© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14577-0
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14577-0 - Probability and Mathematical Genetics Edited by N. H. Bingham and C. M. Goldie Index More information Index ABC, approximate Bayesian almost complete, 141 computation almost complete Abecasis, G. R., 220 metrizabilityalmost-complete Abel Memorial Fund, 380 metrizability, see metrizability Abou-Rahme, N., 430 α-stable, see subordinator AB-percolation, see percolation Alsmeyer, G., 114 Abramovitch, F., 86 alternating renewal process, see renewal accumulate essentially, 140, 161, 163, theory 164 alternating word, see word Addario-Berry, L., 120, 121 AMSE, average mean-square error additive combinatorics, 138, 162–164 analytic set, 147 additive function, 139 ancestor gene, see gene adjacency relation, 383 ancestral history, 92, 96, 211, 256, 360 Adler, I., 303 ancestral inference, 110 admixture, 222, 224 Anderson, C. W., 303, 305–306 adsorption, 465–468, 477–478, 481, see Anderson, R. D., 137 also cooperative sequential Andjel, E., 391 adsorption model (CSA) Andrews, G. E., 372 advection-diffusion, 398–400, 408–410 anomalous spreading, 125–131 a.e., almost everywhere Antoniak, C. E., 324, 330 Affymetrix gene chip, 326 Applied Probability Trust, 33 age-dependent branching process, see appointments system, 354 branching process approximate Bayesian computation Aldous, D. J., 246, 250–251, 258, 328, (ABC), 214 448 approximate continuity, 142 algorithm, 116, 219, 221, 226–228, 422, Archimedes of Syracuse see also computational complexity, weakly Archimedean property, coupling, Kendall–Møller 144–145 algorithm, Markov chain Monte area-interaction process, see point Carlo (MCMC), phasing algorithm process perfect simulation algorithm, 69–71 arithmeticity, 172 allele, 92–103, 218, 222, 239–260, 360, arithmetic progression, 138, 157, 366, see also minor allele frequency 162–163 (MAF) Arjas, E., 350 allelic partition distribution, 243, 248, Aronson, D.
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