neurosurgical focus Neurosurg Focus 40 (4):E5, 2016

Sports-related : diagnosis, complications, and current management strategies

Jonathan G. Hobbs, MD,1 Jacob S. Young, BS,1 and Julian E. Bailes, MD2

1Department of Surgery, Section of Neurosurgery, The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago; and 2Department of Neurosurgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Evanston, Illinois

Sports-related concussions (SRCs) are traumatic events that affect up to 3.8 million athletes per year. The initial diag- nosis and management is often instituted on the field of play by coaches, athletic trainers, and team physicians. SRCs are usually transient episodes of neurological dysfunction following a traumatic impact, with most symptoms resolving in 7–10 days; however, a small percentage of patients will suffer protracted symptoms for years after the event and may develop chronic neurodegenerative disease. Rarely, SRCs are associated with complications, such as skull fractures, epidural or subdural hematomas, and requiring neurosurgical evaluation. Current standards of care are based on a paradigm of rest and gradual return to play, with decisions driven by subjective and objective information gleaned from a detailed history and physical examination. Advanced imaging techniques such as functional MRI, and detailed understanding of the complex pathophysiological process underlying SRCs and how they affect the athletes acutely and long-term, may change the way physicians treat athletes who suffer a . It is hoped that these advances will allow a more accurate assessment of when an athlete is truly safe to return to play, decreasing the risk of secondary impact injuries, and provide avenues for therapeutic strategies targeting the complex biochemical cascade that results from a traumatic injury to the . Key Words concussion; mild ; chronic traumatic encephalopathy; subconcussion

ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and experience persistent symptoms that require protracted, Prevention, sports-related concussions (SRCs) af- multidisciplinary treatment modalities. Unfortunately, it is fect 1.6–3.8 million people each year in the US65 hard to predict which athletes will suffer from extended Aand account for 5%–9% of all sports-related injuries.40,120 difficulties, because symptom resolution does not indicate Alarmingly, nearly 30% of these concussions occur in complete recovery from the traumatic event. To properly individuals between 5 and 19 years of age, and most re- treat these patients, many of whom are student athletes, sult in a visit to the emergency room. These events oc- we must remember that there are scholastic, financial, and cur in both helmeted and nonhelmeted sports alike, with social implications in addition to the health concerns that concussive traumas being noted in both competition and make it of paramount importance that we provide optimal practice settings.50,70 Among organized sports, football, medical therapy. As the publicity around concussions con- wrestling, girls’ soccer, boys’ soccer, and girls’ basketball tinues to increase, it is likely that the number of patients consistently account for the majority of concussions in the neurosurgeons see in their practice will increase as well. US.4,40,70,120,129 This article aims to discuss the most current understanding Although almost 90% of SRCs will have a spontane- of SRC and therapeutic strategies for neurosurgeons as well ous resolution of symptoms in 7–10 days following the as a multidisciplinary health care team that is required to initial injury,35,79,82,90,101 a small percentage of athletes will successfully ensure a safe return to play for these patients.

Abbreviations CTE = chronic traumatic encephalopathy; DHA = docosahexaenoic acid; DTI = diffusion tensor imaging; fMRI = functional MRI; GCS = Glasgow Scale; ICH = ; IL = interleukin; LOC = loss of consciousness; MRS = MR spectroscopy; mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury; PCS, PPCS = postcon- cussion syndrome, prolonged PCS; SCAT = Sport Concussion Assessment Tool; SIS = second-impact syndrome; SRC = sports-related concussion; TNFa = tumor necrosis factor–a. SUBMITTED December 2, 2015. ACCEPTED January 7, 2016. include when citing DOI: 10.3171/2016.1.FOCUS15617.

©AANS, 2016 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 • April 2016 1

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC J. G. Hobbs, J. S. Young, and J. E. Bailes

