Morgan County Democrat. (Mcconnelsville, Ohio), 1934-10-18
/ HS 'W'''' ^„r. **v^1"* r ! v 1 v A v * "<•**» ^ >V >.-• - ••*%'- • r» ^ <-^ ^-j ^ ^ t>~" v "-wy- -5 • » s""* i <•'*s»* '" " *• $ ('i *,,«•_ •:' jf - ,,_" •; = -. ; * ;- ?•>.•; pr,? * n -"•«*, ' "*i r ^ ^ -T ^ r^r~'- '"fyf \^. v * / 4 : (' >" 7 ""> /--'*". $V'V' f 4 4 : .***•*< * „ ' ?*• *,>.j » tV \'ty~> , ** . » *•'. > r • * * ~ 't*' "*<• >*"*? <" A* ' ^ ^ *'*.• ^ '•* "\». \* * . t '*i| - X " -.>' ; ,,, ;* '.'•. •; * "; : . '* ;>* -t *t\ ' ^c>. " "%-*»'* - r vt- ?*?'•• ""*1 --1'* •/•' V ;' 1 wV. •'" ^ 'V \„.\ 4 V •' •; v ! ' *'' i* >'-- """••+ ; , /•! ,"-"f' V,~ " .« i 1 ' % " , - j, "*V ' • * ~ - * > " v * \< v *,x- <fe. • ;»' / »•;" , < ?*. *•»,* 1 5 r J- iV ' .",** -!< !* L I The Morgan County democrat, McConnelsville, Ohio, Thursday, October 18, 1931 Page Seven i • ,*( 'A^h-^ ^" *4 %Y;^ down to the farm Saturday night. ficiency of the schools to cut out M. & M. SCHOOL XOTHK ment floors of the gymnasium and good people from our community, " +*n Meigs Several friends helped Howard some <of the while collared gentle the bleachers have been completed and wish them health and happiness Sines celebrate his birthday, Sun men, and cut the salary of the rest. Agriculture The brick laying will start again in their new home. The agricultural classes of M. & ' " , . Wilhnr Henderson and family day. Freezing weather was recorded Tuesday. Mrs. Edna WoodwaH! of McCon ^ |-t M. went to Fleming, to the experi WHITES -f. *J "fiave moyed from the Trott farm to Orville Ray and family of Cross here Sunday and MoBtlay. Miss Beryl Cone, critic teacher of nelsville spent a part of last week "the P. A. Mahon (Conner) farm; Roads spent Sunday at Oiner Ray's. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Shook and ment farm, Sept. 25. Each student vocational home economics, visited with Mrs.
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