which has Been In force No purring language, mincing walk, or two over- home, and the legislators two ver sro Official Paper City of Topeka-- in Kansas feel fully competent to mark In gay flesh is grass," I said. his seat and the rather evidently held while 35 months, the average per cent peroxide curl. dressed girls with him asked him . thatj , railroad men their ballots according to their own value the imports which have come No chafing dish flubdubbery when E"t while I was lamenting shrilly he was "seening things-- al- any of The woods (if TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ideas and without suggestions in free amounts to 51.2 per cent of grandma was a girl. began to sing. J matter of rights In regard to voting. The voice of all dead leaves came up and -- The Dally edition, delivered by carrier. from Mr. White. the total; that the average ad valorem As they Keith turned his head a littl ia.w reaas: it snau De lawrul for anv cents a week to any part of Topeka. or No bachelor maids, no culture clubs, when sang in Spring: Henrv Morton rose and came toward qualified voter of the state of Kansa on importations under FraiBe g, suburbs, or at the same price m any Kan of the duties all no gym. God." they sang, "for Winter Tall, good-lookin- careless, he having complied the In WAR BOWS TO TRADE. years Dingley bill was time spent in the And stormy harvesting: them. with law regard sas town where the paper baa a carrier con- the 12 of the No thought of torture physical to came straight to Mavis, who seemea to registration where such is required, svstem. That commercial and financial 4 5.8 per cent, while under the 3 "Praise God, not to see his outstretched hand, mid who may, on0cthe occurrence of any gen- 60 make them lithe and slim. who uses old things By mall one year J3 most potent low-nec- eral election, be unavoidably siderations constitute the months of the Payne bill this was 41.2 No k gowns to give them grip To serve the new things' need gave him a queer little smile and a absent from By mall, six months 180 force in the preservation of the peace And turns us into again bow. his township or ward because his duties By mall. 100 days, trial order per cent, and that the average ad when In the social whirl; earth or occupation or business require him to of the world is again pointed out con No bridge That next year's roots may feed; "You're looking fine. Mavis," he be valorem of the dutiable Imports un- whist made them nervou3 Roots but for us and our decay said, had elsewhere in the state, outside the TELEPHONES. clusively by Henry Clews, the New per cent, wrecks when grandma was a girl not familiarly, for he still county in which he resides, to vote der the Dingley bill was 25.5 Would shrivel in the seed. the manner of a gentleman, but w'th county, district or state officers, membwfr 10T in a of the half-possessi- Private branch exchange. Call and Yf.rk banker, discussion while under the Payne bill it was 20.1 a tone of astonisnea of congress and electors of pret,ident asfe the State Journal operator for per Balkan situation which appears in his No sufrragets. no cigarettes, no "To the thousand thousand summers vice president ani son per cent. In other words, considering cooking Our summer admiration. of the United States in anv or deDartment desired. current weekly financial review. After '.hat was vile. has been thrust, Keith's eye blazed blue fire, and the voting precinct where he may prest-n- t xopeba State Journal building. 800 and only reductions on dutiable goods, the No bonnets trimmed with cocoannts But the snow is very gentle himself for that purpose on the day of 02 avenue, corner po'nting out that there has been some Above its rags and girl sDoke in a little flurrv. Kant uimi, reduction in duties from the Dingley and lettuce were in style. Lie rust. "Keith," she said, "this Is an old such general election, under the regulj-tio- n New York Office: 20 Fifth avenue. heavy European liquidation of Ameri cent, down, lie down, oh, brothers, prescribed in chapter 180 Block, bill to the Payne bill was 10 per No brainstorm shooting by a weak and With friend, Mr. Morton. I knew htm 1901; of the laws Paul manacsr. can stocks, precipitated by the Balkan , the thousand summers' dust." of provided he shan not have Chicago Office: Steger building. Paul and considering both free and dutiable sentimental churl. Georgia Wood pangborn, in the October ages ago at home. Henry, this is Mr, at any other voting precinct voti . war, Mr. Clews writes: on the same Block, rrianao-er- reductions, it amounted to 21 per No talk of soul affinities when grandma Scribner. Keith Lowry my fiance." Tha men day. As a part of the same chapter, sec- Boston Office: Tremont Bulldin. Paul "For various reasons it would seem was a girl. shook hands and then a stiff little tion 3S14, laws of 1909 is amended to reaJ Block, manager. as if the. Balkan troubles had almost cent." pause ensued, but Mavis, womanlike, as follows: "All such envelopes shall t" No incompatibility of temper told in bridged it over. "I am very giad to the Judges of election, be filed with t.-- exerted their full effect on this market. county clerk FULL LEASED WIRE REPORT There Is no well grounded reason to court; THE EVENING STORY see vou again." she said. "You are of the county where surU OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. No cases of desertion and no suits for looking well. Have you heard from vote was cast not later than the day fol- apprehend any grave disturbances be JOURNAL ENTRIES the Williamses lately? No? Keith, give lowing such general election, and aia powers resulting nonsupport; u county clerk shall immediately mall them, The State Journal is a member of the tween the great from No family skeletons exposed, no rec me a little more salad. Perhaps we postage prepaid, to county Associated Press and receives the full day the Balkan outbreak. The recent re To Bo Decided. meet again since you're in town." the clerk o? or- ords to unfurl: (By the respective county where such votes telegraph report or teat great news are so many folk who Joanna Single.) Somehow Henry Morton knew he was belong." Kansan-Republlca- verses to Turkish arms have naturally Nor there In fact, folks were quite sensible when Despite Newton ganisation for the exclusive afternoon had a detrimental effect, inasmuch as bow gracefully to the inevuaDie. grandma was girl. the holiday flutter of anti- dismissed. publication in Topeka. a cipation in the office, dusk and de- Keith Lowry was very still and con IS IT "DU CYGNET" The news la received in The State Jour- they weaken the prestige and Cor-le- y pur-- latter's Tf worrv helDed In any way there pression came together for Mavis ventional a moment as he served the The controversy now being Indulged In BaJ building over wires for this sole tend to lengthen the war.