Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4

Transport Contributions from Non-MDA Developments at Aylesbury 4


FOREWORD ...... i



1. Contents ...... 1

2. Background to this Consultation ...... 1


6. Background to the Aylesbury Land Use/Transport Strategy ...... 2

8. District Local Plan...... 2



11. Rationale...... 3

16. Trip Rate Contribution ...... 4

19. Trip Rate and Discount Calculation ...... 5

24. Thresholds and Exemptions ...... 6

29. How the contributions will be used...... 6

31. Site Specific Transport Improvements...... 7


Appendix 1 – Map of ALUTS area and sectoral boundaries...... 8

Appendix 2 – Trip Rates & Thresholds for Typical Developments ...... 9

Appendix 3A – Process for determining if Contribution Required...... 10

Appendix 3B – Methodology for Calculating Contributions...... 11

Appendix 4A – Qualifying LTP Works by Type...... 15

Appendix 4B – Qualifying LTP Works by Sector ...... 17

May 2002


The Council approved this Supplementary Planning Guidance on 8th May 2002.

______i Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 Statement of Consultation

i) The public consultation period ran from Monday 3rd December 2001 to Friday 8th February, allowing a two week break for Christmas. Two public notices, advertising the consultation, appeared in the Bucks Herald on 28th November 2001 and 9th January 2002. During the public consultation period, the SPG was publicised in the Council’s customer service centre and also on the Council’s website. ii) 350 groups and individuals were sent copies of the SPG and were asked for comment. These groups included; AVDC Councillors, County Councillors for Aylesbury and Bierton, MP for Aylesbury, District Parish Clerks, Heads of Service at AVDC, statutory consultees, Objectors to Policy AY.4 of the deposit Local Plan, Objectors and supporters of SPG11. iii) During the consultation period, 23 representations were received. These can be broken down into:

• 10 objections • 4 supporting statements • 1 expression of support for the principle but concern over the detail • 6 ‘no comments’ • 2 informal comments from officers concerning implementation iv) Cabinet agreed the Council’s responses to these objections on 30th April 2002 and Council adopted the SPG on 8th May 2002.

1 The adopted version of SPG 4 supersedes paragraphs 7-14 and Appendix 4 of SPG1.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 ii





1. This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) sets out the context for the Aylesbury Land Use / Transport Strategy (ALUTS) as defined within the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP). It explains :-

• the rationale behind the requirement for developer contributions • a description of the trip rate contribution • details of thresholds and exemptions • a flow chart to guide prospective applicants through the process • a methodology for making the calculations • details of how, where and when the contributions will be used.

Background to this Consultation

2. Aylesbury is planned to grow by a third by 2011, to a total of 77,000 people. This growth will generate a substantially increased need for travel, which will directly impact on the town’s transport networks. To accommodate this growth in the most sustainable way, the District and County Councils have jointly worked on preparing the ALUT Strategy for the Aylesbury area (see Appendix 1 for map of Aylesbury Transport Strategy Area).

3. A fundamental principle of ALUTS, as set out in AVDLP, is that all new development pays a proportionate sum for the additional demands on the local transport system that it creates. As part of this, in May 2000 the Council approved SPG 1 on ‘Developer Contributions and Parking’. SPG 1 specifically dealt with developer transport contributions from brownfield1 and windfall2 sites within Aylesbury, that is all other development sites at Aylesbury apart from the Local Plan major development area (MDA) sites.

1 Land that has been previously developed

2 Housing that has not been specifically proposed in the Local Plan

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 1

4. In the light of 12 months experience of implementing SPG1, the Council resolved to make certain changes to improve clarity, make calculations simpler, introduce exemptions and thresholds and link contributions to specific transport infrastructure improvements. This SPG has been through a public consultation exercise as detailed in the Statement of Consultation and now supersedes those parts of the original SPG1 that dealt with developer contributions. Guidance on parking remains in a republished SPG1.

5. In the interim, Council resolved on the 14th November 2001 to approve this draft Guidance for development control purposes with immediate affect.


Background to the Aylesbury Land Use/Transport Strategy (ALUTS)

6. Work on ALUTS began in 1994 in recognition of the fact that the majority of development in the District would take place in and around Aylesbury. The aim of ALUTS was to accommodate this growth in a sustainable way, meet transport needs and reduce reliance on the private car.