Diagnosis of a Concussion specific. Headache is the most common symptom, fol- The diagnosis of concussion is a clinical one and re- lowed by dizziness. An LOC is actually quite infrequent lies on an understanding of the definition of “concussion,” in SRCs, occurring in only 10% of cases, even though it is classically associated with mTBI.9,26,81,90,94,95,101 Amnesia which is often used synonymously with “mild traumatic and confusion are other classic symptoms of a concussion, brain injury” (mTBI). However, some authorities believe and they are often present following a traumatic blow to that concussion actually represents a subset of mTBI and 46 the head even if there is no preceding LOC (see Table 1 should be separated accordingly. Multiple definitions for signs and symptoms of a concussion). The remaining of concussion and mTBI exist; however, they all contain symptoms of a concussion vary widely from patient to similar core characteristics. patient, and include multiple health care complaints, such In general, a concussion (or mTBI) is defined as a trau- as physical (nausea, vomiting, balance disturbance, visual matically induced transient disturbance of neurological changes, fatigue, photo- or phonophobia, numbness); cog- function caused by a complex pathophysiological pro- 46 nitive (“foggy” mentation, difficulty concentrating, mental cess. However, there is a lack of unity among various slowness, memory difficulty, slow response time, confu- medical bodies about what exactly constitutes this mTBI. sion about recent events); emotional (increased irritability, The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine de- depression, anxiety, nervousness); and sleep disturbances fines mTBI as a traumatically induced physiological dis- (drowsiness, hyper- or hyposomnolence).46 These non- ruption of brain function resulting from the head being specific symptoms are commonly seen in other medical struck or striking an object or the brain undergoing an ac- conditions, and necessitate a global analysis of the patient, celeration and deceleration movement as manifested by at and place particular importance on the recent history of least one of the following: a period of loss of consciousness trauma for the diagnosis. (LOC) up to 30 minutes; posttraumatic amnesia that does No brain injury will be evident on MRI or CT scans not exceed 24 hours; any period of confusion or disorien- with an uncomplicated concussion; however, structural ax- tation; transient neurological abnormalities (focal neuro- onal injury may be present—just not evident on imaging— logical deficits, seizures, nonsurgical intracranial lesions); and concussions may be complicated by coexisting intra- and a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 13–15 within 17,68 cranial hematomas, petechial hemorrhages in areas with 30 minutes of presentation. The WHO stipulated that blood vessel shearing, or cortical contusions. If a concus- none of the aforementioned manifestations can be the re- sion occurs while an individual is still symptomatic from sult of intoxication (alcohol, medication, and recreational an earlier concussive event, the theoretical and controver- drug), systemic illness, or extracranial injuries. It should sial second-impact syndrome (SIS) may result.15,16,93,96 This be noted that neither the American Congress of Rehabili- syndrome describes a situation in which the second trauma tation Medicine nor the WHO specified a minimum dura- causes a loss of cerebral autoregulation with resultant and tion for LOC, amnesia, or disorientation that is necessary cerebral edema, which can be seen on brain imaging. This to meet the requirements of an mTBI. The US Department topic is discussed in greater detail later in the review. of Defense adds a caveat to the definition and states that an mTBI cannot have any abnormality on conventional CT or Associated Injuries 17 MRI studies. The CNS pathology most commonly associated with In 2012, the 4th International Conference on Concus- mTBI includes axonal injury, brain contusions, and intra- sion in Sport (ICCS) put forth a consensus statement re- cranial hemorrhages (ICHs). The primary pathological garding SRCs, which provides the basis of our current feature of TBI is axonal shear injury.153 The damage to the diagnosis and management. According to this consensus, axons and small blood vessels is generally proportional a concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological to applied traumatic force, and the extent of axonal injury process affecting the brain. A concussion is induced by is suggested by the duration of LOC or the amnesia and biomechanical forces and includes several common fea- GCS score following the injury. If vessels are damaged tures of clinical, pathological, and biomechanical injury constructs, which are used to define the nature of the con- TABLE 1. Common signs and symptoms of a concussion cussive injury.95 A concussion results from a transmitted force to the head. It typically manifests as a rapid, tran- Headache sient neurological dysfunction with spontaneous resolu- Sleep disturbances tion (although the symptoms may evolve over minutes to Dizziness hours after the traumatic event). Although the concussive event may result in neuropathological changes, the symp- Amnesia tomatology reflects a functional disturbance rather than Nausea/vomiting a structural injury, which correlates with the often nor- Emotional changes/irritability mal findings on conventional neuroimaging studies. The Photophobia symptoms are graded and may or may not include LOC, Difficulty concentrating/confusion and resolution typically follows a sequential course. How- Phonophobia 95 ever, some cases may include prolonged symptoms. Loss of balance Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion Paresthesias Vision changes The signs and symptoms are numerous and often non-

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC Pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and complications in SRCs along with the neuronal axons, the damaged areas may diagnosis and management of a concussion, this type of appear as petechial hemorrhages on CT or MRI scans. trauma is thought to represent a very mild form of diffuse Brain contusions are areas of focal cortical injury either axonal injury with no permanent histological changes. At from an external force or from rapid acceleration and de- the cellular level, the axonal stretching from a traumatic celeration that causes the brain to contact the intracranial force results in mechanoporation, or a disruption in the surfaces. Contusions are associated with localized edema, neural membrane, which allows for an efflux of K+ and ischemia, and mass effect, which collectively result in a an influx of Ca2+.41,42 These ionic shifts trigger a release worse outcome following an mTBI.148 Although signs of of glutamate, which results in an excitotoxic cascade and a contusion depend on its cortical location, any focal neu- cognitive dysfunction.5,59,85 The Na+/K+ pump then tries rological signs should raise concern for a brain contusion. to restore the ionic balance, and this coupled with mi- Any type of ICH can occur after an mTBI, particularly tochondrial dysfunction leads to insufficient adenosine if the patient is receiving anticoagulant therapy (albeit this 5'-triphosphate production and an increase in reactive oxy- is less common in the younger, athletic population). Any gen species.149,150 The resultant adenosine 5'-triphosphate patient in whom an mTBI is diagnosed and who begins to depletion and reactive oxygen species can generate a lac- show signs of neurological or clinical deterioration should tic acidosis and oxidative dysfunction.57 These neurometa- be evaluated for an intracranial hematoma. It is possible bolic and neurochemical irregularities in conjunction with that after an SRC a player may temporarily regain con- changes in cerebral perfusion can result in confusion and sciousness or have an improvement in neurological status possibly an LOC, particularly if the dysfunction occurs in before slipping into an unconscious state. This history of a the reticular activating system.67 lucid interval following a serious head trauma is a strong There is also a growing interest in the role of inflamma- indication that a potentially life-threatening complication tion in the pathogenesis of disease following a concussion, of the , classically an , is particularly with regard to postconcussive disease, which causing this rapid deterioration after a period of apparent spans a spectrum of diseases including postconcussion improvement. During the period in which the patient is syndrome (PCS), prolonged PCS (PPCS), chronic trau- improving, blood is collecting in the epidural space, and matic encephalopathy (CTE), mild cognitive impairment, as it accumulates the rises, which and dementia pugilistica.11,116 compresses the brain parenchyma and leads to neurologi- Briefly, following an SRC, the traumatic event in the cal dysfunction and potentially . Although CNS recruits neutrophils and monocytes, which in combi- not a typical presentation, other complications, such as a nation with the microglia and astrocytes already residing cerebral contusion, , pseudoaneurysm in the CNS, secrete inflammatory cytokines and alter their rupture, or ICH can also cause a lucid interval. expression of signaling molecules to organize an immu- nological response.49 Glial fibrillary acidic protein expres- Complications of Mild Head Trauma sion, which is widely used as a marker for astrocyte acti- Skull fractures can complicate even mild traumatic vation, is significantly upregulated in patients who have blows to the head. These fractures can either be linear suffered a brain injury when compared with controls who or depressed. Although linear fractures are often benign, have suffered a traumatic nonbrain injury.102,155 In rodent they can be associated with underlying pathology such models, the acute cytokine response following a concus- 29 as brain contusions, dural tears, and vascular trauma. A sion is remarkably complex but is thought to typically basilar skull fracture can lead to intracranial infections begin with an increase in the proinflammatory molecules and CSF leakage if a fistula is created, resulting in otor- interleukin (IL)–1a, IL-1b, and tumor necrosis factor–a rhea. Likewise, a frontal bone fracture can lead to CSF (TNFa).30 While levels of IL-1a show an acute elevation rhinorrhea and CNS infection if the ethmoid bone shears and fall, IL-1b levels tend to remain elevated for a longer the olfactory nerves. Any type of fracture that leads to period, rise more than other proinflammatory cytokines, communication between air and the intracranial compart- rise in an amount relative to the severity of the trauma, ment is classified as an open head injury and should be and spike more intensely if the concussion is associated evaluated with a neurosurgical consultation. with a contusion.48,151 Although some experiments have Screening for cervical spine injury should be per- demonstrated that the increase in IL-1b expression pre- formed, with history, examination, and imaging studies. cedes an increase in neuroprotective factors, others have Furthermore, vascular injury within the neck can occur. demonstrated that inhibition of IL-1b expression follow- Additionally, trauma can result in cavernous sinus syn- ing an mTBI leads to a reduction in cerebral edema and an drome. Signs of cavernous sinus syndrome include Horner improved cognitive outcome.25,47 Likewise, TNFa appears syndrome, ophthalmoplegia, chemosis, proptosis, and tri- to play both a neuroprotective and neurotoxic role in the geminal sensory loss. CNS following mTBI, which may reflect differential bind- Eye injuries may require an ophthalmology consulta- ing of the molecule to its two CNS receptors.2,139,154 tion if the trauma involves frontal impact. Any cranial More work is needed to determine how the severity of nerve injuries that fail to improve as the perineural edema brain injury alters TNFa signaling, the time course for resolves raise suspicion for a nerve entrapment, and neu- its protective and toxic activity, and how TNFa interacts rosurgical consultation is advised. with other cytokines during the injury process. Addition- ally, overexpression of IL-6 by astrocytes, which is po- Pathophysiology of Concussion tently stimulated by TNFa, has been shown to shorten Although a tissue sample is not indicated during the recovery times following cortical freeze injury in mice by

