Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

US Marathon Finishers

Epidemiology of 467K Injuries

Jason Lunden, PT 25K Board Certified Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy 1976 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009

annual marathon report:

Marathon-Lite 2009 Running Data

1200000 Number of Events

1000000 800000 1113K OTHER 600000 Marathon 5 K 5 Mile 400000 Half-Marathon 200000 10 K 303K 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009

annual marathon report: annual marathon report:

2010 TCM Age Group Winners Injury: the Big 6

4.5 Rates 20-90% 4 Knee injuries: 42% 3.5 • PFPS: #1 injury (16%) 3 • ITBFS: #2 injury (8%) 2.5 2 Time Lower leg/ankle/foot: 36% 1.5 • Plantar Fascia: #3 injury 1 • MTSS: #4 injury 0.5 • Achilles: #5 injury 0

>80 18-20 22-29 30-34 35-39 40-45 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 Stress Fx: up to 20% van Mechelen W et al. Sports Med 1992 Taunton JE et al. BJSM. 2002;36:95-101 2010 TCM Results: 6

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 1 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Injuries in Running Risk Factors

Upper Leg Low Back Other Extrinsic (environmental) Intrinsic (person-related) Achilles – Training errors – Previous injury Knee – Running surface – Running experience Hip/Pelvis – Footwear – Flexibility Lower Leg – Strength – Anatomy Foot/Ankle – Gender

Tauton JE et. al, BJSM 2002

Risk Factors: Training Errors Risk Factors: Running Surface

Too much, too fast! • Asphalt • No evidence for increased risk (Taunton JE 2003, Duffey MJ, 2000) • Crowned Roads • 10% rule • Runners adapt their • Trails mechanics to the running • Shoe replacement surface (Dixon et al. 2000) – 300-500 miles • Hills

• Cross training (or lack of!) • Track – always the same – Strengthening direction – Stretching

Risk Factors: Footwear Risk Factors: Anatomy

• Leg Length Discrepancy: • Runners adapt mechanics to maintain constant GRF/ >5 mm ? (Soukka et al. 1991) Impacts (Kong PW et al BJSM 2009) • Quadriceps Angle: >20°? • Do not reduce injury (Rauh MJ et al. JOSPT 2007) (Knapik JJ et al. AJSM 2010) • Arch Type • Differences in shoe mileage – Pes Cavus b/w injured and controls – Pes Planus (Taunton et al. 2003, Duffey et al. 2000)

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 2 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Foot/Arch type Risk Factors: Intrinsic

• Experience (Buist I et al 2010, Taunton et No Difference: Increased Risk: al. 2003) • Thijs Y et al. 2008 • Buist I et al. 2010 • Previous Injury (Buist I 2010,Taunton (pes planus for women) JE 2003 Macera MA 1989, Macera MA 1991)

• Hreljac et al. 2000 • Flexibility (Hreljac A et al. 2000, Duffey MJ • Van Ginkel A et al. 2009 et al. 2000) (pes cavus for AT) • Taunton JE et al 2002 • Strength (Cichanowski et al. 2007, • Ghani Zadeh Hesar N 2009 Niemuth et al 2005, Duffey, 2000) (pes cavus for any LE injury) • BMI – High for males (Buist I et al 2010, Taunton et al 2002) • Duffey MJ 2000 – Low for females (Taunton et al 2002) (pes cavus for PFPS)

Risk Factors: the Evidence Grading Running Injuries

Yes! No??? • Grade I: pain after running • Previous Injury • Terrain • Grade II: pain during running, but not • Training • Arch type restricting training (ie discomfort) • BMI • Shoe wear • Grade III: pain during running, which • Weakness • Anatomic alignment • Gender restricts training • Experience • Grade IV: inability to run d/t pain

Injuries in Running Anterior Knee Pain

Upper Leg Low Back Other Differential Dx: Achilles PFPS

Knee Patellar Tendonopathy Hip/Pelvis  Meniscal Tear Lower Leg  Quadriceps Tendonopathy  Fat Pad Impingement Foot/Ankle  Stress Fx  OCD Lesion  Referred pain from hip/back

Tauton JE et. al, BJSM 2002

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 3 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Anterior Knee Pain Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome(PFPS): 62% of knee injuries #1 Running Injury • Females > > Males • Anterior knee/retropatellar pain • Pain worsens throughout run • Weak Hips: – Abduction (Ireland ML et al, 2003; Cichanowski HR et al, 2007, Souza RB & Powers CM, • Peripatellar pain with palpation 2009) • Patellar mal-tracking: OKC vs – External rotation (Ireland ML et al, 2003) CKC – Extension (Souza RB & Powers CM, 2009)

• R/O other pathology • Abnormal Alignment ? (Duffey MJ et al. 2000, Lun V et al. 2003)

• Abnormal Mechanics (Duffey MJ et al, 2000, Souza RB et al. 2009, Dierks TA et al, 2011)


Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Lateral Knee Pain

Weak Hips + Mal-alignment Differential Dx: ITB Friction Syndrome Mensicus Biceps Femoris Injury Common Peroneal Nerve PFJ Mal-tracking  OA  Referred pain from hip/ back  Peds: SCFE, Perthes’ Asymmetrical Loading 22

ITB Friction Syndrome ITB Friction Test

# 2 Running Injury • Pt. Stands on test leg with the knee • 2X increase since 1980 extended • Females > Males • Weak Hips • Examiner applies pressure with their • Abnormal Mechanics thumb against the lateral epicondyle and pulls the knee into slight varus • Terrain Selection: – Crowned roads • Pt. Bends knee to ~45° of flexion – Descending hills

