Yankees Gain by Scoring Sensational 3-2 Victory Over Browns »Giants Defeat Reds, 7-2 Come From i. Behind to World "s If ho\s Who .: Hugmen Series In Baseball for Day Rally hv Cuhs Scott Hurls and Win With Two Runs in Ninth To Oct. ** ¥ Effectively Open 4 In 9th Inning Are Easy Victors fbitey Witt Delivers Single Which Scores McNaîîv In Thie City (. Willi Three Safeties: «« fer llie t.irru--. By W. B. Hanna of Prices as Last Year Final F i* ;*, m e and I.« Snyder LOUIS. 18.*-Th« Yankee« Found for Three Tallies ST. Sept. came from behind to-dV CHICAGO, Seiit. 18. The 19 do It often, but they did it in a/or » By John Kir fHydonH to-day splendid fashion and beat series baseball chanipionsírp will1 ope. 3 to 2. It was a crusher By Joseph Val Bidding their fond farewell t., Ootítom -«*«..n oí the Browns, for the home and a October 1 in New York City, it was folks, more Da-í/.y Vance, the Robin:.' speed had Ctme and jro.ie. the Po'ktovui v.ei- crowd never filed mournfully out of a decided to-day at a meeting of bull] Redfogfl dejected ballyard. Witt's Nation, pitcher, had a ¦« .«« ninth, his third hit, drove in the single and victory eifht-nintl pointa unknown by « swift Kick fro;n tin Behii.J winning- runs. À hit by Dugan also iresentativei the way to the record book nt Ebbet* f!V«-uv«- of Jntfc S,(.u. the added j. 1h* Browns' defense became rattled in the here, Lost year s pxict prevail. Field pitching Gfctntfl itM ninth,\vhereas the If the St, Louis Am (oana win the yesterday when he collapsed rrtÍMt êolorful uniform of the rinitori a T to > defeat ncro*» held steadfast. Joe Buah pitched a superb American League race will in the ninth. Tin« by piwiiftg Yanks game and among other they play in unexpectedly Cubs, l>«)¡-oms.. Sisler's streak. New York October 4 and and after lean to manly things stopped batting George didn't get on base. October Will be travel'6, Friday eight innings, managed A* the took two out of 8, day. Three three « piratical PítUberghari Tbc Yank«*i threes-'_ gamos then would be played in St purh over in the IiihI BÓísion flat and unprofitable are a and off and the re and a>vain leading; by gam- Louis.-October T, 8 and 9. On October walked With the victory even Home Hun Hilferr j 10 the clubs would travel back breaking t -.-.¡f. It looked for a long time to New series, The score Was .! to ".. «SleepytDw.-i. the world's were booked a Giants and Yankees York for a game on October 11 and n Vance'« blow-up was most sudden and champion In Game* Yesterday «s '<" lhe>' for . M-4a-f deciding game, if necessary, on October uncalled for. He had limited the Cub«! once more i:i po lion of n v, but held on and *--S»!*tl *¦ I, s> they gave Gain in Chase 12. The arrangements for the opening to seven hits and one tur« in the Real !ea«l ii) the ¡«« nnant ,< - ¦,.... In Flag were pi r.frt! c « dose of their own garne in Mew York made on the eight He had f.mned s-.-vcn !oc*l people that the New York inning«. fact, the nj» 11;. n of safely is 10 Me»* del i.i.,n!, I ». didn't hit much, but' path of the assumption Giants batsmen and only one inning stood be¬ i un»«-« n. ft»«»« They npïIÈ Giants to an- | will win the National League pennant. tween him n" thai it ¡a now time for thi M i«» I'VIK .t «flo«*-* in *'*c *ast two inninK# * other pennant and his nineteenth victory LEA«I I »' series was made easier to decide where the first game would Whitey (left) and Joe Bush (right), tvho tvere 'he be too mut-ii. v ¡th that 4,11-1 to I <.«.* I!' yesterday | outstanding old and allegedly hour Nnl iomil 1 *na>ir »»' '. in Die ninth. w»s r*»- be nlayed. , figures iu the Bs»i» cackrrf through the medium of a ' victory over the Brotcns yesterday. With Will Hack Miller opened with a tingle and remark: "I'll y le nta for The arrangement calls for the open- il teas o Mainel ran for Adam-, a give lot «¦-?d by Pruett. **ho pitched to t**.¦¦? victory over Cincinnati rase of revenge on all him. rookie «-i¡ tit, and the ing game. October 4, to be taking thing» savoring of St. Louis. fecund sen! a t«> the your mohey **M ¦" vl,c a-r> ar,(* '* vv*.5, 0"*" overthrow of Wednesday,' ivho teas baseman, puny tap -en and the Pittsburgh elub known as National League Day, when If'hitey, dented by o pop bottle Saturday, scored ttco runners box, but Vance losl the ball and it went light now." rnn ¡ badumi to 9Xtt the Gianta would be "at home" on . that Witl inserted the the the in the a - -:h(.*r, PTMI ihree caiiioí was about 76,000. There'«! eleven. If the Giant» win seven of should be played on the grounds where Quakers With the score I to 2 against them, Rosn and Panch t>,(,.« «ut.i....