Romanian Neurosurgery (2013) XX 2: 125 – 137 125

DOI: 10.2478/romneu-2013-0001

Traumatic cerebral contusion: pathobiology and critical aspects

Hernando Alvis-Miranda, Gabriel Alcala-Cerra, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar

Universidad de Cartagena

Abstract term repercussions of TBI are substantial Traumatic injury is a major cause especially among adolescents and young of mortality in developed countries. adults, whose continue to mature Cerebral parenchymal injury is evidenced and develop (5). by a significant percentage of patients. The Focal brain injury, is defined as a most important structural lesion of the localised damage to the brain in form of brain is the cerebral contusion, which is a laceration, contusion and haematoma complex and dynamic area, a result of the occurring in the presence or absence of a primary lesion and which is associated with skull opening from either a pre-trauma ischemic and inflammatory phenomena trephination or a mechanic fracture caused that need to be known by the by the impact itself (6). From the focal neurosurgeon. We present a review of the brain injuries, cerebral contusions (CC) are most important aspects of brain contusion. one of the most common traumatic Key words: brain contusion, focal findings, being present in up to 31% of traumatic brain injuries, traumatic brain initial imaging studies (CT-scans) of injury. patients with TBI (7). It has been reported that contusions occurred in 89% of brains Introduction examined postmortem (8). CC is a type of focal TBI, resulting from (TBI) is an direct loading and often occurs in the important public health problem and is the absence of widespread injury (9), leading cause of mortality, morbidity, and representing focal regions of trauma- disabilities in children and young adults, induced subpial hemorrhage and swelling, especially in young males (15-35 years old) zones of cellular injury where the (1). Internationally, TBI accounts for microvasculature is also disrupted (10). significant socio-economic implications; in Pure CC are fairly common, found in 8% the US alone, over 1.7 M individuals suffer of all TBI (11, 12) and 13% to 35% of a TBI each year (2). One of the main severe injuries (11). characteristic of TBI is that patients without The vast majority of contusions occur in a severe TBI, can experience subsequent the frontal and temporal lobes, although mental and/or medical problems (3, 4). The they can occur at almost any site, including acute consequences of TBI are just only a the cerebellum and (13). half of the complete problem, the long- Ratnaike et al (14) founded retrospectively

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that most blows causing CC are to back of caused by the initial mechanical impact, the head, being most contusions resulting in skull fracture, CC, and vascular contrecoup lesions affecting the frontal and and parenchymal injury causing intracranial temporal lobes. Any intracranial contusion, bleed and ICH. An inflammatory process, as other focal injuries such as hematoma, or formation, and excitotoxicity follow, brain laceration falls within the category of resulting in further increase in ICP and severe TBI (15). reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) This work aims to review critical aspects (17, 18). of CC in clinical practice, such as Despite the prevalence of such injury, pathophysiology, diagnosis and the injury mechanism leading to CC has management. long been studied but still remains unclear. As part of TBI, CC is a complex Characterization neurological event that results in the CC are more common in regions that disruption of numerous cellular and contact bony surfaces in the cranial vault physiological processes (19). during trauma: frontal and temporal poles, Biomechanical forces orbitofrontal gyri, perisylvian cortices, and TBI results from the transfer of energy inferolateral surfaces (16). from the environment to brain tissue that is Contusions can be characterized by greater than the amount that can be mechanism, anatomic location, or adjacent absorbed without dysfunction. Traumatic injuries. Table 1 summarizes main insults generally occur over short periods of characteristics of each one. time and are referred to as dynamic loading, and includes both direct or impact loading, Pathophysiology as well as impulsive loading whereby no In TBI, the primary injury to the brain is physical contact occurs (9).

TABLE 1 Characterization of cerebral contusions Fracture Result from direct contact injuries and occur immediately adjacent to a contusions skull fracture. Coup contusions Refer to those that occur at the site of impact in the absence of a fracture. Contrecoup Are those that are diametrically opposite to the point of impact. contusions Are focal hemorrhages involving the cortex and adjacent white matter of Gliding the superior margins of the cerebral hemispheres; they are due to contusions rotational mechanisms rather than contact forces. Intermediary Are lesions that affect deep brain structures, such as the corpus callosum, contusions , hypothalamus, and brainstem. Can occur in areas where the medial parts of the temporal lobe contact Herniation the tentorial edge (i.e., uncal herniation) or where the cerebellar tonsils contusions contact the foramen magnum (i.e., tonsillar herniation). Adapted from (16)

