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Hardcopy by Case Name CASELOAD INDEX 10-Jun-20 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) BOA80-34 BOA13-08 BOA13-07 BOA13-05 273707106002 P046-18 (Auster) Hummingbird Lode 1041 Hazar 273704200020 P001-95 021-1995 # (McCloskey) Hunter Creek Ranch Speci 273705300001 P67A-87 87-116 NR 0876 Snowmass Creek LLC GMQS Co 246734100004 P136-07 023-2008 #548222 #068-2 001-2008 #547951 n/a 0876 Snowmass Creek LLC Subdivision 246734100004 P102-09 077-2009 #564656 041-20 B94 P4-5 #541143 10 Maroon Drive LLC Activity Envelop 273503401001 P063-16 B116 P87-88 #634436 1033 Willoughby Way, LLC 1041 Haza 273501402006 P041-05 B72 P18 #507294 1099 Willoughby Way Partners LLC Ac 273501402002 P097-18 B125 P78 #657692 10th Mountain Hut Lenado Parking Lot 264127200028 P023-01 113-2001 #456384 12 Hours of Snowmass BBQ Temporary 246734401001 SP025-08 12 Hours of Snowmass BBQ Temporary 264323401001 SP023-09 1266 OCR LLC Activity Envelope and 264334300002 P094-18 need?? 1266 OCR LLC Front Yard Setback and 264334300002 BOA011-18 n/a 1266 OCR LLC Major Road Setback Va 264334300002 BOA013-17 n/a 1347 Red Mountain Road LLC Activity 273706304006 P081-12 1347 Red Mtn Rd. LLC (Israel) Minor 273706304006 P074-05 B74 P87 #513651 1355 Medicine Bow Road LLC Reinstat 264321305002 P057-10 Page 1 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) 13th Annual Bash for the Buddies 2012 264335404002 SP016-12 144 Magnifico LLC 1041 Hazard Revie 273501403018 P123-05 B74 P98 #514376 148 Placer Lane LLC Minor Amendmen 273707275002 P078-13 B104 P58-59 #603989 148 Placer Lane LLC Site Plan Review 273707275002 P039-13 B103 P99-101 #602375 14th Annual Colorado Relay Temporary 264328200000 SP030-11 153 LLC Activity Envelope and Site Pla 264315302004 P093-19 155 Danielson LLC Activity Envelope 264335108001 P073-14 B108 P52 #615596 16 Lupine LLC Variance 273717307023 BOA005-19 n/a 17 Mountain Laurel Court LLC Minor A 273717307052 P161-07 n/a 17 Mountain Laurel Crt 273717307052 BOA07-06 1720 McLain Flats Road LLC Activity 264327400004 P096-10 B97 P21 #579594 1720 McLain Flats Road LLC Minor A 264327400004 P033-09 B92 P66 #564681 1801 Associates LLC Minor Amendmen 264507101002 P064-18 B123 P58 #651494 1801 Associates LLC Variance 264507101002 BOA007-18 n/a 18th Annual Bash for the Buddies (2017 264327100002 SP009-17 1900 Snowmass LLC Major Amendmen 246734401001 P092-19 1954 Colorado Investment Co Site Plan 264310300017 P077-09 B92 P77-78 #565202 B93 P75-76 1954 Colorado Investment Co. Minor A 264310300017 P143-08 B91 P56 #561063 1954 Colorado Investment Co. Minor A 264310300017 P058-08 B87 P93-94 #551174 1954 Colorado Investment CO. Minor A 264310300017 P167-07 B86 P69-70 #547275 198 Mt Laurel LLC Activity Envelope a 273717307085 P048-13 n/a 198 Mt Laurel LLC Activity Envelope a 273717307085 P012-18 to C&R 8/1 1999 RS International Trust Minor Ame 264511101001 P025-12 B100 P55-57 #591139 Page 2 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) 1999 RS International Trust Minor Ame 264511101001 P118-09 1999 RS International Trust Reinstateme 264511101001 P119-09 011-2010 #571096 n/a 19th Street Trust/Greenfield Subdivision 