- to scheduled the Robin.", made a feeble in their Meuiel, Young 44-«l.l, MJ.Irtl.» hive been more if thcre'd been room. the thirteen the postponed prior games at rally i!«t were to S «« In games pennant will another I 11 to 5! And Loses half of the ninth. Schmandt «Irgied to going r-iÎM«. Vi-nkre* ¦* this over into be even city. by Ground their way. Irish puabed th« unemj to \ ..,. n : ««m a their«, Triumph tprrg gata world'; though the Pirates scries should run to a but Hied out. h4«o in case the short, High DeBerry tii< brink with a flattering triple that via« it will find an inadequate, ball win all their remaining «james. The 3-to-:i tie the contending clubs would DETROIT, IS. -A singled, putting Schmanot on second. the second and New York October 12. if Sept. Tiger batting! rHir.AliKLPHIA. Sept. ^.-Pitts¬ Hort Griffith, for Vance, forced opened Inning, U <..,« I«<«lia»*. .ark unless change? nre made for a stand in-.» then would be: in St.! in batting ar.oved them over into the playLouis were one of the contenders. roily the fifth, that netted five runs! burgh lest a half game in the but in trying for ¡« double «.*«¦- «-gee space. and National DeBerry. lij clouted out n horaei yttsn .eating Won Lost The six of a Yankee- retired won for the on the Adams threw wild **- l»l . P.C.' first games Brillheart, League race to-day by dividing a killing play, liritl stand« .1. ('<..-. moment« ;-.,-»»1 Meu«cl Vp a in would be on Schmandt -.allied. ended the ' . series suc-i and Olson Peg Line-up New York 9.'. «1 .604 Giant played locals over the Washington Senators,! double header with while two runner* on the ha.1-«- pa \- Horiuib) i fi <¡:ik¡- «. the cessive If a seventh game is Philadelphia, -eme with a to \* .|l, .-!.- I'!, II«.. -,-hrie, giir,i-cbcw-i':g Pittsburgh .»'- 62 .5«* days. i 1 to 5. Zochary ami Warmoth were New fly Fitzgerald. Ross Young, he seemed '.. be doing umpire, 7 necessary there will be a one-day inter- York defeatedd Cincinnati. The first two Biooklyn runs came at I «. i hilllr* r.«s behind the plato artd antiounct- also easy for the nothing but knocking bi *I»t-pI. (»tant* By faking two of three «rames in mission to permit the preparation of Tigers. The Pirate» won the first -ame, Il the expense of Tony Kaufman, who afternoon. nient of tho Now York order ticket?. man on the lasted six the baiting the Pittsburgh series starting to¬ Every Detroit team, ex- to 3, by batting Hubbell and G. Smith innings, Stueland pitched touch the Victim 41 b«at h«. that Mouse! hal Prices for seats do not include 10 Cole, who Tan seventh and eighth, and Cheevea fin¬ ret. « »I.« and Schang morrow the Gianta would have cepl for Johnson in the to all corner.'- of the field, while Mor¬ i \,,.»«.i«i;. i ¦«.! < J only por rent Föderal tax. Th.- New York fourth, obtained at least one ished the «¿anie. The lincinnati hart«, «hanged piaoo!. Meusel was moved up. to «in three of safety. rison was brilliant two-run ¦hawen down foi Pirate« bettor their ten games ex¬ prices, which, it was' announced pre The score: pitching ball. The Olson started Brooklyn's the «even tallies was. Miller, « «>!.- ing lately than Now none other than I' clusive of the Pittsburgh series to vailed last year**at the York series, DETROIT (A. L.) WASHINGTON (A. I.) Phillies won the -rind game, 5 to 2. rally in tho fifth by drawing a pass. Johnnie lOiilh.r r fol¬ twirler who ha« IVaUrr Plil -. .* "Which the Giants won from (he Yankees, ah h po * el ah r I« * ? Johnston-, Tom Griffith and Wheat youthful found d Davis for be safe. Under such pt. Morrison pi« seven of i «r». slow hound- conditions the will be: For reserved box ?fi; ,,"r'v lb. 110 SOJludB». lb... 4 1 1 8 0" innings lowed with Olson and Joh-i- in the eye« <>r Cincinnati fandom foi Pirate* ¡-le ovor tho box and Die finish seats, r, 0 1 Î 4 ah. 4 1 ft the second singles. I .timi.i .. «.rilunil» gíivo would be: lower deck, «-.¡Harri«,, 3 Z gamo, allowing one run and áton the deed* of daring don*» this ««¦. v l, R if l»itith"»l, R.<4« a «ood start. Dugan didn't, grandstand, reserved, $5; Cobb, i-f.. .'¦ o 2 4 0 0 Hi.-*, ef... 4 112 0 n six until relieved crossing pinte. keep upper dock, unreserved, Vearh. If. ", «« 1 2 0 0 (k>slin If.. S 0 0 2 0 0 hits, by Hamilton. The Cubs did not score until the yesterday (ouch *i« soft, a « U t I lia'!. A Ne« bleachers. $1. At St Louis "'¦. 'f' IJBrowrr, seventh. opened llutti .m ll.il» good stop by McManus stopped York 91 <;:t .591 j$:'; ¡«hanks rf. 20 » » 0 in the eighth and ivas relieved home on 'of him with and vim in two r served box seats would be S6; grand- n«»-nfT. «. a 3 2 2 2 -1 by far-flung triple und cantered vigor dropped Gerber's thron IjPeckln'fh, «s B 1 0 2 ft Brown, who »topped the culent wa« r a swift Pittsburgh 90 GJ .:.84 stand, reserved, Rfi; reserved, right, li.anintif. :,b. 5 0 I 8 0 0 scoring. Adams's single to enter. inning«. Thi« enon HOME RIT?