Solomon Stoddard's library at Harvard in 1664

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Citation Fiering, Norman S. 1972. Solomon Stoddard's library at Harvard in 1664. Bulletin XX (3), July 1972: 255-269.

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N or111a11 S. Fieriug

N THE PAST forty }rears the detailed picture of intellectual culture in seventeenth-ccnn1ry Nc,v England has been superbly revealed., in partjcular by San1ucl E]iot lv.lorison's great hi~tory of early Harvard and by the £rst volun1e of Perry l\1illcr1s N e•w E11gJa11d ,iiind. It is ,vell to .ren1ember,holvcvcr~ that among the lesser contribu- tions upon ,vhich these n1onun1ents rest \Vere the researches into early

Amcrjcan Jibrarics by Julius H. Tuttlc 1 Charles I•. and llobin llob- inson, Alfred C+Potter, and espccially the ren1arkable srudy by Arthur 04 Norton, ~'I-Iarvard Text-Books and Reference Dooks of the Seven- teenth Century."' 1 Lists of avai1ablebooks can never be 1norc than a pre]iminar)r to jntellcctual history, but they· arc an essential pre- lin1inary, for nothing else can provide as plainly· such a \vidc and balanced perspective of the inte1Jectual scene. It fa ,vith this con- sideration in mind th-at I have prepared an annotated list of Solo111on Stoddard\~ Jibrary in 1664, a collection of cight) 7 -odd titles that has

been Yirtuallv... overlooked thus fgr/ Solo1non Stoddard ,vas to bccon1c an cxtre1nclv.., influential and dis- tinguishcd pastor in Northampton~ .i\1assachusctts,but he is also of par-

t! ~1r. Edwjn \VoUt z nd, of The Library Con1pany of Phjla.delphia1 ,vhosc knov,J- cdgc of early Atnerican libraries is unsurpa~sed, ]dnd]y agreed to read this article in nrnnuscrjpt ~nd i.v:ls:~b]c to jdentifr for n~c dc\Tcu of the rnos.t pu7..zliug cntrfos in Stn d dard 's c~ta] ogu C+ 1 Julius Tun let 'LThe Libraries of tho 1\1:nhcrst Proceedings of t,)e A-n1erir.a11

Anti quar lan Soc ie I y n .s. 1 XX ( 19 r l ) 1 2.69-3 56. Charles F. Robin son and Robin

11 Robinson 1 Thrcc E-arly 1\1assachuscusLiLraricst Publications-of tl:JeColonial So- ciety of Afassacburetts, XX\'1Jl ( 193s). l 07-175. Alfred C. Pottc:s\ 11Catalogae of 1 John Harv~rdis Library/' Jbid.i XXI ( 1910 )t r90--230, Arthur 0. Nonon 1 ' 1-Iarvard Text-Books :and Reference Book~ of th~ Seventeenth Century/' ibid., XA'Vlll ( l 9 35 ) , 36 I --.f3 8, :e Stoddard is Jj brar y catalogue is briefly- ref erred to in the i1npore-ant su ppicment

1 to Alf red C. Potter by Hc.nry J. Oadln1ry, uJohn H-atvard s Library/' l bid, 1 XXXIV ( 1943), 353~3 77•

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Harvard J_jbrary BuiJe ti11 ticul~r interest to historisns of Harvard and its Library because his na1ne stands first, chronologically., in the Jong ]ist of Librarians of . After graduation fron1 Harv::i.rd,vith a 1662 he fol- lo,vcd the con1n1011practice of young graduates preparing for rhe 1ninistry of rcn1~in1ng at the College for a fc,v years 111orein order to do spccia]ized studies-in divinity, and in 1665, on schedule,. he .received his Iv1astcr'sdegree. 1"hcrcaftcr, in Nove1nber of 1666 he ,vas made a 1--utoror Fello,v· and the follo\ving .spring chosen"Library keeper/' the first such appointment .. Before mo,Tingto Norrha111ptonin 1672 it is probable that he made a visit to . It js gcncrall)r agreed that for the last thirty years of 11isJifc he ,vas the most influential n1inister in Nc,v England outside of .. T,vo years before his death in 1729, his congregation chose as his successor in the pulpit his gr~ndson, Jonathan Ed,vards. 3 The ''Cata1ogue of Solon1on Stoddnrds books 1664,, is buried in the 1niddle of a little notebook ,vhich Stoddard kept at Ilarvard, un- doubtedly .one an1ong n1any· such notebooks he used. 1"he notebook has been o,vned by Union Theological Se1ninary since r 9 20 and is designated ju their files as a HCornmonplace Book.,, Aside from the date of 1664 ,vhich occurs at the heading of the "Catalogue,n the year "1662 ,, appears on the verso of the first legf, and it is probable fron1 other internal evidence that the notebook docs not span more than t\vo years~ time. Ref ore turning to Stoddard "s library catalogue~ I ,vill describe the notebook in a little more detail. The title of co1nmonplacebook is n1islcading since this manuscript volu1ne is not \vhat is ordinarily--considered a con1monp]accbook. ?\Tear1 y all of it js n1ade up of sum rnar ics or syn opscs of sermons~ s0111c of these sununaries being only· a half page~ others going on for several.. These are all in English. In addition~ there are ~b.out thrrt)-T pages of a Latin discourse on theologicalmatters, possibl)rexcerpted from some

3-Tht::rc is a brief ccou nt of Stoddard in Jo ha L~ Sibley, Bio gr" phi r.t1!Sk etc bes of Gr(lduater of H ar-~ard University (Cc1.1nbridgc-,1881 ), II, 1 I 1-122. Peny i\1iller, 0 So101non Stoddard," "J1be Harvtard Theological Review., XXXIV (1941), 277-310,

is: a standard n1or1ograph. See ;\lso, for Studd;1rd's thought 1 1 ..homas A~ Schafer,. ccSolomon Stoddard and the Theo1ogy of the Revh.Talt in Stuart C. l{cnry~ ed.~ A Afistclfon.y of A'JJ1eric1Jn C/JriJtitr1iity. Essayj' in Honor of H~ Shelton S111ith

(Dur ham, N .C .,. 1 9 63 ) 1 pp+ ; : 8-3 61. For the cul es goirerni ng the Librari i;11tship at

early Hervard 1 see Public~tions of tbe Colonial Society of Af.«ssacbusetts,X\r ( 19i; ), l94-196t and for the ca:r1y Llbr~rfa.ns! see AJfrcd Claghorn Potter and Charles l{no,vles Bolton, 1'The Lihraritnu of I-I arvard CoHcgc~ 1677-1877t Harv~rd University Library Bi blio grapbi tal Contribution t LII ( 1 897 ) .