246734100002;246737 P181-01 20 Maroon Court Development LLC Sit 273511102001 P242-06 026-2007 #537536 B82 P41 #533795 2000 Stone Road LLC Wireless Commu 246515300005 P010-20 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Aspen Sports Cl 264316400047 2004 201 W. Cooper PUD Gen Submission & 273513100004 P45A-88 89-18 #308967 2075 McLain Flats Road LLC (Hewett) 264327400010 P064-05 090-2005 #511082 218 WW LLC Activity Envelope and Sit 273707210133 P023-19 24505 Hwy 82 Non-Conforming Use Sta 246717401035 P006-10 n/a 250 Aspen LLC Minor Amendment to Si 273512103003 P025-14 B106P84-86 #609830 250 Aspen LLC Site Plan Review 273512103003 P061-12 250 Aspen LLC/ Denholm Subdivision 273512103003;273707 P020-13 B102 P65-66 #598428 250 Willoughby Way Rezoning 273512103003 P083-13 n/a 257 Aspen Ridge LLC Elimination of C 273512101005 P067-04 079-2004 #499101 257 Aspen Ridge LLC Scenic Overlay R 273512101005 P080-04 B70 P26 #500534 26800 Snowmass LLC Activity Envelop 246727202001 P022-20 2800 West Buttermilk LLC Site Plan Re 273510210003 P039-10 B96 P31-39 #577892 284 Northstar LLC, Lot 2 Minor Plat A 273717311002 P054-04 B69 P12 #497850 299 Conundrum LLC Activity Envelope 291102100023 P103-12 B103 P13 #599860 299 Conundrum LLC Site Plan Review a 291102100023 P068-13 B105 P28 #606233 B107 P46 #61 309 Sagebrush LLC Minor Amendment 264334406032 P092-15 n/a 309 Sagebrush LLC Special Review for 264334406024;264334 P062-15 080-2015 #624336 n/a Page 3 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) 327 Seventh St LLC Site Plan and Activi 273512300005 P031-18 B123 P49 #651268 327 Seventh St LLC Variance 273512300005 BOA008-19 3282 Beach Club Dr Family Trust Varia 273734301003 BOA001-18 n/a 3282 Beach Club Drive Trust Minor Am 273734301003 P088-18 B124 P67-68 #653249 34 Placer Inc Activity Envelope, Site Pla 273707211002 P001-17 B119 P47 #638980 B119 P48-48 # 355 Silverlode Insubstantial Ammendme 273707428001 363 Redstone Historic Preservation 272920101004 RHP001-12 n/a 39-34 LLC (Baker) Minor Amendment 273717208020 P126-06 B81 P18 #528702 39500 Highway 82 LLC 1041 Hazard & 273511104001 P081-06 B81 P7 #528230 40 Spruce LLC Site Plan Review 273707106002 P047-18 B124 P66 #653247 408 West Reds Road, LLC, 1041 Hazar 273501401007 P009-99 B52 P24 #439265 41 Danielson Drive, LLC 1041 @ Buildi 264335105008 P034-06 B77 P95 #521581 42705 Hwy 82 LLC Activity Envelope a 273717307032 P095-14 B111 P67 #621070 42705 Hwy 82 LLC Road Setback Varia 273717307032 BOA015-14; AK 43551 Highway 82 LLC Activity Envelo 273720100529 P031-14 B107 P55-56 #611684 43551 Highway 82 LLC Major Road & 273720100529 BOA004-14 43551 Hwy 82 Major Road Setback 273720100529 BOA011-14 470 Red Mountain 2 LLC (Block) Speci 273707219001 P080-05 n/a 473 Mountain Laurel LLC Activity Enve 273717307006 P021-20 473 Mountain Laurel LLC Front Yard V 273717307006 BOA001-20 48 River Bend LLC 1041 @ Building Pe 246721202013 P188-06 B80 P7 #526484 48 Riverbend LLC /Russell 1041 Hazard 246721202010;246721 P114-06 038-2007 #538642 079-20 n/a 501 Buttermilk LLC Activity Envelope 273503100001 P067-16 050-2017 #643668 067-20 008-2017 #643667 Need Plat? Page 4 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) 502 