The Planning Bulletin

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The Planning Bulletin DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN Development Services Kilncraigs Greenside Street Alloa FK10 1EB Tel: 01259 450000 Date: 11.06.21 E-mail: [email protected] Issue No: 1097 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN The Development Services Bulletin is issued every week. It contains details and information of issues relating to Development Quality (Control), Structure and Local Planning, Building Standards (Control), Transportation Planning, Roads Maintenance, Public Transport and Traffic Management The Bulletin also contains information on a range of other matters and is divided into sections as set out below. Please note that there may not be any information to report under some sections in some weeks. 1. Development Services : (a) Planning Applications Received (b) Delegated Planning Decisions (c) Committee Planning Decisions (d) Statutory Planning Advertisements (e) Planning Reviews & Appeals (f) Planning Enforcement (g) Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received (h) Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions (i) Building Standards Enforcement (j) Other News 2. Sustainability Services (a) Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals (b) Other News 3. Roads & Transportation Services (a) Scheduled Roadworks (b) Road Traffic Orders (c) Adopted Roads The Bulletin is sent electronically to all Elected Members of the Council, Community Councils, local groups and organisations, newspapers, statutory consultees etc. It is also available (in electronic format) for inspection at the Council’s Speirs Centre, Alloa as well as in all local libraries and Community Access Points. Members of the public can request to be added to the electronic mailing list at any time. 2 We hope you find this Bulletin useful. We are always keen to improve the information that we provide on all matters. Your comments on the Bulletin and suggestions for how it might be improved are always welcome. Please contact: Development Quality at Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB or telephone on (01259) 452540 if you have any comments. 3 1. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The lists of applications received and decisions issued below are offered as an aide only. The public register on our website offers a full range of search facilities, ie by date, weekly/monthly lists, address etc (a) Planning Applications Received Please note that all applications are recorded on our Uniform software system. This section only lists valid applications so you may find that some of the reference numbers appear out of sequence. Any gaps will be as a result of applications deemed invalid on receipt. Within one working day of being registered, all valid applications can be viewed on our website (simply click on the relevant reference number) CASE NO.: 21/00107/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 09.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire South APPLICANT: AGENT: Allanwater Developments Ltd Kevin Betts 24B Kenilworth Road Bracewell Stirling Consulting Bridge Of Allan 38 Walker Terrace FK9 4DU Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6EF Land To The South Of LOCATION: Forth Crescent Alloa Clackmannanshire MAP CO-ORDS 289174, 692139 DESCRIPTION: Residential Development of 86 No. Houses At Phase 9 With Associated Infrastructure And Landscaping; And The Relocation And Provision of 2 No. New Rugby Pitches And 1 No Covered Training Pitch With Associated Drainage And Infrastructure CASE OFFICER: Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615 CASE NO.: 21/00116/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 08.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire Central 4 APPLICANT: AGENT: Mrs Brenda Fleming Greig Strang 15 Ladywood Greig Strang Architectural & Building Clackmannan Consultant FK10 4SX 1 Coats Crescent Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 2AQ Gaberston Farm LOCATION: 12 Whins Road Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 3RD MAP CO-ORDS 289265, 693148 DESCRIPTION: Erection Of Timber Cabin And Change Of Use For Use As A Dog Grooming Business (Class 2) CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 CASE NO.: 21/00144/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 09.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire North APPLICANT: AGENT: Allan Water Homes Ltd Gavin Lloyd 24B Kenilworth Road Bracewell Stirling Consulting Bridge Of Allan 38 Walker Terrace FK9 4DU Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6EF Land North And South Of A91 To The West Of Alva LOCATION: Alva Clackmannanshire MAP CO-ORDS 287043, 696974 DESCRIPTION: Residential Development Of 275 Houses With Associated Infrastructure Including Roads, Footpaths, Landscaping, Drainage, Open Space And Associated Works CASE OFFICER: Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615 CASE NO.: 21/00145/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 10.