Shabbat October 12, 2019, Ha’azinu, Reading , Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52 This week’s parasha, , is one of two places in the Torah where a portion of the text is presented as a song. Most of the parasha (verses 1- 43) consists of a poem known as the Song of . It is presented as being spoken by Moses to all the people. accompanies him as he speaks, a visual reminder that leadership is being handed from Moses to Joshua. In last week’s parasha, , there is a reference to Moses teaching the people shira hazot – this song – under G-d’s direction. According to , the song referenced is the in this week’s reading.

The content of the Song is material that has been covered elsewhere in Torah and in the prophetic writings: G-d’s nature and uniqueness, G- d’s love for the people, G-d’s anger when the people worship idols, G- d’s forgiveness when they repent, G-d’s vengeance on their enemies. The Song is clearly identifiable as , both visually and in its content. In the The Song of Moses is written in two columns, showing where there are line breaks. The language is figurative and distinct in both vocabulary and images from the rest of Deuteronomy. It sounds much more like prophetic writing. Some scholars ascribe the poem to the Samuel and believe it was a later insertion into the .

Haftarah II Samuel 22:1-51 The for Haazinu is also a song. It is taken from the Second Book of Samuel, near the end of the book and the end of King ’s life. It is a song said to be composed and sung by David, recalling G-d’s deliverance of him from his enemies and from .

The connection between the and haftarah is obvious. Both are presented as songs sung by a great leader at the end of his life. Both praise and thank G-d, using similar metaphors and words. Both focus on the power of G-d and the great deeds G-d grants those whom G-d favors, as well as the danger of provoking G-d’s anger. Michael Fishbane says that the two songs “reflect a common theology of G-d as a mighty and sustaining power, whose way is tamim (perfect).”

The differences, though, are equally striking. Moses’ song is addressed to the People, reminding them of all G-d has done for them and warning them against rebellion. In keeping with Moses’ humble persona, the song is all about G-d and the , not about Moses’ role in their deliverance.

By contrast, David’s song is addressed to G-d and it is as much about David as it is about G-d. It praises David as much as it does G-d. Sort of the anti-Moses of Jewish heroes, David is never humble and never loses a chance to toot his own horn. The song describes David’s righteousness and worthiness repeatedly. G-d is credited with giving David strength, but he points out that G-d did so because David was so deserving. The song is a paean to G-d’s power and deliverance, but one that emphasizes the individual benefiting from that power.

Moses’ song is about the relationship – good and bad – between G-d and the Israelite people. David’s is about the relationship between G-d and David, and it’s always good.