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The loads absorbed by the brain after the potential to cause prolonged and trauma generally include linear and deteriorated neurological and rotational components called angular loads. neuropsychological change (20). The rate and duration of the insult are There have been arguments regarding important because loads applied at high whether (ICP) or rates tend to result in more damage (9). tissue strain causes CC (21). Traditionally, CC and other focal injuries result from positive (compressive) ICP has been direct loading and often occurs in the believed to induce CC under the impact absence of widespread injury (9). site (22). Pericontusional zone (PCZ) is Cerebral and systemic changes induced recognized as the rim of edematic non- by cerebral contusion necrotic tissue surrounding the central Following TBI, an abundance of necrotic core in the acute phase of biochemical events is directed to the traumatic cerebral contusion (20). PCZ has ensuing brain parenchyma destruction.

Figure 1 Schematic cascade of events triggered by TBI Adapted from (24)

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Focal vascular alterations restrict the on alterations in the neural tissue, giving delivery of substrates to the brain such as less emphasis to the mechanisms that give oxygen and glucose, driving to energy rise to ischemic . However the depletion, ionic gradients that are necessary evidence indicates that three major factors to maintaining membrane potential are lost, are involved, these are (32): resulting in neuronal and glial 1. Increases in the intercellular cytosolic depolarizations (23). calcium concentration The pathogenesis of CC results from 2. Acidosis interrelated multifactorial phenomena 3. Free radical production involving anatomical and functional In severe TBI, CPP, which is defined as microcirculatory alterations; all are a the difference between mean arterial continuum of deleterious effects that drives pressure and ICP, at a level lower than 70 brain parenchyma to suffering and death, mmHg serves as a clinical threshold for Figure 1, schematizes these effects. adverse outcome (33). TBI is associated with a cerebral In 1957, Freytag and Lindenberg inflammatory response characterized by demonstrated two components of CC: the microglial and astrocytic activation, as well central core area in which cells undergo as release of inflammatory mediators (25). necrosis and the peripheral (rim) area in Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL- which cellular swelling occurs (34) Hacer 1β, IL-6 and TNF-α have been linked to Imágen. the early events mediating BBB breakdown In the central core area, the CBF is 4.7 and subsequent development of cerebral ml/100g/min, and of 16-18 ml/100g/min in edema (26). the peripheral zone (24). TNF-α directly disturbs BBB integrity, Normally, CBF is >50 ml/100g/min, leading to cerebral edema and leukocyte and the ischemic threshold is commonly infiltration (27). considered to be 18-20 ml/100g/min (35– Vascular Alteration – Cerebral Blood Flow 37). and Perfusion The decrease of ABP, the development Head trauma causes rupture of cerebral of ICH, and decrease in CPP are related to small blood vessels at an early period, disturbances in blood vessel sensitivity in especially in white matter. Spasm of the the hypoperfusional zone (36, 38–40). larger cerebral arteries after head trauma has In the clinical setting, low GCS been postulated in several works to be the associated with vasospasm has reported main cause of cerebral ischemia; however, deficiencies in cerebral perfusion (41). measurements of cerebral blood volume are The low cerebral perfusion following more compatible with compromised TBI is accompanied by a parallel decrease in microcirculation in the cerebral tissue (28). BTpO2 (42). Ischemia and contusion are directly Katayama et al have reported that blood correlated with the severity of the injury flow decreases 3 hours after the harmful (29–31). Unfortunately the contusion- event, implying the impact of adequate associated microvascular alterations have treatment and permanent multimodal been inadequately studied (32); this is due monitoring to prevent expansion of this to the fact that researches focused mainly zone into the normal brain (43).