7. The underlying principle of ALUTS does not solely rely on improvements to facilities and infrastructure. It also requires that land use be planned in a sustainable way, i.e. maximising the use of previously developed sites first and then concentrating development at a minimum number of urban extensions. It seeks to minimise the amount of new road building and promotes public transport, walking and cycling schemes. These principles are embraced in the AVDLP.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP)

8. AVDLP proposes to accommodate the majority of the District’s development requirements at four Major Development Areas (MDAs) around Aylesbury. These four urban extensions will be linked to the existing town by enhanced bus facilities, walking and cycling networks, funded by the MDA developers as required by policies AY.1 to AY.3 and AY.5. In line with the scale with these developments, the MDAs will be funding the majority of transport works required by AVDLP.

9. AVDLP also requires that developers of other non-MDA sites in the Aylesbury transport strategy area should also fund transport works arising from their development. This is on the basis that without these transport works the developments would be unacceptable because of their adverse impact on the local highway network and conditions for other users of the highway.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 2 10. Policy AY.4 of AVDLP states that Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) will be published which details the methodology for calculating contributions and which guides the implementation of ALUTS. This SPG fulfils that requirement.



11. The Local Transport Plan (LTP) includes a programme of transport works required to meet the transport needs up to 2011. These needs are based on forecast transport growth, derived from the predicted growth in housing, employment, commerce and leisure as well as the increased demand of the existing population of the town. In the Aylesbury transport strategy area the predicted growth therefore derives from three sources :

i. natural growth that would arise from increased vehicle use in existing developments; ii. planned growth on greenfield sites – the Major Development Areas (MDAs); iii. planned growth on other non-MDA sites.

12. The MDA developers will fund 58.1% of the proposed LTP works because those works are only made necessary by those developments. Works arising from natural growth account for 31.5% and will be publicly funded from the LTP bid and other government initiatives. The remaining 10.4% of works are made necessary by non-MDA developments and will be funded through developer contributions as outlined in this Guidance.

Figure 1. Showing the % split between the three development types.


Aylesbury MDAs

Natural Growth

Aylesbury Non-MDAs

31.5% 58.1%

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 3

13. The total cost of the County Council’s LTP package for the Aylesbury Transport Strategy Area, as submitted to and largely endorsed by the Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions, is £49m as at 2001. The Aylesbury MDAs will contribute about £28.5m (58.1%) of this, which represents the cost of the transport improvements directly attributable to those developments. This leaves a residual figure of £20.5m that is needed to fund works arising from natural growth (31.5%) and the works arising from other non-MDA sites (10.4%). This will be funded by the LTP bid, other government initiatives and non-MDA developer contributions the subject of this SPG.

14. The split between public funding and developer contributions will be in proportion to the additional traffic generation predicted to arise from natural growth and non-MDA development. On this basis non-MDA development should contribute 24.8% of the £20.5m, i.e. £5.08m.

15. The split between the developer contributions and the government funding may vary during the time period. This is because development sites may come forward at different times, generating a different trip growth to that which is predicted, and the LTP bid has the potential to alter each year as part of the annual performance review. Therefore the performance of the Guidance will be monitored and a review will take place every two years.

Trip Rate Contribution

16. In the original SPG1 the trip rate figure was derived from calculating the identified financial shortfall in the draft 1999 Local Transport Plan divided by the number of predicted trips generated by non-MDA developments (predicted as 13,762 vehicle trips or 19,941 person trips). The shortfall was identified as £4.391m, which thus led to a person trip rate figure of £220. The LTP programme has expanded since 1999 and the identified financial shortfall now stands at £5.08m. However, because the SPG has only been in operation for some 18 months, it is considered inappropriate to raise the actual trip rate at this time.

17. For the purpose of clarity and simplicity the calculation now will be based on vehicle trips rather than person trips. The equivalent vehicle trip rate to the SPG1 £220 person trip rate is £319. Therefore, the vehicle trip rate applied in this SPG will be £319. The review arrangements set out in paragraph 15 will monitor performance of the contributions received compared to the funding gap requirements.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 4

18. The contribution will normally be required to be paid before the development is started. A legal agreement (a Section 106 Planning Obligation Agreement) will normally be required to secure the payment at the appropriate time. This payment should also include the Council’s legal and administrative costs in completing such an agreement. Planning permission will not be formally granted until the legal agreement has been entered into.

