Global Eukaryote Phylogeny: Combined Small- and Large-Subunit Ribosomal DNA Trees Support Monophyly of Rhizaria, Retaria and Excavata

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Global Eukaryote Phylogeny: Combined Small- and Large-Subunit Ribosomal DNA Trees Support Monophyly of Rhizaria, Retaria and Excavata Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 255–266 Global eukaryote phylogeny: Combined small- and large-subunit ribosomal DNA trees support monophyly of Rhizaria, Retaria and Excavata David Moreira a,¤, Sophie von der Heyden b,1, David Bass b, PuriWcación López-García a, Ema Chao b, Thomas Cavalier-Smith b a Unité d’Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, UMR CNRS 8079, Université Paris-Sud, Bâtiment 360, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France b Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK Received 26 July 2006; revised 11 October 2006; accepted 2 November 2006 Available online 15 November 2006 Abstract Resolution of the phylogenetic relationships among the major eukaryotic groups is one of the most important problems in evolution- ary biology that is still only partially solved. This task was initially addressed using a single marker, the small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA), although in recent years it has been shown that it does not contain enough phylogenetic information to robustly resolve global eukaryotic phylogeny. This has prompted the use of multi-gene analyses, especially in the form of long concatenations of numer- ous conserved protein sequences. However, this approach is severely limited by the small number of taxa for which such a large number of protein sequences is available today. We have explored the alternative approach of using only two markers but a large taxonomic sam- pling, by analysing a combination of SSU and large-subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences. This strategy allows also the incorporation of sequences from non-cultivated protists, e.g., Radiozoa ( D radiolaria minus Phaeodarea). We provide the Wrst LSU rRNA sequences for Heliozoa, Apusozoa (both Apusomonadida and Ancyromonadida), Cercozoa and Radiozoa. Our Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses for 91 eukaryotic combined SSU+LSU sequences yielded much stronger support than hitherto for the supergroup Rhizaria (Cercozoa plus Radiozoa plus Foraminifera) and several well-recognised groups and also for other problematic clades, such as the Retaria (Radiozoa plus Foraminifera) and, with more moderate support, the Excavata. Within opisthokonts, the combined tree strongly conWrms that the Wlose amoebae Nuclearia are sisters to Fungi whereas other Choanozoa are sisters to animals. The position of some bikont taxa, notably Heliozoa and Apusozoa, remains unresolved. However, our combined trees suggest a more deeply diverging position for Ancyromonas, and perhaps also Apusomonas, than for other bikonts, suggesting that apusozoan zooXagellates may be central for understanding the early evolution of this huge eukaryotic group. Multiple protein sequences will be needed fully to resolve basal bikont phylogeny. Nonetheless, our results suggest that combined SSU+LSU rDNA phylogenies can help to resolve several ambiguous regions of the eukaryotic tree and identify key taxa for subsequent multi-gene analyses. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: SSU rDNA; LSU rDNA; Eukaryotic phylogeny; Combined analysis; Rhizaria; Retaria; Excavata 1. Introduction For nearly two decades, eukaryote phylogeny has been studied using SSU rDNA2 as preferred, almost exclusive, * Corresponding author. Fax: +33 1 6915 4697. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Moreira). 2 Abbreviations used: BP; bootstrap proportion; LSU rDNA; large-sub- 1 Present address: Department of Botany and Zoology, University of unit ribosomal DNA; ML; maximum likelihood; PP; posterior probability; Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa. SSU rDNA; small-subunit ribosomal DNA. 1055-7903/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.11.001 256 D. Moreira et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 255–266 marker (for a historical overview see Cavalier-Smith, 2002; for a wide taxon collection. We have decided to associate it Philippe and Adoutte, 1998; Roger, 1999). Although some with a second marker that has been relatively little of the earliest eukaryotic molecular phylogenies were con- explored, the LSU rDNA, considering that both markers structed using partial LSU rDNA sequences (Baroin et al., may reasonably be accommodated within a single model of 1988; Perasso et al., 1989), this marker was curiously soon sequence evolution for a combined analysis. LSU rDNA abandoned under the overwhelming impetus given to the oVers the additional advantage of being generally adjacent use of SSU rDNA (Sogin, 1991). Nevertheless, in recent to SSU rDNA in the genome so that both markers can be years a number of studies have demonstrated that any indi- easily retrieved from uncultured protists from metagenomic vidual marker, including SSU rRNA, has a series of inher- analyses (López-García et al., 2002). ent problems that can engender artefactual results when With that aim, we have signiWcantly improved the inferring the global phylogeny of eukaryotes. Among them taxonomic sampling of LSU rDNA, providing 14 are an insuYcient number of informative sites, mutational new sequences, enabling us to include six key eukaryotic saturation, and uneven evolutionary rates across sites and groups on LSU trees for the Wrst time: Cercozoa, Radiozoa taxa (Philippe and Adoutte, 1998; Philippe et al., 2000; ( D classical Radiolaria minus Phaeodarea, which appear Stiller and Hall, 1999). This has prompted eVorts to apply a to be Cercozoa: Polet et al., 2004; Yuasa et al., 2006), cen- total-evidence approach to the reconstruction of eukaryotic trohelid Heliozoa and an unknown micro-heliozoan, phylogeny by combining diVerent markers into