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solrnnon Stoddard's Library at Harvard in 1664 z 57 place but not identified h3r Stoddard, except for one snippet thnt hns the nan1c of Grottus after it. There is also a page given over to a short elegy ,v hich begins: ~~Sigl1sarc the syn1pton1s .of souls distress,'' and concludes ,vith the lines: ' 1 his active 1nind ()'C 111orcsour ,voe) / like keen s,vord, soon hath cut ye scabbard through ..'' \X/hcthcr Stoddard ,vas the author of this piece I do not kno,v~ but it is likely fron1 the da tc of the notebook that it ,vas n lan1cnt copied or ,vrittcn on the occasion of the death in Ca111bridgcin the Fall of 1664 of t,vcnty·-three-

year-old Sarnucl Eliot (son of the fan1ous apostle ro the lndians) 1 ,, ..ho had becon1ea I•'eHo,vonly the year bcfore~ In the ,v hole book of 2 74

pages (there is no numbering) 1 only one has the character of a con1- mon place hook.. It contains thoughts ,v·hich the v?ritcr 1night have occasion to use somctin1e later in his o,vn ,vork.. 1-lcrc one finds a f e\v interesting i tc tns: ''Th c P saln1 s are as it \ v ere th c Ana to 1nic of a holy n1an \\~hich lay not in side as it ,vcrc oun.vard to the vic\v of • + others+ If the scriptures be cornparcd to a bod) 7 the Psalms may· ,vcll be the heart. They are so full of s,veet affections & passions . . .. .,, "Never ,vas the Church n1orc fruitfull, yn ,vhen tis ,vatered ,vith its o,vn b]ood ..H "Tygers arc put into a rage by· the smell of spices. So the savour of the graces of the saints ,vill put the tJlgcrs of the ,vor]d into.. a rage ..H But 1nost of the notebook, -asI have said, js n1adc up of .sununa.rics of seventy-tlvo sern1ons~apparently delivered a.t the CoUcgc chapel. 1\1orisonhas described President Charles Cha11ncy'sregime at the Col~ lege as 111ore replete \Vith sern1on s th an an 1- before or after. 4 Th ere ,vcre t,vo scrn1ons evcr)r Sabbath at least, Chauncy himself giving one e,Tcryother ,vcek. Thus it probably djd not take Stoddard a very long ti1ne to fill up his book .. Of the sern1ons abstracted by StoddardJ ten arc by Chauncy hin1sclf 2nd thirty-three by Jonathan j\1itche1l~minister at the church in Can1bridge and the subject of a famous chapter jn Cotton !\lather's A-1agualia.Jan1cs Allen, of the First Church in Bos- ton"'"js the only other minister ,vho ga,rc n1orc than a handfuL Allen preach~d on eleven occasions. Judging from Stoddardts abbreviated transcription alone, !v1itche1Pssermons ,vere often ontsninding for force of Ianguage and in tel lcct'i and Stoddard's longc st abstracts seem to he of j\litcheJl~ssermons. Stoddard ,vas no doubt nn1ong those mnny HNe,v-English divines'~ ,vho Cotton i\1ather said have ugivcn thanks

Samuel Eliot l\-1orison, H CtrvnrdCollege i1, the Sei·entee-ntb Cent lffJ ( C-ambridge! l\1ass.! 1936), I, 315,

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) 2 5 8 Hflr·vard Librnry R11lletin

to God for their being at the Colledge in the days of 1\, There arc several other extant documents fro111.seventeenth- and cirrhtccnth-o cenn1ry Han'"ard that arc co1nparable to Stoddard's notebook, son1e of ,vhich are -a.]sounfortunatc]y called comn1onplace books. The next earliest in tin1c seen1s to be the anonymous: "Abstracts of Ser- n1ons preached (probably in Chapel of Iia.rvar

fron1 1699 and 1700 1 has been attributed to Hnncock also, but js n1ost certainly not his.,and so is at present anony1nous. These nre in I-Iough- ton Library. For the eighteenth century the so-called "Con1111onp1ace Book') of '~'arhatn \~7iHiatns (I-iarvard A~n., l 719)., jn the Harvard University ArchiYcs,is Ycr~r111uch like Stoddard 1s., It consists entirely of ser1no11abstracts preached b-ct\vecn A1ay 17 16 and April 17 18, in the (:allege chapel. And to give just one n1orc cxan1p]e out of others possible, jn the ''Con1t11onplace Book'' of John Leverett (President of Harvard he:r,veen , 708 ~nd 17 24) o,vned hy the i'v{ussachusetts I-Iistoricnl Society~ in addition to logic notes and other 111areria\,there :;1bstractsof scnnons presented ber,,rccn July and Noven1ber 17 11 Stoddard's notebook then belongs to a genre of such manuscripts~ A.s for the purpose :afsuch notebooks~ bC)7 0nd their obvious value to prospective 1ninisters, the College La,vs of 165 5 expressly required that "AH undergraduates shall publiquely rcpc~t Sennons in the I-lall in their Courses, . . . that so ,-vith f"t\rtrcncc & Love the}r 1nay rcrajnc God and his truths in their 1ninds. Also the Snldcnts shaH Constantly be cxan1incd on the Last Day of the ,vceke at E ycning prayer ~nd ghrc an account of their profitting by the Sern1ons preached the \\~eeke Stoddard ,vas no longer an undergraduate in 1nodern tcrn1s, but the. Lin vs extended the req uiren1ent to j1H:lude "also Bachelours llntill they have Co1nn1onplaced.,'' t 1-Icre ag-Bin ,-vc con1e upon the

;; .1,f rrg~rnliaCbris,i AuuirictrJM (I-I::trtfordj r 85, )i IT, 94.