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC J. G. Hobbs, J. S. Young, and J. E. Bailes reducing apoptotic gene expression and regulating oxida- viders during future health care appointments following tive stress.123 Furthermore, IL-6 reduces the production of the injury. Commonly used scales include the Pittsburgh IL-1b and TNFa, which may explain why mice deficient Steelers postconcussion scale;83 the Concussion Resolution in IL-6 have exaggerated abnormalities following brain Index;34 the Postconcussion Symptom Scale;95 the Con- injury. 64,69 Finally, it should not come as a surprise that cussion Symptom Inventory;126 and the Sport Concussion antiinflammatory molecules, the predominant two being Assessment Tool (SCAT), third iteration,95 which is com- IL-10 and transforming growth factor b (TGFb), are in- monly referred to as SCAT3. If used in preseason physical duced after the proinflammatory cytokines to form the assessments, these scales may also provide a baseline for negative feedback loop regulating the proinflammatory future comparison should a postinjury evaluation be nec- cascade.28 Unsurprisingly, the role of these antiinflamma- essary. The remainder of the sideline evaluation includes tory molecules is similarly murky following mTBI, with a history and physical examination, primarily to rule out mixed results reported regarding their benefit or harm fol- more serious neurological injuries. lowing injury.132 Vision is an important assessment for concussion, al- The contribution of the immune response and neuro- though it is often underutilized during sideline assess- inflammation to both the immediate recovery following ment. Although not universally accepted as diagnostic, the a concussion and the long-term sequelae of repetitive King-Devick test is an oculomotor test that can be used for concussions should continue to be elucidated, because a concussion screening in athletes.61,146 This test provides a thorough understanding of this mechanism may provide rapid assessment of the visual pathways, and the results of logical targets for the use of immunosuppressive agents numerous trials have shown that concussed athletes have as therapies to protect against the neurocognitive changes significantly increased cumulative read times when com- seen following multiple concussions. Nevertheless, some pared with healthy controls, increasing the sensitivity of antiinflammatory treatment regimens, such as long-term sideline evaluations.36,61,130 ibuprofen administration or TNFa inhibitors, have either Balance and postural stability testing during sideline shown no benefit or adverse effects when used in pa- physical examination, especially when the results can be tients with concussive symptoms or in rodent models of compared with preseason baselines, is very sensitive for mTBI.13,76 It remains to be seen to what degree the immune the diagnosis of concussion.18,32,45,128 Standardized balance activation following an SRC is protective versus harmful assessment tools are available to help diagnose concus- and if the immune system can be manipulated to benefit sions, and they include the Balance Error Scoring System patients suffering from concussive symptoms. (BESS)45 and the Sensory Organization Test45 on the Neu- roCom Smart Balance Master System (NeuroCom Inter- On-Field Diagnosis and Management national, Inc.), which is used to identify musculoskeletal Athletes should be evaluated if they show any signs instability that becomes apparent only during balance or symptoms that are concerning for concussion. They testing. Studies have reported that acute postural instabil- should be evaluated immediately using standard emer- ity deficits last approximately 72 hours following SRCs,18– gency management and first aid and/or cardiopulmonary 20,44,45 suggesting that postural stability is a useful tool for resuscitation principles including airway, breathing, and evaluating motor function following an mTBI. Formal circulation, and particular attention should be paid to eval- testing using sophisticated clinical balance tests should be uation for a cervical spine injury. If a cervical spine injury considered a reliable and valid addition to the assessment cannot be ruled out, the participant must be immobilized of an athlete who is suspected of having a concussion. with rigid orthotics, leaving on any sports equipment, such Standardized cognitive evaluation of the injured ath- as a helmet and pads if applicable, and transferred to an lete allows trainers and team physicians to quickly assess emergency department capable of trauma evaluation and and identify struggling athletes who have signs that might advanced neurological imaging. Additionally, if there is indicate a concussion. Common mental status questions any sign of more serious brain injury (deteriorating mental used in our day-to-day practice, such as “What is your status, localizing neurological deficit, abnormal results on name?” “What is the year?” and “Where are we?” are of- pupillary examination, extraocular movement abnormali- ten not sensitive for evaluation of a concussion.77,92 Mad- ties, motor or sensory disturbances), the patient should be docks and colleagues developed a series of questions that transferred for evaluation on an emergent basis. Once the are more appropriate and accurate in assessing a possibly appropriate initial disposition of the athlete is made by a concussed athlete. These are integrated into the SCAT3 health care provider on site, a concussion assessment may assessment, and include questions such as “What venue be performed on the sideline. However, if no health care are we at?” “Who scored last?” “What half are we in?” provider is present, as is often the case in a practice set- “Did we win our last game?” and “Where did we play last ting, the participant should be removed from play and ur- week?”77,95 Other cognitive assessments that are quickly gently referred to a physician. completed during the sideline evaluation include recalling First, the participant must be removed from play or 5 words, repeating a series of numbers backward, or list- practice. The assessment includes the use of standardized ing the months of the year in reverse order. and validated symptom scoring scales of SRCs. These Once a concussed athlete is identified, the athlete provide an easy to follow, systematic approach for on-field should be immediately removed from the field of play or providers to use to evaluate and manage players, and they practice and not allowed to return to athletic activities that also provide a common language that may transfer longi- day. A referral is made for further evaluation by health tudinally with the patient from various health care pro- care providers to assess for a gradual, safe return to play.