Wrights Road LLC Activity Envelo 273501401006 P017-18 B123 P42 #650913 502 Wrights Road LLC Minor Amendm 273501401006 P038-19 B125 P64 #657409 502 Wrights Road LLC Site Plan Revie 273501401006 P080-18 B124 P86 #654053 5134 Snowmass Creek Rd LLC Activity 264514100007 P086-16 B120 P9-10 #640898 55 Starwood LLC Site Plan Review and 264335105003 P012-13 B103 P80-81 #601163 62 Bennett Court LLC Activity Envelop 273501406004 P065-14 645 Hunter Creek LLC Activity Envelop 273707101008 P017-16 B114 P89 #630374 674 Johnson Drive LLC Minor Amendm 264335202001 P129-07 B85 P68 #544083 68 Corporation 273301306801 BOA70-3 68 Corporation Request for Height Varia 273301306801 BOA69-3 69 Sunshine Avenue LLC Activity Envel 273707104014 P0018-20 69 Sunshine Avenue LLC Activity Envel 273707104014 P018-20 71 Salvation Circle Holdings LLC Activ 273707202011 P011-17 B120 P28-29 #641530 730 Rose Spur LLC Activity Envelope a 264505404003 P088-16 B119 P78-80 #639685 80 Buttermilk Lane Landowner LLC Mi 273503400036 P171-07 B94 P31 #573028 82 Elks LP Minor Amendment to a Deve 273717300010 P002-05 091-2005 #510927 8th Annual Aspen Invitational (2019) Te 273514300000 SP016-19 n/a 9425 Real Estate LLC Minor Amendme 264504200004 P075-10 B96 P97-98 #580141 9425 Real Estate LLC Special Review f 264504200004 P108-06 95 Wrights Road, LLC 1041 Hazard & 273706304009 P206-05 B78 P63 #522915 97 Mountain Laurel Ct Partners LLC Ac 273717307045 P069-17 B122 P60 #648800 972 Willoughby Way LLC Activity Env 273501301002 P071-15 B113 P44 #626470 979 Aspen LLC 273706307001 BOA12-04 Page 5 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED (BK PG) 979 Aspen LLC Site Plan Review 273706307001 P082-11 B99 P61-63 #587830 B116 P12-1 9th Annual Elk Mountain Grand Travers 273718200000 P020-06 n/a AABC Car Wash Property Site Plan Rev 264334408062 P074-14 B109 P89 #618817 AABC Roads Location and Extent Revie 264334400000 P001-13 002-2013 #597920 0 AABC Row House HOA Expansion of 264334402702;264334 P040-08 069-2008 #550999 n/a AABC/ Smith Auto Center Metro Comm 264334416300;264334 P177-00 WITHDRAWN Abacus Ranch/Mary Frank Subdivision 264505403000 1977 80-90 ABBOTT 264514300019 BOA77-17 ABC Enterprises/R.C. Mitchell Firewoo 273301111001 BOA73-9 Abplanalp Caretaker Dwelling Unit 246717401014 1992 92-29 #344181 n/a Abrams 1041 Hazard Review, Scenic O 264327400012 P135-03 B69 P7 #497155 Abrams Minor Amendment to a Develop 264327400012 P108-04 n/a Abrams Special Review for Caretaker D 264327400012 P147-05 n/a Abundant Acres LLC Activity Envelope 264504100005 P047-17 B120 P88 #644378;RE B121 P2 # ACES TOKLAT LLC Expansion of Non 290930400801 P056-19 092-2019 #660951 need?? ACES/Roush Minor 1041 Hazard Revie 273720400025 ACES/Roush Stream Bank Stabilization 273720400025 P135-94 ACSD Rio Grande Outfall Replacement 273502200000 P108-93 Adams 1041 Minor Hazard Review 291112100005 P73A-88 B21 P14 #302523 Adams Rezoning 273512315001;273512 1973 Adams Subd 273123070010;273512 1973 Adams/Harry/Keller/Barnett TDR Certif 273525200034 P041-13 Adelson 273523103016;273523 BOA89-12 Page 6 of 340 CASE NAME PARCEL ID # CASE NUMBER BOCC ACTION PZ ACTION PLAT RECORDED
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