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References 510 8 3 7 6 5 6 Line, WNC 95 OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – FIRSTPROOFS, Wed Oct 23 2013, NEWGEN 509.1 R e f e r e n c e s 509.2 Abrahamson , W.G. 1980 . Demography and vegetative reproduction. Pages 89–106 in 509.3 O.T. Solbrig , editor. Demography and evolution in plant populations . University of 509.4 California Press , Berkeley, CA . 509.5 Abrams , M.D. 1992 . Fire and the development of oak forests. BioScience 42 : 346–353 . 509.6 Abrams , M.D. 1998 . Th e red maple paradox. BioScience 48 : 355–364 . 509.7 Abrams , M.D. 2003 . Where has all the white oak gone? BioScience 53 : 927–939 . 509.8 Abrams , M.D. , and D.I. Dickmann . 1982 . Early revegetation of clear-cut and burned jack 509.9 pine sites in northern lower Michigan. Canadian Journal of Botany 60 : 946–954 . 509.10 Adams , M.S. 1970 . Adaptations of Aplectrum hyemale to the environment: Eff ects of pre- 509.11 conditioning temperature on net photosynthesis. 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Finding confi dence limits on population growth 510.32 rates: three real examples revisited. Ecology 75 : 255–260 . 510.33 Alverson , W.S. , and D.M. Waller . 1997 . Pages 280–297 in W. McShea and J. Rappole , edi- 510.34 tors. Deer populations and the widespread failure of hemlock regeneration in north- 510.35 ern forests. Th e science of overabundance: deer ecology and population management . 510.36 Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution Press . 510.37 Alverson , W.S. , D.M. Waller , and S.L. Solheim . 1988 . Forests too deer: edge eff ects in north- 510.38 ern Wisconsin. Conservation Biology 2 : 348–358 . 510.39 Amthor , J.S. , P.J. Hanson , R.J. Norby , and S.D. Wullschleger . 2010 . A comment on 510.40 “Appropriate experimental ecosystem warming methods by ecosystem, objective, 510.41 and practicality” by Aronson and McNulty . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 510.42 150 : 497–498 . 510.43 Anacker , B.L. , and C.D. Kirschbaum . 2006 . Vascular fl ora of the Kinzua Quality Deer 510.44 Cooperative, northwestern Pennsylvania, USA. Bartonia 63 : 11–28 . 510.45 Anderson , J.P. , Jr., and F.E. Egler . 1988 . Patch studies in the stability of 510.46 non-diversity: Dennstaedtia, Solidago, Spiraea, Kalmia . Phytologia 64 : 349–364 . 510.47 Anderson , J.V. , W.S. Chao , and D.P. Horvath . 2001 . A current review on the regulation of 510.48 dormancy in vegetative buds. Weed Science 49 : 581–589 . 510.49 Anderson , M.C. 1964 . Studies of the woodland light climate. I. Th e photographic computa- 510.50 tion of light conditions. Journal of Ecology 52 : 27–41 . ooxfordhb-9780199837656_ref.inddxfordhb-9780199837656_ref.indd 551010 223-10-20133-10-2013 118:16:438:16:43 OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – FIRSTPROOFS, Wed Oct 23 2013, NEWGEN 511 511.1 Anderson , R.C. 1994 . Height of white-fl owered trillium ( Trillium grandifl orum ) as an index 511.2 of deer browsing intensity. Ecological Applications 4 : 104–109 . References 511.3 Anderson , R.C. 1997 . Pages 117–134 in M.W. Schwartz , editor. Native pests: the impact of 511.4 deer in highly fragmented landscapes. Conservation in Highly Fragmented Landscapes . 511.5 New York : Chapman & Hall . 511.6 Anderson , R,C. , and M.H. Beare . 1983 . Breeding system and pollination ecology of 511.7 Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae). American Journal of Botany 70 : 408–415 . 511.8 Anderson , R.C. , J.S. Fralish , J.E. Armstrong , and P.K. Benjamin . 1993 . Th e ecology and biol- 511.9 ogy of Panax quinquefolium L. (Araliaceae) in Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 511.10 129 : 357–372 . 511.11 Anderson , R.C. , and A.J. Katz . 1993 . Recovery of browse-sensitive tree species following 511.12 release from white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus viginianus Zimmerman) browsing pressure. 511.13 Biological Conservation 63 : 203–208 . 511.14 Anderson , R.C. , S.S. Khillion , and T.M. Kelley . 1996 . Aspects of the ecology of an inva- 511.15 sive plant, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata ), in central Illinois. Restoration Ecology 511.16 4 : 181–191 . 511.17 Anderson , R.C. , and O.L. Loucks . 1973 . Aspects of the biology of Tridentalis borealis . 511.18 Ecology 54 : 798–808 . 511.19 Anderson , R.C. , and O.L. Loucks . 1979 . White-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus ) infl u- 511.20 ence on the structure and composition of Tsuga canadensis forests. Journal of Applied 511.21 Ecology 16 : 855–861 . 511.22 Anderson , R.C. , O.L. Loucks , and A.M. Swain . 1969 . Herbaceous response to canopy cover, 511.23 light intensity and through fall precipitation in coniferous forests. Ecology 50 : 235–263 . 511.24 Anderson , W.B. 1998 . Th e role of spring ephemeral herbs in deciduous forest nutrient 511.25 cycling, with special reference to Claytonia virginica L. (Portulacaceae) . Ph.D. disserta- 511.26 tion, Vanderbilt University , Nashville, TN . 511.27 Anderson , W.B. , and W.G.
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