
2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE LRB-5337/1 JK:klm


1 Relating to: opposing and condemning the passing and holding of the Articles of

2 Impeachment against our duly elected President, Donald J. Trump.

3 Whereas, the citizens of the United States of America deserve and expect a

4 federal government that reflects the will of the people, works tirelessly to pass timely

5 legislation, upholds the Constitution, and is capable of avoiding distracting

6 partisanship charades to keep moving our country forward; and

7 Whereas, Congress is responsible for addressing several complex issues, which

8 include defending our borders, maintaining our vast military superiority, spending

9 our tax dollars wisely, and respecting our states' rights; and

10 Whereas, regardless of these outstanding issues, House Speaker

11 and Congressional Democrats have focused their time on adopting Articles of

12 Impeachment against our duly elected President, Donald J. Trump, despite no

13 evidence of wrongdoing; and

14 Whereas, these unprecedented Articles of Impeachment have distracted

15 Congress from faithfully executing its duties to the American people and instead LRB-5337/1 2019 - 2020 Legislature - 2 - JK:klm

1 have created an atmosphere of distrust and disappointment for the people of our

2 great nation; and

3 Whereas, after weeks of the House holding on to the Articles of Impeachment,

4 it is time to for the Senate to provide a thorough yet expedited resolution to these

5 unprecedented, obviously partisan, impeachment claims; now, therefore, be it

6 Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the

7 Legislature opposes and condemns the passing and holding of the Articles of

8 Impeachment against our duly elected President, Donald J. Trump, instead of

9 addressing the serious issues facing our country and upholding the Constitution,

10 which every member has sworn to uphold; and, be it further

11 Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature supports U.S. Representatives Jim

12 Sensenbrenner, , Mike Gallagher, and Bryan Steil, who voted

13 against the Articles of Impeachment and have called on Congress to focus on fixing

14 the many problems our country faces; and, be it further

15 Resolved, That the Wisconsin Legislature demands a fair and speedy trial in

16 the Senate to end this partisan impeachment process of our duly elected President

17 and to return focus on working to deliver results for the hard-working men and

18 women of the United States of America.

19 (END)