Puhlic11tionsof tbe Colonial Society of Afas.racbusettr, XXXI · ( 1935) 1 J 3 3-335; ~]so X\ 7 ( 1925), 25, 137.. The Colkge Laws from 16;p 1:0 1734 stipulate the repeating of scnnons as. a .student exe re i~e. Tl l c ta~ k of rep i::~ d n g :sern1ons ,\Tas 1n~dc c-2sier hy the £tandardi~ation of forrn:J.t. In hi~ Con1pendimu Pbjuic'1e,, an1ilable at liar-

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) So/0111011Stoddard's Library at Hari,ard in 1664 2 59 tern1 "con1111onplaccnin a .strange contexrt and it is probabl)T because of this association that Stoddard\, notebook of sennon abstracts and son1e of the other::;got their 1nisleadingnatne~ The verb ~'to con1n1on- placc/'' at earl)T Harvard, ref erred to the presentation of a f orinal scr~ n1on, in effect a responsible theological exercise rather than a n1erc recitation, and ,vas confined to the President., ld~stcrs of Art~ 2nd 'Senior Bac.:helours.,, ,. The Stoddard notebook under considcrH.tion here is not a co1111nonplaccbook tl1en in either the f2111i]iarsc11sc or the special carly·-I-Jarvardsense, hut at 111ost~ perhaps.,prcparatio11 for the con11nonplace he ivould cvcntuall~{ have to make as -a Senior Bachelo1·,that is, as a candidate for the 1\LA. degree .. "'''c can no\v n1rn to the catalo6'1.1cof books couched in the n1iddle of Stoddardts notebook of ser1non abstracts.. Thi~ list is possibl)r the earliest record of the library of an A1nerican .student.. The next in line ,vould be that of George A]cocl< (I-1-arvard Aaila 167 3). Alcock's library, though slightly larger than Stodd~rd's, contained prin1ari1y 1ncdical titles and is thcrefore r:c1.thcrspecialized. & \i\Tc have another record of ::1librat) 7 made jn cxactl) 7 the .sa1ncyear as Stoddard's~ nan1cly the catalogue that Increase j\1athcr (H~rvard A.11.. , 1656) dre\v up about the tin1c he ,vas appointed 1ninister of the North Church in Boston. This list has over six hundred titles and shares ,Yith Stoddard 1s the honor of being the c2r]icst library catalogue of a I-Jarvard gr2d- uatc.. Ilut Stoddard's is the carHest ]ihrary list of son1conc ,vho ,vas stiU a student -at l-I2rvard ,vhen it ,vas \\Tritten. .i'V13thcr,scatalogur;

11 vard after 16861 Charles lvlonon ad·vised: he that ,vould Gl-a.dlyhear Scn11ons 1 and

rcmeinber thcn1 1 h~d need to understand the Usuall 1ncthod jn ,;,.vh1chthey are rn~de :lnd therefore its 1nost profitab]e for he~rrcrs that preachers 1nostly keep to

rho Usu~II mtthoJ of ExpUcadon, Dnctrini;,. Proof 1 rc8.sons 1 ::ind Use. for thcrcl,y the ordin::1ry helrcr h8.s his topicl{s, or Comrrrnn pl8.cE::s\\'hereto ]1e 1n-::1yref~r ,,,hat he he8.r.s ::ind E3syly recall it in Order Ly rucdit~don/' J,1orron)s Con1pendiuvt h-a.s been printed in th~ Fublications of tha Colonial So.ciety of Alarsnchuxetts! XXXUI ( 1 94o) . See p. i o :L 1 I bid. The repeating of sern1011s ,vss an undcrgradu:u;c $lnd even a. gra1nmar- schooJ cxcrdsci and ,\-as part of training ln rhetorjc '1~ ,rell ::is Christir1nity. Co1n- Jnonplacing ,,·~s part of graduate training in di,Tinity. The '-vhole suh;ect is 1:lbly ~nd fully djscussed by Porter G. Perrin, uThc Te~ching nf Rhetoric in the An1C!J"_1can Colleges b~fore I 750"] ( unpub1ished drs~ertation, University of Chicago, 1936)! pp.

l48-158. Por.rjr1 notes 1 too~ anoth~r T-la.rv:;i:rdm~nu!;cript of sermon ~bstrscts jn the Houghton Library {J\fS Am 804) dating from 1651-165 .2, ,1i.ThichI ha \Te nor seen. See ~1so fi1oris-on.,op. cil. (note 4 )~ I, 142-143, 150, 174. s S. E. ]\:lndson, 1~Thc Library of George Alc.:ock, 1\"lcdica]Student, 16j6/' Pub- lirations of tbe Co/ouitrl Society of A1auacbusctts! XXY·II r ( 1935 )i 350--357.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Harvard Library Bulletin does not teH us ,vhat srudents at Harvard may haYe o,vned in 1664 but on 1y· ,v hat an eruditc 111inistern1 ig ht u, vn cight years a.fter con1- men cing. ti Another familiar seventeenth-century student library· is John Har~ va.rdis,vhicl1 can1e to Harvard College after the o,vner's death in r 63 8. But he lvas educated at Emmanuel CoHege, Carnbridge (A.i\L., 163 5)., and hence his library· te]ls us son1cthing about higher cduc-ation in .Li\mcricaonly by analogy ,vith educatio11 in England about the .san1e time. l'he catalogue of John Harvard"s boo1~s ,vhich appears in the College llccords is highly"obscure. But Alfred C. Potter jdentiticd ncatl)r all the titles. This ,vas extremel) 7 valuable for identifying the titles in Stoddard' & cata.logue. 'I\vo other n1onographs on .seventeent h-cen tu ry N c,v England li- brari cs \Vere indispensable in assisting me to idenrif)Tthe books Stod- dard o,vncd. li'irst of all, there is Arthur 0. Norton~s jnvaluable ,vork, ~'Harvard Text-Books and Reference Books of the Seventeenth Ccn~

tlll")7 /, '\'hich ,vas co1npilcd not fro1n prc~existing documents but by finding surviving books ,vith au to graph signatures of Harvard sn1 dents in thern. 1·he significancc of Stoddard"s persona.I catalogue is 111ainlythat it supplements Norton's 1istin a fe\v dcroi1s. In addition to Norton, the historjan is helped considerabl)T by Charles F. Robinson and Robin Robinson, '~T11ree f:!Alr]y 1\-1assachusctts Lihrarics/~ This n1onograph~lil{e Norton's and Potter's, is particu- larly useful because it atte1npts to identify titles accurately· and con1- plcrely rather than sin1ply printing a cop)Tof the origjnal n1anuscript.. The three J'v1assachuscttsHbraries ,vere those of the Rev. Th on1asJ cn- ncr ~n1dthe Rev~ Thomas '°''eld (d~ 1662), both catalogued in 1650 or 16 51; and that of Thon1as l~/eld 1s grandson and nan1esske) the Rev. Thomas \'lcld of Dunstable (d .. 1 702), ,vhose library lvas part of his estate and inventoried ,vhen he died. The first nvo librnrics, like

