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UNIVERSITY of COLORADO STUDIES Series in Biology No UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDIES Series in Biology No. 6 AN ANNOTATED CHECK LIST OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF COLORADO BY T. P a u l M a s l in U niversity of Colorado Press Boulder; Colorado, November, 1959 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO STUDIES Editor: K arl K. Hulley Editorial Board: F lo y d K. Baskette, Robert E. Gbegg, Clay P. Malick, Paul V. Thompson, H arold F. W alton Numbers of the University of Colorado Studies are issued from time to time as suitable contributions are received from members of the Faculty, preference being given to articles which may be (1) too long for publication in the usual journals, (2) not quite suited to any other journal, or (3) concerned especially with Colorado. Established as an outlet for such materials as are mentioned above, the Studies was first published in January, 1902. Since that time, two changes have been made for the purpose of unifying the content of the several issues, the first having been effected in the academic year 1938-1939, when the Studies was divided into four series, three of which were limited to articles in some broad field of knowledge — humanities, social studies, and physical and biological sciences. The second change was made in the academic year 1947-1948, when the series were revised so as to limit each one to a particular field, as indicated in the list on the fourth page of the cover of this number. It is requested that all exchanges be addressed to Serials Division, Uni­ versity of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado — not to the Editor. Educational institutions, libraries, and societies desiring to be placed on the exchange list should make request to the Editor of University of Colorado Studies, Boulder, Colorado. Business communications also should be sent to the Editor. AN ANNOTATED CHECK LIST OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF COLORADO BY T . P a u l M aslin A s s o c ia t e P r o f e s s o r o f B io l o g y U n iv e r s it y o f C o l o r a d o a n d Curator of H erpetology U n iv ersity of C olorado M useum University of Colorado Studies Series in Biology No. 6 U n iv e r s it y o f C o l o r a d o P r e s s B o u l d e r , C o l o r a d o , N o v e m b e r , 1959 Price $3.00 CONTENTS Page Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1 Class Amphibia Linnaeus....................................................................................... 6 Order Caudata Oppel...................................................................................... 6 Suborder Ambystomatoidea Noble........................................................... 6 Family Ambystomatidae Hallowell....................................................... 6 Genus Arnbystoma Tschudi................................................................. 6 Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium Baird.......................................... 6 Ambystoma tigrinum utahense Lowe.............................................. 7 Order Salientia Laurenti................................................................................. 8 Suborder Anomocoela Nicholls.................................................................. 8 Family Pelobatidae La taste.................................................................... 8 Genus Scapkiopus Holbrook............................................................... 8 Scaphiopus bombifrons Cope.......................................................... 8 Scaphiopus hammondi Baird........................................................... 9 Suborder Procoela Nicholls......................................................................... 9 Family Bufonidae Hogg.......................................................................... 9 Genus Bufo Laurenti........................................................................... 9 Bufo boreas boreas Baird and Girard............................................. 9 Bufo cognatus Say............................................................................. 11 Bufo debilis insidior Girard............................................................. 12 Bufo punctatus Baird and Girard.................................................. 12 Bufo woodhousei woodhousei Girard............................................... 13 Family Hylidae Gunther......................................................................... 14 Genus Acris Dumeril and Bibron...................................................... 14 Acris crepitans blanchardi Harper.................................................. 14 Genus Hyla Laurenti........................................................................... 15 Hyla arenicolor Cope........................................................................ 15 Genus Pseudacris.................................................................................. 16 Pseudacris nigrita maculata (Agassiz)............................................ 16 Suborder Diplasiocoela Nicholls................................................................ 17 Family Ranidae Bonaparte.................................................................... 17 Genus Rana Linnaeus.......................................................................... 17 Rana catesbeiana Shaw.................................................................... 17 Rana pipiens brachycephala Cope.................................................. 18 Rana sylvalica cantabrigensis Baird................................................ 20 Class Reptilia Laurenti........................................................................................... 21 Subclass Anapsida Williston............................................................................... 21 iii Page Order Testudines Batsch................................................................................. 21 Family Chelydridae Swainson................................................................ 21 Genus Chelydra Schweigger................................................................. 21 Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Linnaeus).................................... 21 Family Kinosternidae Agassiz................................................................ 22 Genus Kinosternon Spix...................................................................... 22 Kinosternon flavescens Jlavescens (Agassiz).................................... 22 Family Emyidae Gray............................................................................. 22 Genus Chrysemys Gray........................................................................ 22 Chrysemys picla belli (Gray)........................................................... 22 Genus Terrapene Merrem.................................................................... 23 Terrapene ornata ornata (Agassiz).................................................. 23 Family Trionychidae Gray..................................................................... 24 Genus Trionyx Geoffroy St. Hilaire.................................................. 24 Trionyx ferox hartwegi (Conant and Goin)................................... 24 Subclass Lepidosauria Romer............................................................................. 25 Order Squamata Oppel.................................................................................... 25 Suborder Sauria Macartney........................................................................ 25 Family Iguanidae Gray........................................................................... 25 Genus Crotaphylus Holbrook.............................................................. 25 Crotaphylus collaris auriceps Fitch and Tanner........................... 25 Crotaphylus collaris collaris (Say).................................................. 26 Crotaphytus wislizeni wislizeni Baird and Girard......................... 27 Genus Holbrookia Girard..................................................................... 27 Holbrookia maculata approximans Baird....................................... 27 Holbrookia maculata maculata Girard......................... .................. 28 Genus Sceloporus Wiegmann.............................................................. 29 Sceloporus graciosus graciosus Baird and Girard.......................... 29 Sceloporus magister bimaculosus Phelan and Brattstrom............ 30 Sceloporus undulatus elongatus Stejneger...................................... 30 Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus Maslin................................... 32 Sceloporus undulatus garmani Boulenger...................................... 33 Sceloporus undulatus tristichus Cope.............................................. 34 Genus Urosaurus Hallowell................................................................. 35 Urosaurus ornatus wrighti (Schmidt)............................................. 35 Genus Uta Baird and Girard.............................................................. 36 Uta stansburiana stansburiana Baird and Girard........................ 36 Genus Phrynosoma Wiegmann........................................................... '37 Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan)...................................................... 37 Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre Girard........................................ 37 Phrynosoma douglassi hernandesi Girard...................................... 38 Phrynosoma douglassi ornatissimum Girard.................................. 39 iv Page Family Teidae G ray................................................................................ 40 Genus Cnemidophorus Wagler...........................................................
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