« it:i play by tho sbort- -.! n o o The scores: settle af the '; field left John'n. p. a Plrlnlrli. r. 2 0 1 5 1 0 the contest, ancient soup- «n i isel's to The Yankees' pavilion, $4; reserved, field r ¦'¦ a ft 0 0 Irnri ret**W itop grounder McManus prospects brightened i o ¡i 2 J FIRST GAM E of Robin« ws« not the bone of .John Scott '.vas e ioii.ll and $",; field, unreserved .<'.-!" «1 o (I (I ft 0 n 0 0 0 n The defeat the Nul I ilRlH- yipping the pavilion, right ' Bâchai? P.ï WTT8B1 RGH (N I. PULLA IN 1. across the i un'¡oi- of rcnaiderably through their victory left field, unreserved. Warrmnh, 11 1 1 0 n saddest incident that Brooklyn fans had ball the corner« of pi fully wav. seats, $2; $2. p. »'> I« po a ei ah r I« po « <¦ Tnul ¦¦ over r- 2 0 2 « o n a manner to tne Red f«u' the Browns Ti:e of will he Laptinn. alar'l«. «.41 o is 4 0 SI «12 to stomach. For yesterday marked the highly deceptive Tobi'i Foster and yesterday. Appointment umpires Gotbel « 0 » " « GOWrlRlil'e -J "¡i the Na¬ Carry, rf. t 2 l o 0 o rtarn. 31) 4 O «i ! 4 il of the popula,»- Sherry Smith. IIegbatter?. Eleven hit« were i irk*d o" half, so the first Hugmen have ten more games to made by presidents of the It passing Il 14 1 37 11 24 Bigliee. fi 2 2 2 0 OJW'.lllami cl 30 0 0 01, The who --per«', more that doirnj Couch befóte he wa« «ml crit ¡cal gam stand and the Browns tional and American leagues. Such 27 15 Totals. 5 n.«- Mil. «.' l « 0 Walker, rf.. 4 <« i 0 0 southpaw play have nine. If Johnson m fourth im.inte c;a:!it «-ears v.-'!"* the Robiri3 was waived «hop foi i«-pa oc'T,.¡ -i ri r i-, sr ¡.i"1 Yankees appointments will not be made, how-, P..? Tler'y, 2b .". 0 0 .1 : n Henlinc .- 4 13 -". 0 l upholstery SkceU-i> \\ in in the Yankees can win seven of the tho clos«- <>f Plclnlch in Bluth inn il«. Traj'r 2b 4 12 12 0 1-ee. If. 3 11 3 Uli out of the National League, bul Tris seventfi inning, and Cliff Mi Soggy ones w hich fpl) ever, until the Beason, itj .i n n «i roi ^^^K i n lb. 4 1 Kl 2 » him for the [ndi-ans. worked the Beventh .. e -.-. a a remaining ten game« the Browns «as announced. 0!I*«IJe Speaker claimed through gloi ¡th sound like -llhlRIOI! . 0 12 0 0 0 10- 6 Glimm. Il« I 2 1.1 0 0 Benton, 2b.. 4 0 10 fans will miss Smith'3 famous was nicked for two riore aaf« The Ninth liiiiiii«; h hit Jacob; on in th* must win nine (riants and Two-base oldt, .- -. 14 0 n Hubbsll p.. :: 0 0 2 0 Brooklyn straight to best Yankees Represented hit« Pecklnpaugb. Piclr.ich, i. 'All this while tiie hired mon of G V. Kaiherfftii. Oldham. pli -' o 2 «> (j .-.««i«.o, o i n o o no. hip-hip on the coaching line«. ball, after ¡Tliams them, but it is Roth National and American I.sphan. Shank«. "I/Bourreau 10 0 n «i o Herrmann were their necks I ..' lift I Dugan. Just here ¡he sun hardly likely that leaguer Three-base hits.«'obb. liane«. Oldham. breaking Over tin- Kocii's. 7*4i cither record will be made. The. and both New York clubs were repre 3tolen base .Judy». Sacrifice«..Tone«, at New Haven .get eight i),t-, and tv.,., run« K<:r ! tho first Cut-] l'olali 401113:7 1.10 .. 34 8 0 27 17 S Th«? Robins will solid knock off I at the which was «haw. Henry. Bases on ball« off Brill- Total« ploy veteran ¡-. a liner trams are stlH so close sented meotinc. hold! .Batted for «1. Smith in ninth inning the New Haven club, Giact, from f. - McManus to that the heart, off .lohnnon. 2; off Oldham, to-day, meeting .' " lin tho office of" K. M, Landi-, baseball nui The big inning was Ute lecond Iiis'n rd made a nice play ' Wardy scooped it was announced. Washington, 11; Detroit. U'- Hits.Off j Wrlg-hlBtone, Carey. Three-base hit« field single by Ross Young. were using .-prod and .lohn A. president of the Johnson. «'. In 4 Innings, off Brill heart. 4 W'rlghtHlone, Leslie. Stolen base.Carejr, morrow. forced but beat y by a coi lot of it. Witt scratched .-> ->«.)t. Heyoler, In (non-» ont In fifth)-, .ff l Sacrifice Doubl- nor, Young, Ca.-e; Stengel .*«' Tiii to Fo Witt singled Sharply to center, National I*. B. Johnson, In .-.ff 6 Zaehary, Ca.r<*}'. play«- Tray out a hit tu short and touched With tied fl,-,- Bu¿h s and Scot! League: presi I; Warmoth, in 3, off Oldham, B Tierney and Grimm: I'.app mid Lefclif. The Cubs used two rookies yester¬ Snyder deniise, «¿taring McNally aiid Dugan dent of the American League; Colouel in !>. .