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In the Emergency Room tive at detecting complicated mTBI than CT,104 and it also Although many concussions go undiagnosed or pre­sent has the ability to examine a wide range of physical pa- to outpatient clinics, athletes commonly will present to rameters by using various contrast settings. For example, the emergency department for evaluation if they lose con- “traditional” T1- and T2-weighted scans provide an idea sciousness or have a cervical neck injury. This evaluation of brain structure, fMRI correlates blood oxygenation focuses on similar points to those discussed in the preced- levels (blood oxygenation level–dependent signal) with ing section, with the addition of a more comprehensive neural activity, diffusion MRI uses anisotropy to make history and detailed neurological examination, including inferences about axonal white matter microstructure, and MRS provides information about the biochemical changes mental status, cognitive, gait, and balance evaluations. 33 Additionally, because some time will have passed be- in the brain. tween the concussive event and presentation to the emer- A meta-analysis of fMRI studies examining areas of gency department, it is important to identify whether there neural activation following mTBI found that, spatially, has been improvement or deterioration in the athlete’s activity was decreased in anterior brain regions like the clinical status since the time of injury. Often, the athlete and anterior cingulate, which are classically will be unable to recall the event, and additional informa- implicated in executive function and cognitive reason- ing, and activity was increased in posterior brain regions tion should be sought from parents, coaches, and team- 33 mates who witnessed the injury. like the cerebellum and foci in the parietal lobe. These The evaluation of the concussed athlete in the emergen- findings led the authors to argue that there may be a vul- cy department must also include the determination of the nerability of frontal regions in the brain to mTBI. This need for emergency neurological imaging, which should finding of frontal vulnerability by fMRI is supported by white matter connectivity differences observed in DTI be used when concern for intracranial or structural lesions 33,72,108 exists. The utility of neuroimaging in the emergency de- studies. Although these research studies are promis- partment resides in identifying the rare instance when a ing, there is still too much individual variability for these lesion requires urgent neurosurgical intervention, such as findings to be used in a clinically relevant manner. The an epidural hemorrhage. Although newer imaging modali- ultimate goal of advanced neuroimaging modalities in pa- ties have provided evidence that abnormalities exist even tients with mTBI is to be able to predict an individual’s in mild SRCs, as discussed later in this review, the current timeline for recovery, identify transient and persistent cog- data have yet to provide conclusive evidence to support the nitive deficits in conjunction with neuropsychiatric test- use of these new modalities in routine assessments outside ing, and provide an objective measure that can quantify of the research setting.95 the success of behavioral and pharmacological interven- tions.88,121,122 The use of DTI for patients with mTBI is intriguing be- Neuroimaging Techniques cause this modality is particularly sensitive to white mat- Most patients presenting with concussive symptoms do ter changes and may have the potential to detect diffuse not require neurological imaging studies. In the emergency axonal injury that occurs during mTBI. However, whereas department, patients may receive a noncontrast head CT one study found that DTI was the most sensitive MRI to quickly evaluate for any acute hemorrhagic event that modality for detecting changes during the acute phase of requires urgent neurosurgical intervention. Alternatively, mTBI,107 another study showed that no changes in frac- emergency medicine clinicians can choose to observe tional anisotropy (the most commonly used DTI-derived the patient for 4–6 hours and only obtain imaging if the measure) were observed in patients with concussions ap- patient has a worsening of clinical symptoms. Although proximately 30 days after their injury,152 and generally the MRI scans of the brain are more sensitive for small hema- studies of DTI in patients with mTBI have produced in- tomas and axonal injury, these scans take much longer to consistent reports.131 complete and any additional findings rarely affect acute Given the metabolic disturbances that occur in the clinical management. concussed brain, MRS, which measures brain metabo- A wide range of neuroimaging modalities has been re- lites, is a promising modality for determining the cascade searched as potential tools to help investigate mTBI. These of molecular changes seen following mTBI. In a recent modalities include CT, PET, SPECT, and various MRI review, the most significant finding was a reduction in techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), MR N-acetylaspartate, which is believed to be a specific neu- spectroscopy (MRS), arterial spin labeling, and functional ronal marker.37 Although there was considerable variabil- MRI (fMRI). One potential role for neuroimaging is the ity in the MRS collection and analysis across the studies determination of a complete recovery, because functional reviewed, there may be diagnostic potential for MRS in scans such as resting-state fMRI and MRS have shown SRCs; 9 of the 11 studies examined found metabolic dif- that changes in neural network connectivity and metabolic ferences between athletes and control subjects, and these imbalances lag behind cognitive and behavioral indices of changes were evident in the acute and subacute postinjury recovery.10,53,54 Additionally, multimodal studies that use stages. Although the use of MRS is still experimental, as combinations of these imaging scans or serial scans to more work is done to explore the correlations between monitor patients during the healing process represent an concussion severity and timing of recovery with metabolic exciting future tool in the management of patients after a changes such as decreases in N-acetylaspartate, there may concussion.107 be a role for MRS in the clinic and emergency department The MRI modality has been reported to be more sensi- in the future.

