CHAPTER Personality TEN Psychology

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CHAPTER Personality TEN Psychology 10/14/08 CHAPTER Personality TEN Psychology Psychology 370 Sheila K. Grant, Ph.D. SKINNER AND STAATS: Professor California State University, Northridge The Challenge of Behaviorism Chapter Overview Chapter Overview RADICAL BEHAVIORISM: SKINNER Part IV: The Learning Perspective PSYCHOLOGICAL BEHAVIORISM: STAATS Illustrative Biography: Tiger Woods Reinforcement Behavior as the Data for Scientific Study The Evolutionary Context of Operant Behavior Basic Behavioral Repertoires The Rate of Responding The Emotional-Motivational Repertoire Learning Principles The Language-Cognitive Repertoire Reinforcement: Increasing the Rate of Responding The Sensory-Motor Repertoire Punishment and Extinction: Decreasing the Rate of Situations Responding Additional Behavioral Techniques Psychological Adjustment Schedules of Reinforcement The Nature-Nurture Question from the Applications of Behavioral Techniques Perspective of Psychological Behaviorism Therapy Education Radical Behaviorism and Personality Theory: Some Concerns Chapter Overview Part IV: The Learning Perspective Personality Assessment from a Ivan Pavlov: Behavioral Perspective Heuristic Accendental Discovery The Act-Frequency Approach to Personality Classical Conditioning Measurement John B. Watson: Contributions of Behaviorism to Personality Theory and Measurement Early Behaviorist B. F. Skinner: Radical Behaviorism Arthur Staats: Psychological Behaviorism 1 10/14/08 Conditioning—the process of learning associations . Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning . 1849-1936 . Russian physician/ (aka Pavlovian Responses are learned neurophysiologist Conditioning) because of their . Studied digestive Reflexive or respondent consequences secretions of dogs behavior Behavior is strengthened . Nobel Prize 1904 Automatic response to a by a reinforcer; . Discovered classical stimulus diminished by a conditioning punishment Behavior is voluntary Unconditioned Stimulus Pavlov’s Discovery of (US)- a stimulus that Classical Conditioning naturally (automatically) brings about a response Unconditioned Response (UR)- a natural response that requires no training Neutral Stimulus (NS)- a stimulus that in the absence of conditioning does not elicit a response Conditioned Stimulus (CS)- a once neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a Conditioned Response Conditioned Response (CR)- the learned response to a once neutral stimulus Watson’s Classic “Little Albert” John Watson—Founder of Behaviorism Experiments John Watson and Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my Rosalie Rayner own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select Little Albert (click to view) —doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. -- John Watson (1924) 2 10/14/08 Illustrative Biography: Illustrative Biography: Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Development Description Adaptation & Adjustment Illustrative Biography: Preview of Skinner’s and Staats’s Theory Tiger Woods Cognitive Processes Society Biological Influences funny-2006/tiger-just-do-it-p1.php B. F. Skinner • Burrhus Frederic Skinner born in 1904 in Pennsylvania • Inventor and writer as a Radical Behaviorism: youngster • Doctorate in Psychology Skinner from Harvard (1931) • Professorships at Minnesota, Indiana and Harvard • Died in 1990 of Leukemia 3 10/14/08 Behavior as the Data for The Evolutionary Context Of Scientific Study Operant Behavior The Evolutionary behavior Context of Operant selected by the Behavior environment The Rate of Responding operant conditioning The Rate of Responding Skinner box Definition: Mode of learning in which controls the the frequency of environment responding is influenced by the consequences that are operant contingent upon a response response response Examples: bar-pressing in rats, reinforced by food smiling in a child, reinforced by parental approval Learning Principles Reinforcement—anything that increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated Reinforcement: Increasing the Rate Positive Negative Reinforcement of Responding Reinforcement removing an aversive rewards or other stimulus; engaging in positive consequences behavior to remove a Punishment and Extinction: that follow behaviors “negative” stimulus Decreasing the Rate of Responding Taking an aspirin to get rid Additional Behavioral Techniques A pat on the back for of a headache scoring the winning goal 4 10/14/08 Reinforcement: Increasing the Punishment and Extinction: Rate of Responding Decreasing the Rate of Responding positive reinforcer base rate punishment: a stimulus contingent primary reinforcer upon a response and secondary reinforcer that has the effect of decreasing the rate negative reinforcer of responding extinction: reduction in the rate of responding when reinforcement ends Additional Behavioral Techniques Schedules of Reinforcement shaping: reinforcement of successive Continuous Reinforcement approximations of behavior chaining: one response produces or Partial Reinforcement alters some of the variables that fixed ratio schedule (FR) control another response discrimination learning: learning to variable ratio schedule (VR) respond differentially, depending on fixed interval schedule (FI) environmental stimuli variable interval schedule (VI) generalization: responding to stimuli that are similar to, but not identical to, the stimuli present during training Applications of Behavioral Applications of Behavioral Techniques Techniques Therapy Therapy behavior modification behavior modification functional analysis functional analysis token economies token economies Education Education teaching machines (programmed teaching machines (programmed instruction) instruction) 5 10/14/08 Radical Behaviorism and Personality Theory: Some Concerns Psychological Walden Two (Utopian Behaviorism: Staats community) unique human capacities (including language) freedom and dignity Reinforcement Reinforcement Time-out: a procedure or environment based on in which no reinforcements emotion are given in an effort to extinguish unwanted contrast with behavior Skinner's Example: removal of a disruptive radical child from a school class, empiricism to improve behavior Basic Behavioral Repertoires Basic Behavioral Repertoires The Emotional-Motivational The Emotional-Motivational Repertoire Repertoire The Language-Cognitive The Language-Cognitive Repertoire Repertoire The Sensory-Motor Repertoire The Sensory-Motor Repertoire 6 10/14/08 Personality as a Basic Behavioral Repertoires Basic Behavioral Repertoire The Emotional-Motivational Repertoire The Language-Cognitive Repertoire The Sensory-Motor Repertoire Basic Behavioral Repertoire The Emotional-Motivational Repertoire The Emotional-Motivational Repertoire Situations A-R-D theory A: affects and attitudes R: reinforcements D: direct behavior 7 10/14/08 The Nature-Nurture Question Psychological Adjustment from the Perspective of Psychological Behaviorism depends on learning (basic behavioral repertoire) intensive learning for example: learning builds on nature emotions (phobias, depression, biology can influence a person anxiety) before learning social skills during learning positive self-concept after learning standards for behavior (perfectionism) The Nature-Nurture Question from the Perspective of Psychological Behaviorism Personality Assessment from a Behavioral Perspective Contributions of Behaviorism to The Act-Frequency Approach to Personality Theory and Personality Measurement Measurement measuring personality Definition: traits by assessing the frequency of prototypical behaviors Examples: affiliation needs assessed by frequency of choosing to work with friends dominance assessed by frequency of interrupting others 8 10/14/08 Chapter Review 9 .
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