Solomon Stoddard's library at Harvard in 1664 The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Fiering, Norman S. 1972. Solomon Stoddard's library at Harvard in 1664. Harvard Library Bulletin XX (3), July 1972: 255-269. Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37364013 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA Solo1non Stoddard's Library at Harvard in 1664~ N or111a11 S. Fieriug N THE PAST forty }rears the detailed picture of intellectual culture in seventeenth-ccnn1ry Nc,v England has been superbly revealed., in partjcular by San1ucl E]iot lv.lorison's great hi~tory of early Harvard and by the £rst volun1e of Perry l\1illcr1s N e•w E11gJa11d ,iiind. It is ,vell to .ren1ember,holvcvcr~ that among the lesser contribu- tions upon ,vhich these n1onun1ents rest \Vere the researches into early Amcrjcan Jibrarics by Julius H. Tuttlc 1 Charles I•. and llobin llob- inson, Alfred C+Potter, and espccially the ren1arkable srudy by Arthur 04 Norton, ~'I-Iarvard Text-Books and Reference Dooks of the Seven- teenth Century."' 1 Lists of avai1ablebooks can never be 1norc than a pre]iminar)r to jntellcctual history, but they· arc an essential pre- lin1inary, for nothing else can provide as plainly· such a \vidc and balanced perspective of the inte1Jectual scene. It fa ,vith this con- sideration in mind th-at I have prepared an annotated list of Solo111on Stoddard\~ Jibrary in 1664, a collection of cight) 7 -odd titles that has been Yirtuallv... overlooked thus fgr/ Solo1non Stoddard ,vas to bccon1c an cxtre1nclv.., influential and dis- tinguishcd pastor in Northampton~ .i\1assachusctts,but he is also of par- t! ~1r. Edwjn \VoUt z nd, of The Library Con1pany of Phjla.delphia1 ,vhosc knov,J- cdgc of early Atnerican libraries is unsurpa~sed, ]dnd]y agreed to read this article in nrnnuscrjpt ~nd i.v:ls:~b]c to jdentifr for n~c dc\Tcu of the rnos.t pu7..zliug cntrfos in Stn d dard 's c~ta] ogu C+ 1 Julius Tun let 'LThe Libraries of tho 1\1:nhcrst Proceedings of t,)e A-n1erir.a11 Anti quar lan Soc ie I y n .s. 1 XX ( 19 r l ) 1 2.69-3 56. Charles F. Robin son and Robin 11 Robinson 1 Thrcc E-arly 1\1assachuscusLiLraricst Publications-of tl:JeColonial So- ciety of Afassacburetts, XX\'1Jl ( 193s). l 07-175. Alfred C. Pottc:s\ 11Catalogae of 1 John Harv~rdis Library/' Jbid.i XXI ( 1910 )t r90--230, Arthur 0. Nonon 1 ' 1-Iarvard Text-Books :and Reference Book~ of th~ Seventeenth Century/' ibid., XA'Vlll ( l 9 35 ) , 36 I --.f3 8, :e Stoddard is Jj brar y catalogue is briefly- ref erred to in the i1npore-ant su ppicment 1 to Alf red C. Potter by Hc.nry J. Oadln1ry, uJohn H-atvard s Library/' l bid, 1 XXXIV ( 1943), 353~3 77• Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Harvard J_jbrary BuiJe ti11 ticul~r interest to historisns of Harvard and its Library because his na1ne stands first, chronologically., in the Jong ]ist of Librarians of Harvard College. After graduation fron1 Harv::i.rd,vith a 11.A.in 1662 he fol- lo,vcd the con1n1011practice of young graduates preparing for rhe 1ninistry of rcn1~in1ng at the College for a fc,v years 111orein order to do spccia]ized studies-in divinity, and in 1665, on schedule,. he .received his Iv1astcr'sdegree. 1"hcrcaftcr, in Nove1nber of 1666 he ,vas made a 1--utoror Fello,v· and the follo\ving .spring chosen"Library keeper/' the first such appointment .. Before mo,Tingto Norrha111ptonin 1672 it is probable that he made a visit to Barbados. It js gcncrall)r agreed that for the last thirty years of 11isJifc he ,vas the most influential n1inister in Nc,v England outside of Boston.. T,vo years before his death in 1729, his congregation chose as his successor in the pulpit his gr~ndson, Jonathan Ed,vards. 3 The ''Cata1ogue of Solon1on Stoddnrds books 1664,, is buried in the 1niddle of a little notebook ,vhich Stoddard kept at Ilarvard, un- doubtedly .one an1ong n1any· such notebooks he used. 1"he notebook has been o,vned by Union Theological Se1ninary since r 9 20 and is designated ju their files as a HCornmonplace Book.,, Aside from the date of 1664 ,vhich occurs at the heading of the "Catalogue,n the year "1662 ,, appears on the verso of the first legf, and it is probable fron1 other internal evidence that the notebook docs not span more than t\vo years~ time. Ref ore turning to Stoddard "s library catalogue~ I ,vill describe the notebook in a little more detail. The title of co1nmonplacebook is n1islcading since this manuscript volu1ne is not \vhat is ordinarily--considered a con1monp]accbook. ?