John Harvard's-~reflect English lcarning1 both Jenner and the elder \\'cld having been educated 2t Cun1bridgc,in both cases befor~ Solo- 1non Stoddard ,vas even born. The younger Thomas '''e1d"s library., ho,vever.,corresponds to Stoddard's in that the O\vner graduated from [-Iarv ard in 1 6 7 1 , just nine years after Stoddard. But~ of course, .since thirty years elapsed before this inventory ,vas 1nadet Stoddardts is an

it Increase 1\-iather'scahl1ogue of c664 is in Tntth~, op+ cit~ (note 1 ), 280--19i.. Tuttle t ra nscd bed th c nrn.nus cd pt in the Boston Public Library.; he did not identify the titles.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solo111onStoddard,s Library at Harvard in 1664 161

infi nitel y purer re.flc_c ti on of an ac rual student's Jibral)r in the 111id- scvcn tcen th century. It \Vould be a mistake,. ho,vever, to assume that Solomon Stoddard ,vas n typical student. l~or one thing., because of his background he probably could afford many n1ore books-than it is likel}Tthe average Harvard student o,vncd. Secondly~ the catalogue undoubtedly in- cludes son1egathering of titles that had been done specificallyin con- nection \Vith his post-graduate preparation for the n1inistiy. Thirdly, Stoddard .sin1plycannot be taken as a typical figure in any context. At his death in 1729 he o,vncd 461 books and an equal nun1her of single sern1ons and panl phlets.. · The ,vork of Norton, lVlorison,Potter, and the R.obinsons not only mad c it considera. bl Y' easier to prepare an a.nnota tcd list of Stoddard ts library· in 1664 but also ensured that there ,vould not be too n1any surprises in it.. Ho,vcvcr, a f e\\r ne,v fucts do emerge. It seems that Stoddard O\vned a copy of Descartes' Opera Pbilosophicaat this date, \Vhich ,vould be verification that not just the .A1editatiouesde l)ri1na Pbilosopbia\Vas in Nc,v England before 1686, hut aH of Descartes' major , vor k .10 Sccondl y., the earliest edition of th c ,vid cly-us ed rext- book b)7 Adrian Hccrcboord., Melete111ataI)bilosopbica,. \vhich Norton found \Vith a studcnt"s -autograph ,vas that of I 66 5. The introduction of Heereboord's ,vork at Harvard represented a step to,vard modern- izing studiesJfor thjs Ley·dcn prof cssor ,vas a real adn1ircr of Descartes and receptive to other nelv trends. Stoddard's list sho,vs that Hcerc- boord's Af.elete1uttta,vas a]ready in use by ·1664"! ,vhich 1neans that the edition of 1654 or 1659 \Vas O\Vned by Stoddard,. and prohabl)7 other scholars, not too long after pnbJication. These c,vo points lvere the only specific additions I could n1ake to A1IorisonJs and Norton's ,vork. In genera]., ,ve may s-ay· that an examination of Stoddard" s cata- 1ogue confirn1s the research of these scholars into the character of studies at early I-Iarvard .11

n l\.1orjson, op. cit. (note 4) 1 Ii 191, i.3 i. nut es that a cop)' of DcsL:artcs,Af.~dita- tiones \\·as the hands of Harvard students a.~early as 1658 ftnd that uthe beautiful Am.sterd~ m 165 6 edition of his Opera Pbi! ()SO pbi ca . • .. ,vas floating ab out the Col- lege before 1 6 86/' but th~ t n oth in g n1ore specific than th-at c;1n be proved. 11 Stoddard's note Look of .sermon abst~ cts ~cruall y con ta ins t\YO book lists. The one l have printc d and annotated below is that of hooks h c o,vncd. The other ]jst

is shorter; it contains a few of the titles in the .i;~ Ca ta] ogu r::/"hut ,v~s =.:lpp~ ren tI y made up mainly of Louks he ,vantcd either to read or to buy. This second list fa totally con vend on~l, rc.sen1b]j ng the typj ~al co lloction found in ministers~ lihra ri es: in the n1id-seventeenth century, and probably all were jn the Harvard Lil.Jrary at the time.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) 262 H ar'PardLib rtrry Bulletin

_A..C"ltnlogue of So]omon Stoddards books 16fi412 [ 1] Thoma~/:, dictionary THo?\rAs, THOI\1AS, Dictiouari11u1Li11gune Latinne et Auglicnuac, 8th ed. London, l 6 Io.

[l] Pofo.nus synragnrn. Tholog: Aqujnas 1s Qucstioncs Disp: PoLAN us, AJ\lAKovs. s,;intag111aTheologfae C/Jri.rtia11ae.I-Ianau, 162 5. [P., R.J THOri.fAS AQUl~Ast SAINT. ~QuaestiouesDisputi1tae. Lyonr 1595. [3] Sunres mctap h15icts SuAREZi FRANCI~co. Al e1aphysicnrun1 Djsp1uation1r1n:in Quib1,s et Univerra l-laturalis Tbeologia Ordinate Traditur. 1 v. in lr \Tcnice, 1605. [N] [4] L~igh)~body of di dnity (1,ent to iVlr Israel Chau[ n ]cy LElGU~ En,vARD. A Syste1ne or Body of Divinity. Londont 1654.

[5] Iig l ls cri cica Sacral o ri both. tc.starn en ts L BIG H, En,\' ARD. t"'.,-it;ca Sn cr.-r:or i Pbi lolo gi call and 1 "'beolo g; call O b.rcr1.-•ati 011s upon All the G1eek Tflotds of thr 'l'•,lcwTestn.u1e1tt in Order Alp/Jabctici1ll. r.. ondonl 1639. ---. Cr i J.ica Sac or, 0 ti o 11s ou A II t be Radice. si or Pr in:itive He brew T1'ords of tf)e Old Testrni1ent fn Order AlpbabeticalL London, 164L [Both voiurnc~ pnhJishcd together, London] , 650~ R J 16] Diodati on ye bible D100A.1·1, G1ovANNL Pious A11uotations upon tbe Holy Bible.~Expouuding tbe Difficult Places Thereof l.Je1ff11rdly,mid 1~Jai1,Jy.London! 164 3. [R] [7] Tyl e's lexicon Thcolog: [8] l\1urjsS'.c1nctaph: i\1EURTSSE, i\1Al{ 1'IN R ertfl 11 1l 1et aph :rsi canon Li bri Tre s ad 1t1en tent D octo tis Subtilis. I'arls, 1 62 3. !9] Cartesii metaph! DEscARTESi Rr-:Nf.. Afeditatioues de Prin1a Pbi/osophia, An~stcrda1nt i 650. l NJ