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This zone can encompass approximately provide important data about cerebral 15% of brain hemisphere, and in patients autoregulation (54–56). with poorer outcome can be very extensive, Cerebral vascular autoregulation would encompassing a large part of brain recover on the fourth day after severe TBI, hemisphere (36, 44–48). and CPP might be increased by recovery of However, Lebedev et al. reported cases autoregulation. Thus, subsequent of hypoperfusional zone reduction (49), nonemergent surgery should be performed thus a good clinical management can avoid at least 4 days after severe TBI to prevent the increase of this zone and its expansion secondary brain injury. In addition, it into the normal brain, preventing an should be kept in mind that the cerebral irretrievable brain damage. vulnerability might persist for 4 days after Schröder et al, demonstrated in 1995 the suffering severe TBI (57). absence of reperfusion in this zone (39). Excitotoxicity The reduction of CBF may be due to In moderate–severe TBI, the initial vasoconstriction through the synthesis of trauma from the brain injury can lead to endothelin-1 (50) on upregulated immediate cell death through necrosis endothelin receptors A and B on blood where the cell lyses and releases noxious vessels and neurons (51). Conversely, a substances such as inflammatory recent finding suggests that arteriolar chemokines and cytokines, reactive oxygen diameters may increase and that the species (ROS) and proteases. perceived decrease in vasculature may be Changes in markers of metabolic due to thrombogenesis which can form impairment can occur before the onset of within 1 h of injury (52). ICH, suggesting that biochemical Impairment of cerebral autoregulation impairment can be present before low BC is likely to cause severe damage in cerebral perfusion pressure is detectable cerebral autoregulation. Cerebral or (58). pressure autoregulation is the inherent In particular, glutamate excitotoxicity is a ability of blood vessels to keep CBF contributor to cellular damage after injury relatively constant over a wide range of (59) as it can cause persistent membrane arterial blood pressure (ABP) or cerebral depolarization, resulting in ion perfusion pressure levels by the interplay of dyshomeostasis and consequent cell death numerous physiological mechanisms (33), also its coagonist aspartate, and (37,53), mainly active variations of structural amino acids (threonine and cerebrovascular resistance. Once the valine) have been involved in parenchyma autoregulatory mechanisms have been microdialysis probes or in cerebrospinal abolished, CBF passively follows changes in fluid (CSF) as associated excitotoxic ABP and impaired cerebral pressure. Under aminoacids (60,61). These aminoacids have these conditions, the brain becomes been linked to the causation of both acute vulnerable to ischemic or hyperemic and chronic neuronal damage. As has been injuries if perfusion pressure does not mentioned, increase of glutamate remain coupled with metabolic demands persistently activates ion channels, (37) particularly N-methyl-D-aspartate channel. ABP, ICP, and CBF measurements The dysregulation will affect the

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physiological processes of the cortex and TABLE 2 the hippocampus, because of their Altered hemodynamic states related to dependency regard to this aminoacid brain ischemia due to CC (60,62). As consequence of the permanent STATE CHARACTERISTIC opening of N-methyl-D-aspartate channels, Hypoxemia PaO2 < 60 mm Hg sodium and calcium penetrate into cells < 50 mmHg for > 30 min. while potassium is extrude to the prior to resuscitation extracellular space. Mean arterial Hemispheric CBF < 20 The consequences of ion dysregulation blood pressure ml/100g/min (MABP) are velocity dependent, when happens Herniation Fixed dilated pupil rapid, it can result in massive accumulation CPP < 50 mm Hg for > 30 min of intracellular calcium with rapid neuronal death that can occur during the first day Several authors have suggested that after the trauma, this process is also called cerebral ischemia or infarction can occur “fast excitotoxicity” (24). When calcium despite adequate control of ICP and CPP entry is retarded neuronal death can be (67–70). When glutamates increase up to traced within the period of 5-7 days after 50-100 mmol/L, neuronal death can be the injury (63). The extruded potassium detected within several hours due to their into the extracellular space causes a rapid overexcitation (24). CC is crucial for the swelling of astrocytes. This can, in turn, behavior of glutamate and for the increase lead to “cytotoxic edema,” which is thought of structural amino acids (threonine and to cause ICH. valine) resulting from neuronal death. The blockage of glutamate by N- When combining ischemic events with CC methyl-D-aspartate channel antagonists the result is a more severe secondary decreases the secondary damage of neuronal neuronal damage. cells (64,65). Clearly the more severe brain Edema formation damage, the higher the increase of Brain edema formation is a secondary glutamate (63). injury caused by a cascade of mechanisms Heterogeneous mechanisms exist in initiated at the moment of injury (71). In early edema formation in CC, and cytotoxic Table 3 are listed the phases of brain edema edema plays an important role within 48 due to CC. ICH is a frequent complication hours post-trauma; this early cellular of severe TBI (72–74), near to 70% of brain swelling in the peripheral area begins injured patients will present ICH (75–78). within 6 hours following injury, a fact Life threatening episodes of raised ICP are suggesting that the CBF does not decrease usually associated with conditions that to ischemic level immediately following afflict wide areas of the brain such as global injury (66). cerebral swelling after a trauma (79). Brain Ischemia Patients suffering from CC often develop CC can be accompanied by altered edema and HIC with a delayed onset, hemodynamic states, which can aggravate which causes impairment in neurological the initial traumatic injury, conducing to function and sometimes herniation ischemia (63), Table 2 summarizes some although no further bleeding has occurred hemodynamic states and its definitions. (80). After the traumatic event, local

