United Nations TD(XIV)/INF.1 United Nations Conference Distr.: General 25 May 2018 on Trade and Development English/French/Spanish only Fourteenth session Nairobi 17–22 July 2016 List of participants* * This document has not been formally edited. GE.18-08457(E) TD(XIV)/INF.1 States members of UNCTAD Afghanistan Mr. Humayoon Rasaw, Minister of Commerce and Industries, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Kabul Mr. Mohammad Qurban Haqjo, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Afghanistan Investment Support Agency, Kabul Mr. Amanullah Zafari, Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Kabul Mr. Sayed Sameer Bedrud, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Algeria M. Bakhti Belaib, Ministre du Commerce, Ministère du Commerce, Alger M. Nabil Tibourtine, Chargé d’affaires a.i, Ambassade de l’Algérie é Nairobi, Nairobi M. Noureddine Terbak, Chef de Cabinet, Ministère du Commerce, Alger M. Saîd Djellab, Directeur Général, Ministère du Commerce, Alger Mme Salima Abdelhak, Directrice, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Alger M. Abdenour Hadji, Directeur des Etudes, de la Prospective et de l’Information Economique, Ministère du Commerce, Alger M. Sofiane Djenidi, Directeur adjoint (Coopération avec les institutions et les organizations multilatérales), Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Alger M. Toufik Djouama, Représentant permanent adjoint, Mission permanente, Genève M. Tarek Alloune, Chef de Bureau, Ministère du Commerce, Alger M. Adil Limam, Conseiller, Ambassade, Nairobi M. Noureddine Saoudi, Chargé du Protocole, Ministère du Commerce, Alger M. Said Meziane, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève Angola Mr. Fiel Domingos Constantino, Minister, Ministry of Trade, Luanda Mr. Francisco Queiroz, Minister of Geology and Mines of Angola, Ministry of Geology and Mines, Luanda Ms.
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