1~ The .first 1ine of ear h of the c ntd cs pr intcd here ( f ollo,r ing a numb er in ·braekcts ;,d1 ich has l, ec n supp Hed) is an exact or nc arly c.;,,,::acttra nscripdo n of a Jinc jn Stodclardis nrnnusc.:dpt lisr. Then fol1o,,·s the posjti-ve identjfic:~tion of the \Tolumc as far as title ::.nd ilHthor go. Hu\\T('.vcr~ln n1ost cases the edition cited w·as c.:h rl,it rad 1y. or for cu nvcn iencc, though in san1c inst~ n ccs Lccall sc it ~ccm cd likely for one rcison or anoth~t th8.t this ,i.)ss the ot1c.Stodd~rd oi.vncd. For certain.

dassicsi like Cicero 1 lsocratcs, or Ovidi the choice of an cditjon \\rs,s cotnplctcly opon. FollO\\'ing the- idendfication, the Jetter N indicate.~ that the s~•ne dtk\ but

1 not 'li'ecesrarilythe s.:"11needition, is in hlorton ,~ ~'HanTard Text-Hooks,i' P that it is in Potter's uJohn H-arn1rd's Library/' and R that it is in the Robinsons' 1iEarly i\·fassa.-

chusetts Librade~t! (note I above). Ooly three books 1 o:her than classics, ,,;.rcrc found in all three of thc:,:t.::lisn ~s , ..·cH as: tn Stodd;;1rd\.catalogue: l\1agirus' Pbyxia- logia~ Peripateticne"A1ncs. 1s. Afedulla, and Anws's Conrcience+An asterisk preceding a title in,lil.c1.tcsthit · it was identified by _l\· lVolfi 2nd, of The Library Cornpa Tly o( Ph ib.dc1 phi a.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solo111onStoddard's J_;ibrar~/nt Harvard in 1664 2.6 3

[ 1 o] ...1ins,,,orth on ye Psaiincs.

AINSlVORTH, I-IE~·Hf\"~AnuoMtions 11po11 the Book of Psalntes1 2nd ed. Londoni l 6 l 7. [P] [ 11] YVilkt against Bclfarn1inc. vVJLLET, 1\NnRF.\\"". ~Roberti Jle/lanni11ide Lapsu Admni, Peccato Originali,, Praedestiuatio11e,GrntiAt et Libero Atbitrio! ]~efutati. LeydenJ 1618.

[ 1 2] Sci ble rs j\1eta phisick cs. ScHF. 1 :n L F.R, CnRISTo 111I. 0 pus 1,1eta physic 11111. j\1c1 rhu rg, J 617. [P] I13] Cartcsii phi1osop: D .1::sCA RTES~ RENE. 0 p era Pbil osoJ1 };j r11j Ed it i o Ult i11:a ab Auto re Rec ogn ita. A n1stcrd0.n1,HS 56-5 8. [N]

[ 1night also he the Principia Phi!osopbine (Amsterdan1 1 1656), but thttt is unlikely because the l'tiutijJin ,vas not at first ,vidcly distributed. The Harvard Library has a copy of the Operrri 5th edition, r672, ,vjch the auto- graph signatures of six Harvard n1cn in itt beginning ,vith J crc1niah Durn-

mcr's (llarvard A.B. 1 1699) as ,vc11 as the I 6 56-58 edition "'ith. the signature of Ilenjanlin Lynde, u10~ I~ 1 tiS5/6.n 'fhc Opera Pbilosopbicn consisted of the Principia fi/JJJosopbirre(A1nsterda1n, 1656), Speci1}1ini1Pbilosopbiac: seu Dissertatio de 1lletb()do •.. (A.rnstcrd-a111,c656), -PassionesA11hnae

(An1stcrdan1, 165 6) 1,1editatioues (Amsterdanlj x6 58) 1 and Appendi.1:Co11- tineus Obiectiones Quii1tas c""Septhnas! cun1 Rerponsionibus & Duabus Epistulis (An1stcrcla1n, 1657) .] [ 14] Heerebordi n1ehtemata (Lent to Sr iVIihiU

Hr.r:RFnoono, ,ltelete1uata P/Jilosopbica. AnJstcrdarn1 1654. [NJ ["Sr 1\iihillii js 1 ...hornas i\11ighil1,A,B. l 663. 1"'heearliest edition of tlus ,vork that Norton found is from 1665. Stodd:ud n1ust have o\,•ned either the 1654 or the I 6 5 9 edition. TJic cxtren1e]y interesting and true 44Crnnn1on- placc Book" of Joh11 Holyoke (Har\"'ard A.n., 1 66i), ,vhich can1e to the Harvard Archives in 1942, contains a long excerpt titled: "De distinctiones rerum. Ex 1-Iccrbordio.,1'copied in 1663 .] [ 15] D.igbi1of Bodies. D1GBY, Sir l{EXELi.\L T'1.l..'taT1·e11tises-.· in tbe One of Tf.''/1ich,the Nature of Bodies; ln tbe Otber, the Nature of A1aus Soule, ls Looked into, ind ed. London, 1645. {16] N ortons Orth: Evan: NORTON, JOUN. The Orthodox E1.m11gelist.London, I 65 4· rR] I17] R utcrf ord (De provjdentia (The Divine Right of Church goYren: ( Th c due right of presb ytcri csL (his spirituall Antichrist Ru'l'HF..RFORD, SAi\IUEL. Disputatio Schofostica de l)ivina Provide:i1tia. Edin- burgh, I 649. ---. T/Je Dit,iue Rigbt of Church-Governn1e11t. London, 1646.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) I-larvardLibrary Bulletin The Due Right of Presbyteries. London., 1644. ---. A Survey of 1he Spiritua ll A11ticbrist. Lon don~ 164~:t

[ l 8] Isocratc.s IsocRl\TE!i+ Aoyot Ka.tjEj'J'1.o:-To-"a{. I socratis Oratiouer et Epistolae. Cunt Latina lnterpretat/one 1-lierouyu,i H1 olfii. Geneva., 165 1. IN, Rt PJ f 19] A Concordance ConoN, Cl ...£1'.fENT. A Couiplete Co1,cordance to the Dible. London, 1631. [P] [io] Jeans