-'¦-, ,«i ... out- Bv Brillheart, 4; by Maranville, on«! Grimm. Left on off i broadside that knocked Pat ft hit into double 1. Mil Tierney Howard an outfielder the again. Dugan and killing. .lacob Ruppert, one of the owners of Oldham, by pitcher.By Brill- base«.PlUabura-h, 6: Philadelphia. 6.1 day Fitzgerald, Moran off the end seat in the dugout, in "im: i'sft liftofj Davis'? fast ball h-nri (Bassler); by Oldhain ( Pir-Ini.-h, Basa« on ball« -OIT i: ¡bbell. 2: iff Mor- from Amarillo. Texa=. and Karl Adams. higa the New York Americans: K. (.. Bar \V Id when he «lammed the ball into the and ' here w,i a of Judge) pm-h -Zachary, Winning «¡/¦on. 2. S« ruck out li\ Hubbn i. I; by a second baseman from Wichita Falls. ! un»' pair row, business manager of the Now pitcher Dldharti. Losing Brill 3. lilt«- -Ott lower fi"' tand for a fo-i the when Briefs pitcher- Morrlron, Hubbell. ,!) In 5 is unknown, but right ¦«,-. waiting the ball came York and .lanii-s heart. mplres.Xallln and G 4 4 liii Texas. Adams's height run-. «111 B <.«! Americans, J. Tiorney, Connolly.! inning:«: off Smith, in bv round flip, rtci , Ihres Time.2:2S. Hubbell (Russell» the odds were TOO to 1 that he wouldn't secretary of the New York Nationals, pitcher- By Losing! witn Louis Fon «oca. -¡ ha« «tipped into ,--..1 ,-. in A total <«f four run? in their Hubbell. Hárl the five foot mark high heeled The * fly smjng tho previous were the principals at the pitcher Umpire«-. and hit the of regular secoi .« tinter íi-ld .-iiectators in the three games made the Yankees anxious meeting. Sentcll. Time -1:42. shoc3 on his nimble feet. If lie sticks job bal fourth, to Leslie O'Connor, secretary to Commis- Cardinals'' SECOND GAME be the Reds, tapped a soaring homer Into Jacobsi lurent in and nabbed it-. get a few to-day. Thny weren't hit¬ Bioner Irandis, and William îiarridee. Big fourlh long enough he will undoubtedly 'he left tit-ld bleachers in the fourth The crowd couldn't upen fast ting robustly enough to feel inflated rniLA. (X. L.) PITTSBURGH (X. U) called "Peanut" Ada.r.s. up secretary to President Johnson, of the ab r 1« po a c ir inning, but any hope the enemy might «fiough for ,ïficob«oii. Would it have about it. Beats Braves abrlipn The score: 4 American League, al**o attended the Inning iVrlglife. as 4 i 2 SO Mara"«, ss 40 1 .1 3 1 have had ivas da«he«i when t'.ie Giant« | (ionp that for a Now BOSTON. a (N. I..Ï BROOKLYN (N 1. York outfielder* Sept. 18. .After bad I Rapp. "b.. 4 1 Ï 2 0;Cam. cf... 40! ;¡ 0 0 CHICAGO I fell on Couch the Don't makf u* if 8 1 o 4 if.. 4 i o o o ah r hpo « »| »!> r I« po » » in sixth laugh. Hoggins kicke«! Walter in throw by Pitcher Houlihan to tirst base Wllltanu. OOJBlfbee. 2 i ard Pipp hit Bafel} eleven Walker, if. 4 1 :'. 0 ü:Burcliar:. rf. 4 1 -J 3 10 St»-;-, ct. .*« 0 0 0|O'»oi:. t'b. 410 I» cuartel of single« and Uiree '«).>: to a for what should have been the 4 12 n fj n e .. Evana, claiming two-bagger "traight games, then missed one third Lto. If.... 40 4 0 0 Tierney, 2ii. 40 1 2 3D ITnlio'er. »s 4 0 1 1 '4 0l.TnhlHtOU, M and - In Wider tli « o "0! I "0 Young. Kelly Stengel tngied . r-round rule ¡ Pennock, then set off on an- out, St. Louis scored live runs in the Lralle. Ib.. SO 0 8 0 0 Traynor. 3b. toi n 2 1 Terrv 'lb.. 4 0 I I T.firlf'h. rf. Ft, was a^iinst Rommel Gets 26ili Park'on. 2b 2 0 1 r, 6 0 Grimm. Ib. SOI 7 10 Qilines. lb. no Oil 10 Wheat. If... 4 o i j nn succession, the speedy ri«jhl ¦. Every player as taut as in a «-nrr streak. fourth inning to-day- enough to mal,«» 4 " «1 vorld'i Petera, r. .10 I 2 0 OlSchmldt. c... 20 0 4 0 9 Fitt'ald. i" 4 fl '¦¦ OO.Myer«. ¦' 4 0 0 scoring on Casey'« blow. Snydei series, and the pitchers were the i»nme safe for the visitors, who « u « 1 1 0 o in m:i!pi' v 4 : fi 0 1 Sebroanrli. lb 4 1 2 s " won,] Welnert, ï«. OlMoriison, p. ï 0 .' sacrificed, and Scott wa« walked, fillinc the chief show. in the fifth Ward Victory '5 to 4. .Lis 10 0 11 0 0 Cliecce« I«, li 0 0 0 0 O.Higl). "h. JM 0 0 Winning '¦ lb« has?.-. «he Collins beat r 9 11 Bancroft P©i (raited Olivia out and walked. Scott Rip the Yankees in New Boston Pfeffer not Hamilton, v «»0 0 o 0 0 A'lams. at». 4 1 ä 3 S lie Birr", 4 put hit freely but ef¬ -' S 00 1 10 York, came out here and beat the Brown, p. 0 0 «> 0 0 0 O'Karrell. "1 2 0 0 V»nci, p... player« out of their misery n - Bush fiied out to left. fectively, Blndes contributing one star FCauf'ann, u :: n 0 I 0 tB GrlfNIh in» ft n* Browns and 4-*> 'i clean to yesterday floored Detroit, From Indians. off ««IT a! Stu-latirl. ni n " * »00 «il «ingle right, sending Kelly W ¡It Is Again Stranded catch Henry, which warded Total« 31 .", I" .-'. 14 «.« Totals. 