WILLIAMS GRADUATE P RO GRA M IN THE HIS TO RY OF A RT OFFERED IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CLARK ACADEMIC YEARS 200 7–8, 2008 –9 Newsletter CLASS OF 1955 MEMORIAL PROFESSOR OF ART MARC GOTLIEB Letter from the Director Greetings from Williamstown and partners, including the Williams College Museum of Art, from all the staff, faculty, and current MASS MoCA, and the Williamstown Art Conservation Center. students of the Graduate Program. No other graduate program in the United States features It has been at once a pleasure and an such integrated partnerships between great museums and a honor to serve as the program’s new great institution of higher education. Most of all our attention focuses on questions relating director, succeeding Mark Haxthausen, to students, however, including student support. Following who over 14 years helped bring the my appointment we have identified a number of key funding program to such a high level of distinction. Even as I complete targets designed to enhance the program and our ability to my second year , not a day goes by when I do not discover a recruit and support outstanding students from all walks of new, extraordinary feature of the program, from its remark - life, and indeed from across the world. able faculty and curriculum to the impressive accomplish - Our students, too, have begun to self-organize. Begin - ments and loyalty of its alumni. Not a day goes by, too, when ning in the fall of last year, they launched a new Proseminar we don’t remind ourselves that we must assure that the as well as other academic activities designed to enhance legacy of excellence established by this esteemed degree is student involvement in the curriculum.
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