Jc.ANES, HF.~TRY. A AJi:xttrreof ScboJastica}l Divinity I wit/J Practical{'!i11 Several! Tractates: lVhereiu Srnne of tbe A1ostDifficult ]{nots iu Diviultjr are Un- tied., A.fany Darke Places of Scripture Cleared, Sundr'y Heresies~ and, Refuted.. Oxford~ 1656+ INJ ---4 A Scco11dPart of The A1ixture of Scbolasticall Divinity ... rVbere- unto Are A11ne:xed,Several Letters of th~ Sau1e AutlJor, t1'ndDr. Jennny Taylor, Co'J1cer11ingOriginal Sin. Togetber -..rfrba Reply 1a1to Dr. 11mn- u1011dsVind i cati 011 ., .. . Oxford, 1 660. rNJ

[ 2 r] l\{orron. Or [th?] r:,Ta: [Trus might be the san1c as No. , 6, but the initial letter of the nnn1e is un- n1istakab]y At.] [22] Janna Ling: Col\1"ENlUS, JOH ANN Al\1os. Janun Linguaru111l~eserata. An1stcrdan1, 1649. [HanTord Library has a copy of this edition ,1•hich " 1 as probably o,vncd

by Addington Davenport (Harvard~ A,n+ 1 1689).J [ 13] CgHiopcia.

DRAXE~ THOJ\1As. Calliepeia; or, A Rieb Store-House of Proper1 ChoJse, and ElegtnltLatiue 1Vords and Phrases Collected for the A1ostPart 01tt of All TullieJ' lVorks. London, 161i. 1NJP]

[Also cd iti on s in 161 3, 1 6 r 8, 1 62 5t 1 63 1 1 and l 64 3. ] [24] l\1eisncr. l\1'ElSNER, BAL 'I HA SAR. Cbristol ogias Saer« c D isputat ioucs. "'\Vi tten berg, 162 4. [This is possibly the ,vork intended.. Ho,vever, /vleisner ,vrote several other boo"ks, four of ,vh ich ,,Tere in the I-Iarvard Library Cata] o g ue of ! 7i3 - e.g.. , A11tbropologine Sacrae ( r619).] [15] Golius Eth: A RTST01"LE. Epitonie DoctrinaeAl oralis,ex Dece1n Li bris Et hico1u1nAri; tote !is

ad Nico11u1chun1Collectrt . 4 • per T. Golftnu. Cambridge, 1634. [N~ P] [26] l\1acovius i\-1etaph. J\1AKo,vsK r, JAN ( or i\.lACCOYJ u S+JOANN t.'=i)., A.fetap by si ca ad 111 Qua esti011 uu1 jn Philosophiaac Tbeologitt Ador11ata & Applicata. Leydeni 1645. [N] ---.. A-1etap by sica.. A ccedit Ejusdeuz Tra r.tntu.s de A11in111 S eparata~ Ley- d enj 1650. [N]

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solomon Stoddard'sLibrary at Harvard in 1664 2 6 5 [Harvard Library h~s a copy of the An1stcrdan1 edition ( 165 J) ,vith th~ signatures of students Iron1 1674 and I 692-1 I2 7] I-Icrb ords Lo gieke. HEEREBOORD, ADRIAN. 'Epµ11i•~l«~J_,.ogica, selt Synopseos Log1'caeHurgersdicinnae Explicatio _ . A ccedit Ejusde1n Authoris Praxis Logica. Leyden) 1660. [N] I2R] Calvins institutions. CALV1N, JEAN. l11stitutioCbristhtJ1ae Religioni.r. n~p., 1607. [P] [i9] TulUes Offices. C1cERo. De Officiis Afnrci Tullii Ciceronis Libri Tres. J.. ondoni 162.9. [N, R] [30] D: Donne. DoNNF'~JOHN, Es-sayes in Divinity. London, 1651. [Or possiblyi as l\1r. \i\'o]f belie 1tes, LXXX Sern1ous(London, 1640). lvl.y surmise is based on the incidence of e.xccrpt.'. from Donn e"sEssay es in stu- dent r-u1tc boo l

[ 3 J J An1es s Coronis~ A7\tES'! \1/11.r,TAh1. Coro1dsnd Colfotio11e111H agie11se1n, qua Arg111nentaPastormn Holland in.e A dversus R e1n0Hsirrr11ti11111Quin que A rticulos de Divina Prae- d efl i11ati ane. Leyden, 1618. [P, R] [ 32.] \Vhitc.s Pcripnt: inst: ,vttrTE, T1-101'1As, 1593-1676~ PeripatcticaUInstitutions. London, l 656. [Pos- ~ibly the l ..atin yersion1 :znd ed., 1647.] I3 3] Tu] lics orations CJCERO~ OrationuurPars Prhnn. Ant,verpt 1567. [NJ ---. 0 ri1ti 011l on • _ • Vo /1111ten Secuu dunz. Ed it io ad Al an ut iau.uu1 & Bru tin.1111Con{ onnatn.. l·Ianover, 1606~ {NJ [34] Horrlers IUnds Hoi'\tER~ l"he llirtds of HmJJer .. Donne According to the Greeke by Geo: Cbapn1au. Landoni 161 l. [35] A Hehr: bible jn 4 parts. [For a ]isting of the various Bibles ,vith :1utographs of seventeenth-century Harvard 5tudents in themt see Norton, •'Harvard Text-Iluoks ... u (note 1 abo~.rc),pp. 388-393 .] r3 6] Eustachill s divinity 2 parts Eu.sTACHE DE SAINT-PAUL~ •suunnn Thealogiae Triprtrtita.~de Deo1 1?..ebusque Divi11frac Super1taturalibus. 2 ,rols. Paris, 161 3-16~ [37] TuHie 0CERO~ {38] l\1ulhemiuson Ramus \VA ssER LEJDERt G os\v l Nus. Lo gica ad P. R anzi Dial ectican1 C onfon11(J ta~ Au c- t ore Gos1.vi110Tf' asserleider Alulheniio. Frnnkfurt., i 584.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Harvard Library1 Bulletin [39] I-1crodian I-IEROD [AN, T-1},]}L::Ttl l\Iop~o i-- lla.O't.\da.s- lJ(JTflfJ CfilJ.-'B t/3Ata ~OKn~, Hf:.rod inn j His- toriae Sui Tc111porisLibri JT//1, Opera D. Parei. London, 1639. [40] rnagiros A'IAGIRUSi JoHANN~ I'hysio/ogfoe Peripateticae. J.i"rankfurtt 1 6 co. [N~ P, ll] [Other editions: include. one pu hlishcd tn London, 1619, and one in C:11n- hridge. I 642. Stoddard ts ref crcncc n1ight also be to Aristotle: Joannis Afagiri Corona Virtutu1111l'1ora/i1a11, Uuiilersant Aristoteli."iiEtbicen E~racte EnuclellJH (Frnnkfurti , 618). N] [41] HdTnetins I-IELi\1Es., I-iE1NR1cu. H 01niliaein E,;.,-angelfoDo1ninicalia. Pads~ l 5 52. [4 i] Pisca tor Epi ton1e PJSc.!\Torr,J oHANl\'ES. 1.; r:xpositioRrcvis Dictonall Sclectonnn e:t Libris T1 et eris Testmnenti, Hcrborn, 1 598. [4 3] Lycosthcnes L YcosT 11cK Co~ RAD. Apo p bt heg111 at a e.,· l 'ro b.. -rt is Grae c ne Lat inne qu e l...i,1- guac Scriptoribus .. A ccesseru11tParnbolae Yi·veSi,nilitudiuesi rtb ErnHno e.\'Plutnrcho 6... A liis Olh~1E~·cerptne. Londont 163;. [N, PJ [44] Hessel on ye Decalogue. HF.sscLs~Jo_r\NNES, Dre-t-·iset Catbalica DecalogiR:t-plicatio~ Louvaini 1567~ [45] Aquinas De Ente Et i\.cte. THUi\l.-%.~ AQU[NAS, SAlNT~ [I. T~ Esch1n~nn's "Catalogue of Sr. 1'hornas's '''orks/" printed as an appen- dix to Etienne Gjlsonj ]"'be Christir1nPhilosopby of St. Tbonu1s Aquinas (Londoni 1957), sho,vs no ,vork \\rith this tide.] (46} Garbard on ye 1'hess: [Th.Lsis: most likely Johann Gerhard, ,,rho ,vas the author of co1n1ncntaries on Ron1ansi I-lcbrev~·s, Tin1orhyi- l\fatthC\Vi Psaln1s1 but I have not located one on Thessalonir.ns.] [47] Ursins Catechisn1e. I-IE1DET.JtERG CATfcrrcsJ\t. Cntecbesis Religi011is Cbtistiauttc qu11e in Ecclesiis Palatinntus 1~raditur. Edinburgh, 1 591. [R] URsrnus, ZAcHARlAS. H141,lictttio11u111Catecheticarznu ... Editio Altera. Carn-