Trip Rate and Discount Calculation

19. Appendix 2 includes details of typical trip rate generation for standard types of development. These figures were calculated using the national Trip Rate Information Computer System (TRICS) database supplemented where appropriate by local survey results. The figures are intended as a general guide for the assessment of each development and will avoid the need for fully detailed traffic assessments to be provided with every application. This will be the basis on which contributions will be calculated unless the developer is able to justify particular circumstances that warrant an alternative vehicle-trip generation figure. Such a justification will require a detailed transport assessment which will be subject to technical analysis.

20. For proposals involving sui-generis uses or for mixed use or other proposals not specifically covered by Appendix 2, a separate calculation will be made based on the examples contained in Appendix 2.

21. Appendix 3A sets out a flow chart to assist prospective developers assess whether transport contributions will be required.

22. The contribution is based on the net increase in vehicle trips per day from the development as proposed. Appendix 3B gives guidance on how to assess if a contribution is required and how to calculate the amount payable.

23. The discount for existing traffic generation can normally only be applied where the site is still used, or is still capable of being used for its existing lawful use.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 5

Thresholds and Exemptions

24. It is not considered appropriate to require all forms or sizes of development to make financial contributions. To encourage smaller scale developments a threshold will apply, below which no contribution will be sought. This threshold will be where the development as proposed (including any existing building or use in the case of extensions or additional development within a site) has a total traffic generation of 50 trips or fewer per day. This threshold will not apply to extensions or new buildings for larger concerns that already generate more than 50 trips a day when assessed on the basis of Appendix 2.

25. Appendix 2 includes details of what the 50-vehicle trip generation figure equates to for different forms of development.

26. Where a development proposal comprises only the partial development of a larger site that could be developed, and which in totality is likely to generate more than 50 trips, the normal trip rate calculation will be applied. This should ensure that development sites are not subdivided in an attempt to avoid payment of contributions.

27. Because of the wider community benefit which public halls create, such uses will be exempt from making contributions. Public halls include community centres and village halls that are open to public access and hiring on a frequent basis. Included within this definition are educational facilities available for public use outside normal school hours. The definition does not include all buildings that provide a community function whether profit making or non-profit making. Other uses within the D1 use class are not included.

28. Where developments create a need for only a very small number of additional trips, the sums required are disproportionate compared to the costs required of securing the Legal Agreement. Therefore, the requirement for payment where the net vehicle trip increase is for 2 or less trips is waived.

How the Contributions will be used

29. The contributions will be held by Aylesbury Vale District Council and then paid to Bucks County Council to fund agreed transport works. The money will be used to fund planned transport improvements identified in the LTP, or other schemes which comply with LTP objectives, in the same sector of

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 6 town as the development site and/or in the town centre (Sector 1). The eight sectors are indicated in Appendix 1. Provision will be made in the S106 agreement for reimbursing funds which remain unspent 10 years after the date of payment.

30. Works include improving public transport facilities and the creation of better conditions for walking and cycling and include any associated design and/or transport modelling costs where required. The list of transport works from the LTP that are eligible for non-MDA developer contributions is given in Appendices 4A and 4B. It is important to note that the LTP is regularly reviewed and updated. The County Council will hold the current information. As far as is possible, they have been grouped into works identified in each of the eight sectors shown in Appendix 1.

Site Specific Transport Improvements

31. Site specific works such as junction improvements or other off-site highway works which are necessary to overcome highway objections to a particular scheme may be required in addition to the developer contributions included in this SPG.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 7 Appendix 1


© Aylesbury Vale District Council Licence Number LA007046 2002 This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 8

