Patrick Smyth, Executive Director of Media Relations ([email protected] / 303-264-5536) Rebecca Villanueva, Media Services Manager ([email protected] / 303-264-5598) Erich Schubert, Media Relations Coordinator ([email protected] / 303-264-5503)



On Cincinnati’s defense “It’s an aggressive defense. They’ll throw a number of looks at you, so we’ll have to communicate and be good at our communication and make sure we’re all on the same page. They have a good front four, but they really rotate six, seven, eight guys in there, so they have a good front eight that can cause a lot of pressure on the quarterback. I think [CB] Leon Hall is a very good on the one side, so we’ve got our work cut out for us.”

On what he saw from the game film against Oakland “Some of the good things are that we had the opportunities. We had a number of plays that the play was there to be made, but for whatever reason we just kind of passed the baton around and we each made our own mistakes. We had chances to make plays; that’s a good thing. We have guys in this locker room, myself included, that will make those plays. We’ve done it in the past and we’ll do it in the future. We just need to sharpen up things a little bit and make those plays when they’re there.”

On the offense “As an offense, we have to help [Offensive Coordinator] Mike McCoy out a little bit in, say, second down situations where we can run the ball. I think we had two or three second downs that were under 10 yards, so that’s tough on a play caller to sit there and call 20 or 25 plays when we’re in 2nd-and-long because of penalties or whatever. That will help us out if we can execute on first down a little better and get into more 2nd-and-six, 2nd-and-four, and be able to use our whole playbook.”

On coming off a loss “We’re in the same situation with 16 other teams, a race to get to our first win and a race to get to 1-1. Just as an offense we are excited to get back on the field. We know what type of offense we have in this room. We have a lot of confidence and that hasn’t changed off of one week, so we expect to go out and play well and hope to get a win.”

On motivation to get the first win “We’re not sitting here and hitting the panic button by any means. Like I said, we know the players that we’ve got in this locker room. As players we have to go out and play better now, there’s no question about that. You have to have a little sense of urgency to go out and do it better this week, but we’re excited to get back out on the field.”

On the physicality of the game against Oakland “Yes, it was a physical game like it is every year. Guys that are No. 2 on the depth chart have to step up and come in and play well for us. We’ve got good guys as backups that can come in and help us out, and hopefully those guys that got banged up can get back as quick as possible.”

On RB Willis McGahee “He’s done it for a long time, and [RB] Lance Ball has played good football for us and [RB Jeremiah] Johnson had a good preseason for us. We’ve got a number of running backs who can play. We’d love to have Knowshon back there, but if it’s Willis, if it’s Lance, they’re the next man up.”

©2011 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club. On having a sense of urgency to get the first win “You have to play well. We can’t lose at home and unfortunately that’s how we started out. We’re excited to get back out there. We’re excited to show as a team and as an offense.”

On playing Cincinnati in the 2009 season opener “It was a crazy game and how it came down. They’ve got a good defense on that side of the ball, and they played us tough the whole way and really had us down. To throw it over there to B-Marsh [WR Brandon Marshall] and to see Stokley, [WR ] who is a good friend of mine and one of the luckiest individuals I’ve ever met, to seee him and running into the end zone, it was a special day.”

On Cincinnati without QB “It’s all I’ve seen when I’ve seen them ever since I’ve been in the league. Carson was a good quarterback for them, but they’ve got good players there and we’ll have our hands full.”

©2011 Denver Broncos Football Club. All rights reserved. The individual quotes cited in this document may be used for the purpose of news reporting and other fair uses as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Duplication or posting of this quote sheet, in its entirety, or any other use of this material which is not a fair use as defined by Section 107 of the Copyright Act is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Denver Broncos Football Club.