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B6 | Tuesday, April 7, 2020 | |San Antonio Express-News BUSINESS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE In compliance with Senate Bill No. 493, On March 25, 2020, an application was On March 25, 2020, an application was 2013 Cooperative Purchasing Organiza- filed with the Federal Communications filed with the Federal Communications tion is soliciting vendors interested in Commission for consent to transfer con- Commission for consent to transfer con- submitting sealed proposal, for the pur- trol of the license of KNIC-DT, Channel trol of the license of KXTN(AM) 1350, San chase of any of the following categories of 17, Blanco, TX from Shareholders of Antonio, TX from Shareholders of personal property. Univision Holdings, Inc. (Transferor) to Univision Holdings, Inc. (Transferor) to 19007 Paper Supplies New Shareholders of Univision Holdings, New Shareholders of Univision Holdings, Proposals are due 2:00 p.m., May 14, Inc. (Transferee). Acopy of the applica- Inc. (Transferee). Acopy of the applica- 2020 at Region 20, Conference Center tion and related material is available for tion and related material is available for Business Office, 1314 Hines Avenue, San public inspection at public inspection at Antonio, TX 78208, at which time The current 10 percent or greater The current 10 percent or greater proposals will be publicly opened. Shareholders of Univision Holdings, Inc. Shareholders of Univision Holdings, Inc. Proposals may be viewed at www.esc20.n are: SCG Investment II, LLC and are: SCG Investment II, LLC and Multime- et, search Open Bids. If you have any Multimedia Telecom S.A.
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