32 2 '¦ 21 10 2 t«. BOJfXi -in«; making victims for the ïas-t Texan of least two runs. Rarh««-. th. 0 0 0 0 Stenge! home. Fie¡«¡ Marsh Bei a of the 'Bat-.eil for Morrison in eighth inning. U 0 n ; ... lucky find," exclaimed a three hardest hitting clubs in The score: T'al'aglun On. Moran conceded defent. fan when Witt came to bat. If the CLEVELAND, Sept. 18..Philadel- Philadelphia 10 0 (« 0 0 0 4 s -5 Maisel 0 0 0 0 0 '. to heme for an getting game. ST «r o n o n n 0 0 ¡Jak.- Daubert go earli the head a made it two out of three from LOCIS <-N ¡TON .\ Pittsburgh 2.-il Rube by pop bottle is phia ab r h Two-base Total' ".4 4 11 2? 15 1 at« ..«:; li ) supper, wiiile tooth« the fan was Cleveland 4 to '¿. Rom- «) hit.«.Walker, Batiihari. Tlieee- wfek; right. Witt was It is respectfully that to-day. winning Blsilei. If. 4 t cf 5 ha«e hit.Lee. Stolen liase Traynor, Ratted tor Kaufmann In seventh n-n'.ns. j the initial «-act:. fel to walk ami in- suggested iv.el. who pitched and won Saturday's Maun. uf. '.: a ;t>.. s i 2 4 0 Double Parhln«on end Ran for Millo«.- in ninth inning-. The Giants one oí enough Dugan while St. Louis is for e.f. 1 o o «l 0 t! ."> '! 5 ii plays.Wright«tone, might varj part ¦¦*>< rut to pop to offering reward? game, went back in again and held Smith, «'nils«!, rf.. Leslie: Paricinron, Wrlgrhtr'one and l.e«lle; t'Batted for Vance in ninth Icnin-*-*, ¡their attack with profit v.i.«»-« enough lightiv the apprehension of the bottle thrower Mueller, if 0 0 o I« ft O.Rose:. IL. 4 2 0 Ii «. and ")«- tit« Gtober. Witt was left for the Cleveland to two hits in seven innings -.-.) ¦:. 1 ft Traynor. Tierney Grin.in: Maranville, 5Karl for Berry In ninth inning. Pirates Whitey it also offer a few for the Barbare. 3b 4 I Tierney and Grimm. Lett on bJsei--Pitts¬ rage the to-raorraw. The off *A urn « '« playful fans the box in lb 3 ii ft n ;wn t<-> who stand back of the writers' Stock. 31). 3ft 1 » 4 OjFord 4 U it i 4 «) burgh, Ph.l£d»lpl:ia. Brook!- n n o o 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 singles Bash srave Jacobson a slow ball in ledge ninth when Cleveland all but tied the _ Off Welnert. 1; off Morrison. 3: off lla.mil- yesterday. With «.II due < and wallop them with cushions. The Schnitt rf .« 0 1 1 «I 0 O'Xell, c. 4 n 2 4 10 off I. Twc-baae Irtt.Fitsaerald. Three-baa« shortstop 'li inning and the man score. Toparcer ss 1 0 «' 1 l Tliilthan. «« I« 0 ti ton, 2: Brown, Struck out.By to the industriell- effort «>f Sam big writers' heads are just as sensitive as 0 p. Welnert, I. by Morrison, 1; by Brown. 1. hit«.T. Griffith, Miller. Stolen ba-e j -pect knocke, it over Witt's head into the Edwan's allowed fewer hits tlian i.svsii. s«. 2 0 2 1 Genewich, pli« o «i 0 0 ii in 7 ¦lohnston. Sacrifice.Terry. Rouble there will be fe« anybody else's, there «.- 82 : 3 1 1 ft 0 ft ft 0 Hits.Off Morrison, innings; off playa Bohne, mighty -rnvd. Witt for the though may be Rommol but sacrifice fiios beat him. Ainsmltli ft.Wrexton, p. Hamilton. 4 in 0 (none out in off OlFoii, Johnston and Soh-nandl; Vance. hit in that direction \ ie-nita (Hub jumped drive, but less in them. I'toffer. p. '. 0 j «i ! «. Uathews, p. 0 r' 0 0 0 0 eighth): tries while Rabbit Joekrv Oo«rd ..he crowd back of him ran his u » o o Brown, non»» in 1. Lo?lrtg pitcher .Mor- .loiinstou and Schmandt; Adams, Kollocher his to-day's victory ,, 2 0 t« n spoiled Rommel, by 'Gainer, 0 o 0 IChristen'ry 0 aivl Grim**, "i.oft on S. Maranville is alive and kicking. \ IKNNA. Sep li Tke «"tinco a to i «i 10 0 0 0 0 liion. Umpire« -Sentcll and liait. Time. bases.Chicago. for catch. This hit %vas the winning streak up twenty-six. demons 0 u 0 0 [Gibson 1:2 S Brooklyn, 7. Bases on ball*.Off ICmuf- Jot ke; rd and Mai Imiwus' firM. It came with f Young Pruett uses his score: niinn, 's. on* Vance, 4. Hits.off Kauf¬ «.ar« in t » nobody fadeaway The ... ::: G 11 Î2S 11 t Totals. 4 27 12 1 -.i pretty freely for a ball as oil (A. I,.) CLE"*-S"UA.\*D «A ], mann, <; in t> innings: off Stueland, non« j trying PHTLA. .¦ the arm as ah r li * 'Balled (Iv.-ice) for Toorchc fourth in 2; off Cheeve«, in !. Struck out |_Briefs_j that one a'j po With McManus up fouling 'rm off. is. Christy rhfo »t| White Sox « Mathewson M'ÜOW«*). cf 4 0 0 0 OlJiinleson, if 4 » 4 0 ¡tilling. Blank Red Sox By Vance, 7; by Stueland, I. Winning This «, Gutbrie found didn't use his " Bubbles Hargrave something to investigate ¡ except in mo¬ r-vUiis. :i o o 2 2 s» 4 'i «t (I »Batted for Smith mi ninth Inning. pitcher.Cheevea, Losing pitchei Vance i ments of stress. ". OJWsml.y. tiferous with h" I the ball Bush was pitching. Ho Wall;-,'. 2 0 0:Si!^rna, if.. 4 0 1 «! II íO'.N'cil out for Interference .vith thrown In Series 7 to empires.Klem and Westervelt. Time f/ent the willow, and «i i« ; ball in Final, Ö tn. has been ud Evana examined it and a now bal! ltnuscr. 