\Tear1 y all of it js n1ade up of sum rnar ics or syn opscs of sermons~ s0111c of these sununaries being only· a half page~ others going on for several.. These are all in English. In addition~ there are ~b.out thrrt)-T pages of a Latin discourse on theologicalmatters, possibl)rexcerpted from some 3-Tht::rc is a brief ccou nt of Stoddard in Jo ha L~ Sibley, Bio gr" phi r.t1!Sk etc bes of Gr(lduater of H ar-~ard University (Cc1.1nbridgc-,1881 ), II, 1 I 1-122. Peny i\1iller, 0 So101non Stoddard," "J1be Harvtard Theological Review., XXXIV (1941), 277-310, is: a standard n1or1ograph. See ;\lso, for Studd;1rd's thought 1 1 ..homas A~ Schafer,. ccSolomon Stoddard and the Theo1ogy of the Revh.Talt in Stuart C. l{cnry~ ed.~ A Afistclfon.y of A'JJ1eric1Jn C/JriJtitr1iity. Essayj' in Honor of H~ Shelton S111ith (Dur ham, N .C .,. 1 9 63 ) 1 pp+ ; : 8-3 61. For the cul es goirerni ng the Librari i;11tship at early Hervard 1 see Public~tions of tbe Colonial Society of Af.«ssacbusetts,X\r ( 19i; ), l94-196t and for the ca:r1y Llbr~rfa.ns! see AJfrcd Claghorn Potter and Charles l{no,vles Bolton, 1'The Lihraritnu of I-I arvard CoHcgc~ 1677-1877t Harv~rd University Library Bi blio grapbi tal Contribution t LII ( 1 897 ) . Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XX, Number 3 (July 1972) Solrnnon Stoddard's Library at Harvard in 1664 z 57 place but not identified h3r Stoddard, except for one snippet thnt hns the nan1c of Grottus after it. There is also a page given over to a short elegy ,v hich begins: ~~Sigl1sarc the syn1pton1s .of souls distress,'' and concludes ,vith the lines: ' 1 his active 1nind ()'C 111orcsour ,voe) / like keen s,vord, soon hath cut ye scabbard through ..'' \X/hcthcr Stoddard ,vas the author of this piece I do not kno,v~ but it is likely fron1 the da tc of the notebook that it ,vas n lan1cnt copied or ,vrittcn on the occasion of the death in Ca111bridgcin the Fall of 1664 of t,vcnty·-three- year-old Sarnucl Eliot (son of the fan1ous apostle ro the lndians) 1 ,, ..ho had becon1ea I•'eHo,vonly the year bcfore~ In the ,v hole book of 2 74 pages (there is no numbering) 1 only one has the character of a con1- mon place hook.. It contains thoughts ,v·hich the v?ritcr 1night have occasion to use somctin1e later in his o,vn ,vork.. 1-lcrc one finds a f e\v interesting i tc tns: ''Th c P saln1 s are as it \ v ere th c Ana to 1nic of a holy n1an \\~hich lay not in side as it ,vcrc oun.vard to the vic\v of • + others+ If the scriptures be cornparcd to a bod) 7 the Psalms may· ,vcll be the heart. They are so full of s,veet affections & passions . .. .,, "Never ,vas the Church n1orc fruitfull, yn ,vhen tis ,vatered ,vith its o,vn b]ood ..H "Tygers arc put into a rage by· the smell of spices. So the savour of the graces of the saints ,vill put the tJlgcrs of the ,vor]d into.. a rage ..H But 1nost of the notebook, -asI have said, js n1adc up of .sununa.rics of seventy-tlvo sern1ons~apparently delivered a.t the CoUcgc chapel. 1\1orisonhas described President Charles Cha11ncy'sregime at the Col~ lege as 111ore replete \Vith sern1on s th an an 1- before or after. 4 Th ere ,vcre t,vo scrn1ons evcr)r Sabbath at least, Chauncy himself giving one e,Tcryother ,vcek. Thus it probably djd not take Stoddard a very long ti1ne to fill up his book .. Of the sern1ons abstracted by StoddardJ ten arc by Chauncy hin1sclf 2nd thirty-three by Jonathan j\1itche1l~minister at the church in Can1bridge and the subject of a famous chapter jn Cotton !\lather's A-1agualia.Jan1cs Allen, of the First Church in Bos- ton"'"js the only other minister ,vho ga,rc n1orc than a handfuL Allen preach~d on eleven occasions. Judging from Stoddardts abbreviated transcription alone, !v1itche1Pssermons ,vere often ontsninding for force of Ianguage and in tel lcct'i and Stoddard's longc st abstracts seem to he of j\litcheJl~ssermons.
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