Appendix 2


Type of Development Average vehicle 50 Vehicle trip rates Trips Threshold Shops (Use Class A1) Varies considerably*** N/A Local Shopping Centres 2 > 41.6 m2 (Mixed A1/A2/A3 uses) 120 trips per 100m New Food Superstores* 2 2 (Use Class A1) 235 trips per 100m > 21.3 m Extended Food Superstore* 2 2 (Use Class A1) 190 trips per 100m > 26.3 m DIY Garden Centre** 2 2 (Use Class A1) 60 trips per 100m > 83.3 m Retail Warehouse Parks** 2 2 (Use Class A1) 35 trips per 100m > 142.8 m Financial/Prof. Services 100 trips per 100m2 > 50 m2 (Use Class A2) Café/Restaurants /Pubs/Takeaways (Use Class A3) Varies considerably*** N/A Offices & Light Industrial 2 2 (Use Class B1) 11 trips per 100m > 454.5 m General Industrial 2 2 (Use Class B2) 9 trips per 100m > 555.5 m Warehousing & Distribution 2 2 (Use Class B8) 6 trips per 100m > 986 m New Hotels (Use Class C2) 8 trips per bedroom > 6 bedrooms Extended Hotels (bedrooms only) (Use Class C2) 3 trips per bedroom > 16 bedrooms Nursing Homes (Use Class C2) 2.5 trips per resident > 19 residents 1 & 2-bed Flats (not Sheltered) (Use Class C3) 5 trips per flat > 9 flats Sheltered Flats (Use Class C3) 2.5 trips per flat > 19 flats Houses & 3+ bed Flats (Use Class C3) 8 trips per house > 6 houses Health Centre (Use Class D1) 10 trips per employee > 4 employees Pre-School Nursery (Use Class D1) 3 trips per pupil >16 pupils Nursery 2.5 trips per pupil (Use Class D1) >20 pupils Leisure Halls or Stadia (Use Class D2) Varies considerably*** N/A

N.B. These trip rates represent average daily flows for an average weekday. * Includes Superstores >2,500m2 and District Centre Supermarkets <2,500m2, as defined in PPG6. ** As defined in Annex A to PPG6. *** Where no figure is given, it has not been possible to specify a typical value, and individual cases should be considered with the Development Control Division, in liaison with the County Highway Authority.

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 9 Appendix 3A


Do you wish to develop within the Aylesbury Transport Strategy Area?

Yes No Contributions not required

Do you require planning permission? Refer to Development Control for advice

Yes No Contributions not required

Is your development exempt from the contribution charges? Exemption if a public hall

No Yes Contributions not required

Once your proposal has been implemented, will the site as a whole exceed the 50-vehicle trip threshold? Refer to threshold trip table below

Yes No Contributions not required

As a result of your development proposals, will the number of vehicle trips to and from the site increase?

Yes No Contributions not required

Contributions required Please proceed to calculation overleaf

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 10 Appendix 3B


1. Calculate total vehicle trips generated to and from proposed development (see appendix 2) 3

2. If the total trip generation is 50 vehicle trips or less (for the site/development as a whole), no contribution is required (see paragraphs 21-23). If the total trip generation is greater than 50 vehicle trips, proceed to stage 3

3. Deduct vehicle trips, if any, to and from existing development (see Appendix 2)

4. Multiply this residual figure by £319 per vehicle trip. Payment will be waived if the net vehicle trip increase is 2 or less trips because of the disproportionate cost of securing the Legal Agreement


Worked Examples:

1 Residential redevelopment of a former warehouse/storage site comprising demolition of 1,004m2 existing buildings in storage use and erection of 9 x 2-bed house + car parking and open space.

Calculate existing vehicle trip potential:

The authorised use of the site is B8 (storage). Appendix 2 suggests a daily vehicle trip rate of 6 trips per 100m2 GFA. The weekday vehicle trip total for the existing buildings is therefore:

6 x (1,004/100) = 60.24 vehicle trips

3 If total trip generation,including existing and proposed use, is less than 51 vehicle trips, then no contribution is required (see paragraphs 21 & 22).

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 11 Appendix 3B

Calculate the potential vehicle trip rate to the proposed development:

A 2 bed house is likely to generate 8 vehicles trips per dwelling per day. The weekday vehicle trip total for the proposed development is therefore:

8 x 9 = 72 vehicle trips

The difference in trips to/from the site each day is therefore: 72 – 60.24 = 11.76

The contribution required is therefore 11.76 x £319 = £3,751.44

2 Residential redevelopment comprising demolition of 4,652m2 existing buildings in predominantly industrial use and erection of a mixed residential development of 66 dwellings + access roads, car parking and open space.