11 !i () 1 Gardi s n n fourth inning. particularly annejging in th« Miller, if 0 0 3 well, 21) 1 0 2 0 fBatted for Genewlch in sixth inning. CHICAGO, Sept. 18..Chicago took the series just closed. In hi« (irsi atip'-at Ül*wn out. The digression did Sevcreid growled over a called OrtUotr**-, :-, 0 M'Xulty. c-f «¿Batted* for Braxton in eighth Inning. so 4 11 «10 season's scries from Boston to-day anee yesterday he. to no good, for McManus singled strike, plainly a strike that even Dyke*. Sb 2 0 0 0 1 M'lrni*-. !.>.. 81. Louis.i» .« 5 0 0 o o 0. 6 singled to the 21 i 0 il 4 01. Swell, c i) n :> 1 (i .-. _. i. n ten. Curtin ; right and then stole secona standing Both, .Fncobson went to third and rabid St. Louis fans in Sch-er. Boston . 2 0 0.4 twelve to by shutting o-jt «he Stops Ridley didn't join Noim-ml. 3 (1 ft '.¦. j i« i 0 1 up. All the local hurléis are to t!S* McManus was between bases the kick. After which Bush ftROJO'Knu. i> 2 0 (1 1 0 tl Two-base hit..-Ainsr.iith. Stolen baaea visitor? in the final 7 to 0. ready caught issued Hclin-rli. OJPifcvardï. game In 10th at ioin a for the of » ... and run back and He ran out four balls. Mudsey. p.. li U I) 0 tl fundes (2.1. Lavnn. Sacrifice*.Aiusmlth, Jersey City "Society Bursting pel -of tagged. *Sp««kfr n 9 ü n n n Barbare. Double plays.Bottom I.v (un- Leverette allowed only five scattered In the main twelve-round bout at. the Hubbies." line, thon howled when fl 1 n 0 0 0 i«ii»ii«;f«i\ Lavan, an> Genewlch. I. Hita.Off Hullhan, 5 In »li v Ii pu » e ab r Ii p. :« .. dugout pulled lnnln*. 3-J-3 iTiiiiugs: off Genewich. 3 In «.'i-:'.: off sulted in a well fought draw between the reserves right on the rubbish lt»a Gerber's foul. He fell in a and Ran for Speaker Ití »iphth Hooper rf. 4 1 3 n OlMen >«u. rf.. 301 0.0 heap Witt was on base three times, and î Bailed for T,lni!s-.v in ninth inning BiH\toii, 2 in ':: oft" Matthew«. in J. .Iqhuaon .-« n «i i n O'Bourko. sa 3 0 i :-' :. 0 Joe Friscoc, of Long Island, and Billy and giving Pat Moran to undei Out Slnlin.itetJ Suyite; Power knocked pe >p]c right and left, but held was left, for In ninth Inning. lili bj pitcher.By Huiihan (Botta «' I'na 2b ¦<¦ 2 2 :ui Burin, lb; 4 i« o 10 o 0 of that was ¦'" that number. Three hits and SKan O'Neill ¡! Prentice, Bridgeport, while the cur¬ he only putting then» il EetKcd 23 Years and emerged with his hair a walk were fBatted iipco:i ninth lnnln-* Wild pitche« Pfeffer, I; Braxton, I. Losing Kliaal» Ib.. 3 1 12 0 0|tlarrl»; If.. 4 00 3 » 0 raiser of six by Etwriea:* " only his tain Kid output. pitcher .¦.'. * '-' " " 2n 4 n « 3 ï o rounds between place. '':.' rumpled. score: 0 1 0 1-4 Ilulihan. Umpire«.Moran and Hostil. Pratt, West The lladalphl li ft Í« Mc.'orralck. Time.2:011. 1,'all If.. 4'i 3 D0«J.ConiM. rf, 4IM« 0 0 ¡Troy, of Hoboken, and Eaton, >)' n '< Dayis'8 fumble put Ruth on first in NEW YOJIK I.) U'Clcl'n .. n 1 £ OiPltUnger, 3b 3 2 10 resulted in a victory for Will Rogers g-sve a i.,..\ (A. ST. Lulls lA I. J. Sewell, Mc- n .'; ') Jtrsay City, psjrl 6 Is 12 tori's (reeit Eiirtiv but h as- ju MHler, 1 I 2 1 II n Une!. «.. S 0 at ;'-. ' ith, Pipp, Meusel and Schang al>r p « « »(, r |, .., ,. lad. ).ii;.is"lt' the ball N* Mar «... >.'. .Wilt. vf.... 4 o 3 o , Sa ARcc'.VDykes (2), Galloway. UTerett», fi 4 -' '« Î p... 20 1 o 0 tb.c Jersey City ¡rame. unable to do at all to 0 0 Tobin, it.. l n L' «-. «i as ohVnlnn. ¦;¦¦¦*--..- was tired of his horse end cam« anything "b... .'ill 1! Double plays.Aoniiiu Galloway ami Cobb ruling TITLE TO EVERY CAR '»vis, who was of |l)U£»i.'. ßOPoattr. Sb, Hl) :i 0 ami Mol tints, l.i'ti on "Delighted" around to s«-e a fcesm. Mu.it WE StJ.L pitching the game Bullí. If- 4««(i -I 10 81*1*1-, lb.., «no-i» Häuser: Jamifsorn hav< ami Tipp. lb.... 4011! is il bsses- iiiladolphia. 4; üevelantl, S, Base- Fan the Ginnt«. Kftar a getting rip-snorting sup- O'TClUlani, tf. 4M » on 2; Sisler Breaks Record 5 24110 Says 10-Year-OlfI watcning few In¬ 1'ort. 4 0« o 1: off Edwards, Total«.. 33 7 13 2T 110 Totals 610 Cure b* Molci Car M-ii.s?!. rf.. o O'Jafaotaon, cf 2 1 1 :: 0 0 on hall nings he o.jined thai th« i:««!- would ship Mí-ti.**- Ce, Irj- ¡ichuna. «.. 40 i ï :: « ««If 1,1« o«..,, i Struck out Bj Rommel, ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18..George Sisler, . for i:i inning. Bush Jet Evans do tho of a J!'.',:i!nii, Stb ;:n.' 2 :. l Edwards, 7: by Batted Quinn eighth Threw Botlie be a big hit in the Follie.« without ¦'.- 1É34 Brc q»ív. N. Y. rubbing Wat.l. ïb... '.'U U 3 ii 0 «.. 1 II 0 2; hv He'imach. 