one analy- Apusomonadida, Ancyromonadida and Jakobea. Maxi- sis by direct concatenation (Baldauf et al., 2000; Moreira mum likelihood (ML) and, especially, Bayesian analyses of et al., 2000; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta et al., 2005) or likelihood SSU+LSU rDNA data sets yielded phylogenetic trees with summation (Bapteste et al., 2002). This has provided strong much better resolution for a wide diversity of eukaryotic support for groups whose monophyly was suspected, such groups than in the corresponding separate SSU and LSU as Plantae (Moreira et al., 2000; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta et al., rDNA analyses. These trees provide support for several 2005) and Conosa (Bapteste et al., 2002), as well as an groups (e.g., Conosa, Excavata) that is comparable to that improved resolution of internal metazoan phylogeny (Phi- produced by very large amino acid data sets (Bapteste et al., lippe et al., 2005). 2002; Hampl et al., 2005). We also retrieved intriguing A major limitation of this approach is the very reduced results, in particular strong support for the monophyly of taxonomic sampling for which a large collection of gene the Retaria (Radiozoa and Foraminifera) and indications sequences is available, so that many important phyla are of a deep divergence of Ancyromonas (Apusozoa) from not represented. This problem has been addressed in diVer- other bikonts. These results suggest that the combination of ent ways, one of the most eVective being the massive both rDNA sequences may provide a valuable marker for sequencing of expressed sequence tags (EST) from diVerent reconstructing global eukaryote phylogeny, with the advan- protist species (Bapteste et al., 2002; de Koning et al., 2005; tage of the usually easy acquisition of new LSU rDNA Rodríguez-Ezpeleta et al., 2005). Nevertheless, we are still sequences and the already extremely rich SSU rDNA data very far from a comprehensive representation of eukaryotic base. Combined SSU+LSU rDNA trees can be particularly diversity. In addition, this approach is diYcult to apply to useful for identifying key taxa for subsequent EST projects organisms that cannot be maintained in pure, or nearly and multi-gene analyses. pure, culture or that resist the extraction of high quality mRNA. Finally, the computational burden of analysing 2. Materials and methods huge multi-gene data sets increases substantially with the addition of more taxa. 2.1. Protist cultures and DNA extraction The diYcult trade-oV between the merits of a large amount of sequence information for each taxon and a wide We used culture conditions already described to grow taxonomic sampling is crucial to the quest for a robust the two centrohelid heliozoa Sphaerastrum fockii, Pterocys- eukaryotic phylogeny. From a theoretical point of view, an tis sp. (von der Heyden, 2004) and an unknown marine alternative to the analysis of increasingly longer sequences “microheliozoan” (Cavalier-Smith and Chao, 2003a), the for a relatively limited taxon sampling is the use of a larger two cryptomonads Cryptomonas (D Chilomonas) parame- taxonomic diversity, even if the number of sites remains rel- cium and Goniomonas sp. ATCC 50108 (von der Heyden atively small. In fact, several simulation studies have shown et al., 2004), the four cercozoans Paracercomonas marina that in many cases the addition of taxa can be more beneW- Cavalier-Smith and Bass ATCC 50344 (formerly misidenti- cial than the addition of sites to increase the accuracy of the Wed as Cercomonas longicauda: see Karpov et al., 2006), phylogenetic tree, even for complex cases prone to be Cercomonas sp. strain C-59, Dimorpha-like sp. ATCC 50522 aVected by artefacts such as long-branch attraction (LBA) and Thaumatomastix sp. ATCC 50250 (Bass and Cavalier- (Graybeal, 1998; Hillis, 1996). For the historical reason Smith, 2004; Cavalier-Smith and Chao, 2003b), and the two mentioned above and its easy retrieval (by PCR and direct apusozoans
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    ARTICLE IN PRESS Protist, Vol. 157, 279—290, May 2006 Published online date 26 May 2006 ORIGINAL PAPER Ebriid Phylogeny and the Expansion of the Cercozoa Mona Hoppenrath1, and Brian S. Leander Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Program in Evolutionary Biology, Departments of Botany and Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4 Submitted November 30, 2005; Accepted March 4, 2006 Monitoring Editor: Herve´ Philippe Ebria tripartita is a phagotrophic flagellate present in marine coastal plankton communities worldwide. This is one of two (possibly four) described extant species in the Ebridea, an enigmatic group of eukaryotes with an unclear phylogenetic position. Ebriids have never been cultured, are usually encountered in low abundance and have a peculiar combination of ultrastructural characters including a large nucleus with permanently condensed chromosomes and an internal skeleton composed of siliceous rods. Consequently, the taxonomic history of the group has been tumultuous and has included a variety of affiliations, such as silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates, ‘radiolarians’ and ‘neomonads’. Today, the Ebridea is treated as a eukaryotic taxon incertae sedis because no morphological or molecular features have been recognized that definitively relate ebriids with any other eukaryotic lineage. We conducted phylogenetic analyses of small subunit rDNA sequences from two multi-specimen isolations of Ebria tripartita. The closest relatives to the sequences from Ebria tripartita are environmental sequences from a submarine caldera floor. This newly recognized Ebria clade was most closely related to sequences from described species of Cryothecomonas and Protaspis. These molecular phylogenetic relationships were consistent with current ultrastructural data from all three genera, leading to a robust placement of ebriids within the Cercozoa.
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