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire East 5 APPLICANT: AGENT: Ms Jane Scott Gordon Thomson Fan Ling A G Thomson Glenochil Farm Lane 4 Furniss Avenue Dollar Rosyth KY11 2ST Fan Ling LOCATION: Glenochil Farm Lane Dollar Clackmannanshire FK14 7LN MAP CO-ORDS 295703, 697657 DESCRIPTION: 2 No. Dormer Extensions to Rear Of House CASE OFFICER: Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626 CASE NO.: 21/00148/ADV DATE REGISTERED: 10.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire South APPLICANT: AGENT: TSB Laura Carniel Henry Duncan House Arcadis 120 George Street 34 York Way Edinburgh London N1 9AB 30 Drysdale Street LOCATION: Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 1JL MAP CO-ORDS 288741, 692919 DESCRIPTION: Display of 1 No. Illuminated Fascia Sign, 1 No. Illuminated Projecting Sign, 1 No. Illuminated ATM Sign And 1 No. Freestanding Double Sided A Frame Board CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 CASE NO.: 21/00149/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 10.06.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire North APPLICANT: AGENT: British Telecom PLC Gareth Smyth Telephone Exchange CBRE George Street Telephone Exchange Alva George Street Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5AS 6 Telephone Exchange LOCATION: George Street Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5AS MAP CO-ORDS 288196, 696770 DESCRIPTION: Siting Of 20ft Storage Container At Side Of Building CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 (b) Delegated Planning Decisions CASE NO.: 21/00006/AG DATE REGISTERED: 15.01.2021 WARD: APPLICANT: AGENT: Ms Caroline McKenzie Haugh Farm Cottage Dollar Dollar Land To The West Of LOCATION: Dollarbeg Park Dollar Clackmannanshire MAP CO-ORDS 296479, 696325 DESCRIPTION: Prior Notification For Agricultural Building DECISION APPROVED DATED 11.06.2021 Subject to the following conditions: 1. Before works commence on the construction of the building, details of the colour and finish of the external walls and roof coverings shall have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the planning authority. The external colour shall be a dark green colour. Thereafter, the building shall be completed in accordance with the approved details. CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 CASE NO.: 21/00026/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 03.02.2021 WARD: Clackmannanshire North 7 APPLICANT: AGENT: Aadya Retail Ltd Mr David J Aitcheson Flat 2 OSD Design Solutions Ltd 35 Drumbrae South International House Edinburgh Suite 1/3 Stanley Boulevard Hamilton International Technology Park Hamilton G72 0BN 54 East Stirling Street LOCATION: Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5HA MAP CO-ORDS 288465, 697062 DESCRIPTION: Demolition Of Wash Bay And Building, Alterations, Extension And Change Of Use Of Former Car Showroom and Workshop To Form Shop (Class 1) With Associated Parking And Alterations To Access (Amended) DECISION APPROVED DATED 07.06.2021 Subject to the following conditions: 1. Before any development commences on site, the following details shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority; i) Details of the external finishes and colours of the shop front and external walls of the buildings and walls which enclose the site. ii) Details of the arrangements to provide secure customer cycle parking. iii) The design and finish of the bollards hereby approved and any other means of enclosure within the site. iv) Details of the measures to provide advisory signage and lining of the parking spaces and access areas within the site. v) A specification for the widening of the existing access into the site from East Stirling Street. Thereafter, the approved details shall be completed before the commencement of use of the building as a shop, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority. 2. Further to Condition No 1 above, in the event that any alterations are required to the boundary walls around the site as a result of the development hereby approved, no works to alter or remove the wall shall commence until details of the design, materials and finish of the works have been submitted to and 8 agreed in writing by the planning authority. 3. Before any development commences on site, a noise assessment shall have been submitted to demonstrate that the noise emissions from any mechanical ventilation or refrigeration equipment, including the units to be mounted on the external wall of the shop, would not be likely to cause nuisance to neighbours. The assessment shall be prepared by a suitably qualified person, and it shall consider and address the potential nuisance from the transmission of noise from new mechanical equipment on neighbours. Where appropriate, it shall include a specification for any mitigation measures required to attenuate noise. Thereafter, the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and recommendation in the assessment and the equipment maintained 4. During the construction period, no machinery shall be operated or deliveries received at the site outwith 0800-1800 Monday to Friday, 0800-1400 Saturday and at no time on Sundays, unless otherwise agreed in advance by the planning authority. CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259
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