Calculate existing vehicle trip potential:

The authorised use of the site is B2 (industrial use) with ancillary offices, which would suggest a daily vehicle trip rate of 9 trips per 100m2 GFA. The weekday vehicle trip total for the existing buildings is therefore:

9 x (4,652/100) = 418.68 vehicle trips

Calculate the potential vehicle trip rate to the proposed development:

A mixed residential development comprising 33 x (1 and 2 bed flats) and 33 x (3 and 4 bed houses) is, according to Appendix 2, likely to generate 5 vehicles trips per flat and 8 vehicle trips per dwelling per day. The weekday vehicle trip total for the proposed development is therefore:

(5 x 33) + (8 x 33) = 429 vehicle trips

The difference in trips to/from the site each day is therefore: 429 – 418.68 = 10.32

The contribution required is therefore 10.32 x £319 = £3,292.08

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 12 Appendix 3B

3 Proposed B1 (office) extension with an additional floor area of 390m2 GFA.

Calculate existing vehicle trip potential:

The existing floorspace is 1050m2 GFA. Appendix 2 states the use of the site would suggest a daily vehicle trip rate of 11 trips per 100m2 GFA. The weekday vehicle trip total for the existing buildings is therefore:

11 x (1050/100) = 115.5 vehicle trips

The figure for the existing use exceeds the 50 vehicle trip threshold and therefore all the floor area for the extension counts towards the Strategy contribution.

Calculate the potential vehicle trip rate to the proposed development:

The weekday vehicle trip total for the proposed development is therefore:

11 x [(1050/100) + (390/100)] = 158.4 vehicle trips

The difference in trips to/from the site each day is therefore:

158.4 – 115.5 = 42.9 vehicle trips

The contribution required is therefore 42.9 x £319 = £13,685.10

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 13 Appendix 3B

4 Proposed extension to an existing small B1 (business) with an additional floor area of 365m2 GFA.

Calculate existing vehicle trip potential:

The existing floorspace is 275m2 GFA. Appendix 2 states the use of the site would suggest a daily vehicle trip rate of 11 trips per 100m2 GFA. The weekday vehicle trip total for the existing buildings is therefore:

11 x (275/100) = 30.25 vehicle trips

Calculate the potential vehicle trip rate to the proposed development:

The weekday vehicle trip total for the proposed development is therefore:

11 x [(275/100) + (365/100)] = 70.40 vehicle trips

As the proposed development exceeds 50 vehicle trips a payment is due.

The difference in trips to/from the site each day is therefore:

70.40 – 30.25 = 40.15 trips

The contribution required is therefore 40.15 x £319 = £12,807.85

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 14 Appendix 4A


Ref No. Measures Sector 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06 /11

Bus Priority Measures

A5 A41(T) Tring Road corridor 5 - - - - 800 800 A1 A413 Wendover Road corridor 6 - - 200 - - - A4 B4443 Mandeville Road/ Lower Road corridor 7 - - - 245 - - A2 A418 Oxford Road corridor (for bridge works see separate bid) 8 997 68 16 9 - - A7A Quality Bus Partnerships All - 125 - 125 - 500 A7B Other bus priority measures to be defined All - - - - - 1,200

A7C Promotion of passenger transport All - 10 10 10 10 100

Pedestrian/cycle crossings

A9a A413 Walton Street near Croft Road 1 155 - - - - -

A13 A413 New Street crossing 1 - 50 - - - -

A14 A4156 Oxford Road crossing at Bicester Road 1 - 50 - - - - A19 C180 Bicester Road crossing at Royal Bucks 1 - 50 - - - - A19A C180 Bicester Road between Royal Bucks and Henley's 2 12 - - - - - A13A A413 Buckingham Road, North of Horse and Jockey 3 10 - - - - - A17 A4157 Oakfield Road crossing 4 - - 50 - - - A18 A4157 Elmhurst Road crossing 4 - - 50 - - - A16 A4157 Douglas Road crossing 5 ------A9 A413 Wendover Road crossing at Wendover Way 6 - 50 - - - - A15 B4443 Stoke Road Toucan 7 - - - 50 - -

Cycle Network A32 to Gatehouse 1+6 - - 40 - - 150

A33 Sustrans network to Fowler Road 2+8 - - - 42 - - A26 Quarrendon cycle connections 2 - - 45 - - - A35 Dunsham Lane 3 - - - - - 55 A34 Elmhurst network 3+4 - - - 76 - - A31 A418 Bierton Road corridor 4 - 40 40 - - 40 A28 Sustrans network Broughton to town centre 4+5 - - 58 - - - A30 A41(T) Corridor 5 - - 40 40 - 40