– Canted track • Positive: pain @ ~30° KF


This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 4 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Ober’s Test McMurray’s Test

• Pt. Is sidelying (test side up) Meniscal Clinical Exam • Medial Mensicus • With knee flexed and hip in neutral – Sens: 57% rotation, extend and adduct the hip – Spec: • Lateral Mensicus • Positive: Hip does not adduct and/or knee – Sens: 77% extends – Spec:

Konan S et al. 2009

Thessaly Test “My Knee Hurts”

Meniscal Clinical Test • Side of knee ITB Friction • Medial Meniscus Syndrome – Sens: 61-94% • Weak Hips • Over Pronation • Training error: hills, • Lateral Meniscus track, country roads – Sens: 80%-96%

Karachalios T et al. 2005 Konan S et al. 2009 Mirzatolooei F et al. 2010

“My Shin Hurts!” Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Differential Dx: • Pain with palpation of Medial Tibial Stress posteromedial tibial Syndrome () border  Tibial Stress Fx • Pain decreases with warm-up  Compartment Syndrome • Pain returns during run  Referred pain • Traction perostitis  Tumors, Infections etc – Soleus – Flexor digitorum longus


This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 5 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome “My Calf Hurts”

• Poor cushioning Differential Dx: • Over pronation Achilles Tendonosis • High arches Achilles rupture Compartment Syndrome • Out of Shape Stress Fx • Training Errors: Running with fatigue, Popliteal Artery Entrapment increased mileage, overstriding DVT

Sever’s disease

posterior impingement syndrome

Achilles Tendonosis Achilles Tendonosis

• Pain to palpation of the Etiology: tendon 2-6 cm superior to • Middle-aged males insertion • Greater BMI • Pain with active plantar flexion • Weak gastroc/ soleus • Pain and limited ROM with • Over pronation passive DF • Tight calves • Palpable thickening and/or crepitus • Training error: increased mileage

Achilles Tendonopathy “My Foot Hurts”

Physiologic Changes: Differential Dx: – Increased thickness Calcaneal stress fx – Increased compliance Bone of the tendon Fat pad atrophy – Increased tendon- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome aponeurosis Cancer-related pain Paget disease of bone Sever’s Disease S1 radiculopathy


This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 6 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

“My Foot Hurts” Plantar Fasciosis

• Bottom of Foot/Heel Etiology: Plantar Fasciosis • Tight calves • 8% of running injuries (Tauton et al. 2002) • Over Pronation?

• 2 million Americans/year • Decreased 1st MTP (Riddle et al, 2003) mobility • 10% of people (Riddle et al, 2003) • Overweight

• Training error: increased • Training error: mileage increased mileage


Plantar Fasciosis Windlass Test

Examination: • Perform both NWB and – Palpation weight-bearing – Active and Passive • Examiner stabilizes the ROM ankle joint in neutral – Tarsal Tunnel syndrome testing • Examiner extends the st – Windlass test 1 MTP, while allowing the IP to flex – Longitudinal arch angle • Positive: reproduction of pain

39 McPoil TG et al. JOSPT 2008

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Test Longitudinal Arch Angle

• Pt. Sitting with legs off • Pt. Standing with equal table/plinth weight on both feet • Examiner maximally DF and everts the ankle • Measure the angle of: medial malleolus- and extends the toes navicular tuberosity- • Position is held for 5-10 medial prominence of seconds, While tapping the 1st MTP head over the tarsal tunnel • Positive: increased • Highly predictive of numbness and/or pain dynamic foot posture

McPoil TG et al. JOSPT 2008 McPoil TG et al. JOSPT 2008

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 7 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

“This is Killing Me!” “This Stress Fracture is Killing Me!”

Progression: High Risk Stress Fx: Pain during run  – Femoral Neck pain during and after run  (tension) pain with all weight-bearing activities – Femoral Shaft – anterior- – Medial malleolus – Base of the 5th • 20% incidence in runners metatarsal (<1% in general pop.) – Navicular – Sesamoids

43 44

Stress Fractures Female Athlete Triad

Risk Factors: • >40 miles/week • Training errors • Female • High arch • Nutrition

Stress Fractures: Diagnosis Hop Test

• MRI is the gold • Femoral Stress Fx standard • Bone Scan is a close – 70% of pt.s had pain second with hopping – 24% had abnormal x- Physical Exam: rays – Point tenderness – 30 second Hop Test – Fulcrum Test – Percussion/vibration Testing

Clement DB et al. 1993

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 8 Rehabilitation of the Injured Runner 5/21/2011 MN APTA

Fulcrum Test Vibration Testing

• For femoral stress fx • Tuning fork or U/S • Pt. is seated with legs over the table/plinth • Place on bone (ie • Clinician puts their fist anterior tibia) under the distal thigh • Clinician places • Positive: reproduction of pain pressure with other hand on thigh distal to their other fist • Sens: 75%, Spec: 67% • Attempt to bow the femur • PPV 77%, NPV 63%

Lesho EP, Mil Med, 1997

Epidemiology & Etiology

• High incidence of injury

• Causes are multi-factorial

• LE injuries predominate

• Need a runner-specific exam

• PTs are Key!

This Information is the property of Jason Lunden, PT, SCS and should not be copied or otherwise used without express written permission of the author. 9