Oxford Alphabet is for K K-theory The origins of K-theory in the late 1950s go back to Alexander Grothendieck, who worked in algebraic , an area in which ideas from algebra and geometry combine to lead to deeper understanding of both. Today there are really several K-theories. The most commonly known is probably the K-theory of topological spaces, which was introduced by and . Early successes of topological K-theory include Adams’ solution to the vector fields on spheres problems (1962) and Atiyah and Singer’s Index Theorem (1963). More recently, a twisted version has played an important role in the study of string theory.

Vector field on a sphere.

There are deep connections between algebraic K-theory and , as expressed in the related and now solved conjectures of Milnor, Quillen-Lichtenbaum, and Bloch- Kato. Waldhausen, motivated by the study of geometric objects called manifolds, extended Michael Atiyah and Friedrich Hirzebruch the algebraic K-theory of rings to the much wider class of ring spectra. This is a very From the point of view of algebraic K-theory, topological powerful theory and remains an active area of K-theory of a X is the study of its functions C(X). research for topologists and number theorists. The generalisation from the commutative rings of functions to more general rings is the key idea in non- commutative geometry, a branch of mathematics coined by . For a while, it was a difficult problem to find the right extension to yield higher invariants with Ulrike Tillmann FRS ML good properties. This was finally solved by Dan Quillen Professor of Mathematics (1973). Oxford Atiyah and Quillen both Professorial Fellow of Merton College received Fields medals for their work.

For more about K-theory visit Kwww.maths.ox.ac.uk/r/alphabet