bridge, , 587+ [R] [48] va]crius n1ax: \T!US n·IAXTJ\{US. DictO'J'llill Facton,,Jiqlle A1e"IJ10t11biliuutI.....ibri N O·Ve-111~

Frankfurt 1 162 7 [P] [49 J I-fessel on ye E pistl cs, HF.SSELS, J oA NN cs. 111I'ri111rr 1u b. Jonn n is Apostol i et EiHrugelist n e Can(n 1icauz Epist o lniu Ab solu ti ss i111 us Co nnueutariu s. l.,ouvrun i 1 568. ---, In Priore--,uh+ Pauli Apostoli ad Thnot!Jezan Epistolmn Co1111ne11- tarius.Louvaint 1568.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solo111ouStoddard,s Library nt Harvard in 1664 267 I5 o] Bnrgcrsd ici us Logk: k~ BuRGERSD1JcK, FRANCO. lnstitutionuut Logictuu111Libri D110~ ad ]u -ue11tuteu1

Cantnbrigie11se1n. . • London 1 1651. {N, R] [51] a lattinc bible. 1Scc No. 35 above.] [5 2.] Rutcrf ord De Gratia. RurHERFORD, SA?\1UFL. Exercitationes AJJologetjc,1e pro Divina Gratia. Fran- eker1 J651. r5 31 0 Vid 5 JI1eta n1orp h osis OVID. 111et nn10rp /Jos; ~. A rnsterda rn i- 1 6 5z . [ 54J Ruisner R.1SN CR~ Fn 1EDR 1 c r r. 0 ptj cae L; bri Qt tal J10 r e.1· J.To to Petri Rav n1s No-vissiJuo. C~ss~J,I 606, f 55) Norton against Apoll: NORTON, Joux. Totan1 Quaestion1nu Syllogeu J Clarissin10l 7 Da111ino Guilichno Appollonio . • _ Propositnn1. London, I 648. [R] [56] Jach[ ]s 111etaph! JACK: G1Lnr11.r.Ptbn ..1e IJbilosopbin.e sive lnstituti011111nAf etapbysicarrnn..Can1- bridge1 1649+ [Ni P} [57] A Greekc Scapuln. ScAvuLA, JoHA~~. Lexicon Graeco-Lrrtinun1 1Vo-r.,1n11. T~on don, r 637~ [N] f 58] A lati ne Bib1e~ [See No. 3 5 nbove.]

{59] 0\, 0 ens diatriba de just: Div: 0\VEX-, JouK, I 616-1683. Diatriba de Justliia Divina. Oxford~ 165 3. [ 60] An Englishc Bible. [Sec :r,..,ro.35 aLovc.] f 61] Drightn1an on the rcvcl~tinns. BR1 Gl IT:i\L~N, TB OJ'.\i As. A Revel ation of t be A po CGI y ps. Ainstcrda m,, 161 r. ---. A Re:-velntiouof t/:JeRevelation tliat Is Tbe Re-vel.1tionof St. Johu. Amstcrdan,, 16 [ 5+ [R] [ 61] Ca 1vins in stituti ons in English. CAJ.\'1~., JEA:-.. The Institution of Cbristinn Religion .. _ 'l~rans/ated u1to English . . . By Tbmnas !-lorton, 9th ed. London, 1634. IN, R] { 63] Thesaurus pocticus. Bu CH LF.R, Jo 11ANN. Sa crn,7tn 1 Prof a11nr1t111q u e Phr asii nu Po et icarun, The srr10-ns, 1 3th ed. London, 1641... [N, R] {64] Horace HoRACI::. Opera. Basel, 1580. [P] [65] ffarnabks Retoricke. FARNAnY, THO~fAS~ l11dex Rhctoricus Scbolis-et lns-titutioni Teucrioris Aetatis Accourodatus~ Londoni 1633.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) 168 Harvard Library Btllletin [66] Mncovius Theo]: Dist: l\.1AKO\VSKI., JAN ( or i\1.Acco,rius,J OANNF..S). Distinctiones et Regu/(le J 1beologi- cae nc I'}Ji/asophicae.Oxford, 1656. [N, R] [67] Ames s 1ncdul]a 1 ..hol: A;,\iES!,VJLJ.TAJt.1. A1eduUnS.S. Theologiae, London, 1629. {Nt P, R] [68] A lstcc ds dcfin iti ons Alsteeds dist: & def: ALsT.rn!JOHANN I-itlNRTCH. ., Defi11itio11esTbeologic11e. Hanover, 16314 ~--. "Di~tinctiones per Unlversmu Theologiant, Frank{ u~ 1 630. iR; ho,vever~the Robinsons cou]d not identify the entry,] [69] Ames s ( cases of consc; ( tee hn on1etri a. AJ\1Es~ Vl1LLIArr.J. Conscience.,with the Po'1.verend Cases Tbereof (London,