1; by of the St. Louis Americans, who yes- ooo 40 \ .7 Boy ¦H» ball Sevweld, 4 Ul 4 in s f»hli «go . 3 0 0 Pop thrown out to him in the sixth .i-niifl« «10 0 i« «I 0 .«... 0 :< I l.lndsey, 1. HÎts.-Off Bdwurds, «I 0 0.0 ST. 18. A make-up. Garlwr, 30 2 0 X in off Lind- terday broke Ty Cobb's record of hit¬ Bo«toh . "00 00«« LOUIS, Sept. ten-year-old inning. He didn't MW'ally. Sb. 0 10 1 1 0 Uavi«. p.... ; 0 0 0 2 1 íoniriKs- off Rommel, 8 1-3: the propose being both¬ sa... 2 none in ._.-;. in consecutive to¬ Fail«. boy threw poo bottle which struck Warranta-» That tke Ci* is Fres am' any more Scott, 10 4 OiPniett. p.. u«0 0 0 0 irv. i in !: off Htelmaeh. ting forty games, Two-biie hits- Sheoly. Levere.tte, Quigley reli-ctaiitiy gave }'«i Moran ered by petty complaints. Bush. P- 4 ill) 1 . (2). Winning received the Mostil. Three-base hit-.Mostil. "Whitey" Witt, of the New York Amer¬ aOBnockar. p.. n'O« 0 «JO Passed balls Perkins day following telegram Schalk, to :rom can- Clc,?' of All EncuittoraRces Except for a hit by Tobin he handled pit, er »Bommel. Losing ptleher Bd fiom Cobb: Stolen base.B. Collina. s.ici-iii« -es icans, in the forehead in last permission redeem »Harper *ne and Owen? Saturday's in the "- '" a" Brown crew with ease in the sixth Total«, M S $37 17 0 Tdlelj il 2 5 27 18 i wards. T'mpires -M.oriu.rty O'Rourke, Sheely. Double playa.«G'Rourke, baseball game with St. Louis, according tivity elf foi t. "Batted for Warden In ninth Tim«. ¦'''<¦ "Congratulations upon your success. Pratt ard Burn.« (Î1. Left on base» in the »ever>£h. When ."ning. inning-, to Joseph Walsh, United States Harpe*- «truck m Sev. 0 i« 0 «i You have been a rare credit to the Boaton, «;. Chicago. :,. Busos on halla. deputy "1 Fork. 0 0 0 1 2.3 off Le i. Struck out District Court clerk. ! out the arbiter said told you »o." McManus Drives in a Run St. l.outa. 0 0 0 0 A game of baseball, and I am «.IT Quinn, 2; vera tie, ... 1 10 Ó delighted leverette, i: bj Quinn; 1: by Karr. I. Walsh was in the Some I'orkopolis rooters behind third He didn't do so hits Will to see you win your latest honors." By right field crowd well in the seventh, Two-baa« -Jacobson. Williams, Du- Thirteen Rookies Kita.oit Quinn, :: in 7 lotting»; off Kirr, and s»id he saw the hurl the base rode Quigley high, wide p>\á hand- tnough gan, McManu«--. Sacrifice«« Sisler hit in his 1. L<> ¡ir' boy bottle ,- WiKiams's high fly to right Severeld, .lacobsoit. Davis, Scott, safely forty-first 1 in pitcher.Quinn. Umpire«. and disappear in the crowd. some. They r.iise«) »be old St. I.o.ii* would McNally.' Double consecutive hill. Tinii.. 1:25. have been Meusel had Yanks in. game yesterday. -_,_» _ "Don't d caught by playa.Ruth, Soban«-, Ward and PU>I>: Join Spring ¡bleacher slogan, argu» with the b«-en clear. Jacobson sacri- Foster, MeHanua ami Btaler. .-¦!'; on Yankees have recalled the fol¬ him'" ':c^d bases- N«-\- v .>«.!:. The Tuis.i Club Clinches umpire.hit WiJliama to third and McManus's S; St. C-oul« 3 Basée who have been cut on Flag M on ball.-- -dit Bush, 1; off lowing players, Okla.. ou; {.«.bagger over Ruth's head scored I Davi-» off during the J922 sea¬ TULSA, Sept. 18. Nosing Off «lay to-day. No;h:ng to «i»i but Pruett. Struck ou; ii». Bush! 2: by optional agreement St. Joseph yesterday, Tulsri cinched the nolish diamond and - up the th« Joe Davis, 3 ¡lits-- OH Davi». B tn inninfcS son : in Western Should Tul«' sharpen Dugan gave the a lift in (nono eut !n ninth); off l! and Catch¬ League pennant. bats for the visit of the Yankees oiil In Pruett noue In Pitcher Manley Llewellyn Major pesky Pirates (nona ninth): off Leagues lose all the resuit Standings to-t. a eighth, but Ruth come In i th.- Buffalo club; remaining grime*, to - ;r:" didn't Hit by pitcher. Shocker, er L. J. Urban from beginning orro.v. good plat r«-» . it-.it> varona D^gan. with one doubled | By Hush (Jacobeon) and Gormei could not be changée'. Jack l.e.iv It, scuttle the hope-«» «>f In* Baoean#eri out, Paused bail.Bev«reld. LosIne pttcher- PUcbors Oscar Roettger former major is Tulsa's ¡° right. Ruth took a third strike and Pruetl Umpire».Outhrlc *ii«j Wilson from Siou:; City; infielders, American league player, would be ri-jht in the shadow Bvaas National In i.*. i»- i <«i r. u his bat in the air. bats Dineen. Time..:;«. trout Jersey City,.lohn League League manager. defeating S'. Joseph yes¬ gnn's Bluff, where th<- feat «f»S |i«-i- «J-ongthe air Flinging Glenn Killinger YESTERDAY'S RESULTS YESTERDAY'S RESULTS terday, George Boehler, Tulsti p'tcW, formed last doesn't get anybody any- from Chattanooga and Wescott won year. Wight .Nov. inu.it:, 2. his thirty-seventh victory of the The score: "»e.'e. Pip,,. raore aiert_ singled off American Kingdon from Bridgeport; outfielders, York, 7: Cin Ne« York, ;t; St. Louis. 