Insect Infestation 1,600 Enroll T Reatenlngtrees, This Season City
•• • t ....-. ., ... ....-.. .... ,..... .... .,. ...... .... h "*"" •. " '_ .,. .... ' _' .... :..... ~ ...... ' .; ..' -' - .... - . '," ~ All the News Home of the Newl of All the Pointes • Every Thuf'$day Morning * * * Cal TUxedo 2..6900 rosse Complete NewsCoveTetgeof All the Pointes ~. .. VOLUME 19~No_ 26 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. Sc Per Copy Entered al Second Class Matter GROSSE POINTE,. MICHIGAN, ;JUNE' 26,' 1958 . .. " $3.50Per Year 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES New Junior High Schoolf\lmost" Completed of the Insect Infestation 1,600 Enroll WEEK 'h '. ,For Courses As Compiled by the T reatenlngTrees, This Season Grosse Pointe News Five Extra Teachers Hired Afer Unexpected Influx; ThUrsday, June 19 City Officials Say THE SENATE late Wednes- Driver Training Flooded day beat down, 65 to 23, a pro- Oaks in Neff, University and lakeland Area Particularly -'E lIm-- i posalof Senator Paul H. Doug- ; la~ «D. Ill.) to cut Federal Affected; Survey Being Conduc~ed of All Elms s~~ sc;~~sf:s~~f;e: I income and excise taxes six Grosse Pointe City officials are seriously alarmed at hit a new !Ugh," Dr. H. billion dollars as a means of existing threats to their precious heritage of trees. For I Leroy ~]meler, Director of fighting the economic slump. the past couple weeks they have received a nwnber of In~tructlon for ~he Grosse SenatOr Harry F. Byrd (0., calls from residents expressing concern at the recent in- POInte Pub 11c School Va,) f 0 ugh t the proposal festation of insects in their back yards. System said today. "Well strongl)'. He said it could mean The complaints, thus far,~>------------- over 1,600 students are en- • Federal deficit of 18 billion r I have been centered in the area • rolled in our program as ! t dollars in the next year and I I of Neft, Univer&ity, and Lake- FlfSt Music compared to approximately shoot the debt un to land where there is a con- 1,200 in last year's session." the 300-billion-dollar mark.
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