Vol 2 No 5 Yorkshire Ramblers' Club Journal
Comnr'tunications sl"rorrlcl l:r: arldressccl to the Editor, Bishophill Hottse, York VOL. TI. I1)0ii. No. it 'l'HH YORKSHIITH RAruISLHRSO (,t .uli JmKjffiNAL- .r I l\ "l'lr,I$TS" PA(]II Srn \4r. &{. Coxwalr I !'nntr Ror:rn,nIrl r3, Prncv Ltixn OT 24 a.. A Sit-nsr: IrtsMlrstt z8 G" T. I,,OWIJ J) S, W. Cur"r'niss 48 ';r\ -1" (r't ,.1, ( t:.n Ciaphar.n ... ,\. G nEnr+ Jlr l-ngD Bo'rl.nt{ILL 64 F'np:n IJorinnlll 67 ol. I cr i 68 " 69 69 7o 7r lrr \1, IJ /5 7e 83 Itlt:r'trl ll,,,,l 94 I L t.. t"J s'T m A"r t () N s, , t i [4rrrlrt:tl:'r lt l'.rll' I ( L,"' ,,' .i r'',, ., ' , ,i;.'1t l,J'. .) Iioltt'rill'', ('lttttl,, 1., l' ll. Iltrtley Cla,gs, Eskclale. Derweutwater, ,r\lttrrr l','l ( /,,',' ," ,',,t;:',' ,;i\ .:,t,,,i' 1't'tut,) Slanting Gully, I-,liwecir:1" ".' I -sr:-Hl*{ I i lf; [,r t, ; .1.-) F,hTr, Puhlished by thc Yot'kshlt','., [tmrmhlarr' &]f,nrb, t S, Fark Strget, Leed$i, Lcx t)oI, : 'l'. l'' l,S I I l'; li" PRIGE TWO $HILLINGS, NET" PEARSON CT DENHAMI gealers in ?6otograp6ie flpparatus only. ESTABLISHED IBTJ. SPECIATITIES FOR TRAVETLERS, RAMBLERS AND CLIMBERS, \Dcno = Cbc Kodalq ADAPTABLE FOR PLATES. Forcmost among$t Hand Cameras for Plates is the " LOII)IS," {6 I8s, to {'II, according to the lens. Price List Free. 2I, NEW STATION STREET, LEEDS. .IAMES S. cARTER, ALPINE BOOTMAKER and TOURISTS' OUTFITTER, /6 {oufi frIo{ton {neet 9ondon, W ls made of the best grained cow-hide -the strongest leather for rough work, and best adapted for rock climbing.
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