2. season. wjnss -love, and McManus, who Association O. D. Tucker front New Orleans, Minkey Chi aso. I ; Brooklvn, 3. W V'lHK th I. Cttil iS v .¦ -«l«d the Milwaukee. 10; Louisville, 9, 3 Detroit, ll; Washington; ¡>- «1> r !« M. « ». ball, threw over Sisler. from and Ed Neusel Pittsburgh,'" 11; Philadelphia. "Jean tallied Indianapolis, 1; Kansas I Haines Reading Chi 0. eastern Btrnwoft, ««. Itl I !(*in .' »S3 ¦: in A GREAT and Pipp went to second. City, (five from (1st). aj-.o, 7; Boston, League n«>rl)r«i« -¦!> (It) n 1 « r>«ütwi. ¡>, : «« 'S " «¦ DR0P !N TIRES! JWusel innings; rain). Albany. New Haven, 12; 8. r,-.. ";. did what Ruth did. will be Philadelphia, 5; Pittsburgh, Springfield, ¿ h, «.« . Bmator. th. '.o t « Stood there af.the roque.--ved Philadelphia, 4; Cle* eland, 3, ... »»-* tooK a Other games postponed; rain. None players Other «¿ames ad.-ancrd in schedule. \:,- < ill .«.,,.,.,- third this (id). - strike.a curve. Had lo to'Mana»rcr Huggins sea-* L« .' Il 4 0ft »¦ Wer of ïeport St. 1 oit s. ti; Boston. Yw ui these worthies been on the son. I-*-'-1 K.-ilv. Ib.... I ' < Sav Y ou vive the Yanks had a chaTtce I-'-.-1 Catcher .- tr. í i - MT«r-f>«i ng ,W 4o" ; to 85- good Vite Yankoes have purchased ¦¦ ¦'* the score. Five club and International s , !¦« Takes \ *H Siies) 10 Leading Batsmen P. Bengdugh from thé Buffalo League ¦¦¦]. Mi'iç*-, SI SUS. M H Scnang smacked a hit, off D«-m's Outfielders Burney'Acton from the Wil¬ sr.cc. s/.se :,f,tü °P-"n tr|e ninth and vent ro in Each son cluh and Elton Lan-riord fvorA tho YCST'r'ïîHAV; REEULT8 ¦ Major League passed ball. club. 4ír--.v I il.-.. I Hug Luhbock 1". x r,K N.-nurk, «. 100 liTîn«*iiii ffl-i -¡x.-sm "¦. ML! i", :,i, '9 g£»o»ed Smith.tit aa a pinch hitter "or ¦¦¦.. 13 .(,|| Toronto, ..'-, Roche»t»r, I i*i Ins). 55|\r 1 and NATIONAL UBAGl I. *¦ S _!."), ! 13 II 1.1 XT TA. .I'm Ha'.Cmoi-, Fohi summoned a» \ -I.... Ml". 1» I lili: 8 ."« . 3¡ |- B, -J (IS ..?.if»W»cr.W'a~j pinpi... I".j- .(. and «inl>. (i. Ml. Ii !!. IT. B .is I-; Mi id '.in. I :> ." *. I ¡ I.- 10 *"*. !!! ,¿*-, «ii-. .: ti.i. Pruett was the Internatíonal League ¡'i;. -liit.-a!i. ..* !» $¡17.1 s in ii *;i ;.: .c«.; SíD*!ÍPÍíbils! siâ ta -S8>1 wan,man, thus op-op* HuriKli.v. St. Iycui-t.lt I .VII ot.'i r î:s ... I' 1 mi . icftleft 1*9 .401 .*-t. l<.n «its. 15 i:1. 08 .;..-. n i:m* r. ii it ;i ::; .'»;; team*- imi ie't<***âvtaa. mail | to ': landed boxman to a left Tierno. I'iti»..110 9M M l'fi ,.i"' IT BVl.TIMOME '¦¦.¦': ««. M li n 1I : IX »! . *m nom. su E33*A^aZa t.. 10 ï* J" «¦ t» $3**5 * ¦". '¦¦ r ¦-. MIHer. Clili-air« ...11« *S4 R U.K ¦*> ci i-? <;.. *,s ,m; t»-ba« hit« i *'t *ï" Wti battrr. Huggins, with the count 9fi |.»' .' V ''' ( h'ei -.« '.' I". II ¡i II 70 l.i- a. STANDING' OF THE CLl'Bi* J»ded 0 ü ft ') » 9 3 1 ft ¦ .-, x j, 11 a .i-> ;,<) «a ,.<].-, bane hi« ".leu»«»!. IToil« «air Msbec P'ftftbn-gll.tS.- 3«J3 .0. 10» 35J iv »c1;;) .i... x s « * n i i r:«-:- .<«». . I. !.. IM. 0l1 Smi.li. called on o o o ft i o.,'. :. 1! *. ;«. .*« 10 10 . 5*J H'- .-;:>.¦ W. iv«, **.. .- r I K;lii.and °!'c Mc- Crime«, Chicas* . 134 <«,, H ü>» 5M o o riiita'pliia. < 3 -, 7; 'J If. III CI KK .**.: U.ii'tnoie. 111 SO .r¡)\ Î5 8I.4VÏ ii d«.r! Aiitoirobiir C » Mikes acritieed and w«. Parn :; Io**t i,->'; ,vt !.. -, ;r ;:s '¦>:!,h.; ¡Toronto tfVly".en safe AMKKICAN Batterie* -Ms mil Trasîsser; Bo»tfn.. (¡ion 8 *« 11 ?I .8"* K.eh'ter.lOI 01 .(l-ta Kojil ng Ofr UO .4.1 Eft^iish-îo ni threw low LKAOU£ u.ni and Mf.tvoy. Buffalo.. S14 68 ti.'i loi .sit 18*4 heyereid to third, {.Uv*r and tluh. (Mmm lo->.l85ia** 89166 rf||;3iag';.ll CAMES TO-DA'i JlâOÎtvjrn-ioJie *-' I'1 Ml "".«ng Schang a* well. O, AB. It. M. PC. AT ROCHKSTIiK .i*t. til.» »i «i .sod Newark si un .~l~ i * walk to Si«,|ei», St. LouW tU 5415 lîfl Ï.14 .417 R. u !¦; (.AMES TO-DAY York at Detroit. Scott filled ... .Vow 1731 »rear 'tb the pe.erchos C«ihb. Oetroit 130 50« »3 HI» .~î>3 hh oh i o o <. i- --' 4 ¡ GAMES TO-DAY Prc3¿w3v\ bOtí» |{. out. Cleve. 434 roronto at Watthiniton at St. Loui.-. ..¦ nobody The Brownsb held ¿Henker. ...!«. S3 I«0 .377 0 I 0 f' n ° *' '' " ('"" J'itt*«hurgh Philadelphia. lïoi-lifhtir at Toronto. mtnet hn«i II,»«ln-n"ii. »étroit IIS 4.VS 9? M¡8 ,3r>8 tocbeatei 9 Boston at Cleveland (two). >* -.. Wer5Rce ,,n<1 summonedBommonéd Sho-.-kor and Ffsher; .St. Louis at Boston. Other team» not scheduled. B i0,ee« Tobin, tit. Looi«...187 ¿W U5 l'J~ $K Batteries- Bnymao Allen! teams not i i-'iiiiadrtphi.i at Ch ¡casto. Schang at the plate. One nui U.ke. 1 Other s.heduled. Rial Te r;feotlülo Ait ««ptj 24/