All photos © 2020 Steven Cheshire

A pocket identification guide to white Key A pocket identification guide to white butterflies wingspan flight-time ID tips All photos © 2020 Steven Cheshire except Large White main photo © 2020 David James Wood White Small White Large White Green-veined White Orange-tip Brimstone Leptidea sinapis rapae Pieris napi Anthocharis cardamines Gonepteryx rhamni

Medium (42mm) Medium (48mm) Large (63-70mm) Medium (50mm) Medium (45-50mm) Large (60mm) June and August April to October April to October April to September April to July March to May July to August Woodland rides Wide variety of Wide variety of Prefers damp Prefers damp habitats, Hedgerows & gardens. & glades. habitats. habitats. with lush vegetation. but often visits gardens. White with rounded Less-extensive grey Extensive black marks The upper wings have The males are The wings of the female wings. Males have a patches at the wing tips at the tip of each one or more spots. The unmistakeable; with (see inset) are very pale black patch on the tip than those of the Large forewing continuing a Small White is very bright orange wing tips. green, almost white. of the fore-wing. Adults White, with colouration long way along similar, particularly The females (see inset) The males have bright always rest with their only extending slightly the outer edge of the in flight, but lacks the have black wing tips. butter-yellow wings. wings closed. Flight is along the outer edge of wing. distinctive grey-green (Similar to Small White). Wings resemble the weak and lumbering. the wing. veins on the underside. shape of leaves. Please record any butterflies you see via © 2020 Butterfly Conservation Warwickshire. All Rights Reserved. Butterfly Conservation. the iRecord Butterflies app. Thank You. Butterfly Conservation Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP. Company registered in England (2206468). Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268). Designed by Steven Cheshire Graphic Design -