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Treatment lished an evidence-based guideline for managing athletes 43 General Management of SRCs and Return to Play with concussion. This guideline recommends immediate removal from play of an athlete with a concussion until Individuals usually recover from SRCs within days to they can be assessed by a licensed health care professional weeks, with complete resolution of symptoms and cogni- 14,43,95 trained in recognizing concussion. The guideline recom- tive improvement. General management of SRCs fo- mends assessing each athlete individually, with no set cuses on mental and physical rest until an athlete is symp- timeline for safe return to play. For example, high school tom free. Following this clinical improvement, a graduated and younger athletes should be managed more conserva- increase in physical activity is instituted before an indi- 95 tively, because they can take longer to recover than college vidual may return to play. athletes. This guideline also concludes that absolute rest In its “Heads Up to Health Care Providers” campaign, during concussion recovery is not supported with suffi- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published cient evidence, and therefore activities that do not worsen return-to-play steps adapted from the International Con- symptoms and do not pose a risk of repeat concussion may cussion Consensus Guidelines to help safely return athletes be included in the concussion management plan. to play (Table 2).95 This graduated, stepwise return-to-play protocol is also supported by the American Academy of Neurosurgical Management Pediatrics.86 Each stage of the graduated increase is expect- ed to take 24 hours, and the athlete must remain asymp- The vast majority of patients with SRCs or mTBI pre­ tomatic to qualify to proceed to the next tier of activity. If sent with a GCS score of 14–15 and do not require neuro- any symptoms return, the athlete is probably pushing too surgical intervention. Accordingly, the American College of Emergency Physicians’ 2008 policy on mTBI recom- hard to return and should stop all physical activity. In that 52 situation, the athlete is instructed to rest for 24 hours, and mends discharging patients unless they have an ICH. In contrast, patients with ICH, regardless of severity, are typi- then return to the previous phase and resume activity at that 117,147 level. Once the athlete is again asymptomatic at that level, cally observed in the ICU. they may continue to proceed to gradually increasing levels One study using the National Trauma Data Bank found of activity and continue toward returning to play, as long that in adult patients with an ICD-9 diagnosis of intracra- as they remain symptom free.89 Most athletes will recover nial injury and a GCS score of 14–15 in the emergency quickly and fully after a concussion, but should symptoms department who were admitted to the hospital, isolated subdural hemorrhages were the most common injury ob- worsen at any time, remain present for greater than 10–14 141 days, or if athletes have a history of multiple concussion served (37% of patients). Subarachnoid hemorrhages or mood disorders, a referral to a concussion specialist is were the second most common injury (26% of patients), warranted. It is the current practice of the senior author to and the rate of neurosurgical intervention was 8.8%. Epi- evaluate athletes with a suspected SRC in a formal clinical dural hemorrhages most frequently required neurosurgi- setting before clearing them to return to the field of play. cal intervention, whereas subarachnoid hemorrhages and The American Academy of Neurology has also pub- contusions required surgical intervention least frequently. Furthermore, given the large number of subdural hemor- TABLE 2. Graduated return-to-play protocol in athletes with rhages observed, they represented the most common ICH concussions complicating mTBI to require neurosurgery. Perhaps as expected, patients with coagulopathy or abnormal fibrinol­ Baseline: no symptoms ysis are more likely to deteriorate following mild to mod- The first step in the return-to-play progression requires that the ath- erate TBI and require surgery. lete complete physical and cognitive tests and be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours. For younger athletes more conserva- Pharmacological Treatment tive restrictions can be used. To date, there have been no studies that demonstrate Step 1: light aerobic activity that pharmacological treatments are effective at speeding 5–10 minutes of light aerobic activity, such as walking, light jogging, the recovery from a concussion or diminishing the deficits or riding an exercise bike, with the goal of increasing the heart attributed to the injury.8,118 In fact, there is a great need rate. for large-scale, multicenter studies to evaluate the bene- Step 2: moderate activity fits of medications for treating prolonged postconcussion Moderate jogging, brief running, or moderate-intensity weightlifting symptoms and to determine if there is any benefit to neu- that is reduced from the typical routine, with a goal of limited roprotective therapies. Nevertheless, patients who are ex- body and head movement. periencing prolonged symptoms (either PCS or PPCS) that significantly impact their daily activities may benefit from Step 3: heavy, non-contact activity medical treatment of their ongoing symptoms. The deci- Intense activity that is close to the typical routine but non-contact. sion to treat with pharmacological agents must be made There may be some added cognitive component to practice on an individual basis and should take into account the during this step. degree and duration of impairment from the symptoms Step 4: practice and full contact and the potential adverse effects of starting a medication. Reintegrate the athlete into full-contact practice. Petraglia et al. provide an excellent review of the phar- Step 5: competition macotherapeutics used to treat the somatic complaints, Return to competition. sleep disturbances, emotional difficulties, and cognitive difficulties that may exist following mTBI.118 In general,