1643) or De Crn1scie,uiatet eius l1tre1 vel Casibus ( A111stcrcfo.n1~! 6 3 [N1 P. R]

---. 1.,echucn11etrirr•.. Duplici A-fetbodo Adornn.ta1 cui Jure Cognntionis l\1u11cAdjungU'lltur, Efusde111Adversus Atetapbysicflni ntque EtlJic«1n Dis- puuttio Thcologjca. c~mbridgc, 1646. [N] [70) Tullies Sent: C1cERo. *S e-nteutia e. London,. 1 648 [ 71J Erasrnus Co Hoqui es. ERAsl\1us. Colloquia Nunc E111endatiora.Leyden., 1636. [P] [ 72J Hon1crs Odysscs: HoJ\-tER, Odysses ... [tr. by] George Chapnurn. London:, 1614, [73] Tully CICERO,

[Essex Institute o,v n s a copy of Cicero's \Vorks published in Lyon1-1588i ,vh.ich has tllc sjgnaturcs of seventeen Harvard students in it.] [74] Quintus Curtius. Cunr1us RuFusi QurNTUS, Historin.nun Lihri4 An1sterdam! i 650. [75] A hcbre\v Gnnu: [According to Norton {note I above), the Key of the Holy Tonguet

lf'berein Is Contained,,First tbe HebrMv Gr11.n1111ttrout of Pr Af. Atattinius 1 E11glishedby I. Udall (Leyden~ 165;)~ ,vas probably the Hcbrc,v gram1nar ea rJiest in 115e at Harvard. After about 1660~h o,vever, ,::vjI heln1 Schick ard ,s H orologit11n H ebrae111n,.sive Consiliu1n1 Quouzodo Sau eta Lingua Spacio XXJJT liorannn a Totidc11zCollegis SufficienterAppre/Jeudi Queat (Lon- don, I 6 _l9) ,v~s favored,] [76] The Synod of Dort. SYNOD OF ])ORT. *The Judgen1e11tof tbe Syuodc Holdr:11at Dortr London, 1619.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Sof 01no11Stoddard, s Library at Harvard in 1664 2 69 [77] The Suffrage of ye Engl: Div SYNOD or DOR1\ fl-TheSuffrage of the Divinesof Great Dritaine.. J... ondon, 1629. [78] Dr Gouge on reHebr~ GouGEt Wn.I.TA.('.f. A Learned and Ver)' Useful Connnentary on the -Jfrbole Epirtle to the Hebre-wes, London, 16;5. [79] Dr Stoughtons body of Ojv~ SrouGnro~, JoHN. A Treatise Cancer-11i11gthe Definition and Distributionof Divinity and the Hap ph 1essof J\1an. London.,1640. [This is possibi y incorrect.] [80] 1\1:rNorton 3 ] ~st Sermons NORTON,J OIJN. Tbree Cboice a11dProfitable Sen11011s. C:1111hridge.,l\ilass.i 1664.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE

ivfARCIA ALLENrucK, Associate Professor of Fnglish and Comparative Literature at The Ot:y College of the Chy University of Ne,v York and Senior Research Fello,v 1n L-'1ndscapc Architecture at Dumbarton Oaksi Horvard University· ( 19i 2.-197 J) i contributed u1,1axman and Klopstock; A N C\V Letterti to the J ann:lry 197r issue of the HARYARD LIBRARY IluLLETIN; her dissertation at Colun1- bia ( 1964) ,vas on Henry Fuse]i.

/vlRs.IlAYARA ARourul"l~OVA is J..,ecturer on Sfa.\:rjcLanguages and Literatures at Har,rard. Her Radcliffe dissertation ( 1958) ,vas on HLinguistic and Stylistic Prohk1ns of,,,. ord Order in 1'1'odcroRussian.">

ZBI GX IE, v BRzEztN SJ{ 1 is }lrof essor of Pnbl ic L:1,v and Government and Director of the Research Institute on Con1n1unist Affairs at Colmnbfa.University. His many articJcs and books include Between Two Ages: An1ericn'sRole in the 11 echuetronic Er«, ,vhich -.1taspublished by \Ti king in J 970.

Noni\IAN S~ F1r::.tH:t-;Gearned his doctonllc at Columhia and taught at Stanford for .several years prior to r 969, ,v hen he ,vent as u F c]I o,v to th~ I nsti tu te of E~r]y _A.mcrican I-Jistory and Cul turc at "''iHiamsburg, \i'irginia; he is no\v Edi tor of Pu bl ica ti ons ~t the I nsti tu te~

PAUL A. FREUND came to the Harvard faculty in 1939 after some years of government serYicct and has been Carl 1\1.. Loeb University Profc.ssor since 1958. Atnong his many pub]ic:itions is On La~v and Justice (Harvard Uni1-•cr- sity Press, 1968).

l\.1ARYI-IYDE,. -author and collector, collaborated ,vith her husbandi the late Donald F. Hydci on several books and articks and in forming the private Jibrary of ,,rhich the I{arv~rd Co Hege Library pu b]ished a thrcc-volun1e cata]ogue in 1965: Catalogui Bibliot/Jecae Hydein11ae; T/Je:Hyde Collection of the -J,JTorks of SmnuelJobnson, comp~ by J. D~ Flcen1an

RoJ\.IAN JAKonsoK js Sann1e1Hazzard Cross Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, En1e-ritu1iat I-Jar\'·ard and Instirurc Professor at the 1\1:assa.chusetts Institute of Technology.. He is a prolific author in several languages, and h-as been honored by Fcstschriften pub]ishcd .in 1 956! 1967 ( 3 vo]s.) i and r 968.

PATRICK GREIG Scon is a 1nernber of the Department of English J... iterature at the l.Tnbrer,i;;ityof Edinburgh; his published ,vorks include Te1111yson'sEnoch A rd c11:A 11 i ctor ian Rest-Se fl et, ,v hi ch \Yas ed by the Tenny son Soci cty in 1970.


Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972)