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DOI: 10.2478/romneu-2013-0001 damage and BBB breakdown lead to propagation is elevated by cellular swelling neurochemical mediator release and in the peripheral area (83). During the regional changes in cerebral edema (71, 81). initial 2–3 days following TBI brain edema The genesis of brain swelling in an area expands from the core, incorporating to the of CC implies multiple, but conventionally perilesional uninjured tissue (82). considered to result from a combination of vasogenic and cytotoxic edema mechanisms Imaginological appearance (83): CC appears as heterogeneous areas of - Vasogenic edema results from the brain necrosis, hemorrhage, and infarction breakdown of the blood brain barrier and represents mixed-density lesions on and extravasations of fluid into the brain-CT scan. Multiple focal contusions extracellular space, which sets in have a “salt and pepper” appearance on CT. only after 12-24 hrs (84) However the distinction between - Cytotoxic edema is the consequence contusions and traumatic intracerebral of a hypoxic insult resulting in hematomas remains difficult to define. A membrane pump failure and cellular “salt and pepper” lesion is clearly a CC, but swelling. It can occur early, but its a large hematoma clearly is not. There is a quantum is insufficient to explain gray zone, and contusions can, over a the mass effect that is clinically period of hours or days, evolve into encountered. intracerebral hematomas (13). As mentioned, the early swelling around Due to the absence of CT-scan CC a CC which occurs in the first 24 hours and classification, we propose one, which is often life threatening, cannot be consider three types (1 – 3) each one with explained by either of these factors. two subtypes (a or b) taking considerations It appears that the capacity for edema of size, uni/bilaterally location and mass fluid accumulation increases in the central effect, as described in Table 4. area and resistance for edema fluid

TABLE 3 Brain edema phases in CC Phase Characteristics Frist phase or ultra- Occurs within the first 24 hours and is often the cause of clinical early phase deterioration or death. Second phase or Sets in after 24 to 72 hours and progresses for 7-10 days. delayed phase This swelling rarely contributes to clinically significant ICH. Sets in with the lysis of RBC in the intracerebral clot. Hemoglobin breakdown products activate reactive oxygen species, trigger Third phase cytokines (mainly IL6 and IL10) and activate the complement system (mainly C3d and C9 ) Adapted from (10, 82).

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CC are characterized by mixed densities treatment of TBI relied on strict of lesions, which are commonly monitoring and augmentation of ICP, MAP surrounded by perilesional hypodense areas and CPP, but currently the guidelines from in close contact with the internal surface of the Brain Trauma Foundation have the skull (85). Inhomogeneity (a major recommended initiating treatment for ICP therapeutic challenge) is often reflected on values greater than 20 and maintaining CPP the initial CT scan by a salt and pepper between 50 and 70 mmHg in order to appearance. Although there is little debate improve outcomes (87). According to the that hyperdense regions represent clinical practice guidelines in severe TBI of hemorrhagic areas that can be safely Taiwan (88), one of the indications for ICP evacuated, the significance of surrounding (grade B) monitors may be used on patients hypodense regions stills controversial (7). with severe TBI (GCS score 3-8) with abnormal CT scan findings, which include TABLE 4 CC, hematomas, brain edema, and Proposal of cerebral contusion compressed basal cisterns, but also in the imaginological (brain CT-scan) case of severe TBI with normal CT-scan classification findings but with at least 2 of the following Type Description conditions: (a) ≥40 years old; (b) unilateral Lobar microcontusions or cerebral a or bilateral decerebrate or decorticated contusions <1 cm 1 posture; (c) systolic blood pressure <90 Bilateral lobar microcontusions or b mm Hg; and can be considered individually cerebral contusions for mild or moderate TBI. a Unilateral lobar contusions 2 There are high-risk patients for b Bilateral lobar contusions convulsions, which can aggravate its Hemispheric contusions with severe a neurological deficit extremely rapidly, unilateral mass effect 3 Hemispheric contusions with severe which include those with the GCS score b bilateral mass effect ≤10, cortical contusion, depressed skull fractures, , epidural Management hematoma, , penetrating , and epileptic Because of CC tendency to enlarge over seizures within 24 hours after injury (88), time and become significant space thus in these patients, anticonvulsants occupying lesions, it could leads rapidly to medications should be considered. ICH with subsequent clinical deterioration Regard to surgical intervention, there or worsening neurological condition (7, 85, still remain some debate about its value in 86), thus CC can become a major the evacuation of intraparenchymal lesions, therapeutic challenge with critical such as CC (89). Currently is a readiness to functional importance whenever surgical surgically evacuate extraparenchymal removal of the lesion is contemplated in hematomas but regard to intraparenchymal neurologically eloquent areas (7). lesions have been adopted a conservative CC treatment, as in others severe TBI, approach (89). The rationale include the evolves rapidly with the addition of new removal of the edema which is producing technologies. Traditionally, therapeutic osmotic load and also abolishing of necrotic