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC Pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and complications in SRCs agents should be started at their lowest effective dose and athletes are symptom free and back at their neurological slowly titrated up to maximize clinical response and mini- baseline within 1 month of the traumatic event.35,79,82,93,101 mize side effects. Furthermore, agents that may contribute However, a small percentage of athletes will continue to the confusion and cognitive slowing seen in the patient to experience symptoms months after the initial injury; should be avoided so as to not confound the patient’s clini- this is termed PCS. Common symptoms of PCS are of- cal examination with a drug’s adverse effects. Further- ten vague and nonspecific, making the diagnosis difficult. more, it is advisable to attempt to avoid medications that The primary complaint of an athlete suffering from PCS are known to lower the seizure threshold. can be any symptom of concussion; the most commonly Considerable effort has been expended to investigate reported symptoms are headache, dizziness, insomnia, ex- whether naturally occurring supplements and compounds ercise intolerance, cognitive intolerance, depressed mood, that may possess antiinflammatory or neuroprotective irritability, anxiety, memory loss, poor concentration and effects could be beneficial in the aftermath of a concus- problem solving, fatigue, photo- and/or phonophobia, and sion.119 Although human studies are lacking, these agents psychiatric complaints.1,63,73 These late disabilities from may address the underlying pathophysiological processes the concussive event are frequently self-reported and ap- responsible for the long-term symptoms following concus- pear to be inversely related to the severity of the injury. To sions, and offer a relatively limited side-effect profile. date no evidence exists that correlates PCS with severity For instance, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are of injury, structural damage to the brain, or disruption of an important structural component of the neuronal synap- neurotransmitter cascades.46 tosomal plasma membrane, but they are underrepresented Morgan et al. recently identified preinjury mood or psy- among the other lipids consumed via our dietary intake. chiatric disorders, a family history of mood disorders, the The benefit of pretraumatic supplementation of docosa- number of previously sustained concussions, and delayed hexaenoic acid (DHA), a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty symptomatology (defined as symptom onset occurring acid, has been demonstrated in multiple rodent models of more than 3 hours postinjury) as predictors of PCS de- TBI.119 In rodents, DHA supplementation has been shown velopment in high school athletes after an SRC.106 Inter- to be neuroprotective following either focal or diffuse TBI, estingly, this multivariate model indicated that a history to reduce the number of damaged axons, to reduce excito- of a preinjury mood disorder was much more significant toxicity, and to provide numerous other multimechanistic for predicting the development of PCS than the number benefits to the posttraumatic brain. Well-designed trials of previous concussions. The results of this study support will be required to determine whether DHA supplementa- previous findings that children with high levels of stress tion in athletes may improve outcomes following SRCs. in their lives, a history of mood disorders, and children Green tea is another commonly discussed product that whose parents have mood or anxiety disorders have an in- contains many natural compounds that have been inves- creased risk of prolonged problems after suffering mild tigated for their potentially neuroprotective antioxidant head injury.109 Another study examining the health con- and antiinflammatory properties.23,55,56,66,80 One study sequences of PCS in children found that there was a 3.3- demonstrated that green tea reduced the amount of tau fold increase in depression after head injury, and that this phosphorylation and beta-amyloid deposition in a mouse increases to 4.8-fold when a parent had a mental health model of Alzheimer disease, which may be relevant giv- diagnosis.24 Providers need to be aware that these postcon- en the pathological findings in CTE.127 These substances cussion symptoms exist and know the risk factors for their provide a small snapshot of the potential value of natural development, identify patients who are at the greatest risk, supplements for both the prevention and treatment of con- and monitor them closely. cussions, and human studies are necessary to determine A current area of concern among providers is the ef- how and when their use will benefit athletes in a practical, fect of repetitive mTBIs, subconcussive head impacts or cost-effective, and well-tolerated manner. concussion-generating impacts, and the development of In the future, there is the potential for advanced im- SIS and CTE in the injured athlete. aging techniques such as fMRI to help guide our use of medications in the management of postconcussion symp- Second-Impact Syndrome toms. For example, fMRI studies have shown that postcon- Second-impact syndrome is a feared complication of cussion depression shares underlying pathophysiological returning to play too early after a concussive event, and features with the limbic-frontal model of depression and suffering a repeat injury, before symptoms from a previ- may be amenable to treatment with traditional antidepres- ous injury have resolved.15,16 This syndrome, which is also sive agents.21,22 Biomarkers may also serve a future role in called “diffuse cerebral swelling,” is thought to involve the identification of patients whose symptoms are likely the loss of autoregulation of the brain’s blood supply, to persist and who thus may require upfront management leading to vascular engorgement and elevated cerebral with pharmacological agents rather than a watchful wait- blood volume, as well as a marked increase in intracranial ing approach. pressure, and ultimately can cause a herniation event re- sulting in coma or death. It is still widely debated whether Postconcussion Syndrome, SIS, and CTE this phenomenon exists as a sequela of prior head injury or if it represents a separate pathophysiological process Postconcussion Syndrome of malignant cerebral edema seen in younger athletes. As stated previously, the neurological effects of SRCs The literature on this etiology is sparse and case reports are typically transient—approximately 90% of high school often describe young athletes (< 18 years old), in whom

Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 • April 2016 7

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC J. G. Hobbs, J. S. Young, and J. E. Bailes the pathophysiology and clinical history presented oc- Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy casionally does not support the diagnosis of SIS. Of the Recent evidence suggests that CTE is a potential long- 17 case reports of SIS identified, only 5 involved repeat term neurological sequela of repetitive brain injury, al- injuries, all of which occurred within 7 days of the initial though a direct, causal mechanistic linkage has yet to be injury. 93,96 However, whether or not SIS exists as classi- discovered. Neurological and neurobehavioral symptoms cally defined, the association with early, repeat concussive in contact sports were first described in boxers in the injury warrants that the injured athlete not return to play 1920s and 1930s—initially referred to as “punch drunk” before the symptoms of the concussion have completely syndrome—who developed parkinsonism, dysarthria, and resolved. psychiatric disturbances84,115 (which were also colloquially Apart from SIS, allowing an athlete to return to play known as “traumatic encephalopathy,” “dementia pugi- prior to symptom resolution predisposes them to more listica,” and “chronic traumatic encephalopathy”). In the severe injury from a subsequent concussion, with a pro- 1970s, researchers began to examine and categorize the longed duration and increased severity of symptoms. A neuropathological changes they discovered in boxers di- previous concussion decreases the cognitive ability and re- agnosed with dementia pugilistica,27 and in the late 1990s, action time of the individual, increasing the athlete’s sus- the association between repetitive head injuries and neo- ceptibility to repeat injury due to their diminished ability cortical neurofibrillary tangle formation and tau pathology to respond to the demands of the sport.74,75,91,95,134,140 There was identified.39 In 2005, Omalu et al. reported the first theoretically exists a time window of increased brain vul- case of CTE in a retired National Football League play- nerability due to the impaired cellular energy metabolism, er,114 with a second case reported 1 year later.113 McKee et during which a repetitive injury would worsen these neu- al. described 48 cases in the world literature as of 2009,97 rochemical and neurometabolic derangements, leading to and a few years later proposed a pathological staging sys- more significant cognitive deficits and prolonged recov- tem to categorize CTE.100 ery. 62,78,133,143–145 However, despite multiple authors describing a simi- The growing concern over the consequences of repeti- lar syndrome, the exact clinical features and pathological tive concussive and subconcussive injuries among Ameri- findings that are necessary and sufficient to constitute CTE can athletes is evident in today’s media. Subconcussion is remains unanswered. For instance, suicidality is widely due to a biomechanical force applied to the cranial con- cited as a clinical feature of CTE;51 it was first described tents that does not result in clinical signs or symptoms suf- by Omalu et al. in 2010 after patients in 2 of the 3 cases ficient to diagnose a concussion. The mechanism of injury examined committed suicide.112 However, in the exhaus- may be due to direct impact; acceleration-deceleration or tive 2009 review by McKee et al., suicide was not reported rotation of the head; or the “slosh” phenomenon, which is in a single case, nor was it included in their description of described as acute acceleration or deceleration of the body, CTE’s clinical features.97 with resultant brain movement within the cranial vault The most widely accepted etiological description of leading to injury.135 Although no overt signs are present on CTE assumes an associative relationship with multiple the initial injury, the clinical consequence of subconcus- concussions in sports;100,111,136 however, a single TBI111 or sions is manifested as a result of the athlete’s cumulative multiple mTBIs in military personnel and civilians100,111,136 exposure.3 Concussion-free college athletes participating have been identified as possible causes. Lately, the role of in contact sports demonstrated lower scores on formal subconcussion and the development of CTE has come to neuropsychological testing, notably in new learning and the forefront of many investigators’ endeavors, in which memory domains, than did control individuals.60,87 Among this “silent” epidemic is cited as possibly a larger problem athletes exposed to subconcussive injuries, some studies than classically diagnosed concussions.3,6,38,97 have shown that the deterioration in cognitive perfor- The evolution of neuropathological and clinical descrip- mance is directly proportional to their exposure burden, tions of CTE continues to be refined. Omalu et al. origi- although other studies have failed to reproduce this phe- nally described the clinical presentation of CTE as a pro- nomenon.87,103 When nonconventional neuroimaging is gressive deterioration in social and cognitive functioning, used, athletes without observable symptoms of a concus- mood and behavioral disorders, progressive deterioration sion have demonstrated neurophysiological changes that in interpersonal relationships, violent behavior, substance are similar to those seen on fMRI activation during work- abuse, headaches and/or body aches, and increasing religi- ing memory tasks in control patients with known concus- osity.111 Additionally, some have described an insidious on- sion.12,142 These changes appear to be statistically corre- set, often initially manifesting as disturbances in attention, lated with the number of subconcussive hits sustained by difficulty concentrating, or depression, with or without the athlete.12 headaches.31 Athletes often begin showing symptoms be- Additionally, DTI has provided evidence of white mat- tween the ages of 35 and 45 years (range 24–65 years),100 ter damage in subconcussion brain injuries, although the with a characteristic latent period of approximately 8 years clinical significance of these lesions has yet to be deter- between the last trauma and the development of symp- mined.7 Unfortunately, our knowledge of subconcussions toms.97 There are data that suggest CTE may present as remains in its infancy, and although data strongly suggest one of three clinical pictures: CTE onset at younger age the presence of detrimental neurological consequences with predominant behavioral or mood disturbances; CTE secondary to the repetitive exposure by athletes, further onset later in life with predominantly cognitive impair- research is needed if we are to understand the true scope ment; or CTE with a mixed picture of both cognitive and of this entity. behavioral and/or mood disturbances.105,137 The onset and