A24 Bedgrove cycle connections 5+6 - 150 - - - - A23a A 413 Wendover Road corridor – Walton Street gyratory 6 5 - - - - - A37 B4443 Mandeville Road/Lower Road cycle measures 7 - - - - - 50 A25 cycle measures 7+8 - 51 85 52 48 - A27 Sustrans network to town centre 8 - - 53 - - - A29 Sustrans network Fowler Road to town centre 8 - - - 130 - - A37A A418 Oxford Road, Stone to Ellen Road 8 - 50 25 - - -

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 15 Appendix 4A

Ref Measures Sector 2001/ 2002/ 2003/ 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ No. 02 03 04 05 06 11

Walking Network

A38 Town centre pedestrian area enforcement 1 15 - - - - -

A39 Extension of town centre pedestrian area 1 22 - - - - - A40 Development of walking network All 25 40 40 40 40 200

Safety A41 to Safer Routes to School All 50 100 100 100 105 500 A43 A44 Local Safety Schemes (Amenity and Area Traffic Calming) All 50 50 50 50 50 250

Demand management

A45A Improvements to Park Street 1+4 3 - - - - - A46 Dynamic signing of car park capacity 1 - 70 70 - - - A47 Implementation of Transport Plans All - 10 10 10 10 50


A49 Berryfields 2 - - - - - 800

A51 Weedon Hill 3 - - - - - 800 A50 Stocklake 4 - - - - - 800 A53 A413 (and A4010) Wendover Road corridor 6 - - - - - 900 A52 A418 Oxford Road corridor 8 - - - - - 900

Jointly Funded Development Access Proposals Stocklake to Aston Clinton Road – Eastern Link Road A56 5 - - - - - 3,080 (50% Public funded)

Total of qualifying Capital Budget works All 1,344 964 982 979 1,063 11,215

Approximate Total of Qualifying Works Sector 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/11 TOTALS by Sector & Time Period Sector 1 – Town Centre 1 195.125 261.875 116.25 41.875 26.875 425 1,067.000 Sector 2 – A41 Bicester Road corridor 2 15.525 41.875 71.25 62.875 26.875 1,150 1,368.500 Sector 3 – A413 Buckingham Road corridor 3 25.625 41.875 26.25 79.875 42.5 1,205 1,421.125 Sector 4 – A418 Bierton Road corridor 4 17.125 81.875 195.25 79.875 42.5 1,190 1,606.625 Sector 5 – A41 Tring Road corridor 5 15.625 116.875 95.25 81.875 842.5 4,270 5,422.125 Sector 6 - A413 Wendover Road corridor 6 20.625 166.875 246.25 41.875 42.5 1,325 1,843.125 Sector 7 – Mandeville Road corridor 7 15.625 67.375 68.75 362.875 66.5 400 981.125 Sector 8 – A418 Oxford Road corridor 8 1,012.625 185.375 162.75 227.875 66.5 1,250 2,905.125

N.B. Where works proposed in more than one sectoral zone - sums divided proportionately for purposes of calculation

The sums are in £1,000’s

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 16 Appendix 4B


Sector 2001/ 2002 2003/ 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ Ref No. Measures 02 /03 04 05 06 11

SECTOR 1 A413 Walton Street pedestrian/cycle crossing, A9a 1 155 - - - - - nr. Croft Road A13 A413 New Street pedestrian/cycle crossing 1 - 50 - - - - A14 A4156 Oxford Road pedestrian/cycle crossing at Bicester Road 1 - 50 - - - - C180 Bicester Road pedestrian/cycle crossing at Royal Bucks A19 1 - 50 - - - - Hospital A38 Town centre pedestrian area enforcement 1 15 - - - - - A39 Extension of town centre pedestrian area 1 22 - - - - - Demand measurement improvements to Park Street A45A 1+4 3 - - - - - (half) A46 Dynamic signing of car park capacity 1 - 70 70 - - -

SECTOR 2 C180 Bicester Road pedestrian/cycle crossing between Royal Bucks A19A 2 12 - - - - - and Henley's A49 Berryfields Park-and-Ride 2 - - - - - 800

SECTOR 3 A413 Buckingham Road pedestrian/cycle crossing, north of Horse A13A 3 10 - - - - - and Jockey A34 Elmhurst cycle network (half) 3+4 - - - 76 - - A51 Weedon Hill Park-and-Ride 3 - - - - - 800


