Fire Hydrants and Hose. Determined on the Same Basis As If 21⁄2- (A) the Size of Fire Hydrants, Hose, Inch Hose Had Been Permitted
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Coast Guard, DHS § 95.10–10 § 95.10–5 Fire pumps. (f) Fire pumps may be used for other purposes provided at least one of the (a) Vessels shall be equipped with required pumps is kept available for independently driven fire pumps in ac- use on the fire system at all times. In cordance with Table 95.10–5(a). no case shall a pump having connection TABLE 95.10–5(a) to an oil line be used as a fire pump. Branch lines connected to the fire main Gross tons Min- Hose Nozzle for purposes other than fire and deck imum and hy- orifice Length wash shall be so arranged that ade- Not number drant size, of hose Over over of size, inches feet quate water can be made continuously pumps inches available for firefighting purposes. 100 1 1 1 11⁄2 1 1⁄2 1 50 (g) The total area of the pipes leading 100 1,000 1 11⁄2 5⁄8 50 from a pump shall not be less than the 1,000 1,500 2 11⁄2 5⁄8 50 discharge area of the pump. 1,500 ............. 2 2 21⁄2 2 7⁄8 2 50 (h) On vessels with oil fired boilers, 1 On vessels of 65 feet in length or less, 3⁄4-inch hose of either main or auxiliary, or with inter- good commercial grade together with a commercial garden hose nozzle may be used. The pump may be hand operated nal combustion propulsion machinery, and the length of hose shall be sufficient to assure coverage where 2 fire pumps are required, they of all parts of the vessel. 2 75 feet of 11⁄2-inch hose and 5⁄8-inch nozzle may be used shall be located in separate spaces, and where specified by § 95.10–10(b) for interior locations and 50 the arrangement of pumps, sea connec- feet of 11⁄2-inch hose may be used in exterior locations on vessels in other than ocean or coastwise service. tions, and sources of power shall be such as to insure that a fire in any one (b) On vessels of 1,000 gross tons and space will not put all of the fire pumps over on an international voyage, each out of operation. However, where it is required fire pump, while delivering shown to the satisfaction of the Com- water thru the fire main system at a mandant that it is unreasonable or im- pressure corresponding to that required practicable to meet this requirement by paragraph (c) of this section, shall due to the size or arrangement of the have a minimum capacity of at least vessel, or for other reasons, the instal- two-thirds of that required for an inde- lation of a total flooding carbon diox- pendent bilge pump. However, in no ide system may be accepted as an al- case shall the capacity of each fire ternate method of extinguishing any pump be less than that otherwise re- fire which would affect the powering quired by this section. and operation of at least one of the re- (c) Each pump shall be capable of de- quired fire pumps. livering water simultaneously from the two highest outlets at a Pitot tube [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 17001, Dec. 30, 1965, as pressure of approximately 50 p.s.i. amended by CGFR 66–33, 31 FR 15285, Dec. 6, 1966; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51206, Sept. 30, 1997] Where 11⁄2-inch hose is permitted in lieu of 21⁄2-inch hose by footnote 2 of Table 95.10–5(a), the pump capacity shall be § 95.10–10 Fire hydrants and hose. determined on the same basis as if 21⁄2- (a) The size of fire hydrants, hose, inch hose had been permitted. Where and nozzles and the length of hose re- 3⁄4-inch hose is permitted by Table quired shall be as noted in Table 95.10– 95.10–5(a), the Pitot tube pressure need 5(a). be only 35 p.s.i. (b) In lieu of the 21⁄2-inch hose and (d) Fire pumps shall be fitted on the hydrants specified in Table 95.10–5(a), discharge side with relief valves set to on vessels over 1,500 gross tons, the hy- relieve at 25 p.s.i. in excess of the pres- drants in interior locations may have sure necessary to maintain the require- siamese connections for 11⁄2-inch hose. ments of paragraph (c) of this section In these cases the hose shall be 75 feet or 125 p.s.i., whichever is greater. Re- in length, and only one hose will be re- lief valves may be omitted if the quired at each fire station; however, if pumps, operating under shut-off condi- all such stations can be satisfactorily tions, are not capable of developing a served with 50-foot lengths, 50-foot pressure exceeding this amount. hose may be