Accelerating the LOBPCG method on GPUs using a blocked Sparse Matrix Vector Product Hartwig Anzt and Stanimire Tomov and Jack Dongarra Innovative Computing Lab University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA Email:
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[email protected] Abstract— the computing power of today’s supercomputers, often accel- erated by coprocessors like graphics processing units (GPUs), This paper presents a heterogeneous CPU-GPU algorithm design and optimized implementation for an entire sparse iter- becomes challenging. ative eigensolver – the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) – starting from low-level GPU While there exist numerous efforts to adapt iterative lin- data structures and kernels to the higher-level algorithmic choices ear solvers like Krylov subspace methods to coprocessor and overall heterogeneous design. Most notably, the eigensolver technology, sparse eigensolvers have so far remained out- leverages the high-performance of a new GPU kernel developed side the main focus. A possible explanation is that many for the simultaneous multiplication of a sparse matrix and a of those combine sparse and dense linear algebra routines, set of vectors (SpMM). This is a building block that serves which makes porting them to accelerators more difficult. Aside as a backbone for not only block-Krylov, but also for other from the power method, algorithms based on the Krylov methods relying on blocking for acceleration in general. The subspace idea are among the most commonly used general heterogeneous LOBPCG developed here reveals the potential of eigensolvers [1]. When targeting symmetric positive definite this type of eigensolver by highly optimizing all of its components, eigenvalue problems, the recently developed Locally Optimal and can be viewed as a benchmark for other SpMM-dependent applications.