A17 A4157 Oakfield Road pedestrian/cycle crossing 4 - - 50 - - - A18 A4157 Elmhurst Road pedestrian/cycle crossing 4 - - 50 - - - A28 Sustrans – Broughton to town centre (half) 4+5 - - 58 - - - A31 A418 Bierton Road corridor cycle measures 4 - 40 40 - - 40 A34 Elmhurst cycle network (half) 3+4 - - - 76 - - A45A Demand measurement improvements to Park Street (half) 1+4 3 - - - - - A50 Stocklake Park-and-Ride 4 - - - - - 800


A16 A4157 Douglas Road pedestrian/cycle crossing 5 ------A5 A41(T) Tring Road Bus Priority 5 - - - - 800 800

A28 Sustrans – Broughton to town centre (half) 4+5 - - 58 - - - A30 A41(T) corridor cycle measures 5 - - 40 40 - 40 A24 Bedgrove cycle connections (half) 5+6 - 150 - - - - Stocklake to Aston Clinton Road – Eastern Link Road A56 5 - - - - - 3,080 (50% Public funded)

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 17 Appendix 4B

Ref Measures Sector 2001/ 2002 2003/ 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ No. 02 /03 04 05 06 11


A1 A413 Wendover Road Bus Priority 6 - - 200 - - -

A9 A413 Wendover Road pedestrian/cycle crossing at Wendover Way 6 - 50 - - - - A23a A 413 Wendover Road - Walton Street gyratory cycleway 6 5 - - - - - A24 Bedgrove cycle connections (half) 5+6 - 150 - - - -

A53 A413 (and A4010) Wendover Road Park-and-Ride 6 - - - - - 900


A4 B4443 Mandeville Road/ Lower Road Bus Priority 7 - - - 245 - -

A15 B4443 Stoke Road pedestrian/cycle Toucan crossing 7 - - - 50 - - A25 Southcourt cycle measures (half) 7+8 - 51 85 52 48 - A37 B4443 Mandeville Road/Lower Road cycle measures 7 - - - - - 50

SECTOR 8 A418 Oxford Road Bus Priority A2 8 997 68 16 9 - - (for bridge works see separate bid) A25 Southcourt cycle measures (half) 7+8 - 51 85 52 48 - A27 Sustrans - Walton Court to town centre 8 - - 53 - - - A29 Sustrans - Fowler Road to town centre 8 - - - 130 - - A37A A418 Oxford Road, Stone to Ellen Road cycleway 8 - 50 25 - - - A52 A418 Oxford Road Park-and-Ride 8 - - - - - 900

ALL SECTORS (eighth part each sector)

A7A Quality Bus Partnerships All - 125 - 125 - 500 A7B Other bus priority measures to be defined All - - - - - 1,200 A7C Promotion of passenger transport All - 10 10 10 10 100 A40 Development of walking network All 25 40 40 40 40 200 A41 to Safer Routes to School All 50 100 100 100 105 500 A43 A44 Local Safety Schemes (Amenity and Area Traffic Calming) All 50 50 50 50 50 250 A47 Implementation of Transport Plans All - 10 10 10 10 50

Total of qualifying Capital Budget works All 1,344 964 982 979 1,063 11,215

Approximate Total of Qualifying Works Sector 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/11 TOTALS by Sector & Time Period Sector 1 – Town Centre 1 195.125 261.875 116.25 41.875 26.875 425 1,067.000 Sector 2 – A41 Bicester Road corridor 2 15.525 41.875 71.25 62.875 26.875 1,150 1,368.500 Sector 3 – A413 Buckingham Road corridor 3 25.625 41.875 26.25 79.875 42.5 1,205 1,421.125 Sector 4 – A418 Bierton Road corridor 4 17.125 81.875 195.25 79.875 42.5 1,190 1,606.625 Sector 5 – A41 Tring Road corridor 5 15.625 116.875 95.25 81.875 842.5 4,270 5,422.125 Sector 6 - A413 Wendover Road corridor 6 20.625 166.875 246.25 41.875 42.5 1,325 1,843.125 Sector 7 – Mandeville Road corridor 7 15.625 67.375 68.75 362.875 66.5 400 981.125 Sector 8 – A418 Oxford Road corridor 8 1,012.625 185.375 162.75 227.875 66.5 1,250 2,905.125

N.B. Where works proposed in more than one sectoral zone - sums divided proportionately for purposes of calculation

The sums are in £1,000’s

Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance 4 May 2002 18