8 Neurosurg Focus Volume 40 • April 2016

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC Pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and complications in SRCs severity of CTE symptoms may be associated with the function and memory loss with dementia. Most athletes burden of hyperphosphorylated tau deposition, neuroin- suffer from profound loss of concentration and attention, flammation, and axonal pathology in the injured patient.31 language difficulties, paranoia, depression, difficulty with Recent descriptions of the microscopic neuropathol- gait, visuospatial disturbance, aggression, and explosiv- ogy include the following: localized neuronal and glial ity. 97,98,105 Macroscopically, there is significant frontal, accumulation of tau in perivascular areas of the cerebral lateral, and medial temporal, and also anterior thalamic cortex, sulcal depths, and superficial cortical lamina; mul- atrophy. The mammillary bodies are darkly discolored tifocal axonal varicosities in subcortical and deep white and atrophied, the hypothalamic floor is thinned, and matter; variable and sometimes absent beta-amyloid de- there is marked enlargement of the lateral and third ven- posits; and immunohistological TAR DNA-binding protein tricles, in addition to the findings described in Stage III. 43 (TDP-43)–positive inclusions and neurites.6,38,99 These Microscopically, severe spongiosus of cortical layer 2 and patho­logical findings may also be found in other conditions neuronal loss is widespread. The white matter of the cere- including Alzheimer disease, frontotemporal dementia, bral hemispheres displays marked myelin loss and astro- progressive supranuclear palsy, and aging; however, the lo- cytosis, perivascular macrophage deposition, and severe calization of tau as described above is considered unique tau clusters and neurofibrillary tangles throughout the and is a distinguishing characteristic for CTE.51 frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices. The insula, septal McKee et al. proposed a 4-stage pathological descrip- area, temporal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal tion of CTE in 2013 that represents a progressive descrip- cortex, substantia nigra, and locus coeruleus show severe tion of the disease, with symptom onset and evolution neurofibrillary degeneration.98 associated with the severity of macro- and microscopic Despite this exhaustive description of the pathological changes observed in gross specimens.100 stages by McKee et al., other researchers found different Stage I is often asymptomatic or associated with on- pathological changes in patients identified as having CTE. set of nonspecific symptoms such as headache, irritability, Omalu et al.111 reported that CTE is not associated with and decreased concentration.100 On pathological examina- cerebral atrophy, in contrast to the previously mentioned tion, the brain is grossly unremarkable. Microscopically, findings by McKee et al.,100 in which it was a prominent one or two isolated perivascular foci of tau deposition are characteristic. Additionally, McKee et al. described tau identified, often at the depths of cerebral sulci in the fron- immunoreactive astrocytic tangles as a defining feature of tal cortex and subpial astrocytes. Vascular amyloid depos- CTE, but these were not present in the series published its and beta-amyloid plaques are not found.98 by Omalu et al.100,111 Microscopically, there is a discrep- Athletes with Stage II CTE are often symptomatic and ancy regarding subependymal accumulation of tau, which exhibit short-term memory difficulties, disorganization was described by McKee et al., but again not identified by and difficulty planning, aggression, mood swings and/or Omalu et al., although both agree on the characterization depression, explosivity, and suicidality.100,137 Half of the of CTE by tau deposition in sulcal depths and superficial pathological specimens show macroscopic changes includ- cortical layers.100,111 ing mild enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles, It is important to appreciate that many cases identified cavum septum pellucidum, and pallor of the substantia as CTE also showed other nonspecific neuropathological nigra and locus coeruleus. Multiple foci of tau pathology changes, in addition to many cases meeting neuropatho- are identified in sulcal depths throughout the supratento- logical criteria for the diagnosis of other neurodegenerative rial cortex, with neurofibrillary tangles found in superfi- diseases such as frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer cial layers of adjacent cortex. Deep structures (, disease.51 These objective findings, along with the frequent median and dorsal raphe, and substantia nigra) show mild overlapping of similar symptoms, make distinguishing neurofibrillary degeneration. Perivascular beta-amyloid CTE from other disorders difficult. and beta-amyloid plaques are rarely identified.98 Going forward, there are several important issues re- By Stage III, most athletes are cognitively impaired garding CTE that must be addressed. A set of consensus- due to memory loss, executive dysfunction, and attention based, specific, sufficient, and reproducible criteria for deficits, in addition to the previously mentioned symptoms the neuropathological diagnosis of CTE needs to be es- in earlier stages.51,71,98 Macroscopically, there is reduced tablished, with which control subjects can be analyzed to brain weight; mild frontal and temporal atrophy; lateral understand what pathological changes are attributable to and third ventricular enlargement; septum abnormalities; CTE as compared with other neurodegenerative disorders atrophy of mammillary bodies, thalamus, and hypothala- and/or the normal aging process. The lack of control sub- mus; thinning of the corpus callosum; and pallor of the lo- jects in the prior pathological studies of CTE should not be cus coeruleus and substantia nigra. Microscopically, neu- minimized. These criteria may enable us to better qualify rofibrillary tangles are identified in the sulcal depths and to what degree and by what mechanism tau deposition perivascular areas throughout the frontal, temporal, and might cause or reflect the progressive degeneration and/or parietal cortices. Additionally, the hippocampus, amyg- clinical symptoms of CTE. dala, entorhinal cortex, nucleus basalis of Meynert, and Other areas of debate include identifying a clinical locus coeruleus display extensive neurofibrillary tangles, methodology to determine to what extent a patient’s symp- with less prominent foci now identified in the hypothala- toms are attributable to CTE versus other neurological, mus and mammillary bodies. Beta-amyloid deposits and psychiatric, medical, and degenerative processes; identify- plaques continue to become more prominent.98 ing to what extent repetitive neurotrauma uniquely con- Stage IV CTE is associated with severe executive dys- tributes to clinical symptoms of CTE;6,38,97,100,110,112,137,138

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 04:45 AM UTC J. G. Hobbs, J. S. Young, and J. E. Bailes and identifying whether the changes attributed thus far 12. Breedlove EL, Robinson M, Talavage TM, Morigaki KE, to repetitive neurotrauma represent a distinct disease pro- Yoruk U, O’Keefe K, et al: Biomechanical correlates of cess, or whether the repetitive injuries are associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic neurophysiological impair- ment in high school football. J Biomech 45:1265–1272, reductions in cerebral reserve that result in an increased 2012 vulnerability to earlier expression of late-life neurode- 58,124,125 13. Browne KD, Iwata A, Putt ME, Smith DH: Chronic ibu- generative disorders. Until our knowledge of CTE profen administration worsens cognitive outcome following becomes more complete, and causality is identified, our traumatic brain injury in rats. Exp Neurol 201:301–307, best management strategy remains prevention. If the data 2006 suggestive of neurotrauma as an inciting factor prove to be 14. Cancelliere C, Hincapié CA, Keightley M, Godbolt AK, true, better equipment, rule changes, and increased aware- Côté P, Kristman VL, et al: Systematic review of progno- ness will, it is hoped, result in a reduction in incidence of sis and return to play after sport concussion: results of the CTE in the future. International Collaboration on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Prognosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 95 (3 Suppl):S210– S229, 2014 Conclusions 15. Cantu RC: Second-impact syndrome. Clin Sports Med A growing body of data suggests a link between repeti- 17:37–44, 1998 tive SRCs and short- and long-term neurological conse- 16. Cantu RC, Gean AD: Second-impact syndrome and a small subdural hematoma: an uncommon catastrophic result of quences. These findings have been transformative in to- repetitive head injury with a characteristic imaging appear- day’s sporting world, with the implementation of numer- ance. 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