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DOI: 10.2478/romneu-2013-0001 and apoptotic cascades triggered off by the parenchymal zones. Because had been products of blood degradation. CC surgical reported reduction of hypoperfusional zone excision is best done conservatively with it is comprehensible that good clinical minimal or absent trauma to surrounding management can avoid the increase of this tissue, and ideally done through a limited zone and its expansion into the and optimally placed cortical incision. In sourrounding normal brain. Unfortunately the case of hemorrhagic necrotic brain the data regard to specifically CC is scarce, tissue may be sucked out through an it is needed further concepts appropriately placed pial-cortical window. standardizations to give the best care to TBI However conservative contusectomies are patients. best combined with a decompressive craniectomy. Correspondence: As a tool for the reduction of ICP, Dr. Luis Rafael Moscote decompressive craniectomy (DC) is very Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia. effective (90–92). The procedure aims at e-mail: [email protected] negating the pressure volume relationship of the closed cranial cavity. DC per se does References not tackle the pathological brain swelling. 1.Arabi YM, Haddad S, Tamim HM, Al-Dawood A, Al- However, increasing the size of the Qahtani S, Ferayan A, Al-Abdulmughni I, Al-Oweis J, container it alleviates the effects of raised Rugaan A. Mortality reduction after implementing a clinical practice guidelines-based management protocol intracranial pressure. DC is indicated in a for severe traumatic brain injury. J Crit Care patient with a GCS score ≤13 or less with a 2010;25:190–5. midline shift of more than 5mm. Bifrontal 2.Faul M, Xu L, Wald M, Coronado V. Traumatic brain DC may be used to decrease ICP in cases injury in the United States: Emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths 2002-2006. Atlanta, with generalized edema and central GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2010. herniation. 3.Galarneau MR, Woodruff SI, Dye JL, Mohrle CR, To remember, progression of Wade AL. Traumatic brain injury during Operation Iraqi Freedom: findings from the United States Navy- hemorrhage/contusion (5%–58%) is a Marine Corps Combat Trauma Registry. J Neurosurg potential complications arising from DC 2008;108:950–7. (93, 94). 4.Okie S. Traumatic brain injury in the war zone. N Engl J Med 2005;352:2043–7. 5.Pujol J, Vendrell P, Junqué C, Martí-Vilalta JL, Conclusions Capdevila A. When does development CC is a dynamic and expansive process end? Evidence of corpus callosum growth up to adulthood. Ann Neurol 1993;34:71–5. having pronounced effects not only in the 6.Morganti-Kossmann MC, Yan E, Bye N. Animal vicinity of the contusion focus but also in models of traumatic brain injury: Is there an optimal more remote areas (hippocampus and the model to reproduce human brain injury in the brain stem). CC has the tendency to laboratory? Injury 2010;41, Supple:S10–S13. 7.Soustiel JF, Mahamid E, Goldsher D, Zaaroor M. enlarge over time and become significant Perfusion-CT for early assessment of traumatic cerebral space occupying lesions; it could leads contusions. Neuroradiology 2008;50:189–96. rapidly to ICH with subsequent clinical 8.Cooper P. Post-traumatic intracranial mass lesions. In: PR C, editor. Head Injury, Lippincott Williams & deterioration or worsening neurological Wilkins; 1982. condition. It can cause severe damage in 9.Blyth BJ, Bazarian JJ. Traumatic alterations in cerebral autoregulation, leading to suffering consciousness: traumatic brain injury. Emerg Med Clin

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