Winning Abstracts

Introductory Sessions

Quick Wins: Leveraging GCP Services for Rapid Prototypes Transformative initiatives can often be hampered by lack of funding and the burden of proving out a concept. That’s where Cloud Platform (GCP) comes to the rescue, helping organizations develop rapid prototypes to realize success quickly. In this session, you’ll hear the latest GCP customer use cases and the challenges they solved by leveraging GCP services for quick wins in their organization. You’ll also learn about common architectural patterns used to deliver these rapid prototypes.

How to Grow a Spreadsheet into an Application Every good idea starts as a spreadsheet, and every great idea eventually outgrows that spreadsheet. In this session, attendees will learn how to progressively enhance their spreadsheets and grow them into fully functional applications. We'll explore how to apply Forms, Apps Script, and even App Maker to these spreadsheets, and use a real-world example from within Google to illustrate these points.

Enhance Your Security Posture with Cloud Security Command Center As services are deployed in the cloud, some services are not funneled through central IT, creating shadow IT. In addition, you use a wide variety of security solutions that generate a high volume of alerts, and not all alerts require further investigation. In this session, understand how Cloud Security Command Center gives you centralized visibility into GCP assets. See how Cloud Security Command Center provides actionable insights for you to immediately take action on security risks. Learn more about GCP’s flexible platform that allows you to solve security issues with GCP or third-party partner solutions.

Premium, Versatile, & Secure: Introducing Google Hardware for Business Google hardware for business delivers an unmatched OS and hardware experience to customers like never before. In this session, we will discuss and Slate portfolio of enterprise-ready devices. We will talk about why Google is creating cloud-native devices that complement the way both employees and IT teams want to work. These innovative devices will empower the doers to work in new and better ways.

API Management for Serverless and Multi-Cloud You want to add agility, flexibility, and scalability to your application by rearchitecting your monolith into microservices and serverless. You're also thinking about using your apps in a multi-cloud environment. So, how do you enable serverless in a secure way so that app developers can access it from any client? How do you boost and measure the adoption of your modern apps? In this session, you’ll learn how API management addresses these challenges and drives adoption of your serverless apps.

Intermediate Sessions

Etsy: Migrating to Cloud may well be the world's most complicated PHP monolithic application, with 15 years of build behind it originally hosted on bare metal machines in 2 datacenters, is now running in Google Cloud after a successful summer migration. You'll learn about Etsy's LAMP architecture and how the team migrated such a massive workload to GCP. We'll talk about Google's technical partnership with Etsy, Etsy's unique team structure, How Etsy went about migrating to GCP at 3am (twice!), and the deeper technical aspects of the migration.

Best Practices: GCP Resource Organization and Access Management There are many ways that you can set up cloud resources when using GCP. To ensure your team has the ability to continuously access and manage these resources effectively requires following some essential best practices. In this session, we'll walk through each of the GCP resources available and provide a best practices checklist that you can use to prevent you from running into some of the most common and problematic account configuration issues that customers experience.

Istio in Production: Day 2 Traffic Routing Your organization has moved to microservices, then to . But now you have lots of workloads, and many different points of entry into your application. You've heard about how a service mesh can help with traffic management, so you've installed Istio and have explored the samples. Now what? This talk goes deep with Istio traffic routing, highlighting the features that can help your organization reduce complexity, improve performance, and scale to your customers' needs. Using a microservices application running on Google Kubernetes Engine, we will walk through exactly how to manage traffic with Istio. Demos will include load balancing, rollouts, ingress and egress, content-based routing, traffic mirroring, and resilience features such as circuit breaking. Finally, we will discuss best practices for using Istio in production. You will leave with a solid understanding of Istio's networking objects, and be ready to use Istio to manage traffic within and across your applications.

Beyond Just Speech-To-Text: From Optimizing Voice Commands and IVRs to Speech Analytics With cloud-based services, speech recognition is easy to get started with, and it is more accurate and closer to human levels than it’s ever been before. But user expectations and increasingly complex natural-language based use cases have also raised the bar, and what was “good enough” before is not sufficient anymore for creating a great end-user experience. In this session we will show you how to get the most out of Cloud Speech-to-Text and tune it so you could build the best experience for your users. Another big challenge businesses face is making sense out of large amounts of speech. Many businesses haven’t been taking full advantage of the data that’s locked in their call center recordings. We will demonstrate how with our partners we can help you build your own speech analytics dashboards that solve business problems by extracting diarized transcripts, sentiment, silence logs and other signals - all without requiring any technical experience.

Building Sustainability into our Infrastructure, Your Goals and New Products Join this session to learn about incorporating energy efficiency and emissions considerations into your application or infrastructure design. Hear from National Geographic about incorporating environmental goals into IT planning and why delivering carbon-neutral services to their own customers has helped them make a positive impact on their business and the planet. And finally, take a tour of SunPower’s new technology, built with Google Cloud and Google data, to change how homeowners go solar.

Advanced Sessions

How We Broke the World Record for Computing Digits of Pi (31.4 trillion!) We have calculated 31.4 trillion digits of Pi on Google Cloud. That is the new world record in the Pi computation. The process took about four months and 200 TiB of storage. Record-breaking Pi calculations have traditionally been done on supercomputers and special-made hardware, but we did it on Cloud for the first time. We used only publicly available cloud products. This session will discuss the nature of the calculation, the architecture, challenges and techniques, benefits of Google Cloud, and of course the brief history of Pi computation. You will learn how large-scale computing works on Cloud.

Data Warehousing With BigQuery: Best Practices Take an in-depth look at modern data warehousing using BigQuery and how to operate your data warehouse in the cloud. During this session we'll give lessons learned and best practices from prior implementations to give you the playbook for implementing your own modern data warehouse.

Best Practices on Migrating to Cloud Spanner Cloud Spanner is a powerful product, but many users do not maximize its benefits. This talk highlights best practices, strategies for optimizing applications and workloads, and ways to improve performance and scalability. Through live demos, attendees will witness real-time speed-ups of transactions, queries, and overall performance. Additionally, this talk explores techniques for monitoring Cloud Spanner to identify performance bottlenecks. Come learn how to save thousands of dollars and maximize performance with Cloud Spanner.

Livin' on the (CDN) Edge Google Cloud CDN is delivered on Google’s high performance global network and edge infrastructure. Cloud CDN uses Google's globally distributed points of presence to secure and accelerate video and web content delivery for applications served out of Google Compute Engine and , reducing latency and serving costs. Join us to learn how Google builds and operates its content delivery network infrastructure. We deep dive into CDN features including caching fundamentals, custom cache keys, security features, TLS customization, live streaming support, IPv6 clients, logging and monitoring. We walk you through Cloud CDN use cases via hands on demos and recap the learnings and best practices based on real world customer deployments.