ICT-Europe ICT-Deutschland e.V. ICT-Brussels Vijzelstraat 77 Schönhauser Allee 163 11, Rue de la Linière 1825 Jefferson Place, NW 1017HG Amsterdam 10435 Berlin 1060 Brussels Washington, DC 20036 The Netherlands Germany Belgium T +1 202 785 1515 T +31 (0)20 3308265 T +49 (0)30 27879086 T +32 (0)2 6094410 F +1 202 785 4343 F +31 (0)20 3308266 F +49 (0)30 27879087 F +32 (0)2 6094432 E
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[email protected] www.savetibet.org The International Campaign for Tibet is a non-profit membership organization that monitors and promotes internationally recognized human rights in Tibet. ICT was founded in 1988 and has offices in Washington, DC, Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels. The Communist Party as Living Buddha: The crisis facing Tibetan religion under Chinese control ©2007 by the International Campaign for Tibet Printed in the USA Design: William Whitehead Design www.WmWhiteheadDesign.com THE COMMUNIST PARTY AS LIVING BUDDHA THE CRISIS FACING TIBETAN RELIGION UNDER CHINESE CONTROL A report by the International Campaign for Tibet Washington, DC l Amsterdam l Berlin l Brussels www.savetibet.org Tibet Autonomous Region Party chief Zhang Qingli recently labeled THE COMMUNIST PARTY AS LIVING BUDDHA the Chinese Communist Party a ‘living Buddha’ and a ‘parent’ to the Tibetan people. (Xinhuanet, March 2, 2007) THE CRISIS FACING TIBETAN RELIGION UNDER CHINESE CONTROL Cover: An image of the 11 th Panchen Lama, Gedun Choekyi Nyima, seen in a monastery in eastern Tibet near a photograph of the Dalai Lama.