used. (e) Fire pumps shall be fitted with a (c) On vessels of 500 gross tons and pressure gage on the discharge side of over there must be at least one shore the pumps. connection to the fire main available 51 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:26 Nov 18, 2011 Jkt 223196 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223196.XXX 223196 wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 95.10–10 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) to each side of the vessel in an acces- age from the handling of cargo, the sible location. Suitable cut-out valves hose may be temporarily removed from and check valves must be provided. the hydrant and stowed in an acces- Suitable adapters also must be pro- sible nearby location. vided for furnishing the vessel’s shore (i) Each firehose on each hydrant connections with couplings mating must have a combination solid stream those on the shore fire lines. Vessels of and water spray firehose nozzle ap- 500 gross tons and over on an inter- proved under subpart 162.027 of this national voyage, must be provided with chapter. Firehose nozzles previously at least one international shore con- approved under subpart 162.027 of this nection complying with ASTM F 1121 chapter may be retained so long as (incorporated by reference, see § 95.01– they are maintained in good condition 2). Facilities must be available ena- to the satisfaction of the Officer in bling an international connection to be Charge, Marine Inspection. used on either side of the vessel. (j) In each propulsion machinery (d) Fire hydrants shall be of suffi- space containing an oil fired boiler, in- cient number and so located that any ternal combustion machinery, or oil part of the vessel, other than main ma- fuel unit on a vessel on an inter- chinery spaces, accessible to persons on national voyage or of 1000 gross tons or board while the vessel is being navi- more, each firehose having a combina- gated and all cargo holds may be tion nozzle previously approved under reached with at least 2 streams of subpart 162.027 of this chapter must water from separate outlets, at least have a low-velocity water spray appli- one of which shall be from a single cator that is also previously approved length of hose. In main machinery under subpart 162.027 of this chapter. spaces, all portions of such spaces shall The length of the applicator must be be capable of being reached by at least less than 1.8 meters (6 feet). 2 streams of water, each of which shall (k) Fixed brackets, hooks, or other be from a single length of hose from means for stowing an applicator must separate outlets; however, this require- be next to each fire hydrant that has ment need not apply to shaft alleys an applicator under paragraph (j) of containing no assigned space for the this section. stowage of combustibles. Fire hydrants (l) Firehose shall not be used for any shall be numbered as required by other purpose than fire extinguishing, § 97.37–15 of this subchapter. drills, and testing. (e) All parts of the fire main located (m) Fire hydrants, nozzles, and other on exposed decks shall either be pro- fittings shall have threads to accom- tected against freezing or be fitted modate the hose connections noted in with cut-out valves and drain valves so paragraph (l) of this section. that the entire exposed parts of such (n) Firehose and couplings must be as piping may be shut off and drained in follows: freezing weather. Except when closed (1) Fire station hydrant connections to prevent freezing, such valves shall shall be brass, bronze, or other equiva- be sealed open. lent metal. Couplings shall either: (f) The outlet at the fire hydrant (i) Use National Standard fire hose shall be limited to any position from coupling threads for the 11⁄2 inch (38 the horizontal to the vertical pointing millimeter) and 21⁄2 inch (64 millimeter) downward, so that the hose will lead hose sizes, i.e., 9 threads per inch for horizontally or downward to minimize 11⁄2 inch hose, and 71⁄2 threads per inch the possibility of kinking. for 21⁄2 inch hose; or (g) Each fire hydrant must have at (ii) Be a uniform design for each hose least one length of firehose, a spanner, diameter throughout the vessel. and a hose rack or other device for (2) Where 19 millimeters (3⁄4 inch) stowing the hose. hose is permitted by table 95.10–5(a), (h) Fire hose shall be connected to the hose and couplings shall be of good the outlets at all times.